
My Clothes

jeans: kotmall: alışveriş merkezi
borrow: ödünç borç almak
wear: giymek
warm: ılık
skirt: etekcold: soğuk
rainy: yağmurlu
snowy: karlı
sunny: güneşli
dress: elbiseumbrella: şemsiye
broken: kırık
cool: serin
hot: sıcak
boots: çizmeautum / fall: sonbahar
winter: kış
spring: ilkbahar
summer: yaz
trousers: pantolonJanuary, February, March
April, May, June
July, August, September
Oktober, November, Dezember
shoes: ayakkkabıwindly: rüzgarlı
I need to go. It’s raining outside.
Can I borrow your umbrella
Put on your boots and wear your gloves
gloves: eldivenWhat”s the weather like today?
It’s windly and cold.
Wear your boots and take your gloves.
What”s the weather like in Ankara?
It’s snowy and cold.
socks: çorapred: kırmızı
orange: turuncu
yellow: sarı
green: yeşil
sunglasses: güneş gözlüğüput: yerleştirmek, gecirmek, giymek
take: almak
How about green boots. I love them
T-shirt: tşörtIt’s sunny and hot.
It’s windly and cool
It’s snowy and cold
It’s rainy and warm
hat: şapka, berenext week: haftaya
What”s the weather like on Sturday?
It’s sunny and cold
I can wear my red dress and I need my sunnglasses

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