
Fun with Science

cup: fincan, kupaLet’s start our experiment. It’s about ecosystem
ned: ihtiyacı olmak
fill: doldurmak
pebbles: çakıl taşlarplace the pebbles into the jar.
cover: örtmek
plant bitki
jar: kavanozMake a hole for plant
drop: düşme
fold: katlamak
beans: fasulyeLeave it near the windos
drop: düşme
fold: katlamak
paper towel: kağıt havluDon’t forget water it.
pour: dökmek ,akıtmak
find: bulmak
goggles: deniz gözlüğümelt: yumuşatmak, eritmek
mix: karıştırmak
freeze: dondurmak
glass: bardakWhere ist the pencil?
It’s near the paper
put: koymak
cut: kesmek
paint: boyamakWhere are the goggles?
They are in front of the jar.
wait: beklemek
soll: hijyen malzemesiWhere is the toy?
It’s behind the jar.
soil: toprak
tube: tüp
food coloring: gıda boyasıWhere is the plant?
It’s in the jar.
scissors: makasWhere are the scissors?
They are under the paper.
toothbrush: diş fırçasıWhere is the paper.
It’s on the table.

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