
My Friends

What does he look like?
He is short and slim.
Does he have blonde hair or dark hair?
His hair is short and his eyes are brown
hair: saç
blonde: sarışın, sarı saç
dark: koyu bald: kel
curly: kıvırcık
wavy: dalgalı
He is middle-aged.
He is tall and slim.
His hair is dark and he has a moustache
moustache: bıyıklı
beard: sakallı scarf: eşarplı
heardscarf: baş örtülü
hair band: sac bantlı
My granddaugther is short and slim.
Her hair is straight and blonde
plump: dolgun, tıknaz
slim: zayıf, narin
old: yaşlı
jung: genç
He is fife year old.
He is short and slim.
He has got brown eyes and blonde hair..
His Name is Jonny.
tall: uzun
short: kısa
next too: ilerisinde sonrasında
miss: kayıp
What does he / she look like?
Does he / she have green eyes.
Is he / she blonde?
straight: düz saçlı
fat: şişman
gray: beyaz
green: yeşil
Does he / she blue eyes?
No he doesn’t
Yes has blue eyes
blue: mavi
brown: kahverengi
red: kırmızı
yelow: sarı
Does he / she long hair?
Yes she / he does
No he / she doesn’t
ugly: çirkin
beatiful: güzel
handsome: yakışıklı
My beautiful mom.
She is tall and slim.
She’s got wavy blonde hair.
Her eyes are green.
My handsome dad.
He is tall and thin.
He’s got straight dark hair.
His brown eyes are like a dream.

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