Games and Hobbies

play hopscotch
ride a horse
What are your hobbies?

play dodgeball
skip rope
Can you play chess?
play Chinese whispers
play table tennis
What is your favorite activity?
Chess is my favorite.

take photos
go fishing
Do you like swimming?

ride a bike
blind man’s buff
Emir likes chess, but he doesn’t like soccer.

Rick dislikes sculpting but he loves swimming

hide and seek
do origami
Hi ! I’m Akira.
I live in Japan / Ireland.
I like / don’t like chess,
but I can’t do sculpting / origami.

collecting stamps
This is Julia. I live in Poland. I enjoy
playing blind man’s buff / dodgeball
but I can / can’t skip rope.

table tennis
I can’t play football.
I don’t like it.
I like basketball, table tennis.

play chess
play tic-tac-toe
I also like table tennis.
I always win the matches.

go hiking
do roller skating

play checkers
climb mountains

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