1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
William Wordsworth was a poet of nature, and had the special ---- to throw charm over ordinary things.
No one knows for certain when the first Anglo- Saxon settlements were made in Britain, but it is ---- that some of them at any rate were founded about the middle of the fifth century A.D.
James Joyce was born and educated in Ireland but spent most of his ---- life in Europe, mainly in France, Italy and Switzerland.
Frederick Taylor is ---- known as the founder of the scientific management movement.
The tourists had intended to walk along the coast to the next town but were ---- from doing so by the stormy weather.
Much of every teacher’s time is ---- marking papers.
brought up
made out
held up
carried out
taken up with
One professor who ---- on the development of robots ---- us that robots could take over the world.
was working / would warn
worked / will warn
has worked / will have warned
had worked / warns
is working / has warned
By the year 2010, he ---- here for 30 years.
had worked
has been working
will be working
will have been working
will work
By the time the boss ----, his secretary ---- typing the report.
arrived / had finished
has arrived / is finishing
had arrived / finished
is arriving / finishes
arrives / has finished
I don’t want us to be late for the meeting, so we ---- take a taxi.
had to
are able to
have had to
had better
This will be the first time that Tarkan is giving a concert in the US, ----?
won’t it
won’t he
isn’t it
is he
will it
When he had grown accustomed to their ways, he began to feel an increasing admiration ---- and understanding ---- their tribal customs.
to / in
of / by
over / at
from / for
for / of
A great many artists are clearly fascinated ---- the sea and paint it ---- all its different moods.
to / by
over / through
from / for
with / at
by / in
My books are still on the table where I left ----, but ---- have been stolen.
mine / they
them / hers
those / these
us / those
hers / mine
The new personnel manager told us that he had visited ---- countries in Europe.
as many
a great deal of
a number of
An earthquake is a movement of the earth’s surface ---- follows a setting free of energy at the surface of the earth.
---- so many of the team members were ill, it’s not surprising that we lost the match.
Due to
In contrast
---- broke the window will have to pay for a new one.
The one
19. – 24. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
The fire was already spreading to the next building ----.
that no one knew why it had started
though everyone had managed to get out safely
unless the firemen can come at once
since the wind may blow even more strongly
as the first fire engine arrived
All opposition to the project vanished ----.
if it seemed likely that it wouldn’t take up too much time
which has attracted so much attention
as more and more people are starting to work on it in their free time
as soon as everyone realized how much money they could earn through it
after financial support has finally been promised
You can only write a good summary of a passage ----.
whether the summary is objective
if you ever need to go back to review it
why you have read it carefully
that it uses words from the essay
when you have fully understood it
---- when we saw five masked men running out of the bank.
We didn’t recognize them at all
We immediately informed the police
The alarm system needs to be repaired
We’re not sure if it is them
The situation is certainly unusual
---- that experiment and reason became the basis of scientific knowledge.
A number of theories concerning the universe were proved wrong by Galileo
It was referred to Galileo
Galileo attacked the much admired teachings of Aristotle
It is largely due to Galileo and his discoveries
In Galileo’s time a great many people were involved
If we had run to catch the bus, ----.
we may have attended the lecture
we could get to the library before it closed
the others have warned us about the heavy traffic
it wouldn’t have been necessary to take a taxi
I dropped my glasses on the pavement
25. – 32. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin anlamca en yakın Türkçe dengini bulunuz.
The Austrian composer Haydn’s contributions to classical music, especially in the domain of symphony, are of immense importance for the influence they exercised upon Mozart and other composers.
Özellikle senfoni türündeki klasik müziğe yaptığı katkıları büyük önem taşıyan Avusturyalı besteci Haydn’ın, Mozart ve diğer besteciler üzerindeki etkisi büyüktür.
Mozart ve diğer besteciler üzerinde etkili olan Avusturyalı besteci Haydn’ın klasik müziğe, özel- likle senfoni alanına yaptığı katkıları oldukça önemlidir.
Klasik müziğin özellikle senfoni dalına yaptığı katkıları çok büyük önem taşıyan Avusturyalı besteci Haydn’ın, Mozart ve diğer besteciler üze- rindeki etkisi kapsamlı olmuştur.
Avusturyalı besteci Haydn’ın klasik müziğe, özel- likle senfoni alanına katkıları, Mozart ve diğer besteciler üzerine yaptığı etkilerden dolayı çok büyük önem taşır.
Klasik müziğe, özellikle senfoni türüne katkıları çok önemli olan Avusturyalı besteci Haydn, Mozart ve diğer besteciler üzerinde etkili olmuştur.
Thomas Gray, who was an eighteenth-century English poet, stressed that a certain measure of learning and a long acquaintance with the good writers of the past were essential for the writing of good poetry.
Belli düzeyde bilginin ve geçmişin iyi şairlerini tanımanın, iyi şiir yazmanın temeli olduğunu vur- gulayanlardan biri de on sekizinci yüzyıl İngiliz şairlerinden Thomas Gray’dir.
On sekizinci yüzyıl İngiliz şairi Thomas Gray, iyi şiir yazmanın temelinde, yeterli ölçüde bilgi ve geçmişin iyi yazarlarını iyi tanımanın olduğunu vurgulamıştır.
Bir on sekizinci yüzyıl İngiliz şairi olan Thomas Gray, iyi şiir yazmak için, belli ölçüde bilginin ve geçmişin iyi yazarlarıyla uzun bir tanışıklığın esas olduğunu vurgulamıştır.
On sekizinci yüzyıl İngiliz şairi Thomas Gray, şiir yazmak için yeterli bilginin yanı sıra geçmişin iyi yazarlarını tanımanın da gerekli olduğunu vurgu- lamıştır.
İyi şiir yazmak için çok bilgili olmanın ve geçmi- şin iyi yazarlarını tanımanın gerekli olduğunu vurgulayan Thomas Gray, bir on sekizinci yüzyıl İngiliz şairiydi.
The Hittites were an ancient Anatolian people, who, during the second millennium B.C., founded an empire and for a time ruled over a large part of the Middle East.
Hititler, MÖ ikinci bin yıl içinde bir imparatorluk kurmuş ve bir süre Ortadoğu’nun büyük bir bölü- müne hükmetmiş eski bir Anadolu halkıydı.
Eski bir Anadolu halkı olarak Hititler, MÖ ikinci bin yılda bir imparatorluk kurmuşlar ve Ortadoğu’nun büyük bir bölümüne uzun süre hükmetmişlerdir.
MÖ ikinci bin yıl içinde imparatorluk kurmuş olan Hititler, Ortadoğu’nun çok büyük bir kesimini yönetmiş eski bir Anadolu halkıydı.
Belli bir süre tüm Ortadoğu’yu yöneten Hititler, MÖ ikinci bin yıl içinde imparatorluk haline gel- miş eski bir Anadolu halkıydı.
Eski bir Anadolu halkı olan Hititler, MÖ ikinci bin yılda kurdukları imparatorlukla Ortadoğu’nun büyük bir bölümünü çok uzun süre yönetmiştir.
Pluto, which was discovered in 1930, has an orbit which is much more elliptical than the other planetary orbits.
Plüton 1930’da keşfedildiğinde, yörüngesinin diğer gezegenlere göre daha oval olduğu görül- müştür.
Plüton’un yörüngesinin diğer gezegenlerin yörün- gelerinden daha oval olduğu, 1930’da keşfe- dilmiştir.
1930’da keşfedilen Plüton, diğer gezegen yörün- gelerinden çok daha oval olan bir yörüngeye sahiptir.
Plüton 1930’da keşfedilmiş ve diğer gezegenlerin yörüngelerinden biraz daha oval bir yörüngede hareket ettiği anlaşılmıştır.
Yörüngesi, diğer gezegenlerin yörüngelerine kıyasla oldukça oval olan Plüton, 1930’da keşfe- dilmiştir.
No certainty has yet been reached about the meaning of the name “London”, but it was the Romans who almost certainly founded the city.
“Londra” adının anlamına ilişkin bir kesinliğe henüz ulaşılamamıştır, ancak şehri kuranlar, hemen hemen kesinlikle Romalılardı.
“Londra” adının ne anlama geldiğine ilişkin hiçbir kesinlik yoktur, ancak şehri Romalıların kurmuş olduğu kesindir.
Londra’yı Romalıların kurmuş olduğu kesindir, fakat “Londra” adının ne anlama geldiği husu- sunda kesin bir kanıta ulaşılamamıştır.
“Londra” adının anlamı hakkında kesin kanıtlara ulaşılamamış olmasına rağmen, şehrin Roma- lılar tarafından kurulmuş olduğu kesindir.
Londra’yı kuranların Romalılar olduğu hemen hemen kesin ise de “Londra” adının anlamına ilişkin bilgiler kesin değildir.
The Old English language, also called Anglo- Saxon, can only be read today by those who have made a special study of it.
Anglo-Sakson adı da verilen İngiliz dili, bugün sadece özel öğrenim görmüş çok az kişinin oku- yabildiği bir dil durumuna gelmiştir.
Anglo-Sakson adı da verilen eski İngiliz dili, bugün sadece, bu dilin özel öğrenimini görmüş olanlar tarafından okunabilmektedir.
Ancak özel öğrenim görenlerin anlayabildiği eski İngiliz diline, bugün Anglo-Sakson da denilmek- tedir.
Anglo-Sakson adı verilen eski İngiliz dili, bugün, özel öğrenim görmüş kişiler tarafından kolayca okunabilmektedir.
Bugün Anglo-Sakson adı verilen eski İngiliz dilini okuyabilmek için, bu dilde özel öğrenim görmüş olmak gerekmektedir.
From the 1960s onwards, there has been an increasing interest in the West in books written by and about women, and several publishing firms have been set up to meet this interest.
1960’larda Batı’da kadınlar tarafından ve kadın- lar hakkında yazılan kitaplara ilgi artınca, bunun sonucu çok sayıda yayın şirketi kurulmuştur.
Kadınlar hakkında ve kadınlar tarafından yazılan kitapların giderek artan bir ilgi görmesi üzerine, 1960’larda Batı’da çeşitli yayın şirketleri kurul- muştur.
1960’lardan sonra Batı’da kurulan çeşitli yayın şirketleri, kadınlar tarafından ve kadınlar hakkın- da yazılan kitaplara giderek artan bir ilgi göster- mişlerdir.
1960’lardan sonra, kadınlar tarafından ve kadınlar hakkında yazılan kitaplara aşırı bir ilgi oluşunca, ihtiyacı karşılamak için Batı’da pek çok yayın şirketi kurulmuştur.
1960’lardan itibaren Batı’da, kadınlar tarafından ve kadınlar hakkında yazılan kitaplara giderek artan bir ilgi olmuş ve bu ilgiyi karşılamak için birçok yayın şirketi kurulmuştur.
In antiquity it was believed that the Amazons had their right breast removed in order to hold a bow better.
Eskiden de inanıldığı gibi, Amazonlar yayı çok daha etkili kullanmak için sağ göğüslerini aldırı- yorlardı.
Eski çağlarda, Amazonların, iyi yay kullanabil- mek için sağ göğüslerini aldırdıkları sanılıyor.
Eskiçağda, sağ göğüslerini aldıran Amazonların yayı daha etkili kullandıklarına inanılıyordu.
Eskiçağda, Amazonların, yayı daha iyi tutmak için sağ göğüslerini aldırdıklarına inanılıyordu.
Eski çağlarda herkes, Amazonların, yayı daha iyi çekmek için sağ göğüslerini aldırdıklarına ina- nıyordu.
33. – 40. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin anlamca en yakın İngilizce dengini bulunuz.
Cleveland’da doğmuş siyah bir Amerikalı atlet olan Jesse Owens, 1936’da Berlin’de yapılan Olimpiyat Oyunlarına katılmış ve dört altın madalya kazanmıştır.
C) The Cleveland-born, black American athlete Jesse Owens, won four gold medals in the Olympic Games held in Berlin in 1936.
A) The black American athlete Jesse Owens, who was born in Cleveland, competed in the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936 and won four gold medals.
At the Olympic Games held in Berlin in 1936, four gold medals went to Jesse Owens, the black American athlete born in Cleveland.
B) Jesse Owens, who was a black American athlete born in Cleveland, took part in the Olympic Games held in Berlin in 1936 and won four gold medals.
Jesse Owens, the black American athlete born in Cleveland, was awarded four gold medals at the Berlin Olympic Games of 1936.
Sokrates’in eğitime ahlaki bir yaklaşımı vardı ve o eğitimin insanı daha mutlu ve daha iyi bir yurttaş yaptığına inanıyordu.
Socrates approached education from an ethical point of view and argued that through education a man could be a happier and better citizen.
For Socrates, the teaching of ethical values was fundamental to education and to the creation of happier and better citizens.
The creation of happier and better citizens was, in Socrates’ view, made possible by the teaching of ethical values.
Socrates favoured the ethical approach to education and believed that the educated man was a happier and better person.
Socrates had an ethical approach to education and believed that education made man a happier and a better citizen.
George Orwell’ı en çok ilgilendiren ve hakkında kendisinin en sık yazdığı konulardan biri, edebiyat ile siyaset arasındaki ilişkiydi.
George Orwell liked to write about how literature and politics were connected, as this was a subject that interested him greatly.
One of George Orwell’s favourite subjects was the relationship between literature and politics so he often wrote about it.
George Orwell was particularly interested in the relationship between literature and politics and frequently wrote about it.
One of the subjects that most interested George Orwell, and on which he wrote most often, was the relationship between literature and politics.
Literature and politics and the relationship between them were topics that George Orwell found immensely interesting and wrote about them frequently.
Polisiye roman, 19. yüzyılın sonuna doğru, özel- likle Sherlock Holmes hikâyeleriyle çok yaygınlık kazanan bir yazın biçimidir.
With the Sherlock Holmes stories towards the end of the 19th century, the detective novel became quite the most popular type of writing.
The most popular examples of the detective novel, written in the late 19th century, were the Sherlock Holmes stories.
By the end of the 19th century, the Sherlock Holmes stories had made the detective novel one of the most popular types of writing.
The detective novel is a form of writing, which became very popular towards the end of the 19th century, particularly through the Sherlock Holmes stories.
The Sherlock Holmes stories helped to make the detective novel so popular at the end of the 19th century.
Charles Kingsley, Su Bebekleri’ni en küçük çocuğu için, ona doğruyu, merhameti, adaleti ve aslında bütün soylu nitelikleri sevmeyi öğretmek umuduyla yazdı.
The Water Babies was written by Charles Kingsley in an effort to help young children admire such noble qualities as truth, mercy and justice.
The Water Babies is by Charles Kingsley, and he wrote it to teach his youngest child about such noble qualities as truth, mercy and justice.
Charles Kingsley wrote The Water Babies for his youngest child, hoping to teach him to love truth, mercy and justice and indeed all noble qualities.
The Water Babies by Charles Kingsley aims to teach young children to love truth, mercy and justice as well as other noble qualities.
Truth, mercy and justice are just some of the noble qualities Charles Kingsley hoped to teach his youngest child through The Water Babies.
İlk Dünya Kupası 1930’da Montevideo’da yapıldı, ancak böyle bir yarışma kavramı, 1920’de Ant- werp’te yapılan bir FIFA kongresinde doğmuştu.
It was in Montevideo in 1930 that the first World Cup was held, but the possibility of such a competition had been discussed at a FIFA congress in Antwerp in 1920.
In 1920, at a FIFA congress in Antwerp, the concept of such a competition came into being and resulted in the first World Cup in 1930 in Montevideo.
The first World Cup was held in Montevideo in 1930, but the need for a competition of this kind had been recognized at the FIFA congress in Antwerp in 1920.
It wasn’t until 1930 that the first World Cup was held in Montevideo, but the concept of such a world competition had been born at a FIFA meeting in Antwerp in 1920.
The first World Cup was held in Montevideo in 1930, but the concept of such a competition had been born at a FIFA congress held in Antwerp in 1920.
Shakespeare’in Coriolanus tragedyası, halka hakaret ettiği için Roma’dan sürülen mağrur komutan Caius Marcus Coriolanus’un yaşamını ve ölümünü ele alır.
Shakespeare’s tragedy Coriolanus is based on the life and death of the proud commander Caius Marcus Coriolanus who was driven out of Rome by the angry people there.
The life and death of Caius Marcus Coriolanus, a confident commander who was driven out of Rome for ill-treating the people, is the subject of Shakespeare’s tragedy Coriolanus.
Shakespeare’s tragedy Coriolanus concerns the life and death of Caius Marcus Coriolanus, a proud commander driven from Rome for insulting the people.
The tragedy, Coriolanus, by Shakespeare, is based on the life and death of the proud commander Caius Marcus Coriolanus forced by the people he had insulted there, to leave Rome.
Shakespeare’s tragedy Coriolanus is about the arrogant commander Caius Marcus Coriolanus who so insulted the people of Rome that they drove him out of their city.
Thomas Hardy daha çok bir romancı olarak bili- nir, ancak o, uzun yaşamı boyunca şiir yazmış ve bunu, romanlarından çok daha önemli görmüştür.
Thomas Hardy is better known as a novelist, but he wrote poetry throughout his long life and regarded it as far more important than his novels.
Thomas Hardy wrote poetry all through his long life and regarded it as more important than his novels, though these are what he is known for.
Thomas Hardy is largely known for his novels, but he himself gave more importance to his poetry and continued to write it until the end of his long life.
It is as a novelist that most people think of Thomas Hardy, but he wrote poetry all through his long life and gave more importance to this than to his novels.
Though Thomas Hardy is better known as a novelist, he regarded his poetry as more important than his novels, and continued to write it to the end of his long life.
41. – 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Of all Jane Austen’s novels, Pride and Prejudice is probably the best-known and the most-loved. This may be partly because it has been filmed several times, but more important is the fact that the characters in it are so real and alive. They are also extremely attractive, in spite of their faults. Perhaps they are attractive because of their faults, for their faults make them amusing to the reader. It would not be at all pleasant to have a mother as lacking in sense as Mrs Bennet is, or an aunt as confident of herself and as insensitive to the feelings of others as Lady Catherine is. But, as they are at a safe distance from us, these and other “terrible” characters give the novel much colour and variety.
41. According to the passage, the most likely reason for the popularity of Pride and Prejudice is ----.
the comic attitude to life that it expresses
the simple style in which it is written
the characters, who delight the reader with their vitality and life-like portrayal
that the films made of it have been very well produced
that the bad characters get punished and the good ones rewarded
Of all Jane Austen’s novels, Pride and Prejudice is probably the best-known and the most-loved. This may be partly because it has been filmed several times, but more important is the fact that the characters in it are so real and alive. They are also extremely attractive, in spite of their faults. Perhaps they are attractive because of their faults, for their faults make them amusing to the reader. It would not be at all pleasant to have a mother as lacking in sense as Mrs Bennet is, or an aunt as confident of herself and as insensitive to the feelings of others as Lady Catherine is. But, as they are at a safe distance from us, these and other “terrible” characters give the novel much colour and variety.
42. The point is made in the passage that in real life ----.
a person’s faults may annoy us whereas in a novel the same faults may amuse us
a person’s faults needn’t disturb us if we don’t get too intimate with that person
one usually forgives the faults of one’s own family
it’s best to ignore people’s faults but in a novel it’s best to enjoy them
a person’s faults are less noticeable than they are in a novel
Of all Jane Austen’s novels, Pride and Prejudice is probably the best-known and the most-loved. This may be partly because it has been filmed several times, but more important is the fact that the characters in it are so real and alive. They are also extremely attractive, in spite of their faults. Perhaps they are attractive because of their faults, for their faults make them amusing to the reader. It would not be at all pleasant to have a mother as lacking in sense as Mrs Bennet is, or an aunt as confident of herself and as insensitive to the feelings of others as Lady Catherine is. But, as they are at a safe distance from us, these and other “terrible” characters give the novel much colour and variety.
43. It is clear from the passage that Lady Catherine ----.
is the main character in Pride and Prejudice
and Mrs Bennet are extremely good friends
has constantly hurt Mrs Bennet’s feelings
cares for no one but herself
is definitely the worst character in the novel
44. – 46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The Lovell Telescope is the world’s oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly. Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.
44. It is pointed out in the passage that the Lovell Telescope ----.
is old and so less efficient than it used to be
only picks up signals effectively when the angle of the dish is in line with them
can pick up signals that are an immense distance away
is no longer the world’s most sensitive radio telescope
does not need to be supported at a great height in order to function efficiently
The Lovell Telescope is the world’s oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly. Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.
45. It’s clear from the passage that the steel structure supporting the Lovell Telescope ----.
presents a serious maintenance problem
has to be painted at least once a year
has to be replaced completely at regular intervals
should have been given a less complicated design
turned out to be more expensive than had been estimated
The Lovell Telescope is the world’s oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly. Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.
46. It is clear from the passage that the work of painting the steel structure of this telescope ----.
is quite straightforward once the method has been learned
requires special skills and is also comparatively dangerous
can be done by anyone who knows how to paint
requires the removal of the dish
is relatively easy but extremely boring
47. – 49. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Before leaving for school at noon, Nelson Carvalho, a seven-year child, living on a small island off West Africa, happily feeds and waters the pigs and goats, the cow and the donkey. He fetches drinking water from the source, a 20-minute walk down a sandy path and up a steep hill, carrying a 5-litre jar on his head. He might help his grandmother too. Afterwards, he will walk barefoot for nearly an hour among the rocky hills, under the blazing sun, before sitting down, tired out, at his desk at the school. A glass of milk and a dried pear gives him back his energy and gets him ready for lessons. Before leaving school in mid-afternoon, he will be given a bowl of rice and chicken, or a rich soup. Every school child on the island like Nelson Carvalho, is given a hot meal and a snack provided by the World Food Programme, every day, six days a week.
47. From the passage we learn about ----.
the education of poor children in West Africa
the working conditions of people on a poor African island
the interesting customs and activities of island children close to West Africa
the traditional food given to children on an African island
a typical day in the life of a child on an island off West Africa
Before leaving for school at noon, Nelson Carvalho, a seven-year child, living on a small island off West Africa, happily feeds and waters the pigs and goats, the cow and the donkey. He fetches drinking water from the source, a 20-minute walk down a sandy path and up a steep hill, carrying a 5-litre jar on his head. He might help his grandmother too. Afterwards, he will walk barefoot for nearly an hour among the rocky hills, under the blazing sun, before sitting down, tired out, at his desk at the school. A glass of milk and a dried pear gives him back his energy and gets him ready for lessons. Before leaving school in mid-afternoon, he will be given a bowl of rice and chicken, or a rich soup. Every school child on the island like Nelson Carvalho, is given a hot meal and a snack provided by the World Food Programme, every day, six days a week.
48. It is clear from the passage that the boy Nelson ----.
spends a great deal of time each day walking over difficult ground
dislikes doing all the jobs they make him do on the farm
is not at all interested in his school work
lives with his grandmother who has no one but him to help her
is only going to school because he wants to have a better life in the future
Before leaving for school at noon, Nelson Carvalho, a seven-year child, living on a small island off West Africa, happily feeds and waters the pigs and goats, the cow and the donkey. He fetches drinking water from the source, a 20-minute walk down a sandy path and up a steep hill, carrying a 5-litre jar on his head. He might help his grandmother too. Afterwards, he will walk barefoot for nearly an hour among the rocky hills, under the blazing sun, before sitting down, tired out, at his desk at the school. A glass of milk and a dried pear gives him back his energy and gets him ready for lessons. Before leaving school in mid-afternoon, he will be given a bowl of rice and chicken, or a rich soup. Every school child on the island like Nelson Carvalho, is given a hot meal and a snack provided by the World Food Programme, every day, six days a week.
49. From the passage, it is clear that the boy Nelson constantly needs energy-giving foods ----.
though the World Food Programme does not realize this
such as his grandmother provides for him
because of the hard physical life he leads
in order to protect him from various diseases
though these are almost impossible to get on this poor island
50. – 52. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
In one part of the Nairobi National Park there is a nursery for baby elephants whose mothers have been killed. There are at least two African keepers for each baby elephant, and a strong feeling of love soon develops between them. The keepers spend all day out in the park with the young elephants, helping them to learn which foods are best to eat and to become confident among the sounds and smells of nature just as their natural mothers would have done. Each evening they return to the nursery. And, after a feed of milk, the young elephants settle down beside their favourite keepers and presently fall asleep.
50. From the passage, it is quite obvious that the keepers described ----.
are over-worked because they have to look after so many baby elephants
have taken over the role of mother elephants for the baby elephants
are responsible for all the nurseries throughout the Nairobi National Park
are somewhat indifferent to the needs of the baby elephants
actually know little about elephants and their environment
In one part of the Nairobi National Park there is a nursery for baby elephants whose mothers have been killed. There are at least two African keepers for each baby elephant, and a strong feeling of love soon develops between them. The keepers spend all day out in the park with the young elephants, helping them to learn which foods are best to eat and to become confident among the sounds and smells of nature just as their natural mothers would have done. Each evening they return to the nursery. And, after a feed of milk, the young elephants settle down beside their favourite keepers and presently fall asleep.
51. We understand from the passage that, in this nursery, baby elephants ----.
are not only fed but also helped to adapt themselves to the natural environment
are looked after by keepers because the mother elephants have deserted them
take a very long time to get used to their keepers and trust them
are rarely treated as well as they ought to be
spend a good part of each day exploring the park by themselves
In one part of the Nairobi National Park there is a nursery for baby elephants whose mothers have been killed. There are at least two African keepers for each baby elephant, and a strong feeling of love soon develops between them. The keepers spend all day out in the park with the young elephants, helping them to learn which foods are best to eat and to become confident among the sounds and smells of nature just as their natural mothers would have done. Each evening they return to the nursery. And, after a feed of milk, the young elephants settle down beside their favourite keepers and presently fall asleep.
52. One can conclude from the details given in the passage that the job the keepers do ----.
is an easy one, but extremely boring
is largely concerned with feeding and physical exercising
requires a deep understanding of the nature and needs of baby elephants
requires a period of thorough training in veterinary skills
cannot compare at all with the way a mother elephant brings up her baby
53. – 55. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Born in Pisa on 15 February 1564, Galileo was the son of a court musician to the Duke of Tuscany. At the age of 17, he entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, at his father’s insistence. But Galileo secretly attended lectures given by Ostilio Ricci, court mathematician, and heard of a revolutionary idea: that mathematics could explain natural phenomena like the movement of the planets. This hardly seems surprising today, but back in the 16th century most academics insisted that all knowledge about the cosmos came from one source: the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
53. It is pointed out in the passage that in the age of Galileo, ----.
medicine was the most popular subject taught at the universities
the Duke of Tuscany was by far the most influential nobleman in Italy
all physicists rejected the idea that the planets could move in orbits
mathematics was, for the first time, regarded as the key to an understanding of nature
most Italian noblemen felt it was necessary to employ a musician
Born in Pisa on 15 February 1564, Galileo was the son of a court musician to the Duke of Tuscany. At the age of 17, he entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, at his father’s insistence. But Galileo secretly attended lectures given by Ostilio Ricci, court mathematician, and heard of a revolutionary idea: that mathematics could explain natural phenomena like the movement of the planets. This hardly seems surprising today, but back in the 16th century most academics insisted that all knowledge about the cosmos came from one source: the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
54. It is clear from the passage that, even though Galileo was supposed to be studying medicine, ----.
he soon discovered that this was not well taught at the University of Pisa
he followed his father’s advice and took courses in mathematics
it was mathematics that really interested him
he would much rather have been a musician like his father
he spent a great deal of time studying Aristotle’s philosophy
Born in Pisa on 15 February 1564, Galileo was the son of a court musician to the Duke of Tuscany. At the age of 17, he entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, at his father’s insistence. But Galileo secretly attended lectures given by Ostilio Ricci, court mathematician, and heard of a revolutionary idea: that mathematics could explain natural phenomena like the movement of the planets. This hardly seems surprising today, but back in the 16th century most academics insisted that all knowledge about the cosmos came from one source: the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
55. We understand from the passage that the ideas of Aristotle ----.
were still usually accepted as completely true in the 16th century
suddenly came back into favour in the 16th century
were all based on mathematical principles
regarding the cosmos, were surprisingly accurate
were still regarded as revolutionary in the 16th century
56. – 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
The fairy stories of the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen were not written only to entertain; they all have a moral, or a message, or at least put forward a serious idea. These ideas, however, are always very simple, so even quite small children can understand them and enjoy them. Andersen often presents opposites such as good and evil, truth and falsehood, or appearance and reality. We see this last contrast in the story of The Ugly Duckling. To the ducks he appeared ugly. But the reality was he grew up to be a beautiful swan. This is another characteristic of the stories: they offer hope. The future may be so much better than the present. Most of the tales had been told to children before being written down, so they have a natural, easy, oral style which makes them very successful among children in all countries.
56. It is clear from the passage that, though Andersen wrote his stories for children, ----.
they all say something worth saying
there is a great deal in them that children cannot understand or enjoy
they are mostly too complex for children to understand
they are only really popular among adults
it is only the children of his own country, Denmark, who really enjoy them
The fairy stories of the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen were not written only to entertain; they all have a moral, or a message, or at least put forward a serious idea. These ideas, however, are always very simple, so even quite small children can understand them and enjoy them. Andersen often presents opposites such as good and evil, truth and falsehood, or appearance and reality. We see this last contrast in the story of The Ugly Duckling. To the ducks he appeared ugly. But the reality was he grew up to be a beautiful swan. This is another characteristic of the stories: they offer hope. The future may be so much better than the present. Most of the tales had been told to children before being written down, so they have a natural, easy, oral style which makes them very successful among children in all countries.
57. According to the passage, one idea that is often found in Andersen’s stories is that ----.
children should be taught how to protect wild life
one should not look for happiness and entertainment in life
evil and falsehood will be punished
appearances are not important and should be disregarded
one can always hope that good times will follow bad ones
The fairy stories of the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen were not written only to entertain; they all have a moral, or a message, or at least put forward a serious idea. These ideas, however, are always very simple, so even quite small children can understand them and enjoy them. Andersen often presents opposites such as good and evil, truth and falsehood, or appearance and reality. We see this last contrast in the story of The Ugly Duckling. To the ducks he appeared ugly. But the reality was he grew up to be a beautiful swan. This is another characteristic of the stories: they offer hope. The future may be so much better than the present. Most of the tales had been told to children before being written down, so they have a natural, easy, oral style which makes them very successful among children in all countries.
58. We understand from the passage that the style of these stories ----.
is so complex that a majority of children find it very hard to follow them
is extremely simple, but most of the ideas are not
is ideally suited to children
is so heavy that very few children can enjoy them
changes so often that the stories become difficult to read
59. – 61. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
A group of biologists studying the habits of chimpanzees around the Koba National Park, made a surprising discovery. There was plenty of water available for them in the pools left in river beds, but these animals always liked to dig their own pools by hand or with the help of sticks. As a result the water they drank had been filtered through the sand and so contained none of the disease-carrying substances normally to be found in water that is not moving. In fact, they were drinking clear water.
59. As it is pointed out in the passage, water ----.
must always be filtered through sand to make it drinkable
is hard to find at certain times of the year
is responsible for more diseases than most people think
that isn’t moving is likely to contain harmful substances
is of no importance to chimpanzees
A group of biologists studying the habits of chimpanzees around the Koba National Park, made a surprising discovery. There was plenty of water available for them in the pools left in river beds, but these animals always liked to dig their own pools by hand or with the help of sticks. As a result the water they drank had been filtered through the sand and so contained none of the disease-carrying substances normally to be found in water that is not moving. In fact, they were drinking clear water.
60. It is clear from the passage that there was plenty of water readily available for the chimpanzees to drink ----.
though they had to be taught how to dig holes to get it
in all areas of the Koba National Park
but sometimes this water made them ill
but they preferred river water as it was always moving and so clean
in the small pools formed in river beds
A group of biologists studying the habits of chimpanzees around the Koba National Park, made a surprising discovery. There was plenty of water available for them in the pools left in river beds, but these animals always liked to dig their own pools by hand or with the help of sticks. As a result the water they drank had been filtered through the sand and so contained none of the disease-carrying substances normally to be found in water that is not moving. In fact, they were drinking clear water.
61. The research team of the passage was surprised to learn that the chimpanzees ----.
could dig a hole in any part of the Koba National Park
dug holes to get water if there was none left in the rivers
never allowed anyone near their water pools
had found a way of getting clean water
were very careful not to waste water
62. – 68. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.
The rain continued for days and the basements of most houses were flooded.
It rained continuously for days and the basements of nearly all the houses were filled with water.
The rain lasted for days, and floods carried some of the houses away.
Flood water poured into the basements of many houses a few days after the heavy rains started.
Within days, the continuing rain caused flooding which damaged the basements of most houses.
The excessive rainfall caused flooding and damage to the houses for many days.
By modern standards, the first supermarkets were really quite small.
Present-day supermarkets are on the whole larger than the early ones.
Except in size, modern supermarkets are quite unlike the original ones.
A) The early supermarkets and the present-day ones are quite different from each other, even in size.
Supermarkets have grown in size since they were first introduced, but their standards remain the same.
Compared with what we have now, the early supermarkets weren’t actually very large at all.
We have missed the early morning train to Istanbul; when is the next one?
We were too late for the early morning train; when does the next one leave for Istanbul?
If we had missed the early morning train to Istanbul, when could we have got another?
As the early morning train to Istanbul has been delayed, can we go another way?
Did the early morning train to Istanbul leave late? When did it leave?
If the early morning train to Istanbul has left, when is the next one?
After the news, they’ll give us the latest football results.
At the latest, we’ll be able to learn the football results at the end of the news.
We’ll get the latest football results once the news is over.
The latest football results always follow the news.
The main news item is the football results.
After the last news programme the football results will be announced.
Karen won’t take part in the end-of-term concert unless she really wants to.
Karen will only do something at the end-of-term concert if she actually feels like it.
Karen cannot be persuaded to do anything at the end-of-term concert.
Karen would give a performance at the end-of- term concert if only they’d let her.
Karen will gladly perform at the end-of-term concert if only they’ll allow her to.
Karen is eager to do something at the end-of- term concert if they’ll let her do so.
I just can’t understand why so few people are interested in this camping holiday.
To my surprise almost no one was interested in such a camping holiday.
Apparently, a camping holiday appeals to even fewer people.
I find it surprising that there aren’t fewer people interested in such a camping holiday.
Hardly anyone wants to go on this camping holiday, which I find strange.
It’s hardly surprising that so few people are interested in this camping holiday.
Brian is the most reliable person I know; if he said he’d help, he will.
Brian is always a dependable person and he is sure to help.
Brian is very dependable so I should ask him to help you.
I don’t know anyone one can depend on more than Brian; he’ll certainly help if he said he would.
If Brian promised to help I suppose he will; he’s generally very dependable.
Brian is more dependable than most people so I’m sure he’ll help if he offered to.
69. – 76. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen cümleyi bulunuz.
69. During World War II submarines played an important military role in the world’s oceans. ----. If this had continued Britain would almost certainly have been defeated. She was saved by the development of submarine-detecting radar.
German submarines attacked transatlantic shipping with great success, and this caused America to enter the war
Actually America was the first country to recognize the submarine’s military value
Early US-designed submarines were powered by a petrol engine when on the surface and by batteries when below the surface
In the Atlantic, for instance, German submarines began to sink British shipping far faster than it could be replaced
Nuclear power is the ideal fuel for submarines as huge amounts of energy are present in a small space
It has been suggested that different kinds of singing may have developed for practical reasons. For instance, among coal miners singing is popular because it is a good way to get the coal dust out of their lungs. ----. Male choirs were thus formed and these have become a tradition.
There are “musical” families because children are brought up in a musical environment
Another view is that some people have a natural ability to sing well
It has been established that “better” singing is in almost all cases the result of training, not of any physical condition
Heavy smoking also has an adverse effect upon the voice and makes it lower
In the mining areas in Wales and Yorkshire this became a communal activity
The science of how fire spreads is simple. ----. This means that in a typical house fire, the flames and smoke move upwards until they reach the ceiling. Then they start to move sideways.
When a fire occurs outdoors, it may burn even more fiercely as there are unlimited supplies of oxygen for it
Today fire-fighters begin their basic training with physics
Indeed, opening a window or door can sometimes be extremely dangerous
To prevent this, fire-fighters make openings in buildings
Once air is heated, it becomes lighter, rises and seeks escape through any openings that may be available
In ancient times, long hair on fighting men was always regarded as a symbol of strength and power. ----. For instance, in the story of Samson and Delilah, Samson lost his legendary strength when Delilah cut his hair.
Most people spend more time and money on their hair than on any other part of the body
What looks like grey hair is actually a mixture of white hair and the original colour
Hence, most warriors used to let their hair grow long and refused to have it cut
The number of hairs on the head varies with colour, for reasons still unknown
Hair grows faster at night and in warm weather
Though I am a long-distance runner I have long believed that man is not evolutionarily designed to run. ----. But in Racing the Antelope, Heinrich argues just the opposite, and he does it so convincingly that I’m beginning to believe him when he says “we are all natural-born runners”.
There is also much information on how to train for a race
Fat is burned to produce the energy to make long-distance running possible
So, in the course of time, we developed into very efficient runners
Compared with any four-legged creature of similar size, man is a hopeless runner
Indeed, man and animals alike have amazing powers of endurance
Jane Austen was born in 1775 at Steventon, a small country village in Hampshire. Her father was an Anglican clergyman who had been a fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford. ----. Nevertheless, the one who really gave Jane Austen her education was her own father.
When her father died, in 1805, the family moved first to Southampton and then to Chawton
Her first novel, Lady Susan, remained unpublished during her life time
While still in her teens, she wrote a series of sketches and tales
This is why Jane Austen knew so much about the lives of Anglican clergymen and their families
Accompanied by Cassandra, her elder sister and life-long friend, she went to a school at Oxford and then to one at Reading
Many of the novels of H. G. Wells fall into the category of science fiction. Wells was very interested in the scientific advances of his age and looked ahead to imagine what the results might be in the future. ----. Even so he was conscious of the possible dangers, and many of his novels present a struggle between two ways of life, the human and the non-human.
On the whole, he was interested in the possibilities for good, not in the disadvantages
The film industry soon realized that the subject matter of science fiction was ideal for films
The stories of science fiction are based on developments in science or technology
Many of these stories carry the threat that if technological developments go further they may bring about the destruction of man
These writers have tried to describe the world as it is about to end, almost completely destroyed
King Henry VIII of England enjoyed the love and admiration of his people at least during the early years of his reign. ----. Indeed, the young king had many advantages. He was young and handsome; he was a fine sportsman; he also had a first-class intellect. There was something to please everyone.
The thing everyone knows about him is that he married six times
He married Anne Boleyn after he had divorced his first wife
He encouraged humanism, and his own children were educated by some of the great scholars of the Renaissance
This was partly because he came as a welcome change after his cold and calculating father, Henry VII
His father had become the king of England after the Wars of the Roses
77. – 84. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun düşen cümleyi bulunuz.
You have promised to lend a book to a friend in the office, but have forgotten to bring it. When you realize this you apologize and then say:
Just come along with me and see what books might interest you.
I didn’t know you were even interested in history.
I must take it back to the library and get it renewed.
I’m sure you’ll find this book very useful for its account of the historic cities of Anatolia.
If you really need that book tonight, I’ll go home and get it for you in the lunch hour.
You are interviewing an elderly film star for a magazine and want to avoid the facts that everyone knows, and introduce a more personal and less well-known side to his character; so you say:
In your opinion, what are some of the main characteristics of a good film?
You’ve been very successful; but you must have had some disappointments. Could you tell us about some of them?
Which of your films do you think is your best?
Since you know so much about the film industry, what is your advice to young people hoping to make a career in films?
Do you think the future of the film industry is less promising?
Now that your aunt has retired, she is planning to leave the town where she has lived all her life, and move to a small cottage out in the country where the nearest neighbour will be half a mile away. You think she’s going to feel very lonely and likely to regret the move. You say:
Are you sure you aren’t making a mistake? Remember, you’re used to having people you know around you every day!
I think it’s a splendid idea! You’ll have lots of relatives coming to visit you with their children.
I expect the garden will keep you pretty busy. Will you be growing vegetables as well as flowers?
You’ll probably find you get lots of visitors! It really is a lovely part of the country.
I think I’d find life there a bit too lonely and quiet, but you’ve always lived in the country, so you know what it’s like.
You are going into town to buy a new jacket for yourself. You know you are not very good at choosing the right clothes for yourself; in fact, you’ve made several very poor choices! Your sister never seems to make a mistake in the choice of clothes, so you want her to go with you and help. You say:
I do wish you’d come with me to help choose a jacket. You know how hopeless I am in these matters!
I can’t even decide on the colour. What do you suggest?
When did you go shopping last? It must have been ages ago.
As long as it fits properly, that is all that matters. Don’t you agree?
Remember! This time I can afford an expensive one.
Your school puts on a play every year. You are no good at acting, but you enjoy sewing and would like to help with the costumes. So, when the organizer tries to give you a part in the play, you say:
C) No. I couldn’t possibly act in the play, but I’d be very happy to make some of the costumes.
No, I can’t act. And I’m not interested in helping with the production.
B) Thank you so much; in fact, I’ve always been told I have a gift for acting.
In the last year’s play the costumes were very poor, so you ought to let someone else make them this year.
I don’t want to act in the play but I’ll do anything else.
Your brother and his best friend have had a quarrel and have stopped speaking to each other. This state of affairs is making your brother most unhappy, but he refuses to be the first to make a move to end the disagreement. You think this is very foolish of him and decide to tell him so plainly. You say:
What is the reason for your disagreement? I’m sure you are in the right!
Of course he’s to blame; I’m glad to see the friendship has ended.
Would you like me to go and talk to him and find out what’s wrong?
Forget him then. And start making new friends.
This is a ridiculous state of affairs! Forget your stupid pride and go and start talking to him again!
Jane has been ill for some time and still can’t leave the house. Her little daughter is clearly getting bored. It’ll soon be her birthday, and she wants her to have a nice change. So she phones her sister and says:
This year I have arranged for Mary to have her birthday party at the nursery school.
Mary always expects you to make a chocolate cake for her on her birthday.
Don’t forget, it’s Mary’s birthday on Saturday so I’m expecting you round for tea. Don’t be late.
Most of the children have their birthday parties at the nursery school. Then all the children enjoy them.
For Mary’s birthday I was wondering if you could take her out for the day; go to the zoo, perhaps.
Your daughter with her husband and two children are moving house. You know how tiring a job this is and wish to help them in some way. You finally decide that the best way to help would be to see they all get something good to eat during the move. So you say:
Let the children stay with me for a few days and I’ll see they are well fed.
I can’t help with the actual remove, but I can give you all a good meal at my house for the next few evenings. Would you like that?
I can go to the new house, and after I have organized the kitchen I can do the cooking.
Make sure there is plenty of food in the house because you’ll be working hard and there won’t be time to go out and get a meal.
You’re all going to get very tired, so you must be sure to take some rest.
85. – 92. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmında söylenmiş olabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. Liz : - Do you think books for children should avoid social problems and unpleasant subjects? Clare : - No, I don’t. Do you? Liz : - ---- Clare : - In fact, they can often face it better than adults can!
No. But I think the best children’s books are the imaginative ones.
You know I’m very fond of fairy tales, and there are a lot of problems and evil characters in them.
Certainly not! The children I know are quite capable of facing reality.
I’m not sure. I don’t like to read about unpleasant situations myself!
Yes I do. Let the children live in a good world for as long as possible.
Brian : - Did you go to the gym last night? Danny : - Yes, I did. And I feel much better for it. Why don’t you join me? Brian : - ---- Danny : - Stop wondering and make it definite! Be ready at 8.15 on Friday!
Actually, I have been wondering about doing so.
I wish I could. I wonder how you find time for it.
No thanks! I was just wondering what it was like.
I can’t help wondering where you get the energy for it!
I’m wondering whether my doctor will agree.
Charles : - Have you heard from your brother recently? Pat : - Yes, I have. He’s really enjoying himself at the Military Academy. Charles : - ---- Pat : - That was only natural. It really meant a new start for him and he’d never even been away from home before.
I’m sure he will be very satisfied with the training offered.
Of course he is! An active life like that is exactly right for him.
I knew he would be. That’s why I encouraged him to go there.
I’m glad to hear that. He seemed a bit worried about whether he would like it.
He’ll do fine there. He’s a natural leader you know.
Andy : - Who were the Wright brothers? Phil : - To start with, they were bicycle repairmen in Ohio. Andy : - ---- Phil : - Because they were the first men to design an aircraft.
Aren’t they connected with the aircraft industry?
Wasn’t it the wing design that made their flying machines so successful?
Is that why no one took them seriously?
But why are they so famous?
Surely that’s not why they are famous! Or is it?
Mary : - My train leaves at 8 o’clock, so when do you think I should leave the house? Jenny : - You’ll be taking a taxi, I suppose? Mary : - ---- Jenny : - Even so, you’d better leave by 7.30 as there’s a lot of traffic on the roads at that time.
Yes. I’m calling a taxi right away.
Aren’t we in walking distance of the station?
How far is the train station? Do you know?
Yes. But how far away is the station?
Yes, of course. I’ve got a heavy suitcase.
Molly : - What do you know about Helen Keller? Jane : - Not very much, really, except that she was a remarkable woman. Molly : - ---- Jane : - No. She could see and hear until she caught scarlet fever when she was 19 months old.
Was she the only child?
Was she born blind and deaf?
When did she lose her eyesight?
She must have had a great deal of courage!
What made her so remarkable?
Peter : - How are you planning to spend the summer? Kevin : - I’ve got a job at the local petrol station. Peter : - ---- Kevin : - I really don’t know. I’ll do anything so long as I can earn a little money.
Is it open overnight?
What a good idea! I might do the same.
What will you be doing there? Working in the shop?
Be sure to let me know when you start.
I did that once and quite enjoyed it, but the hours were long.
Reg : - It says here that they’ve brought out a new ball ready for the next European Championships. Steve : - Really? And what’s special about it? Reg : - ---- Steve : - Oh! The goalkeepers won’t like that!
The same firm produces the official match balls for the World Cup too.
It passed all the tests without any problems.
It costs much less than the traditional balls to produce.
I don’t know. It looks like any other soccer ball to me.
It’s softer to kick, and so it will travel faster.
(I) California is famous for crazy ideas. (II) Indeed, Californians value crazy ideas, and their inventive spirit has done much to change the world. (III) Television, the laser, and human insulin were all ideas developed in California. (IV) Sometimes one is surprised at what succeeds and indeed becomes popular. (V) And, indeed, so was the seedless watermelon.
(I) This book gives a history of man’s exploration of space. (II) It starts with the first observations of the ancient Greeks. (III) And so it makes us wonder about how our life began on earth. (IV) It then moves on to the invention of the telescope in 1608 and the new knowledge it made available. (V) It ends with the wonder of 15 January 1996 when the Hubble Space Telescope revealed many “new” galaxies.
(I) Robot toys, which have to be treated like living things, not like machines, are already being produced. (II) In Japan, for instance, robot cats will very soon be on the market. (III) In fact, robotics is the science mainly concerned with the design and construction of robots. (IV) These cats are very affectionate and they purr with pleasure when they are petted. (V) If they feel neglected, however, they let their owner know they are displeased.
(I) Be sure to go to the new exhibition at the Naval Museum. (II) Personally, I’ve never been very interested in the sea and ships. (III) The exhibits range from primitive rafts to a submarine from World War II. (IV) There are lots of paintings of boats and ships, many of which are very old. (V) There are also beautifully made models of some of the most famous historic ships.
(I) Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women at the request of her publisher, Mr Niles. (II) Niles himself was not impressed by the story she wrote. (III) However, his niece and some other young girls were. (IV) So, with some doubt in his mind, he decided to publish it, and it was an immediate best seller. (V) However, Little Women is a children’s book about real life; it is not a fairy
(I) The problem with electric guitars is that, from the point of view of sound, they cannot be improved. (II) At schools children should be encouraged to play the guitar. (III) They can be decorated and made to look better. (IV) They can be made lighter and easier to play. (V) But they cannot be made to sound any better.
(I) Kiev is one of the most historic cities of the Ukraine. (II) It is both a busy river port and a major railway junction. (III) Despite its rapid growth during the 19th century, it still reveals many signs of its long and rich history. (IV) The old citadel still stands in the medieval centre of the city. (V) Nearby is also a famous cathedral that dates back to the Middle Ages.
100. (I) Originally, the Japanese learned how to paint from the Chinese. (II) However, over the centuries, Japanese painting soon developed characteristics of its own to suit its own environment and traditions. (III) Symbolism rather than realism became the most striking feature of this painting. (IV) Japanese and Chinese painters alike often choose to work in black and white only. (V) The typical Japanese representation of nature, for instance, was symbolic rather than realistic.