
science fiction: bilim kurgu
cartoon: çizgi film
I love comedy films.
They are funny.
comedy: komedi
horror: korku filmi
I don’t like dramas.
I think they are boring.
drama: drama
animatio: animasyon
Action movies are my favorite.
They are exciting.
exciting: heyecan verici
boring: sıkıcı
interesting: ilginç
fantastic: fantastik
I’m really bored, Sarah.
I have lots of DVDs, Mary.
Let’s watch one of them.
OK, but don’t choose a horror film.
I hate them.
funny: eğlenceli
terrible: korkunç
ugly: iğrenç
Do you want to watch Hachiko?
It’s a drama about a dog and a professor.
Oh, that sounds really boring.
choose: seçmek
hate: nefret etmek
think: düşünmek
buy: satın almak
see: izlemek
What about “Ice Age”?
It’s an animation.
That sounds terrible.
I don’t like animations.
movie: film
beautiful: güzel
brave: cesur
OK. Let’s watch “Dr. Dolittle”, then.
It is a comedy about a vet and animals.
That’s great. I love comedies.
honest: dürüst
strong: güçlü
Mary likes comedies.
She thinks Mr. Bean is funny.
evil: fenalık
friendly: dostça
helpful: yardım sever
Do you like science fiction movies?
What do you think about “Spiderman”?
clever: akıllı
frightening: korkutucu
What’s your favorite film?
What time is the movie?
crime: kriminal
love: aşk
war: savaş
I love fantastic films.
Harry Potter is my favorite.
It is about the adventures of Harry Potter.

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