11 Sinif Secmeli Ingilizce Dersi 2 Donem 2.Yazili Sorulari 2018-2019


A-Cloze Test – Read the following text and decide which word or phrase a, b, or c is missing (20p)

Hello Sophie, How are you, and how is your family? I’m—-(1) holiday in Spain —- (-2) and right now I’m sitting in an internet café! It’s really hot here. What’s the weather—-(3) in Scotland? I’ve found a lot of new friends here and we go to the beach nearly ——(4)day. It’s fun, because the water is fantastic. Yesterday we —–(5) on a boat trip to Lloret de Mar and we —-(6) shopping there. Afterwards we went to Waterworld, it was really cool, they —–(7) lots of water slides and other things. How was your holiday? Has school started ——-(8)? Tomorrow we are going to see Dalí’s house and the Dalí museum. I didn’t think Spain would be —-9 interesting!!! In five days we are going home again and I’m looking forward to ——-(10) my family, but I hope it’s not going to be too cold back home.

1. a) in b) of c) on 6. a) did b) had c) went

2. a) at the moment b) yesterday c) tomorrow 7. a) bought b) had c) sold

3. a) hot b) good c) like 8. a) ever b) still c) yet

4. a) all b) every c) most 9. a) is b) such c) so

5. a) drove b) travelled c) went 10. a) see b) seeing c) seen

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

B- Noun Clauses (4x2p=8p) Change the questions into Noun Clause sentences.

1.)‘’What did the teacher say? ‘’

I couldn’t hear _____________________________________________________

2. ) ‘’ Can she solve her problem ? ‘’ I am not sure _________________________________________________

3.) ‘’How much money does Tom earn? ‘’

Do you know _______________________________________________

4.) ‘’ Did the children break the window ? ‘’

I don’t know _________________________________________________


1. Stewart loves his dog. He ……have sold it. A. can’t B. must C. might D. may 2. There ……… a thief in the school. It’s possible. A. must have been B. might be C. must be D. can’t be 3.You’re George’s best friend. You ……have known his secret. A. can’t B. must C. may D. might 4. John ……….. have become a doctor, but he didn’t. He works as a shop assistant. a.could b.should c.must d.can’t 5. If I had known about your phone number, I __ have phoned you. a. will phone b. Can’t have phoned c. Would have phoned d.must phone 6. Children …………………………. play with knives. It is dangerous . a.Must b. have to c. mustn’t d.don’t have to 7. If you want to pass all your exams , you …………………….. to make a good study plan. a. must b.should c. Mustn’t d. Need 8. John can’t come because he ____ work tomorrow. a.must b. has to c.had to d. Needn’t 9. I have —- appointment at —- dentist’s this afternoon because I’ve got ——- terrible toothache. a. an, the, a b.the,the,x c. X,the,a d.an/a/a 10. I live in ____ town called _____ Taunton which is on ______ River Tone. a. x/a/ the b.the /a/the c.a/the/x d. a/x/the 11. Our teacher was so _____. No one was _____ in his lessons . a. boring /interesting b.boring / interested c.bored/interested d. Bored / interesting 12. We heard —– sounds at night .We were really ——– . a.terryfied / scaring b. terrifying / scaring c.terrifying / scared d.terrified / scared 13. My uncle has given up ——-and now he prefers —– . a.to smoke /eat b.smoking /eating c. smoke /to eat d. Smoking / eat 14. I don’t mind _____ the washing up. a.do b.to do c.to doing d.doing 15. He ——– some very old letters while he was cleaning . a. came across b. Run away c. Ran over d. Came off 16. The price of electrical goods has ______ considerably this year. a. run into b. Come up with c.come out d. come down 17. OBAMA ____ McCAIN in the 2008 U.S. elections and won. a. run to b. ran against c.come into d. Ran down 18. You cannot go out ___ you finish your homework. a. as soon as b.until c. in case d.so that 19. My mother got ill ___ I was abroad. a. by the time b. As to c.while d. For 20. She wakes up early ___ be on time to work. a. in case b. so as not to c. when d. in order to 21. . I’ll call you as soon as I _____ at the hotel. a. will arrive b. arrived c.arrive d. am arrive 22. He decided —– in England for a while so that he _____ practice his English. a. staying / can b.to stay / could c. to stay / will d. staying /must 23. This bracelet is _ Sarah. It’s her birthday tomorrow. a. to b.in order to c.for d. before 24.I don’t know …… . a.who was she b.where she lives c.when did she come d.whose is that house

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


Once upon a time two brothers, Cassim and Ali Baba, lived in a town in Persia. Cassim had married a rich wife, but Ali Baba was poor, and made his living (1) ______ cutting wood, which he brought upon three donkeys to town to sell. One day, when he was in the forest cutting wood, he saw a troop of horsemen coming (2) ______ him. Fearing they might be thieves who would rob him, he climbed up a tree to hide. (3) ______ the tree, there was a steep bank formed of solid rock. When the horsemen came up, Ali Baba counted them and found they were 40 in number. They gathered together in front (4) ______ the rock, and one of them, who seemed to be the captain, said the words, “Open, Sesame.” Instantly, a door opened in the rock, all 40 men passed through and the door closed (5)_____ them. Ali Baba stayed in the tree, and after a while the door opened again, and the thieves came (6) _____. Then the captain closed the door by saying, “Close, Sesame,” and they all rode away.

A. on B. out C. after D. of E. by F. Towards


C- 1A 2B 3B 4.a 5.c 6.c 7.d 8.b 9.a 10.d 11.b 12.c 13.b 14.d 15.a16.d 17.b 18.b 19.c 20 . d 21.c 22.b 23.c 24.b

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