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I have a fever.
My leg is broken. It hurts a lot.
I have a pain in my stomach.

a broken arm
a cough

a sore throat
a toothache
a headache
a stomachache
the measles
a backache
What is the matter with you, Carol?
I’m sorry to hear that. Oh, you have a fever, too.
I have a sore throat and I feel faint
Good morning, Mr. Smith. My daughter has a high fever.
Can I go to school?
Calm down, please. Come to my clinic immediately.
Well, you have a cold and a sore throat.
You need some medicine and you should stay in bed.
I’m sorry, you can’t. Take your pills and syrup and have a rest for 2 days.
Do you have a runny nose?
don’t drink cold water.
Stay in bed.
I’m tired.
What’s wrong with you?
You should drink mint and lemon tea
should stay at home.
should see the dentist.
should drink mint and lemon tea.
can’t go to the cinema.
should brush his / her teeth.
can’t go skateboarding.
We should
You shouldn’t drink cold water.
We shouldn’t
You should get a blanket.

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