11 sinif ingilizce 1 1

A. Rewrite the sentences. Use the structures in the brackets. ( 6* 4 = 24 points. )

1.I didn’t eat spicy food till the age of 25, but now I like it ( didn’t use to )


2.Sally always played in the street after school when she was little ( used to )


3.My father was never in the habit of driving fast. ( didn’t used to )


4. There was a cinema at this corner in the past. ( used to )


5) They drove to the airport. The car broke down. (when) ____________________________________________

6) She was very fat when she was young, but now she is thin. (used to) ___________________________________________

B. Fill the blanks with given words . One word is extra. ( 10× 2 =20 )

1.pursue. 2. put off 3.persuade 4.donated 5.promoting 6.vacation 7.scared 8.conquer 9.awfully 10.regret 11. evidence

1. I tried in vain to ____________ him not to smoke any more.

2. Have you ever _____________blood?

3. The man returned from his ____________ full of energy.

4. The subject itself isn’t a problem, but it is all these questions make me __________ mad!

5. She is not _____________ of taking big risks.

6. I think everyone looks back on their childhood with some _____________.

7. The day will soon come when we will _______________ space and travel to the moon.

8. The government is _____________ the use of home products

9. The weather will __________the start of the race.

10. We got some special____________ that proves that he is guilty.

C. Fill in the blanks with Simple Past or Past Continuous Tense ( 5× 4 =20 )

1.How fast _________you _________ ( drive) when the accident ___________ ( happen ) ?

2.When our guests __________ ( arrive ), we __________________ ( prepare ) the dinner.

3. As she ____________ ( talk ) on the phone, someone _____________ ( knock ) the door

4.While they _____________ ( work ) in the garden, a storm ____________ ( break ) out.

5.It ___________________ ( snow ) when I _________ ( leave ) home this morning.

D-Read the letter below and put the topic sentences in the right paragraphs. (16 pts)

A) Well, that’s all my news

B) Hi, how are you?

C) There are still a few things to do though.

D) As you know , I’ve been really busy lately moving into my new flat.

Dear Sue,

1) ( ) It’s been a couple of months since I last wrote to you so I thought I’d better get in touch and tell you all my news.

2) ( ) I have finished moving the furniture in already and I’ve unpacked most of my things. I’ve decorated the bedroom, too. It looks very nice. I’ve painted the walls blue to match the carpet and I’ve put the Picture you gave me above the bed.

3) ( ) I haven’t decorated the living room yet. I haven’t decided what colour to paint it! I haven’t bought any curtains either. I have thought about painting the room pale green. What do you think?

4) ( ) Write back soon and tell me what you’ve been up to lately.

E.Write an e mail to your friend, Jason, telling him about what you did last weekend.Write 10 sentences.

(20 pts)

Hi, Jason!

What’s up? I was happy to hear from you.Last weekend, I ….

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