
11 sinif ingilizce 1 donem 2 yazili sorulari 2018-2019

Okuma Süresi:8 Dakika, 28 Saniye


Name – Surname :________________________________ Date : 20.12.2018

Class – Number : 11/________-____________________ Point : __________

A) Read the text below and answer the questions and then circle true or false.(1-5 parçaya göre cevaplayınız ardından 6-10 arasındaki sorularda ise doğru/yanlış olanı daire içine alınız) (20p)

Michael Jackson Michael Jackson was born on august 29th, 1958. He was born in Chicago,USA. He was known as the “King of Pop”. He was an American musician and dancer. He started music career in 1971. His first album was Thriller remains the best-selling album of all times. He was so famous because he performed dance moves, such as the robot and the moonwalk. He was very successful in his music career. He won 13 Grammy Awards. He earned millions of dollars and bought 7 expensive cars and 4 modern palace. He visited 90 countries in his entire life. He got married twice and Lisa Marie Presley was his first wife and they got married in 1994. Lisa Marie was Elvis Presley’s daughter. His second wife was Deborah Jeanne Rowe and married in 1996.Deborah was a nurse. Michael had three children. He died in 2009 because an overdose of the pain killer Nurofen.

1- Who was Michael Jackson? ………………………………………

2- Where was he born? ………..…………………………………….

3- When did his music career start? .……………………………..

4- What was the name of his first album? ………. …..…………

5- How many children did Michael have? .……………………………….

6-Michael won 13 Oscar Awards. True /False

7-He died in an traffic accident in 2009. True/False

8- He had alot of expensive cars and modern palaces. T / F

9- His second wife was a nurse. True /False

10-Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson were friends at High School.True/False

B) Fill in the blanks with given words ( Verilen kelimelerle boşlukları doldurunuz) (5×2=10 p)

recover from / depend on / expose to / specialize in / fight against

1. You can ………………………… your family in difficult times. They will always be there to help you.

2. It’s not easy to work at war zones as a journalist since you have to ………………………… the danger.

3. It usually takes a long time to ………………………… heart operations as they are very risky.

4. Doctors may ………………………… themselves ………………………… high risk of infection at hospitals if they aren’t careful enough.

5. Nobel Prize awarded women generally ………………………… Literature and Social Sciences.

C) Guess the meanings of the underlined idioms and choose the correct option. ( Altı çizili olan deyimin anlamı tahmin edip doğru şıkkı işaretleyiniz) (4×2=8 p)

1. When John lost his job, he fell on hard times and sold his house.

a. He had a difficult life because he was short of money. b. He had to work in difficult conditions.

2. I used to work part time to make ends meet when I was at university.

a. I didn’t use to have any money. b. I could hardly afford my needs.

3. If you want something so much, you should pursue your dreams and take action.

a. Just wait and don’t do anything b. Do your best to make your dreams come true.

4. I didn’t ask any help from my family until I hit rock bottom. It was a mistake.

a. I reached the worst possible point. b. I felt happy to achieve my goals.

D) List the regular and irregular verbs. (Fiilleri doğru kategoriye yerleştiriniz) (1×10=10)

Became – Ate – Liked- Cut – Played – Gave – Studied – Finished – Bought -Watched

1. ____________ 4._____________ 1.____________ 4.____________

2. ____________ 5._____________ 2.____________ 5.____________

3. ____________ 3 .___________

E) Circle the correct form (Doğru olanı yuvarlak içine alınız (5×2=10 points)

1. Women used to /didnt use to wash clothes by hands in the past but now they have a washing machine.

2. People used to /didnt use to watch TV in the beginning of 1700s.

3. Robbie used to /didnt use to go the cinema but now he goes two times in a month.

4. Children used to /didnt use to play outside but now they always play mobile phones or tablets.

5. People used to didnt use to ride horse for travelling but now they drive cars.

F ) Use either the Simple Past or the Past Continuous of the verbs in parentheses(Parantez içinde verilen fiilleri Simple Past veya Past Continious dil bilgisi kuralına göre çekimleyiniz (5×2=10 p)

1. When I……………………………. (arrive) home, it……………………………….. (still, rain)

2. While I…………………………… (have) breakfast, she……………………………… (phone) me.

3. I ………………………… (talk) to the school counsellor when you ………………………… (call) me.

4. While she ………………………… (prepare) for the exam, she ………………………… (be) mostly stressed with her parents’ pressure.

5. Nick ………………………… (have) a hard time as his friends ………………………… (make) fun of him.

G) Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs (Fiilleri doğru halde kullanınız) (5×2=10p)

1. They prefer ______________ (live) in a villa to _______________ (live) in a flat.

2. I would rather ______________ (stay) at home tonight than _______________ (go) out.

3. I would like ________________ ( drink) some coffee,please.

4. We prefer _______________ (listen) to classical music to ________________ (listen) to hip hop.

5. Ian would prefer ___________________ (work) in groups rather than _________________ (work) alone

H ) What did you use to do when you were a child? (Çocukken ne yapmaya alışkındınız en az 6 cümle yazınız ) (12 p)



– B –



Name – Surname :________________________________ Date : 20.12.2018

Class – Number : 11/________-____________________ Point : __________

A) Read the text below and answer the questions and then circle true or false.(1-5 parçaya göre cevaplayınız ardından 6-10 arasındaki sorularda ise doğru/yanlış olanı daire içine alınız) (20p)

Michael Jackson Michael Jackson was born on august 29th, 1958. He was born in Chicago,USA. He was known as the “King of Pop”. He was an American musician and dancer. He started music career in 1971. His first album was Thriller remains the best-selling album of all times. He was so famous because he performed dance moves, such as the robot and the moonwalk. He was very successful in his music career. He won 13 Grammy Awards. He earned millions of dollars and bought 7 expensive cars and 4 modern palace. He visited 90 countries in his entire life. He got married twice and Lisa Marie Presley was his first wife and they got married in 1994. Lisa Marie was Elvis Presley’s daughter. His second wife was Deborah Jeanne Rowe and married in 1996.Deborah was a nurse. Michael had three children. He died in 2009 because an overdose of the pain killer Nurofen.

1- When was he born? ………………………………………

2- Who was Micheal Jackson? ………..…………………………………….

3- When did his music career start? .……………………………..

4- Why was he so famous ?

………. …..…………

5- How many countries did Michael visit? .……………………………….

6-Michael won 15 Oscar Awards. True /False

7-He died in 2009. True/False

8- He was very successful in his music career T / F

9- His second wife wasn’t a nurse. True /False

10- Michael had three children True/False

B) Fill in the blanks with given words ( Verilen kelimelerle boşlukları doldurunuz) (5×2=10 p)

racism / illiteracy / poverty / disability / failure

1. The government has opened a great number of schools in order to decrease the rate of………………………… .

2. Lorna was disappointed by her ………………………… during the experiments.

3. ………………………… is legally and morally incorrect and sadly it has caused wars.

4. Every year millions of people emigrate to richer countries to escape from ………………………… .

5. Bill can’t walk but he doesn’t let his ………………………… prevent him from going to school.

C) Match the situations with the idioms ( Deyimlerle durumları eşleştiriniz) (4×2=8p)

fall on hard times ……… / make ends meet ……… / pursue your dreams ……… / hit rock bottom ………

1. He has always wanted to be a scientist since his childhood. So, he’s doing his best to achieve his goal.

2. The country became poor and the people had extremely difficult lives during the war.

3. He was completely depressed when he lost his job and house.

4. You’re spending more than you earn. You should learn how to manage your money.

D) List the regular and irregular verbs. (Fiilleri doğru kategoriye yerleştiriniz) (1×10=10)

Swam – Drank – Loved- Read – Studied – Went – Brushed – Started – Came -Helped

4. ____________ 4._____________ 1.____________ 4.____________

5. ____________ 5._____________ 2.____________ 5.____________

6. ____________ 3 .___________

E) Circle the correct form (Doğru olanı yuvarlak içine alınız (5×2=10 points)

1. Women used to/didnt use to wash the dishes by hands in the past but now they have a dish washer

2. People used to/didnt use to surf on the net in the beginning of 1700s.

3. Jack used to/didnt use to go the theatre but now he goes two times in a month.

4. Children used to/didnt use to play inside but now they always play mobile phones or tablets.

5. People used to/didnt use to ride horse for travelling but now they drive cars.

F ) Use either the Simple Past or the Past Continuous of the verbs in parentheses (Parantez içinde verilen fiilleri Simple Past veya Past Continious dil bilgisi kuralına göre çekimleyiniz (5×2=10 p)

1-While I____________ (drive) in Indıa a few years ago, I _______________(see) a tiger in the forest.

2-When I _________________ (enter) the room, ,everybody _________________ (have) great fun.

3- I ………………………… (talk) to the school counsellor when you ………………………… (call) me.

4-While she ………………………… (prepare) for the exam, she ………………………… (be) mostly stressed with her parents’ pressure

5- It _________________ (start) to rain while he _________________ (walk) in the Street.

G) Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs (Fiilleri doğru halde kullanınız) (5×2=10p)

1. They prefer ____________ (eat) pizza to ____________ (eat) hamburger.

2. I would rather ____________ (stay) at home tonight than ____________ (go) out.

3-I would like ____________( drink) some tea.

4. They would prefer __________ (work) with a computer rather than ___________(use) a mobile phone.

5. Samuel prefers ____________ (take) a taxi to ____________ (walk) to work.

H) What did you use to do when you were a child? (Çocukken ne yapmaya alışkındınız en az 6 cümle yazınız ) (12 p)


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