1. – 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yer- lere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulu- nuz.
1. A strong ---- exists between a country’s wealth and the freedom afforded its citizens.
Satellite television transmission now makes it ---- for us to watch events as they unfold in other countries.
Latin American countries on average export only about 10 per cent of their products to other Latin American countries but ---- 20 per cent of them to the US.
Until the sixteenth century, when the first international postal agreement was ----, there was no postal system as we know it today.
There has been increasing pressure in the US to ---- the amount of funding allocated to foreign aid, and instead, use the funds to improve the domestic economy.
make up for
cut down on
take up with
point out to
keep up with
Many parts of rural America ---- to reflect the values and traditions of the European immigrants who ---- in the country during the nineteenth century.
have continued / would have arrived
will continue / would arrive
would have continued / were arriving
continued / have arrived
continue / arrived
With few exceptions, most totalitarian governments ---- more liberal since 1989 when the Berlin Wall ----.
were becoming / has fallen
became / falls
had become / was falling
are becoming / would fall
have become / fell
Of all the arts it ---- to classical music that Germany ---- the greatest contribution.
had been / made
is / has made
might be / would have made
was / will have made
has been / had made
Severity of autism ranges ---- those who are mute and have no functional behaviour ---- individuals with high IQ scores.
into / among
from / to
between / of
in / about
through / for
Most companies would prefer to concentrate ---- domestic rather than foreign markets because of their greater familiarity ---- their own environments.
at / from
for / to
on / with
over / by
in / of
Management must learn to determine market conditions in the countries ---- it is doing business.
of which
so that
as for
---- the growth in e-mail and fax transmissions, many communications are still best handled by face-to-face or voice-to-voice contact.
As regards
In spite of
By means of
Contrary to
---- by making an internal analysis can a company set the overall rationale for its international activities
Just as
---- an organization depends on collaborative arrangements, ---- likely it is to lose control over decisions.
Neither / nor
Either / or
The more / the more
Not only / but also
When / then
A corporation’s formulation of its international strategy will greatly determine ---- it will benefit more from protectionism or from some other means for countering international competition.
16. – 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
All hay fever sufferers will be aware of the pollen “rain” that (16) ---- them in the spring and summer. Pollen grains – the tiny male reproductive bodies of flowering plants – have an almost (17) ---- outer shell (exine) that can survive in certain sediments for tens of thousands of years. In pollen analysis the exines are extracted from the soil, studied under a microscope, and identified (18) ---- the distinctive exine shape and surface ornamentation of different families and genera of plants. (19) ---- quantified, these identifications are then plotted as curves on a pollen diagram. Fluctuations in the curve (20) ---- each plant category may then be studied for signs of climatic fluctuation, or forest clearance and cropplanting by humans.
16. .......................?
can afflict
had afflicted
would afflict
should afflict
All hay fever sufferers will be aware of the pollen “rain” that (16) ---- them in the spring and summer. Pollen grains – the tiny male reproductive bodies of flowering plants – have an almost (17) ---- outer shell (exine) that can survive in certain sediments for tens of thousands of years. In pollen analysis the exines are extracted from the soil, studied under a microscope, and identified (18) ---- the distinctive exine shape and surface ornamentation of different families and genera of plants. (19) ---- quantified, these identifications are then plotted as curves on a pollen diagram. Fluctuations in the curve (20) ---- each plant category may then be studied for signs of climatic fluctuation, or forest clearance and cropplanting by humans.
17. .....................?
All hay fever sufferers will be aware of the pollen “rain” that (16) ---- them in the spring and summer. Pollen grains – the tiny male reproductive bodies of flowering plants – have an almost (17) ---- outer shell (exine) that can survive in certain sediments for tens of thousands of years. In pollen analysis the exines are extracted from the soil, studied under a microscope, and identified (18) ---- the distinctive exine shape and surface ornamentation of different families and genera of plants. (19) ---- quantified, these identifications are then plotted as curves on a pollen diagram. Fluctuations in the curve (20) ---- each plant category may then be studied for signs of climatic fluctuation, or forest clearance and cropplanting by humans.
18. .........................?
on behalf of
according to
ahead of
with a view to
in place of
All hay fever sufferers will be aware of the pollen “rain” that (16) ---- them in the spring and summer. Pollen grains – the tiny male reproductive bodies of flowering plants – have an almost (17) ---- outer shell (exine) that can survive in certain sediments for tens of thousands of years. In pollen analysis the exines are extracted from the soil, studied under a microscope, and identified (18) ---- the distinctive exine shape and surface ornamentation of different families and genera of plants. (19) ---- quantified, these identifications are then plotted as curves on a pollen diagram. Fluctuations in the curve (20) ---- each plant category may then be studied for signs of climatic fluctuation, or forest clearance and cropplanting by humans.
19. .....................?
All hay fever sufferers will be aware of the pollen “rain” that (16) ---- them in the spring and summer. Pollen grains – the tiny male reproductive bodies of flowering plants – have an almost (17) ---- outer shell (exine) that can survive in certain sediments for tens of thousands of years. In pollen analysis the exines are extracted from the soil, studied under a microscope, and identified (18) ---- the distinctive exine shape and surface ornamentation of different families and genera of plants. (19) ---- quantified, these identifications are then plotted as curves on a pollen diagram. Fluctuations in the curve (20) ---- each plant category may then be studied for signs of climatic fluctuation, or forest clearance and cropplanting by humans.
20. ........................?
21. – 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Underwater archaeology is beginning to yield a detailed picture of whaling undertaken by Basque fishermen at Red Bay, Labrador, in the 16th century. The Basques were at this time the largest suppliers to Europe of whale oil – an important (21) ---- used for lighting and in products such as soap. In 1977, prompted by the discovery in Spanish archives that Red Bay (22) ---- a prominent whaling centre, Canadian archaeologist James A. Tuck began an excavation on the island at the mouth of Red Bay Harbour. Here he found remains of structures for turning blubber (23) ---- whale oil. (24) ----, in 1978, the nautical archaeologist Robert Grenier led a Parks Canada team in search of the Basque galleon San Juan, (25) ---- the archives said had sunk in the harbour in 1565.
21. .......................?
Underwater archaeology is beginning to yield a detailed picture of whaling undertaken by Basque fishermen at Red Bay, Labrador, in the 16th century. The Basques were at this time the largest suppliers to Europe of whale oil – an important (21) ---- used for lighting and in products such as soap. In 1977, prompted by the discovery in Spanish archives that Red Bay (22) ---- a prominent whaling centre, Canadian archaeologist James A. Tuck began an excavation on the island at the mouth of Red Bay Harbour. Here he found remains of structures for turning blubber (23) ---- whale oil. (24) ----, in 1978, the nautical archaeologist Robert Grenier led a Parks Canada team in search of the Basque galleon San Juan, (25) ---- the archives said had sunk in the harbour in 1565.
22. ........................?
was going to be
will be
had been
would have been
Underwater archaeology is beginning to yield a detailed picture of whaling undertaken by Basque fishermen at Red Bay, Labrador, in the 16th century. The Basques were at this time the largest suppliers to Europe of whale oil – an important (21) ---- used for lighting and in products such as soap. In 1977, prompted by the discovery in Spanish archives that Red Bay (22) ---- a prominent whaling centre, Canadian archaeologist James A. Tuck began an excavation on the island at the mouth of Red Bay Harbour. Here he found remains of structures for turning blubber (23) ---- whale oil. (24) ----, in 1978, the nautical archaeologist Robert Grenier led a Parks Canada team in search of the Basque galleon San Juan, (25) ---- the archives said had sunk in the harbour in 1565.
23. .......................?
next to
Underwater archaeology is beginning to yield a detailed picture of whaling undertaken by Basque fishermen at Red Bay, Labrador, in the 16th century. The Basques were at this time the largest suppliers to Europe of whale oil – an important (21) ---- used for lighting and in products such as soap. In 1977, prompted by the discovery in Spanish archives that Red Bay (22) ---- a prominent whaling centre, Canadian archaeologist James A. Tuck began an excavation on the island at the mouth of Red Bay Harbour. Here he found remains of structures for turning blubber (23) ---- whale oil. (24) ----, in 1978, the nautical archaeologist Robert Grenier led a Parks Canada team in search of the Basque galleon San Juan, (25) ---- the archives said had sunk in the harbour in 1565.
24. ......................?
On the contrary
Underwater archaeology is beginning to yield a detailed picture of whaling undertaken by Basque fishermen at Red Bay, Labrador, in the 16th century. The Basques were at this time the largest suppliers to Europe of whale oil – an important (21) ---- used for lighting and in products such as soap. In 1977, prompted by the discovery in Spanish archives that Red Bay (22) ---- a prominent whaling centre, Canadian archaeologist James A. Tuck began an excavation on the island at the mouth of Red Bay Harbour. Here he found remains of structures for turning blubber (23) ---- whale oil. (24) ----, in 1978, the nautical archaeologist Robert Grenier led a Parks Canada team in search of the Basque galleon San Juan, (25) ---- the archives said had sunk in the harbour in 1565.
25. ...........................?
26. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
Because energy production expends resources and causes pollution, ----.
engineers must solve problems without even understanding the underlying theory
scientists and engineers must work to develop energy-efficient processes
we depend upon nature to provide the basics of life, such as food and oxygen
many resources are used once and then thrown away
modern technical challenges are seldom met by scientists
If only she had come up with some positive suggestions, ----.
so far this is the best thesis to be submitted
the scheme certainly had very many drawbacks
the others will already have been rejected
nobody else is likely to complain
I wouldn’t have minded her criticism of the project
---- while such African languages as Hausa and Swahili continued to serve the everyday needs of the masses.
English as a second language has been taught in Africa for nearly four hundred years,
In colonial Africa, the teaching of English literature is no longer popular
During the colonial era in Africa, English became the shared language of the administration and a Western-educated élite
Today, English is the official language of sixteen countries in Africa,
Modern African writers have found it necessary to adapt certain aspects of English,
---- but cannot be proved and is difficult to assess.
Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language played a role in propagating a standard spelling among the less literate
The influence of Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language on the development of the language has been widely assumed
It took Samuel Johnson eight or nine years to complete work on his Dictionary of the English Language
Samuel Johnson was an enthusiastic reader of classical and English literature from his earliest years
With his Dictionary of the English Language, Samuel Johnson provided a powerful but conservative model of language usage
Before the 21st century has run its course, ----.
most people in developed countries enjoy a state of true health throughout their lives
our knowledge of the world around us has improved to a great extent
a great deal of scientific effort is being made to find solutions to complex problems
countless technologies not envisioned yet will be available to us
the powers of computers have expanded vastly due to advanced research
Smallpox was once a dreaded human disease, ----.
although today DNA technology is helping medical researchers develop vaccines
even if artificial-mutant vaccines may cause fewer side effects than natural mutants
since there has been no effective drug treatment for many viral diseases
while genetic engineering can be used in several ways to make vaccines
but it was eradicated worldwide in the 1970s by widespread vaccination
Neanderthals were a recent evolutionary human relative ---
while the relationship between humans and Neanderthals may best be described as sister species
as researchers studying human origins debated this question for decades
which are muscular and robust, with a brain similar to ours in size
despite the fact that they had hands as nimble as those of present-day humans, with a thumb and fingers
who lived in Europe and became extinct 30,00040,000 years ago
The Welsh language has changed so little through the centuries ----.
that an educated Welshman can still read the Welsh of the Middle Ages
as more and more English families settle in Wales, bringing their habits with them
although Wales recently formed its own national assembly
unless it embodies the kind, unambitious nature of the Welsh people
whose annual Eisteddfod celebration honours its best poets and writers
By 1809, Sweden’s military power had waned to such an extent ----.
that the country was forced to surrender part of its territory to Russia
even though the Swedes had contributed to Europe’s Age of Enlightenment with advances in science
as a new constitution transferred power from the king to Parliament
so that it could no longer continue as a great power
in that nearly one million Swedes migrated, mostly to America
Road and rail connections in Italy are generally better in the north, ----.
but there are many other attractive historic towns and cities
because between the snowy peaks of the Alps and the rugged shores of Sicily lies a whole series of regions, each with its distinctive culture
where Milan, Bologna and Verona are the key transport centres
just as the government has allocated extra funds for road repairs
but people speak of two Italies: the rich industrial North and the poorer agricultural South
36. – 40. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
A person’s health history may reveal a disease that interferes with the body’s use of nutrients or that affects the person’s eating habits.
Bedenin besinlerden yararlanma sürecini etkileyen veya kişinin yemek yemesini engelleyen hastalıkların çoğu, kişinin sağlık öyküsünden anlaşılmaktadır.
Bir kişinin sağlık öyküsünden, hem onun yemek yeme alışkanlıklarını etkileyen hem de bedenin besinlerden yararlanmasını engelleyen hastalıklar kolaylıkla anlaşılabilir.
İnsanın yemek yemesini engelleyen veya bedenin besinlerden yararlanma sürecini etkileyen hastalıklar, kişinin sağlık öyküsünden yararlanılarak ortaya çıkarılabilir.
Kişinin sağlık öyküsü, yemek yemesini engelleyen veya bedeninin besinlerden yararlanma sürecini etkileyen bir hastalığı açığa çıkarmada kullanılabilir
Kişinin sağlık öyküsü, bedenin besinlerden yararlanmasını engelleyen veya kişinin yemek yeme alışkanlıklarını etkileyen bir hastalığı açığa çıkarabilir.
As we learn from the works of many biologists in the past, since sponges did not move from one place to another, they were thought to be plants.
Geçmişteki biyologların eserlerinden öğrendiğimiz kadarıyla, süngerler bir yerden bir yere hareket etmemeleri dolayısıyla bitkilerle aynı grupta ele alınıyordu.
Geçmişteki pek çok biyoloğun eserlerinden öğrendiğimiz kadarıyla, süngerler bir yerden bir yere hareket etmediği için onların bitki olduğu sanılıyordu.
Süngerler, bir yerden bir yere hareket etmedikleri için, geçmişte bitki olarak sınıflanıyordu; fakat birçok biyolog, eserlerinde bunun yanlış olduğunu belirtmektedir.
Geçmişte, süngerler, bir yerden bir yere hareket etmedikleri için bitki olarak kabul edildiği halde, pek çok biyolog bu görüşe eserlerinde yer vermemiştir.
Geçmişteki pek çok biyoloğun, eserlerinde, süngerlerden bitki olarak söz etmesinin nedeni, bu canlıların bir yerden bir yere hareket etmemesidir
Overrun by the Austro-German armies in World War I, Poland declared its independence on November 11, 1918, and on June 20, 1919, was recognized as an independent state by the Treaty of Versailles.
I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Avusturya-Alman ordularının işgaline uğrayan Polonya, Versailles Antlaşması’na göre, bağımsızlığını 11 Kasım 1918’de ilân etmiş ve 20 Haziran 1919’da da bağımsız bir devlet olarak tanınmıştır.
Polonya, I. Dünya Savaşı’nda Avusturya-Alman ordularının işgaline uğrasa da 11 Kasım 1918’de bağımsızlığını ilân etmiş ve bir devlet olarak bağımsızlığı, 20 Haziran 1919’da Versailles Antlaşması’yla kesinleşmiştir.
Avusturya-Alman ordularınca I. Dünya Savaşı’nda işgal edilmiş olan Polonya, 11 Kasım 1918’de bağımsızlığını ilân etmiştir; ancak bir devlet olarak bağımsızlığı Versailles Antlaşması’yla 20 Haziran 1919’da kesinleşmiştir.
I. Dünya Savaşı’nda Avusturya-Alman orduları tarafından işgal edilmiş olan Polonya, bağımsızlığını 11 Kasım 1918’de ilân etmiş olsa da bağımsız bir devlet olarak tanınması, 20 Haziran 1919’da imzalanan Versailles Antlaşması’yla gerçekleşmiştir.
Avusturya-Alman ordularınca I. Dünya Savaşı’nda işgal edilmiş olan Polonya, 11 Kasım 1918’de bağımsızlığını ilân etmiş ve Versailles Antlaşması’yla 20 Haziran 1919’da bağımsız bir devlet olarak tanınmıştır.
James Joyce, whom Samuel Beckett knew in Paris in the 1920s, had a great impact on Beckett’s thinking regarding the art of writing
James Joyce 1920’lerde Paris’te tanıdığı Samuel Beckett’in yazma sanatı konusundaki düşüncelerini büyük ölçüde etkiledi.
Samuel Beckett’in 1920’lerde Paris’te tanıdığı James Joyce’un, Beckett’in yazma sanatıyla ilgili düşünceleri üzerinde büyük bir etkisi oldu.
Samuel Beckett 1920’lerde James Joyce’la Paris’te tanıştıktan sonra, yazma sanatı konusundaki düşünceleri bir ölçüde değişti.
1920’lerde Paris’te yaşayan Samuel Beckett’in yazma sanatı konusundaki düşünceleri James Joyce sayesinde tamamıyla değişti
James Joyce’un yazma sanatı konusundaki düşüncelerinden çok etkilenen Samuel Beckett, onu 1920’lerde Paris’te tanımıştı
When the Sirkeci train station went into service on November 3, 1890, the waiting room was heated with stoves brought from Austria and lit by coal-gas lamps.
Sirkeci tren istasyonu 3 Kasım 1890’da hizmete girdiğinde, hava gazı lambalarıyla aydınlatılan bekleme salonunu ısıtmak için Avusturya’dan soba ithal edilmişti.
3 Kasım 1890’da hizmete giren Sirkeci tren istasyonunun hava gazı lambalarıyla aydınlatılan bekleme salonu, çoğu Avusturya’dan ithal edilen sobalarla ısıtılıyordu.
Sirkeci tren istasyonunun Avusturya sobalarıyla ısıtılan ve hava gazı lambalarıyla aydınlatılan bekleme salonu, 3 Kasım 1890’da hizmete girmişti.
Sirkeci tren istasyonu 3 Kasım 1890’da hizmete girdiğinde, bekleme salonu Avusturya’dan getirtilen sobalarla ısıtılıyor ve hava gazı lambalarıyla aydınlatılıyordu.
3 Kasım 1890’da, bekleme salonu hava gazı lambalarıyla aydınlatılan ve Avusturya’dan ithal edilen sobalarla ısıtılan Sirkeci tren istasyonu hizmete girdi.
41. – 45. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
Kuzey İrlanda, Birleşik Krallığın ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır; ancak, 1920’de İrlanda’nın Yönetimi Yasası’na konmuş olan hükümlere göre, yarı özerk bir yönetime sahiptir.
According to the terms of the Government of Ireland Act of 1920, Northern Ireland makes up a significant part of the United Kingdom despite the fact that its government is semi-autonomous.
Northern Ireland is an integral part of the United Kingdom, but, in accordance with the provisions made in 1920 in the Government of Ireland Act, it has a semi-autonomous government.
According to the provisions made in the 1920 Government of Ireland Act, Northern Ireland, which is an inseparable part of the United Kingdom, has a semi-autonomous administration.
Northern Ireland is regarded as an essential part of the United Kingdom and, under the terms of the Government of Ireland Act of 1920, is administered by a semi-autonomous government.
Northern Ireland constitutes a major part of the United Kingdom even though, according to the Government of Ireland Act of 1920, it is governed semi-autonomously.
Patara’da pek çok pansiyon ve birkaç görkemli otel olmasına rağmen, geleneksel köy yaşamı hâlâ devam etmektedir.
Though a village where traditional life still goes on, Patara has a great number of pensions and several luxurious hotels.
Despite a number of pensions and some excellent hotels, Patara is still a village which has a traditional way of life.
Although in Patara there are many pensions and a few splendid hotels, traditional village life still continues.
Patara boasts various pensions and a number of magnificent hotels even though village life continues here in a traditional way.
Patara, which has several pensions but few nice hotels, is just a village where life goes on in a traditional manner.
On altıncı yüzyılın ilk yarısında Fransa kralı olan I. François, ülkesini Avrupa’da önde gelen bir güç yapmayı düşlemiş, ancak Avusturya imparatoru V. Charles tarafından engellenmiştir.
The French king François I, who had the dream of making his country Europe’s dominant power in the first half of the sixteenth century, was opposed by the Austrian emperor Charles V.
The king of France in the first half of the sixteenth century, François I, dreamt of making his country one of the major powers in Europe but was dissuaded by the Austrian emperor Charles V.
François I, the king of France in the first half of the sixteenth century, dreamt of making his country a leading power in Europe but was prevented by Charles V, emperor of Austria.
François I, the king of France, had the dream of turning his country into the chief European power in the first half of the sixteenth century although he was opposed by Charles V, emperor of Austria.
Charles V, the emperor of Austria, stood up against François I, the king of France, who dreamt of making his country a major European power in the first half of the sixteenth century.
On dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonlarında X ışınları keşfedildiğinde, bilim adamları benzer tür başka ışınlar bulmak için hemen yoğun araştırmalara giriştiler
The discovery of X-rays in the late nineteenth century motivated scientists to carry out exhaustive research in order to detect other types of rays.
Following the discovery of X-rays in the nineteenth century, comprehensive research was soon undertaken by scientists in order to detect other rays of the same kind.
It was in the late nineteenth century that, following the discovery of X-rays, scientists suddenly embarked on a serious research programme to trace various other similar rays.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, when X-rays were discovered, scientists were already involved in extensive research in order to study other kinds of rays.
When X-rays were discovered in the late nineteenth century, scientists immediately set out on intensive research to find other similar types of rays.
Roma İmparatorluğu’nun yıkılışından sonra, İmparatorluğun bir parçası olan Avusturya, Slav kökenli çeşitli milletlerce istila edilmiştir.
When the Roman Empire fell, a number of nations of Slavic origin had already invaded Austria, which was part of the Empire.
Following the fall of the Roman Empire, Austria, which had constituted part of the Empire, was settled by different peoples of Slavic origin.
Soon after the fall of the Roman Empire, Austria, which had been a region of the Empire, was conquered by various nations, mostly of Slavic origin.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Austria, which had been a part of the Empire, was invaded by various nations of Slavic origin.
In the aftermath of the fall of the Roman Empire, Austria, which had been one of the regions of the Empire, was overrun by a number of originally Slavic peoples.
46. – 51. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
Many professions, such as law, rely almost exclusively on the written and oral word. Although engineers also must write and speak well, this alone is insufficient to convey complex engineering information. For this, graphical or visual communication is required. ---- In addition, it can provide readers with insight they can obtain through no other means.
Nevertheless, graphs should have a descriptive title.
On the contrary, tables are useful for presenting technical information
A well-prepared graph can accurately communicate a great deal of information in just a few seconds.
As a matter of fact, graphs are prepared from tabulated data.
However, a wide variety of graphs are available to help visualize data.
Compared to its Balkan neighbours, Greece is a wealthy country, but it remains one of the poorer members of the European Union. ---- Nevertheless, with a nominally capitalist orientation, it has overcome its resemblance to pre-1989 Eastern Europe. Loss-making state enterprises have been sold off, and inflation and interest rates have fallen. However, unemployment remains high.
Still, the Greek islands attract thousands of tourists, many of whom come simply to enjoy the sun and sand and the relaxed pace of life.
Accordingly, it now seems poised to become a significant regional power.
It is still a developing economy, with the agriculture and service sectors accounting for two-thirds of its GNP
Yet family life and social life are usually one and the same, and tend to revolve around eating out.
Furthermore, it has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe
Headaches are among the most common medical problems. Some people have headaches often, while others hardly ever have them. ---- However, a change in the pattern or nature of headaches could signal a serious problem and calls for prompt medical attention.
On the contrary, high blood pressure may produce a throbbing sensation in the head.
In addition to drugs, which are enormously beneficial in treating diseases, many other treatments can help relieve pain.
Actually, pain begins in and around the eyes and begins to affect the whole head.
Pain is an unpleasant sensation signalling that the body is damaged or threatened with an injury.
In general, though headaches may be painful and distressing, they rarely reflect a serious medical condition.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, who was to become Victorian England’s most famous woman poet in the nineteenth century, received an unusual education for a woman of her time. Availing herself of her brother’s tutor, she studied Latin and Greek. ---- But as her intellectual and literary powers matured, her personal life became increasingly undermined by ill health. Although, by the age of thirty-nine, she was a prominent woman of letters, she continued to live in semiseclusion as an invalid in her father’s house, where she occasionally received visitors.
Once in Italy, she regained much health and strength, bearing and raising a son, to whom she was ardently devoted
Moreover, she read voraciously in history, philosophy and literature and began to write poetry from an early age.
However, her work fell into disrepute with the modernist reaction against the didacticism and rhetorical excess of Victorian poetry.
Hence, in her early work, she tended to use the visionary modes of Romantic narrative poetry.
In her later poems, in which she took up the cause of Italian nationalism, she was mostly concerned with the political issues of her time.
The human body changes in many noticeable ways with age. Perhaps the first sign of aging occurs when the eye cannot focus easily on close objects. Often by age 40 or so, many people find it difficult to read without using glasses. ---- People tend to lose some ability to hear the highest pitched tones. Therefore, older people may find that violin music no longer sounds as exciting as it did when they were young.
Some hearing tests can detect disorders in the auditory processing areas of the brain.
Neural hearing loss may be caused by brain tumours that also damage nearby nerves and the brain stem.
Hearing also changes with age.
People who can’t hear well enough may need hearing aids that keep the volume of sound at a suitable level
Hearing loss may be caused by a mechanical problem in the ear canal or middle ear that blocks the conduction of sound.
At the beginning of the 1990s, it seemed to all appearances that the US comprehensively dominated global affairs. ---- Thus, it was described as “the lonely superpower”. However, that said, the 1990s proved to be a decade of uncertainty and questioning for many Americans. In broad terms, the challenges of the post-Cold War era were as demanding for the US as they were for other countries.
The debates about US foreign policy in the postCold War period have been shaped by the impact of world events.
One of the most frequently used images of US foreign-policy making has been that of contest and struggle.
In many respects, the ending of the Cold War was expected to usher in a period of profound uncertainty.
Indeed, the US has always found it difficult to reconcile the issue of world order with national perspectives.
It occupied a pre-eminent position in terms of military power, technology and global economic reach.
52. – 57. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
You are interviewing someone for a job. You don’t think the applicant has the right qualifications or even the right character for the position. However, you decide to give him the chance to further explain his talents. You say:
This job starts at a low salary, but there is the possibility of promotion.
If you would like to ask any questions you may do so.
Have you applied elsewhere for a job?
What makes you think you are the best candidate for this job?
You do realize, don’t you, that you will sometimes be required to work at weekends?
You are at the airport in a foreign city. You want to hire a taxi to take you to your hotel, but first you want to find out the fare so that the taxi driver can’t overcharge you. You say to the taxistand attendant:
I think I’ll rent a car instead of taking a taxi. Where are the rental offices?
Why aren’t there any taxis waiting?
It’s very expensive to take a taxi these days, isn’t it?
Excuse me, could you please tell me approximately how much it will cost me to go to the Smith Hotel?
I’m sorry to disturb you, but is there a taxi available to take me to the Smith Hotel?
Your director at work has offered you a promotion. You don’t want to take the position even though there would be a large pay increase, because it would involve moving your family to another city. You go to the director and say:
I’ll take the position only if I can find a good job for my wife and good schools for my children.
Could you give me a week to think it over?
How much would my salary increase were I to take this promotion?
Thank you for considering me for this position, but I’ve decided I’d rather stay where I am for now.
What do you think I should do?
You are hosting a dinner party in your home and want to offer your guests a chance to sit and talk before they come to the table to eat. As your guests arrive, you say:
I hope that you like lamb – it’s the main dish tonight.
Won’t you come into the living room to have something to drink and chat before we eat?
Let’s sit down to eat right away. The food’s getting cold!
Can I take your coats for you?
Welcome! Thank you so much for coming.
You turn on the television to watch your favourite programme, only to discover that it had been rescheduled and shown the previous evening. Since you have missed the programme, you are angry and say:
I’m thinking of buying a new television.
They’ve no right to make changes without first announcing them!
Oh well, now I have extra time to get caught up on my e-mail
So at what time will the programme be on next week?
Let me see what programmes they have tonight.
You are in a subway train on your way to visit a friend who is in hospital. You aren’t sure which stop to get off at, so you say to another passenger:
You need the train going in the opposite direction, don’t you?
Do you know which stop is the closest to Central Hospital?
Which stop are you getting off at?
This train runs very deep underground, doesn’t it?
Is it far to walk to Central Hospital after I get off?
(I) Science is systematic because of the attention it gives to organizing knowledge and making it readily accessible to all who wish to build on its foundation. (II) If the results support the hypothesis, the scientist may use them to generate related hypotheses. (III) In this way science is both a personal and a social endeavour. (IV) In other words, it is beneficial both to the individual and to society at large. (V) Moreover, science contributes a great deal to the improvement and the quality of human life.
(I) As people age, the amount of water in the body decreases. (II) Since many drugs dissolve in water, and since less water is available to dilute them, these drugs reach higher levels of concentration in the elderly. (III) Also, the kidneys are less able to excrete drugs into the urine, and the liver is less able to metabolize many drugs. (IV) For these reasons, many drugs tend to stay in an elderly person’s body much longer than they would in a younger person’s body. (V) People in every civilization in recorded history have used drugs of plant and animal origin to prevent and treat disease.
(I) Many Romantic writers in Europe were preoccupied with the fact and idea of revolution. (II) For instance, in the early period of the French Revolution, all the leading English Romantics were in sympathy with it. (III) In fact, they were among its most fervent adherents. (IV) Through the greater part of the eighteenth century, man had been viewed as a limited being in a strictly ordered and essentially unchanging world. (V) Later, even after the first enthusiastic expectations had been disappointed by the events in France, the younger writers felt that its example still constituted humanity’s best hope.
(I) Modern Bergama is a sleepy agricultural market town in the midst of a well-watered plain. (II) There has been a town here since Trojan times. (III) Of Bergama’s four main tourist attractions, only the museum is in the centre of the town. (IV) However, it was during the period between Alexander the Great and the Roman domination that Bergama, then called Pergamum, enjoyed its greatest prosperity. (V) At that time, it became one of the Middle East’s richest and most powerful small kingdoms.
(I) Seismic waves are the vibrations from earthquakes that travel through Earth. (II) The Richter magnitude scale was developed in 1935 by Charles F. Richter of the California Institute of Technology to compare the intensity of earthquakes. (III) They are recorded on instruments called seismographs. (IV) Seismographs record a zigzag trace that shows the varying amplitude of ground oscillations beneath the instrument. (V) Sensitive seismographs, which greatly magnify these ground movements, can detect strong earthquakes from sources anywhere in the world.
(I) In the fall of 2000 and the winter of 2001, Britain was beset by a series of problems. (II) In September 2000, rising oil prices prompted protests by truck drivers and farmers who demanded a reduction in the fuel tax. (III) In November 2000, a series of unusually severe rainstorms and tornadoes caused high flooding and killed 12 people. (IV) In June 2001, Blair won a second landslide victory, with the Labour Party capturing 413 seats in Parliament. (V) In February 2001, foot-and-mouth disease broke out among British livestock, prompting other countries to ban British meat import and forcing the slaughter of thousands of cattle, pigs and sheep.
64. – 69. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.
Visitors to the country are often struck by the warmth and hospitality of its people.
The inhabitants of the country are quite courteous and kind, which is why so many people want to visit there.
The thing about the people visiting the country is that they dislike being surprised.
The country’s natives are especially friendly and helpful to tourists, which greatly surprised us all.
The friendliness and generosity of the country’s inhabitants frequently impress tourists.
What always amazes the natives of the country is the graciousness and geniality of the travellers there.
Today we are more prosperous and have better relationships across the generations than ever before.
Nowadays people think that relationships and trust between generations are more important than wealth.
In the past there used to be more prosperity and better inter-generational communication.
These days we are better at establishing trust between people than we used to be, although we may lack financial resources.
People these days are better off financially and there is better communication between different age groups than at any time in the past.
I think people today have more money than they used to, but inter-generational relationships have suffered as a consequence.
On seeing the new shopping centre for the first time I wondered whether it would succeed, with all the other shops already in the neighbourhood.
There are quite a few shops in the neighbourhood, so the new shopping centre will face stiff competition.
Because there were already many shops in the area, when I first noticed it I wasn’t sure if the new shopping centre would do well.
I’m sure the new shopping centre will make a profit, because it is much nicer than the other shops nearby.
Due to the lack of shops in the area, I couldn’t understand why the new shopping centre wasn’t successful from the beginning.
I don’t know why they built a new shopping centre in our neighbourhood; there was certainly no need for one.
A recent survey regarding new engineering graduates revealed that these graduates lack communication skills.
Good communication skills were rated in a recent survey as the most sought-after quality in new engineering graduates.
The results of a new survey on engineering graduates suggest that the most recent of these graduates are only average communicators.
The fact that recent engineering graduates do not have the ability to make themselves understood was made clear by a new survey.
A deficiency in communicative skills was the most common complaint about new engineering graduates, according to a recent survey.
New engineering graduates are not as good at communicating as their predecessors, according to the results of a recent survey.
Until recently people felt that Nigerian ministers were being too optimistic, but there is now no question that the country’s financial position is growing steadily stronger.
Though Nigerian ministers were previously sceptical of positive ideas about their country’s financial status, it has become obvious that its economy is advancing day by day.
Nigerian ministers today have no apprehensions about their country’s financial status, as it is plain that it is constantly getting better.
Today we see that Nigeria is progressing economically, but in the recent past, this was not the case and economists were wary of the optimistic views of its leaders.
In the past, even though Nigeria’s economic status was constantly improving, people were often mistrustful of its ministers’ confident views.
It is now clear that Nigeria’s economy is in a strong upward cycle but previously people doubted the hopeful attitude of Nigerian ministers.
It’s only now that she understands how unhappy she was during her twenties.
Despite the fact that her twenties were not a happy time for her, she now understands how to be happy.
Having been unhappy during her twenties, she is now a very understanding person.
What makes her regretful is that, in her twenties, she could not be happy at all.
She was terribly unhappy during her twenties, but she has only just realized it.
She now realizes that she must come to terms with the unhappiness she faced in her twenties.
70. – 75. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
Cheryl : - Did Michelle tell you what happened to her on her vacation in Thailand? Mike : - ---- Cheryl : - Yes, that’s it. She’d booked a hotel room online, and when she arrived the hotel was full. She had to spend four hours in the rain trying to find another place to stay.
When did she return from her trip?
Thailand? I thought she went to Indonesia for her vacation.
She told me all about it.
No; what happened?
Wasn’t it something to do with her hotel reservation?
Jeff : - Are there considerable cultural differences in the way business is conducted between China and Western countries? Neal : - Oh yes, there are many differences and you have to be aware of these if you want to succeed in China. Jeff : - ---- Neal : - Well, in Western-style business, we focus on the deal, the possibilities and the risks. In China, top businessmen spend a good deal of time exploring what sort of person you are. Your character is more important than what you do.
Have you ever done business in China?
How does one go about making business contacts there?
What are the advantages of doing business in China?
Which regions of China are the best for making high profits?
What sort of differences?
Carol : - People appreciate the extraordinary beauty of butterflies, but their colours and shapes might also be functional, mightn’t they? Paul : - I’ve really no idea. In what way? Carol : - ---- Paul : - Really? That’s interesting.
This book gives examples of all of this and more
For instance, the markings that resemble eyes on butterflies may help them startle predators and then escape from them.
This specific chapter is on the evolution of patterns on the wings of butterflies
This has to do with genetics. One should try to learn more about it.
Some dark forms of swallowtail butterflies mimic unrelated inedible species. Is that what you are referring to?
Helen : - I think forensics programmes on TV are giving a distorted view of what forensic science can or cannot do. Mark : - ---- Helen : - But they do. Some attorneys think that these forensics programmes can affect the jurors’ demands and decisions.
Do you actually watch those programmes?
I think most people are responsible enough not to be affected.
What’s on TV this evening
You do? In what way?
Oh, come on. People don’t take those programmes seriously!
Meghan : - Did you know that the government will reduce the amount of taxes you have to pay this year if your baby is born on or before December 31st? Anna : - Well, mine’s due on December 27th. Meghan : - ---- Anna : - Me too. I could really use a bit of extra money for the baby’s things.
Oh no, you might miss the deadline if it’s overdue!
How nice to have a baby born around the New Year.
What does your daughter think about having a new little brother or sister?
Well, I hope it’s not born after the deadline.
Well, that’s all right, then.
James : - Are you planning to attend any of the plays at the Shakespeare festival this year? Allie : - ---- James : - One critic, Harold Bloom, says that it’s because he teaches us more about ourselves than any other writer. Allie : - That could be the reason.
No, but did you know that he wasn’t really respected by the public during his own lifetime? It was only a hundred years later that he was taken seriously
Do you know, Shakespeare’s really not my favourite thing.
I’m planning to see all of them. In fact, I’ve already bought a season ticket.
Yes, of course. I wonder what it is that makes his plays so popular, year after year.
I’d like to, but I’m not sure I’ll have time. Why do you ask?
76. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Unlike the older forms of occultism, such as magic and astrology, organized occultism is a modern phenomenon. Few of the various organized occult movements have existed for more than 150 years; some were formed as a belated countermovement to the Enlightenment, when people began to follow rational schools of thought. Today’s occult views are based on the idea that there are events within nature, as well as within one’s spiritual life, which seem mysterious and cannot be explained by science. Examples include extrasensory perceptions such as telepathy and telekinesis, and haunted places or people. Believers maintain that these phenomena stem from unknown powers that can often be accessed only by some people with special abilities.
76. We understand from the passage that adherents of occultism claim that certain people ----.
can tell us what places are haunted and why
can teach others what extrasensory perceptions are
practise magic and explain events by means of astrological signs
were the pioneers of the anti-Enlightenment movements in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
have extraordinary talents that allow them to have contact with the unknown
Unlike the older forms of occultism, such as magic and astrology, organized occultism is a modern phenomenon. Few of the various organized occult movements have existed for more than 150 years; some were formed as a belated countermovement to the Enlightenment, when people began to follow rational schools of thought. Today’s occult views are based on the idea that there are events within nature, as well as within one’s spiritual life, which seem mysterious and cannot be explained by science. Examples include extrasensory perceptions such as telepathy and telekinesis, and haunted places or people. Believers maintain that these phenomena stem from unknown powers that can often be accessed only by some people with special abilities.
77. According to the passage, some of the organized occult movements in the past came into being ----
since people in the past were seriously concerned about their extrasensory perceptions
due to the assumption that many phenomena in nature were related to man’s spiritual life
in reaction to the rational thinking style that characterized the Enlightenment
because the public was not satisfied with scientific explanations of events in nature
as a result of various magical and astrological practices
Unlike the older forms of occultism, such as magic and astrology, organized occultism is a modern phenomenon. Few of the various organized occult movements have existed for more than 150 years; some were formed as a belated countermovement to the Enlightenment, when people began to follow rational schools of thought. Today’s occult views are based on the idea that there are events within nature, as well as within one’s spiritual life, which seem mysterious and cannot be explained by science. Examples include extrasensory perceptions such as telepathy and telekinesis, and haunted places or people. Believers maintain that these phenomena stem from unknown powers that can often be accessed only by some people with special abilities.
78. As we learn from the passage, occult practices in our time ----.
are concerned with phenomena which are thought to be scientifically inexplicable
essentially stem from the occult movements of the past
have mostly focused on the mysteries of telepathy and telekinesis
seem to benefit from science in explaining natural phenomena
are particularly widespread among people who follow rational schools of thought
Unlike the older forms of occultism, such as magic and astrology, organized occultism is a modern phenomenon. Few of the various organized occult movements have existed for more than 150 years; some were formed as a belated countermovement to the Enlightenment, when people began to follow rational schools of thought. Today’s occult views are based on the idea that there are events within nature, as well as within one’s spiritual life, which seem mysterious and cannot be explained by science. Examples include extrasensory perceptions such as telepathy and telekinesis, and haunted places or people. Believers maintain that these phenomena stem from unknown powers that can often be accessed only by some people with special abilities.
79. It is implied in the passage that magic and astrology ----.
have failed as occult practices in explaining extrasensory perceptions
have always been used in order to communicate with unknown powers
lost their significance with the rise of rationalism during the Enlightenmen
are forms of occultism which can be traced back into the pas
did not exist as occult practices prior to the Enlightenment
Unlike the older forms of occultism, such as magic and astrology, organized occultism is a modern phenomenon. Few of the various organized occult movements have existed for more than 150 years; some were formed as a belated countermovement to the Enlightenment, when people began to follow rational schools of thought. Today’s occult views are based on the idea that there are events within nature, as well as within one’s spiritual life, which seem mysterious and cannot be explained by science. Examples include extrasensory perceptions such as telepathy and telekinesis, and haunted places or people. Believers maintain that these phenomena stem from unknown powers that can often be accessed only by some people with special abilities.
80. It is obvious from the passage that occultism ----.
contributes enormously to a more comprehensive understanding of nature
has gained far more popularity in modern times than in the past
is an unscientific practice that doesn’t rely on rationality
derives a great deal from magic and astrology
can fully explain the spiritual side of humanity
81. – 85. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
The assumption that a person’s attitudes determine his or her behaviour is deeply ingrained in Western thinking, and in many instances the assumption holds. However, research has shown that the relationship between attitudes and behaviour is complex. A classic study conducted during the 1930s was the first to question the link. A white professor travelled across the US with a young Chinese couple. At that time, there was quite strong prejudice against Asians, and there were no laws against racial discrimination. The three travellers stopped at over 200 hotels, motels and restaurants, and were served at all the restaurants and all but one of the hotels and motels without problem. Later, a letter was sent to all of the establishments visited, asking them whether or not they would accept a Chinese couple as guests. Of the 128 replies received, 92 per cent said they would not. In other words, these proprietors expressed attitudes that were much more prejudiced than their behaviour.
81. One understands from the passage that the link between attitudes and behaviour ----.
has always been a major topic of psychological research
is an area which has been neglected and, indeed, deserves fresh study
has aroused a great deal of controversy in the US
is not so definite as has been generally assumed
had already been established before the 1930s
The assumption that a person’s attitudes determine his or her behaviour is deeply ingrained in Western thinking, and in many instances the assumption holds. However, research has shown that the relationship between attitudes and behaviour is complex. A classic study conducted during the 1930s was the first to question the link. A white professor travelled across the US with a young Chinese couple. At that time, there was quite strong prejudice against Asians, and there were no laws against racial discrimination. The three travellers stopped at over 200 hotels, motels and restaurants, and were served at all the restaurants and all but one of the hotels and motels without problem. Later, a letter was sent to all of the establishments visited, asking them whether or not they would accept a Chinese couple as guests. Of the 128 replies received, 92 per cent said they would not. In other words, these proprietors expressed attitudes that were much more prejudiced than their behaviour.
82. As one concludes from the passage, racial discrimination ----.
was a problem of the 1930s in the US, but has now disappeared altogether
in the US and the rest of the world can be fought most effectively through legislation
has always been a major issue in the US and cannot be eradicated
was not practised by a great majority of the proprietors visited by the professor and his Chinese companions
is the way whereby the relationship between attitudes and behaviour can best be assessed
The assumption that a person’s attitudes determine his or her behaviour is deeply ingrained in Western thinking, and in many instances the assumption holds. However, research has shown that the relationship between attitudes and behaviour is complex. A classic study conducted during the 1930s was the first to question the link. A white professor travelled across the US with a young Chinese couple. At that time, there was quite strong prejudice against Asians, and there were no laws against racial discrimination. The three travellers stopped at over 200 hotels, motels and restaurants, and were served at all the restaurants and all but one of the hotels and motels without problem. Later, a letter was sent to all of the establishments visited, asking them whether or not they would accept a Chinese couple as guests. Of the 128 replies received, 92 per cent said they would not. In other words, these proprietors expressed attitudes that were much more prejudiced than their behaviour.
83. It is pointed out in the passage that, during their travels, the professor and the Chinese couple ----.
were extremely surprised by the proprietors’ prejudice against them
were often harassed by the proprietors
were not upset at all by the proprietors’ racist attitudes
were doing research to find out whether a person’s behaviour affects his or her attitudes
encountered discriminatory behaviour only on one occasion
The assumption that a person’s attitudes determine his or her behaviour is deeply ingrained in Western thinking, and in many instances the assumption holds. However, research has shown that the relationship between attitudes and behaviour is complex. A classic study conducted during the 1930s was the first to question the link. A white professor travelled across the US with a young Chinese couple. At that time, there was quite strong prejudice against Asians, and there were no laws against racial discrimination. The three travellers stopped at over 200 hotels, motels and restaurants, and were served at all the restaurants and all but one of the hotels and motels without problem. Later, a letter was sent to all of the establishments visited, asking them whether or not they would accept a Chinese couple as guests. Of the 128 replies received, 92 per cent said they would not. In other words, these proprietors expressed attitudes that were much more prejudiced than their behaviour.
84. The point has been made in the passage that the American people ----.
in the 1930s really did dislike Asians
always do their best to provide comfort for their guests, no matter what their racial background
have waged war against racial discrimination since the 1930s
have always been remarkably hospitable to Asians visiting America
and the Asians have always discriminated against each other
The assumption that a person’s attitudes determine his or her behaviour is deeply ingrained in Western thinking, and in many instances the assumption holds. However, research has shown that the relationship between attitudes and behaviour is complex. A classic study conducted during the 1930s was the first to question the link. A white professor travelled across the US with a young Chinese couple. At that time, there was quite strong prejudice against Asians, and there were no laws against racial discrimination. The three travellers stopped at over 200 hotels, motels and restaurants, and were served at all the restaurants and all but one of the hotels and motels without problem. Later, a letter was sent to all of the establishments visited, asking them whether or not they would accept a Chinese couple as guests. Of the 128 replies received, 92 per cent said they would not. In other words, these proprietors expressed attitudes that were much more prejudiced than their behaviour.
It is clear from the passage that the replies the professor received from the proprietors to whom he sent letters ----.
could not be regarded as an indication of prevalent racism in the US
revealed a strong attitude of racial discrimination against the Chinese
were not concerned with the interrelationship between one’s attitudes and behaviour
86. – 90. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
When you stay as a guest in someone’s house, you give up your anonymity. This becomes quite a challenge if you are the kind of person who cherishes independence. However, when you and your host are on the same wavelength, you can have a trip more special than money can buy. Some years ago when I went to Auckland, New Zealand, for the first time, my hosts were a couple, about my age, whom I had met while travelling in Europe. They had a full programme lined up for me. They drove me around and showed me their favourite hot springs and also the beach where a popular TV series had once been filmed. At mealtimes, they introduced me to their favourite restaurants, where I sampled cheeses from south New Zealand that don’t get exported, and fruits grown locally. Normally such a tight schedule would make me nervous, but I found myself happily relinquishing control to my hosts, who truly understood the pleasures of their native country and enjoyed sharing them. I couldn’t have encountered this New Zealand on my own.
86. As we understand from the passage, the narrator ----.
and his hosts had similar tastes and interests, which made his trip most enjoyable
was a person who shamelessly exploited the couple’s hospitality
was more interested in eating than visiting places
enjoyed the beginning of the holiday but not the latter part
expected his hosts to meet all the expenses of his sightseeing in and around Auckland
When you stay as a guest in someone’s house, you give up your anonymity. This becomes quite a challenge if you are the kind of person who cherishes independence. However, when you and your host are on the same wavelength, you can have a trip more special than money can buy. Some years ago when I went to Auckland, New Zealand, for the first time, my hosts were a couple, about my age, whom I had met while travelling in Europe. They had a full programme lined up for me. They drove me around and showed me their favourite hot springs and also the beach where a popular TV series had once been filmed. At mealtimes, they introduced me to their favourite restaurants, where I sampled cheeses from south New Zealand that don’t get exported, and fruits grown locally. Normally such a tight schedule would make me nervous, but I found myself happily relinquishing control to my hosts, who truly understood the pleasures of their native country and enjoyed sharing them. I couldn’t have encountered this New Zealand on my own.
87. It is suggested in the passage that a person with a sense of independence ----.
soon mixes with other people
wants to be led around by friends who know the territory
can make friends easily while travelling
enjoys travelling together with other people
usually prefers to be anonymous when he or she travels
When you stay as a guest in someone’s house, you give up your anonymity. This becomes quite a challenge if you are the kind of person who cherishes independence. However, when you and your host are on the same wavelength, you can have a trip more special than money can buy. Some years ago when I went to Auckland, New Zealand, for the first time, my hosts were a couple, about my age, whom I had met while travelling in Europe. They had a full programme lined up for me. They drove me around and showed me their favourite hot springs and also the beach where a popular TV series had once been filmed. At mealtimes, they introduced me to their favourite restaurants, where I sampled cheeses from south New Zealand that don’t get exported, and fruits grown locally. Normally such a tight schedule would make me nervous, but I found myself happily relinquishing control to my hosts, who truly understood the pleasures of their native country and enjoyed sharing them. I couldn’t have encountered this New Zealand on my own.
88. According to the passage, while the narrator was in New Zealand, he ----.
was particularly attracted by the location of a popular TV series
did not have enough money to see the other parts of the country outside Aucklan
was frustrated with the programme prepared for him by his hosts
had the opportunity to taste the native produce unique to the country
tried to find ways whereby he could travel independently
When you stay as a guest in someone’s house, you give up your anonymity. This becomes quite a challenge if you are the kind of person who cherishes independence. However, when you and your host are on the same wavelength, you can have a trip more special than money can buy. Some years ago when I went to Auckland, New Zealand, for the first time, my hosts were a couple, about my age, whom I had met while travelling in Europe. They had a full programme lined up for me. They drove me around and showed me their favourite hot springs and also the beach where a popular TV series had once been filmed. At mealtimes, they introduced me to their favourite restaurants, where I sampled cheeses from south New Zealand that don’t get exported, and fruits grown locally. Normally such a tight schedule would make me nervous, but I found myself happily relinquishing control to my hosts, who truly understood the pleasures of their native country and enjoyed sharing them. I couldn’t have encountered this New Zealand on my own.
89. It is pointed out in the passage that the narrator and his hosts ----.
were independent people who preferred to be on their own
were genuinely interested in sampling a large variety of New Zealand’s food and drinks
had made a long journey together across many European countries
spent a fortune to experience the pleasures of New Zealand
knew each other before he travelled to New Zealand
When you stay as a guest in someone’s house, you give up your anonymity. This becomes quite a challenge if you are the kind of person who cherishes independence. However, when you and your host are on the same wavelength, you can have a trip more special than money can buy. Some years ago when I went to Auckland, New Zealand, for the first time, my hosts were a couple, about my age, whom I had met while travelling in Europe. They had a full programme lined up for me. They drove me around and showed me their favourite hot springs and also the beach where a popular TV series had once been filmed. At mealtimes, they introduced me to their favourite restaurants, where I sampled cheeses from south New Zealand that don’t get exported, and fruits grown locally. Normally such a tight schedule would make me nervous, but I found myself happily relinquishing control to my hosts, who truly understood the pleasures of their native country and enjoyed sharing them. I couldn’t have encountered this New Zealand on my own.
90. It is implied in the passage that the narrator usually likes ----.
to be in New Zealand rather than in Europe or anywhere else
local food more than nationally popular food
to follow a full programme on his travels
to travel in a relaxed and leisurely way
to see his travels as a challenge
91. – 95. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
In Finland now, everything is all right. Fifteen years after one of the worst recessions any European country has seen, triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Finns feel very content. Their small country of a population of 5 million is the first in the World Economic Forum’s list of the world’s most competitive countries, and the second in its business-competitiveness index. It is also the first in the OECD’s world ranking of educational performance and has the second-highest share of research-and-development spending in the European Union. Moreover, the country is reversing its demographic decline and, hence, its fertility rate is one of the highest in Europe. Perhaps best of all the Finns are facing globalization without paranoia. Theirs is one of the few European countries to have succeeded in businesses in which international prices are falling because of global competition and technological change. In most of Europe public opinion and even business élites seem gloomily resigned to being overwhelmed by India and China. Finland suggests that this fate is not inevitable
91. We learn from the passage that, in addition to Finland’s recent economic success, ----.
it is resigned to being overwhelmed by India
it is also a popular tourist destination
it remains in a deep recession
its businesses are not globally competitive
it also ranks very high in education
In Finland now, everything is all right. Fifteen years after one of the worst recessions any European country has seen, triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Finns feel very content. Their small country of a population of 5 million is the first in the World Economic Forum’s list of the world’s most competitive countries, and the second in its business-competitiveness index. It is also the first in the OECD’s world ranking of educational performance and has the second-highest share of research-and-development spending in the European Union. Moreover, the country is reversing its demographic decline and, hence, its fertility rate is one of the highest in Europe. Perhaps best of all the Finns are facing globalization without paranoia. Theirs is one of the few European countries to have succeeded in businesses in which international prices are falling because of global competition and technological change. In most of Europe public opinion and even business élites seem gloomily resigned to being overwhelmed by India and China. Finland suggests that this fate is not inevitable.
92. It is clear from the passage that Finland’s previously weak economy ----.
had no effect on the country’s standing in the World Economic Forum
caused the country to spend more on research and development
improved dramatically fifteen years ago
was caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union
became stronger after it began to reverse its demographic decline
In Finland now, everything is all right. Fifteen years after one of the worst recessions any European country has seen, triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Finns feel very content. Their small country of a population of 5 million is the first in the World Economic Forum’s list of the world’s most competitive countries, and the second in its business-competitiveness index. It is also the first in the OECD’s world ranking of educational performance and has the second-highest share of research-and-development spending in the European Union. Moreover, the country is reversing its demographic decline and, hence, its fertility rate is one of the highest in Europe. Perhaps best of all the Finns are facing globalization without paranoia. Theirs is one of the few European countries to have succeeded in businesses in which international prices are falling because of global competition and technological change. In most of Europe public opinion and even business élites seem gloomily resigned to being overwhelmed by India and China. Finland suggests that this fate is not inevitable.
93. We understand from the passage that Finland’s population ----.
is now increasing due to a higher birth rate
resents outside interference in its economy
is becoming one of the highest in Europ
is an extremely competitive one when it comes to internal trade
is not well-educated by European standards
In Finland now, everything is all right. Fifteen years after one of the worst recessions any European country has seen, triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Finns feel very content. Their small country of a population of 5 million is the first in the World Economic Forum’s list of the world’s most competitive countries, and the second in its business-competitiveness index. It is also the first in the OECD’s world ranking of educational performance and has the second-highest share of research-and-development spending in the European Union. Moreover, the country is reversing its demographic decline and, hence, its fertility rate is one of the highest in Europe. Perhaps best of all the Finns are facing globalization without paranoia. Theirs is one of the few European countries to have succeeded in businesses in which international prices are falling because of global competition and technological change. In most of Europe public opinion and even business élites seem gloomily resigned to being overwhelmed by India and China. Finland suggests that this fate is not inevitable
94. We see from the passage that Finland’s economy ----.
hasn’t always been stable
is by far the strongest in the world
has had a direct effect on its fertility rate
is still undergoing the effects of the fall of the Soviet Union
remains unaffected by technological change
In Finland now, everything is all right. Fifteen years after one of the worst recessions any European country has seen, triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Finns feel very content. Their small country of a population of 5 million is the first in the World Economic Forum’s list of the world’s most competitive countries, and the second in its business-competitiveness index. It is also the first in the OECD’s world ranking of educational performance and has the second-highest share of research-and-development spending in the European Union. Moreover, the country is reversing its demographic decline and, hence, its fertility rate is one of the highest in Europe. Perhaps best of all the Finns are facing globalization without paranoia. Theirs is one of the few European countries to have succeeded in businesses in which international prices are falling because of global competition and technological change. In most of Europe public opinion and even business élites seem gloomily resigned to being overwhelmed by India and China. Finland suggests that this fate is not inevitable.
95. According to the passage, one indicator of Finland’s economic success is its ----.
high ranking within the World Economic Forum
small population
public opinion regarding China
paranoia regarding globalization
experience with recession
96. – 100. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
Until the giant American energy company Enron collapsed, and its director Kenneth Lay was imprisoned, his life had been a model of the American dream of rising from rags to riches on the strength of merit and hard work. His beginnings were socially and financially very modest. He was born in Tyrone, Missouri, in 1942, as the son of a preacher who was also a part-time salesman. He helped his father make ends meet by cutting grass and delivering papers. His start in the energy industry seemed similarly modest. After obtaining a doctoral degree in economics from the University of Houston, he got his start in the booming Texan oil industry. In 1985 he merged Houston Natural Gas with InterNorth of Nebraska in order to form Enron. As Enron became stronger, Mr Lay turned increasingly to politics and was one of the biggest donors to the Bush-Cheney campaign. After Mr Bush entered the White House, Mr Lay had hopes of a seat in the cabinet, perhaps as energy secretary or even at the Treasury. However, for reasons that remain unclear, Mr Bush overlooked him, so his professional life ended in frustration.
96. According to the passage, after Mr Bush was elected president of the US, Kenneth Lay ----.
was not offered a cabinet seat
obtained a doctoral degree from the University of Houston
became involved in the Texan oil industry
dissolved Enron, the company he had created
turned increasingly to politics
Until the giant American energy company Enron collapsed, and its director Kenneth Lay was imprisoned, his life had been a model of the American dream of rising from rags to riches on the strength of merit and hard work. His beginnings were socially and financially very modest. He was born in Tyrone, Missouri, in 1942, as the son of a preacher who was also a part-time salesman. He helped his father make ends meet by cutting grass and delivering papers. His start in the energy industry seemed similarly modest. After obtaining a doctoral degree in economics from the University of Houston, he got his start in the booming Texan oil industry. In 1985 he merged Houston Natural Gas with InterNorth of Nebraska in order to form Enron. As Enron became stronger, Mr Lay turned increasingly to politics and was one of the biggest donors to the Bush-Cheney campaign. After Mr Bush entered the White House, Mr Lay had hopes of a seat in the cabinet, perhaps as energy secretary or even at the Treasury. However, for reasons that remain unclear, Mr Bush overlooked him, so his professional life ended in frustration.
97. It is clear from the passage that the giant American energy company Enron was founded through ----.
Kenneth Lay’s modest beginnings as the son of a preacher and part-time salesman
Kenneth Lay’s dream of rising from rags to riches
the fact that Kenneth Lay had been imprisoned
Kenneth Lay’s increasing interest in politics
the merging of two companies: Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth
Until the giant American energy company Enron collapsed, and its director Kenneth Lay was imprisoned, his life had been a model of the American dream of rising from rags to riches on the strength of merit and hard work. His beginnings were socially and financially very modest. He was born in Tyrone, Missouri, in 1942, as the son of a preacher who was also a part-time salesman. He helped his father make ends meet by cutting grass and delivering papers. His start in the energy industry seemed similarly modest. After obtaining a doctoral degree in economics from the University of Houston, he got his start in the booming Texan oil industry. In 1985 he merged Houston Natural Gas with InterNorth of Nebraska in order to form Enron. As Enron became stronger, Mr Lay turned increasingly to politics and was one of the biggest donors to the Bush-Cheney campaign. After Mr Bush entered the White House, Mr Lay had hopes of a seat in the cabinet, perhaps as energy secretary or even at the Treasury. However, for reasons that remain unclear, Mr Bush overlooked him, so his professional life ended in frustration.
98. We understand from the passage that, when Kenneth Lay was a child, he ----.
dreamed of becoming an oil tycoon
moved with his family from Tyrone, Missouri, to Houston, Texas
contributed to his family’s income by working at part-time jobs
worked as a part-time salesman together with his father
wanted to become a preacher like his father
Until the giant American energy company Enron collapsed, and its director Kenneth Lay was imprisoned, his life had been a model of the American dream of rising from rags to riches on the strength of merit and hard work. His beginnings were socially and financially very modest. He was born in Tyrone, Missouri, in 1942, as the son of a preacher who was also a part-time salesman. He helped his father make ends meet by cutting grass and delivering papers. His start in the energy industry seemed similarly modest. After obtaining a doctoral degree in economics from the University of Houston, he got his start in the booming Texan oil industry. In 1985 he merged Houston Natural Gas with InterNorth of Nebraska in order to form Enron. As Enron became stronger, Mr Lay turned increasingly to politics and was one of the biggest donors to the Bush-Cheney campaign. After Mr Bush entered the White House, Mr Lay had hopes of a seat in the cabinet, perhaps as energy secretary or even at the Treasury. However, for reasons that remain unclear, Mr Bush overlooked him, so his professional life ended in frustration.
99. We can infer from the passage that Kenneth Lay expected Mr Bush to offer him a high position in his administration because Mr Lay ----.
had become very rich through his hard work
had contributed a very large amount of money to Mr Bush’s presidential campaign
had obtained a high level of education, and was therefore quite knowledgeable
was an important player in the Texan oil industry
was frustrated with his political life
Until the giant American energy company Enron collapsed, and its director Kenneth Lay was imprisoned, his life had been a model of the American dream of rising from rags to riches on the strength of merit and hard work. His beginnings were socially and financially very modest. He was born in Tyrone, Missouri, in 1942, as the son of a preacher who was also a part-time salesman. He helped his father make ends meet by cutting grass and delivering papers. His start in the energy industry seemed similarly modest. After obtaining a doctoral degree in economics from the University of Houston, he got his start in the booming Texan oil industry. In 1985 he merged Houston Natural Gas with InterNorth of Nebraska in order to form Enron. As Enron became stronger, Mr Lay turned increasingly to politics and was one of the biggest donors to the Bush-Cheney campaign. After Mr Bush entered the White House, Mr Lay had hopes of a seat in the cabinet, perhaps as energy secretary or even at the Treasury. However, for reasons that remain unclear, Mr Bush overlooked him, so his professional life ended in frustration.
100. We see from the passage that Kenneth Lay’s imprisonment was ----.
implemented at around the same time that Enron, the company he had founded, collapsed
the result of his involvement in the Bush-Cheney campaign
carried out despite the fact that he was a good friend of President Bush
due to a crime he had committed while studying at the University of Houston