
9 sinif ingilizce gerund konu anlatimi

Gerund and Infinitiv

Playing tennis is something that I enjoy. (gerund)

To play tennis is something that I enjoy. (infinitive)

Arkasından GERUND gelen fiiller:

Finish Delay Enjoy Mind Fancy Imagine Admit Deny Avoid Consider Involve Postpone


*** He suggested eating fish.

He suggested to us eating fish. = XXX

suggest someone to do something – böyle bir kullanım yoktur.

He suggested our eating fish.

He suggested us eating fish. = XXX

*** suggest’in farklı bir kullanımı vardır!

He suggested (that) we (should) eat fish.

He suggested we (should) be on time.

*** Bütün preposition’lardan sonra GERUND kullanılır.

He admitted stealing the money.

She gave up smoking.

They objected to going out in this such bad weather.


Would you midn opening the door?

Have you ever considered living in another country?

I don’t fancy going out tonight.

Avoid giving any unnecessary information.

He denied taking any drugs.

Why do you keep on looking at me like that?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Ardından INFINITIVE gelen fiiller:

Agree Refuse Promise Threaten (tehdit olusturmak) Offer

Attempt Manage Fail Decide Plan Arrange Hope Seem Pretend Effort Learn Lend Tend

I like him but he tends to talk too much.

As it was too late, we decided to take a taxi.

Next time, we will not fail to take place in the finals of the European Cup.

We pretended not to see him when we were at the market.

*** ask – decide – know – show – want to learn – tell + question word + to – infinitive

Have you decided where to go for your holiday this summer?

Can you show me how to use this camera?

I really don’t know what to do.

*** want – expect – would like – offer – appear – warn – need gibi sözcüklerden sonra iki degisik yapı kullanılabilinir:

1 – Verb + to – infinitive

I want to see the manager.

He would like to come with us.

2 – Verb + Object + to – infinitive

I would like you to come with us.

I want you to stop talking on this matter.

*** advise – recommend – encourage – allow – permit gibi sözcüklerden sonra da iki degisik yapı kullanılabilinir:

1 – Verb + gerund

He doesn’t allow smoking in his office. I don’t recommend staying at that hotel.

2 – Verb + Object + to – infinitive

I don’t recommend you to stay at that hotel. He doesn’t allow anyone to smoke in his office.

Ardından hem GERUND hem INFINITIVE gelen fiiller:

*** start – begin – continue fiillerinden sonra ister gerund ister infinitive kullanılabilinir.

Fiillerin anlamında herhangi bir degisiklik olmaz.

He started working immediately after his illness.


He started to work immediately after his illness.

*** stop – regret – forget – remember ( – recall – recollect – ) try – need – help fiillerinden sonra ister gerund ister infinitive kullanılabilinir.

ANCAK fiillerin anlamında degisiklik OLUR.

STOP + TO – INFINITIVE = bir seyi yapmak için baska bir seye son vermek

While we were driving along the river, we stopped to smoke.

STOP + GERUND = bir seyi yapmayı kesmek

After having a heart attack, he stopped smoking.

REGRET + TO – INFINITIVE = kötü bir seyi haber vermekten dolayı üzüntü duymak

I regret to tell you that I have seen your darling with someone else hand in hand.

REGRET + GERUND = geçmiste yapılan bir seyden dolayı pismanlık duymak

I regret fallin g in love with him.

I regret lending him the money. He doesn’t seem to pay it back now.

FORGET + TO – INFINITIVE = bir görevi yapmayı unutmak

Sorry Mrs. Özüsen, but I forgot to bring my worksheet.

FORGET + GERUND = yapılmıs bir seyi, olan bir olayı unutmak (genelde OLUMSUZ yapılarla kullanılır)

I will never forget meeting him for the first time.

REMEMBER (RECALL–RECOLLECT) + TO–INFINITIVE = yapılması gereken bir görevi hatırlamak

Sorry Mrs. Özüsen, but I didn’t remember to bring my worksheet.

REMEMBER (RECALL – RECOLLECT) + GERUND = yapılmıs, olmus bir olayı hatırlamak

I can remember leaving my bike outside, but it’s gone.

TRY + TO – INFINITIVE = bir seyi yapmak için güç, çaba sarf etmek

Melinda tried to keep her eyes open but she couldn’t because she got bored.

We tried to put the fire out but we couldn’t and called the firebrigade. *** firebrigade – Br. E

TRY + GERUND = test etmek, deneme yapmak

I had a headache, so I tried taking an asprin but it didn’t work.

NEED + TO – INFINITIVE = bir seyi yapmanın gerekli olması

I need to work hard because I want to be more successful.

NEED + GERUND = need burada passive anlam tasır, gerund da to be + V3 formuyla kullanılır

Your jacket is dirty. It needs to be cleaned.


This house needs to be painted.



Everybody helped (to) clean up after the party.

Can you help me (to) have the table?

CAN’T HELP + GERUND = kendini bir seyden alamamak

I can’t help falling in love with you.

She looks very funny. I can’t help laughing whenever I see her.

More Examples:

I can remember being very proud and happy when I graduated.

Did you remember to give Jack my massage?

I will never forget carrying my wife over the treshhold when we moved into our first home.

Don’t forget to do your homework tonight.

I regret to inform you that your loan application hasn’t been approved.

I regret not listening to my mother’s advice. She was right.

I tried everything but the baby didn’t stop crying. I tried holding him, I tried feeding him, I

tried burbing him but nothing worked.

While we were travelling to manchester, we stopped to have lunch on the way.

Ardından GERUND gelen bazı yapılar:

It’s no use

It’s no good + GERUND (bir faydası yok, ise yaramaz)

There’s no point

It’s no use worrying about it. There’s nothing you can do.

It’s no good trying to persuade me. You can’t succeed.

There’s no point in buying a car if you don’t drive it.

It’s worth

It’s not worth + GERUND

It’s worth seeing that movie.

My house is not far away from here. It’s not wroth taking a taxi.

Have difficulty (in) + GERUND (zorluk çekmek)

My students don’t usually have difficulty in reading my hand-writing.

By + GERUND (bir seyin nasıl yapıldıgını belirtmek için kullanırız)

You can improve your English by reading much.

Without + GERUND

He ran 10 miles without stopping.

Mixed Examples:

It’s no use trying to escape.

It’s no good working hard if you are feeling exhausted.

It’s not worth getting angry.

If you don’t need any money, it’s not worth working.

It’s not worth keeping these old clothes.

It’s worth thinking over the plan.


Have you succeed in finding a new job?

My mother never approves of staying out late at nights.


Nothing prevented her from coming to the party.

They accused me of telling lies.


İyelik bildiren bir ad ya da sıfat, gerund’ı nitelemek için kullanılabilinir:

Our teacher complains about our talking during the classes.

Some students complain about other students’ talking during the classes.

I don’t understand his not wanting to go out.

Their running away to get married made everyone surprised.

VERBS OF PERCEPTION: *** perception = algı / duyu

See Feel Smell Taste Hear Notice Watch Look at Listen to

Bu fiillerden sonra bir fiilin yalın hali ya da gerung hali kullanılır. Eger fiilin yalın hali kullanılırsa olay bastan sona algılanmıs demektir. Eger gerund hali kullanılırsa olayın sadece bir bölümü algılanmıs demektir.

I went to the concert last night and listened to the opera star singing beautiful pieces.

When I got into my flat, I listened to my friend singing in the bathroom.


Passive infinitive = TO BE + V3

I don’t want to be disturbed.

I hope to be visited when I am in the hopital.

Passive Gerund = BEING + V3

I don’t like being stared at.

I can’t stand being interrupted.

Past infinitive = TO HAVE + V3

The rain seems to have stopped.

The burglar is understood to have left the country.

He pretended to have done his homework.

Past gerund = HAVING + V3

He denied having stolen the money.

I felt guilty about not having written to you before.

Past Passive infinitive = TO HAVE BEEN + V3

This building to have been built in the 17th century.

Jane was very lucky to have been given a scholarship by the government.

Past Passive gerund = HAVING BEEN + V3

I remember having been given a bike on my 10th birthday.

I appreciate having been given that opportunity.

Mixed Examples:

I don’t enjoy being laughed at by other people.

I am angry with you for not having told me the truths.

It’s clever of you to have finished your homework on time.

You must tell me the truth. I insist on being told the truth.

Tim was in the army during the war. He was caught by the enemy but he managed to escape.

He was lucky to have been able to escape.

I thought she was ill, but she seems to have recovered now

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