- Richard can’t stand loud music so he ………….
listens to Heavy Metal and Rock.
A) never
B) always
C) usually
D) often - Robert : You’re really good at Maths, right?
Martin : Well, …………….., ,I really like solving
Maths problems. Why do you ask?
Robert : Can we study together?
Martin : Why not?
A) I am free
B) I guess so
C) I am busy
D) You are wrong - Sam : Tom. Can you bring your ……… to the party?
Because we are going to sing songs and we
need an instrument.
Tom : Sure. I’d love to.
A) song archive
B) blu-ray movies
C) music CDs
D) guitar - Ali : What type of movies do you enjoy watching?
Oya : ………….. I really enjoy watching them,
especially the ones about the space, aliens
and travelling through time.
A) Romances.
B) Comedies.
C) Thrillers.
D) Sci-fi movies. - Tina : We are organizing a slumber party at 8
p.m. Would you like to join us?
Mika : ….……… I have to look after my
brother. Because my parents are going
out tonight. Maybe later.
Tina : No matter.
A) It sounds awesome
B) That would be great
C) I’d love to but
D) That’s better
1-9. sorularda boş bırakılan yere uygun gelen kelime
ya da ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.
- Erdim : ………………………………….……?
Öztürk : I’m busy on Saturdays, because I always
help my father in his pet shop until
evening. I do my homework and I study
my lessons on Sundays. I always go to
bed early on Sundays.
A) What do you do on weekends
B) Are you doing your homework on Sundays
C) What time do you sleep everyday
D) Do you help your father in his pet shop - Jesicca is going to be physically active because
she is going to ………………. on the weekend.
Hangi ifade yukarıdaki cümleye uygun değildir?
A) play tennis
B) go to gym
C) sit and chit chat
D) ride a bike - Mom : Why don’t you go out with your friends?
Son : ……………………………. Because they
never back me up.
Mom : You should warn them. I think they will
understand you.
A) I don’t like hanging out with my friends.
B) I get on well with my friends.
C) They always count on me.
D) I am good at spending time with my friends - My father is an engineer and he works outside the
city so he ………………… in the mornings.
Yukarıdaki cümle hangi ifade ile tamamlanamaz?
A) drives to work
B) takes the bus
C) takes the train
D) goes to work on foot
. - (I) Cycling is a good exercise program. (II) It’s very
good for health. (III) It doesn’t have any mudguards
(IV) It makes your legs stronger.
Yukaridaki metinin anlam akışını hangi cümle
A) I B) IV C) III D) II - Imagine that one of your friends is inviting you to
a party, but you have to visit your grandparents.
State that you can’t attend to the party. Make an
A) I’d love to, but I don’t like parties.
B) I am sorry but I don’t get on well with your friends.
C) Sorry. I can’t attend to the party because I’m tired.
D) I’d like to but I have to visit my relatives.
- “Tom is interested in unusual sports such as
zorbing, snow tubing and bossaball”
Tom’un yaptığı aktiviteler arasında yer
almayan resim hangi seçenekte verilmiştir?
A) B)
C) D)
Yukarıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi vey a
hangileri yanlıştır?
A) III B) II C) II-IV D) III-I - Selin: “I always prefer wearing T-shirts,
trainers and jeans. I don’t like fashion.”
Selin hakkında hangisi söylenebilir?
A) She can’t stand casual clothes.
B) She prefers wearing casual outfits.
C) She loves wearing fashion clothes.
D) She loves watching fashion shows.
Lisa : Say, Jane, are you free tonight?
Jane : Sure. Why?
Lisa : Why don’t we watch a thriller together?
Jane : Do we have another choice? I can’t stand
watching thrillers.
Lisa : I see. Do you like comedies? I really enjoy
watching them.
Jane : I like comedies, but romances are my
Lisa : What about “My Name is Khan”.
Jane : Great idea!
Lisa : So, see you at 8 p.m.
Jane : Will you come and pick me up? My parents
don’t let me go out alone in the evenings.
Lisa : OK! See you at 7 p.m. at your place. - Diyaloğa göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?
A) Jane is going to go to cinema with her friends
B) Jane prefers watching thrillers.
C) Lisa is going to take Jane at her home.
D) Jane hates watching comedies. - Jane doesn’t want to go out alone? Because……..
A) her parents don’t allow.
B) she is going to watch movie.
C) she reaaly enjoys watching romances.
D) Lisa will pick her up at 7 p.m. - If Jane refuses Lisa’s invitation, what will she
say to her?
A) It sounds fun.
B) I would love to.
C) Why not?
D) I’m sorry, but I can’t.
I- Give an excuse : I’m very tired
II- Accept an invitation : It is impossible
III- Make an invitation : How about going out?
VI- Refuse an invitation : Why not?
15-16 ve 17. soruları aşağıda verilen
diyaloğa göre cevaplayınız.
Murat : ………………………………………..?
Mehmet : No. I never go to bed late on weekdays
but I usually stay up late on weekends.
A) When do you go to bed on weekdays
B) Do you stay up late on weekdays
C) How often do you go to bed late
D) When do you stay up late Dear Kate
How are you doing? I hope all is
well. Sally and I are organizing a
surprise birthday party for Amanda.
It’s on 2nd November, at 2 pm. I’m
going to prepare the cake, Sally’s
going to decorate the place and you
are responsible for the music. Can you
bring some music CDs?
See you at Cherry Cafe.
Where is the birthday party?
A) On the second of November
B) At Cherry Café
C) At Daisy’s home
D) At 2 in the afternoon
Who is responsible for the music?
A) Kate B) Amanda
C) Daisy D) Sally