acquisition test

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  1. Which of the following is not a property of telegraphic speech?
    a) it lacks grammatical morphemes
    b) it includes simple sentences
    c) it develops around when children 2 years old
    d) the word order reflects the worder of the language
    e) it includes meaningless combination of words.
  2. Children’s utterance such as “more outside” “daddy uh-oh” show that …
    a) Children imitate what they hear from the environment
    b) Children form habit formation in their development of language
    c) Children are doing more than imperfectly imitating what they hear
    d) Children have biological endowment to acquire their 1 st language
    e) Children know the rules of their language even if they are too young
  3. Which of the following statement is not true in development of children in 1 st lang. acquisition?
    a) By the end of their first year they understand a few repeated words.
    b) When they are twelve-month old, they start cooing and gurgling
    c) At the age of four children reach a general level of their L 1
    d) The earliest vocalization is simply the involuntary crying for their needs
    e) By the age of two most children produce at least 50 or more words.
  4. Which of the following can be an example of “telegraphic speech”
    a) they like tea b) she is a beautiful girl c) I want to go outside
    d) two women go e) go where I go
  5. Krashen argues that _ initiates speaker’s utterances and __________acts as an editor
    making minor changes what the first one has produced;
    a) affective filter/monitor model b) comprehensible input/low affective filter
    c) acquired system-learned system d) natural order/high affective filter
    e) acquired system/natural order
  6. What is the situation is called if a majority language becomes dominant on a minory language and the
    child is about to forget his/her first language?
    a) subtractive bilingualism b) simultaneous bilingualism c) sequential
    d) none of above e) habit formation
  7. What are the developmental sequences related to?
    a) child’s metalinguistic awareness b) child’s imitation and practice c) child’s
    cognitive development
    d) child’s innate capacity e) child’s success in wug tests
  8. What’s cross-sectional study?
    a) A short-term study which is applied to children at the same age
    b) A research method in which children at different ages and stages of development
    c) A method during which one or more subjects’ development in long is carefully observed
    d) A test which has imaginary creatures and people performing mysterious actions
    e) A test searching in the learning process of children learning different languages.
  9. In which negation stage can a child say “She don’t come home”

a) stage 1 b) stage 2 c) stage 4 d) stage 5 e) stage

  1. In which question stage can a child say “can she go out” and “where she can go?”
    a) stage 2 b) stage 3 c) stage 4 d) stage 5 e) stage
  2. The sentence “Is mummy is ill? is an example of?
    a) telegraphic speech b) overextension c) semantic misuse d) fronting e)
  3. A child acquiring grammatical morphemes says “John walked to school” shows that he or she can not
    a) John is a quiet boy b) John running c) John is walking
    d) John wrote a letter e) This is John’s hat
  4. The definition of “repetitive manipulation of form” refers to the term _
    a) habit formation b) imitation c) fronting d) memorization e)
    14.“Parents should give feedback to the wrong utterance of their children make them repeat correctly”
    which theory is it?
    a)Behaviourism b) Innatism c) Connectionism d) Interactionism e) Information
  5. “The language children are exposed to doesn’t contain examples of all the linguistic rules which they
    eventually know” This support the existence of __.
    a) Problem solving b) Informal setting c) Formal setting d) Contrastive analysis e)
    Universal grammar
  6. What is “the logical problem of language acquisition”?
    a) Children are given feedback when they make mistakes
    b) Children come to know more about the structure than they hear
    c) Children imitate the samples of the language which they hear
    d) Children are freedom to be silent when they are ready
    e) Children don’t have metalinguistic awareness before schooling
  7. Who sees the language input as a “trigger” to activate the knowledge inside?
    a) interactionists b) connectionists c) behaviourists d) structuralists
    e) innatists
  8. What supports Genie&Victor not mastering their mother tongue?
    a) metalinguistic awareness b) critical period hypothesis c) contrastive analysis
    hypothesis d) modified input e) the principles of languages
  9. _ the crucial element in 1 st lang acquisition according to
    a) teacher talk/innatists b) habit formation/connectionists c) modified
    d) foreigner talk/interactionists e) Universal Grammar/ behaviourists
  10. The language which is not only addressed to children but adjusted in ways that make it easier for
    them to understand a) overgeneralization b) overextension c) child-directed speech
    d) substitution drill e) automatization
  11. Vygotsky _ / ___

a) physical interaction/zone of proximal development b) social interaction/zone proximal
c) one-to-one interaction/symbols of system d) physical interaction/zone of proximal
e) physical interaction/symbols of system

  1. Which of the following in not true?
    a) Learning more than one language slows down the child’s linguistic or cognitive development.
    b) Children always hear correct language in their environment which provides them success
    c) Hearing input from TV or media is sufficient for a child acquire 1 st language
    d) Parents should correct the mistakes of their children as soon as possible in L 1
    e) Adults in formal setting have their rights to be silent when they are ready to speak in L 2
  2. According to _ language is not a separate module of mind and game is an important process
    in acquiring L 1
    a) Skinner b) Piaget c) Vygotsky d) Elisa Newport e) Eric Lenneberg
  3. If a 2 nd lang learner says “I am not well understanding you” is an example
    a) overgeneralization b) overextension c) fronting d) negative transfer e)
    negative reinforcement
  4. According to Krashen an advanced learner can fail to apply‘s (third person singular) in rapid
    conversation. Which of the hypothesis is it?
    a) The input hypothesis b) natural order hypothesis c) the monitor
    d) The affective-filter hypothesis e) The acquisition-learning hypothesis
  5. Which of the components doesn’t belong to Behaviourism in L 2 ?
    a) error correction b) memorizing c) practice
    d) teacher talk e) awareness of similarities between L 1 &L 2 ?
  6. Which of the following is not an idea of Innatists in L 2 ?
    a) Some believe that adult learners don’t obtain any help from error correction
    b) Some argue that adult learn should be given systematic knowledge of the lang.
    c) Some think that UG is the most sufficient theory explaining L 2
    d) Some suggest that adults should access to comprehensible input with the help of environment
    e) Some say that it’s impossible to explain L 2 learning with the perspective of UG because of critical
  7. This is the place where feedback on error is mostly given :
    a) formal setting/L 2 b) natural setting/L 1 c) informal setting/L 2
    d) formal setting/L 1 e) none of above
  8. Jim’s case showed that __ is needed.
    a) simplification b) child-directed speech c) natural setting
    d)modified interaction e) one-to-one interaction
  9. What is the different for Richard Schmidt (information processing) contrary to Krashen?
    a) He thinks that L 2 learners don’t pass through developmental stages
    b) He assumes that there’s no difference between acquisition and learning inL 2 .
    c) He doesn’t support the idea of Kreshan about affective filter.
    d) His ideas about L 2 are very similar to Communicative Language teaching supporters.
    e) He is not at the side of comprehensible input.


  1. Which of the followings is not a element of modified interaction in L 2 ?
    a) Slower speech rate b) Elaboration c) gestures
    d) additional contextual clues e) restructuring
  2. “Input from Environment is the main principle source of linguistic knowledge which helps learner to
    develop neurological associations” Which theory is it?
    a) Information processing b) Interactionism c) Connectionism
    d) Behaviourism e) Innatism
  3. Affective filter is up when __
    a) it blocks the input b) there is an imaginary c) the learner is
    d) the learner is motivated e) the learner is in an informal setting
  4. “At first learners should notice and be careful about the any aspect of the target language
    intentionally” Which theory is it?
    a) Interactionism b) Innatism c) Connectionism
    d) Information processing e) Behaviourism
  5. and research often involves computer simulations or controlled laboratory
    experiments where people learn specific set of linguistic features.
    a) Innatists/connectionists b) Behaviourists/Information processing
    c) Information/processing/Interactionists d) Information processing/Connectionists
    e) Behaviourism/Innatism


  1. E 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.E 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.E 14.A 15.E 16.B 17.E 18.B
    19.C 20.C 21.D 22.A 23.B 24.D 25.B 26.D 27.D 28.A 29.E 30.B 31.E 32.C 33.C 34.D 35.D

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