ingilizce hobilerim kavramlar

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Task 1. Match the hobbies

with their definitions.

  1. You chase (=run after) other children in order to (=because you want to …) catch them.
  2. You control (=move) little characters on a screen by pushing buttons.
  3. You dive down into the sea with an oxygen tank.
  4. You go out into nature (e.g. a forest) and sleep in a tent.
  5. You go outdoors (=a park) to throw sticks that your four-legged pet can bring back.
  6. You have albums full of small pieces of paper from letters.
  7. You hold a wooden stick in your hand and try to hit a ball with it.
  8. You hold little pieces of paper in your hand and try to collect the shapes that you need to win.
  9. You kick a ball on a grassy field in order to shoot it into a net.
  10. You look at the words on many pages in a row (=one after the other).
  11. You make a royal residence (=building) from material on the beach.
  12. You move your legs and arms trying to (=because you want to) stay on top of the water and breathe in oxygen.
  13. You pretend that (=act like) a toy is your real daughter/son.
  14. You put up a lot of colors on an empty canvas (=white board), because you want to express (=show) your emotions.
  15. You ride on top of a board with four wheels, and sometimes jump down from things with it.
  16. You sit/lie in front of a sheet of paper and move your players on them.
  17. You stare at (=look hard at) a box with vibrating (=quickly changing) pictures. You do this for hours.
  18. You store (=keep) small living creatures in a glass box.
  19. You travel on two wheels and use your legs to move yourself.
  20. You try to find out what it’s like to be a monkey.
  21. You try to find people who don’t want you to find them.
  22. You try to hunt down a beautiful insect with colorful wings.
  23. You try to run across a grassy field with an egg-shaped (=looking like an egg) ball in your hand. The other team tries to stop you.
  24. You want to own (=have) as many pieces of paper as possible with sports personalities (=people) on them.


Match the definitions with the pictures.

  1. You chase (=run after) other children in order to catch them. PLAYING TAG
  2. You control little characters on a screen by pushing buttons. PLAYING VIDEO GAMES
  3. You dive down into the sea with an oxygen tank. SCUBA DIVING
  4. You go out into nature (e.g. a forest) and sleep in a tent. CAMPING OUT
  5. You go outdoors to throw sticks that your pet can bring back. PLAYING WITH YOUR DOG
  6. You have albums full of small pieces of paper from letters. COLLECTING STAMPS
  7. You hold a wooden stick in your hand and try to hit a ball with it. PLAYING BASEBALL
  8. You hold little pieces of paper in your hand and try to collect the shapes that you need to win. PLAYING CARDS
  9. You try to hunt down a beautiful insect with colorful wings. CATCHING BUTTERFLIES
  10. You kick a ball on a grassy field in order to (=because you want to …) shoot it into a net. PLAYING SOCCER
  11. You look at the words on many pages in a row (=one after the other). READING BOOKS
  12. You make a royal residence (=building) from material on the beach. BUILDING A SAND CASTLE
  13. You move your legs and arms trying to (=because you want to) stay on top of the water and breathe in oxygen. SWIMMING
  14. You pretend that (=act like) a toy is your real daughter/son.  PLAYING WITH DOLLS
  15. You put up a lot of colors on an empty canvas, because you want to express (=show) your emotions. PAINTING
  16. You ride on top of a board with four wheels, and sometimes jump down from things with it. skateboarding
  17. You sit/lie in front of a sheet of paper and move your players on them. PLAYING BOARDGAMES
  18. You stare at (=look hard at) a box with vibrating (=quickly changing) pictures. You do this for hours. WATCHING TV
  19. You store (=keep) small living creatures in a glass box. KEEPING ANTS
  20. You travel on two wheels and use your legs to move yourself. RIDING THE BIKE
  21. You try to find out what it’s like to be a monkey.CLIMBING TREES
  22. You try to find people who don’t want you to find them. PLAYING TAG
  23. You try to run across a grassy field with an egg-shaped (=looking like an egg) ball in your hand. The other team tries to stop you. PLAYING AMERICAN FOOTBALL
  24. You want to own (=have) as many pieces of paper as possible with sports personalities (=people) on them. COLLECTING BASEBALL CARDS

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