
Food and Drinks

lemonade: limonata
bread: ekmek
milk: süt
What do we have for breakfast?
We gace cheese, olives, butter, honey and marmalde.
apple: elma
cheese: peynir
coffee: kahve
eat: yemek
Do you want some bread and butter.
Yes, plase
Of course
olive: zeytin
honey: bal
sandwich: sandiviç
have: sahip olmak, var
Honey how abaut some cheese?
No thanks. I dont like cheese.
But, It’s good for your healt.
Ok can eat some
marmalade: reçel
tea: çay
cupcakes: kek
thirsty: susuz
Do you want cupcakes?
No thanks, maybe later.
youghurt: yoğurt
butter: tere yağı
hungry: aç
want: istemek
I’am hungry. I want fish and chips.
I’m thirsty. I want some water.
I’am full. I don’t want anything.
full: dok, dollu
anything: her hangi bir şey
some: biraz
Are you thirsty? Do you want some lemonade?
Yes I’m thirsty. Thank you.
water: su
fish: balık
cips: patates kızarması
soup: çorba
Want some fisch and cips?
Yes please.
What do you have for breakfast?
Would you like fish and chips for dinner?
pasta: makarna
salad: salata
drink: içmek
strong: güçlü
Do you habe pasta for breakfast?
What time do you have breakfast?
Are you hungry?
Habe about an apple?
yummy: nefis
schnitzel: şinetzel
What is this?
Are they hıngry?
What is your favorite food?
Is sandwich drink?
borsh soup: borş çorbası
sushi: suşi
Croissant: kuruvasan
cok: pişirmek, yemek yapmak
feel: hissetmek
sad: tok
happy: mutlu
scared: korkmuş

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