The Passive

Etken bir fiili (active), edilgen (passive) bir fiile dönüştürebilmemiz için o fiilin geçişli bir fiil (transitive) olması gerekir. Yani, open, dose, give, buy, invite, etc. gibi nesne alabilen bir fiil olması gerekir. Happen, come, go, seem, cry gibi nesne almayan fiiller (intransitive), passive yapılamaz.

Active         :    The school custodian opens the door every day.
Passive         :    The door is opened by the school custodian every day.

Active         :    An accident happens at this crossroads nearly every day. (No passive, because there isn’t an object.)


Active fiilin nesnesi, passive cümlede, özne durumuna geçer ve cümlenin tense’ine uygun olarak be + past participle (fiilin üçüncü hali) kullanılır.

He is washing                    the car.


The car isbeing washed by him.


She cooked           the dinner


The dinner was cooked by her.


He makes         the sandwiches.


The sandwiches are made by him.subject

Present Progressive Simple Present Simple Past Past Progressive Present Perfect Past Perfect Simple Future be going to Future Perfect  He is washing the car. He washes the car. He washed the car. He was washing the car. He has washed the car. He had washed the car. He will wash the car. He is going to wash the car. He will have washed the car.The car is being washed by him. The car is washed by him. The car was washed by him. The car was being washed by him. The car has been washed by him. The car had been washed by him. The car will be washed by him. The car is going to be washed by him. The car will have been washed by him.

NOTE:“am/is/are doing” ve “was/were doing” dışındaki progressive tense’lerle (will be doing, have been doing, had been doing, will have been doing) passive kullanımı çok enderdir.


a)        Cümlenin sonunda kullanılan zaman zarfları, “by phrase”den sonra gelir.

Active         :    Jack washed the car yesterday.
Passive         :    The car was washed by Jack yesterday.

Active         :    Jack will wash the car tomorrow.
Passive         :    The car will be washed by Jack tomorrow.

Active         :    Jack will have washed the car by 5 p.m.
Passive         :     The car will have been washed by Jack by 5 p.m.

Cümlenin sonunda kullanılan bu zarflar,vurguyu arttırmak için cümle başında da kullanılabilir.

Yesterday, the car was washed by Jack. Tomorrow, the car will be washed by Jack.

b)       “Always, usually, just, already” gibi cümle içinde kullanılan zaman zarfları, eğer cümlede başka yardımcı fiil yoksa, “be” fiilinden sonra gelir.

Active           :    Jack usually washes the car in the afternoon.
Passive          :     The car is usually washed by Jack in the afternoon.

Active         :    Jack last washed the car two days ago.
Passive         :    The car was last washed by Jack two days ago.

Eğer cümlede başka yardımcı fiil varsa, bu zarfların yeri iki şekilde olabilir.

Active         :    Jack has just washed the car.

Passive         :   The car has just been washed by Jack.  (1. yardımcı fiilden sonra)                                                                                                  The car has been just washed by Jack, (“be” fiilinden sonra)

Active         :    Jack had already washed the car.

Passive         :    The car had already been washed by Jack.
The car had been already washed by Jack.

Active         :    Jack will probably wash the car tomorrow.

Passive         :   The car will probably be washed by Jack tomorrow.
The car will be probably washed by Jack tomorrow.

“Probably”nin olumsuz cümledeki yerine dikkat ediniz.

Active         :    Jack probably won’t wash the car tomorrow.

Jack will probably not wash the car tomorrow.
Passive       :    The car probably won’t be washed by Jack tomorrow.

The car will probably not be washed by Jack tomorrow.

c)       “Carefully, beautifully, deeply” gibi durum bildiren zarflar (adverbs of manner) passive cümlede genellikle “be” fiili ile asıl fiil arasında yer alır.

Active          :    The horror film affected the children badly.
Passive         :    The children were badly affected by the horror film.
Active :    We placed the glassware carefully in the cupboard.
Passive        :    The glassware was carefully placed in the cupboard

USING “by phrase”

Passive bir cümlede, eylemi yapan kişiyi“by phrase” ile belirtiriz.

Active      :     My mother made this pullover.                      Passive    :    This pullover was made by my mother.

Active      :     The President will announce the date of the meeting.            Passive     :     The date of the meeting will be announced by the President.

Ancak, passive bir cümlede eylemi yapan kişi, eğer eylemin kimin tarafından yapıldığı önemliyse belirtilir. Eylemin kimin tarafından yapıldığı değil de, eylemin yapılmış olması önemliyse, “by phrase” kullanılmaz.

Active    :    Einstein developed the theory of relativity.

Passive    :    The theory of relativity was developed by Einstein.

Yukarıdaki Örnekte, “by Einstein” kullanarak, eylemi yapan kişiyi (agent) belirtmek zorundayız. Çünkü “by Einstein” ifadesini kullanmazsak, “İzafiyet teorisi üretildi.” olur ki bu da anlamlı bir cümle olmaz. “İzafiyet teorisi Einstein tarafından üretildi.” doğru ve tam bir cümledir.

Active    :     People mine coal in Zonguldak.
Passive    :     Coal is mined in Zonguldak.

Bu örnekte, “by people” ifadesini kullanmaya gerek yoktur.

Active    : The judge sentenced the murderer to life imprisonment.             

Passive   : The murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Active     :  Someone made this pullover in Germany.

Passive    : This pullover was made in Germany.

Active      : They make paper from wood.

Passive    : Paper is made from wood.

Active bir soruyu, passive bir soruya dönüştürürken yine aynı kurallar geçerlidir.

Active        : Is Jack washing the car now?

Passive       : Is the car being washed by Jack now?

Active        :  Does Jack wash the car every day?

Passive       :  Is the car washed by Jack every day?

Active        :  When does Jack usually wash the car?

Passive       :  When is the car usually washed?

“Who” ile sorulan sorularda dikkatli olunuz. Eğer “who”, eylemi yapan kişiyi (agent) soruyorsa   “Who ……………… by?” soru biçimini kullanmamız gerekir.

Active    :    Who discovered America?
Passive   :    Who was America discovered by?

(By whom was America discovered?)

Active    :    Who founded the Republic of Turkey?
Passive   :    Who was the Republic of Turkey founded by?

(By whom was the Republic of Turkey founded?)

“Who” nesne durumundaki kişiyi soruyorsa “by” kullanılmaz. Ancak, nesneye ait bir preposition

varsa, o kullanılır.

Active    :     Who will you invite to your party?

Passive   :     Who will be invited to your party?

Active    :     Who did you see him with?

Passive   :     Who was he seen with? (With whom was he seen?)

Active    :      Who are you going to borrow money from? 

Passive   :     Who is money going to be borrowed from?                                   (From whom is money going to be borrowed?)

Active    :      Who did he lend his car to?

Passive   :     Who was his car lent to? (To whom was his car lent?)

“What” bir cümlede nesneyi sorar. Yani, “what” ile sorulmuş bir soruda, nesne yoktur. Bu durumda, cümleyi passive yaparken, özne durumuna getirebileceğimiz bir sözcük yok demektir. Böyle bir cümleyi şu şekilde passive yaparız:

Active    :     What are they doing about the case?

Passive   :     What is being done about the case?

Active    :     What did they do about the case?

Passive   :     What was done about the case?

Active    :     What have they done about the case?

Passive   :     What has been done about the case?

(NOTE: Passive cümlede “What”dan sonra gelen fiiller tekildir.)


Bazı fiiller iki nesne alır: “indirect object” ve “direct object”. Bu nesnelerin cümle içindeki yerleri iki şekilde olabilir.

I gave       him    some money yesterday.
I.O.       D.O.

I gave     some money to him yesterday.
D.O.                 I.O.

I will buy     her       a book   tomorrow.
     I.O.      D.O.

I will buy   a book    for   her  tomorrow.
    D.O.             I.O.

Örneklerde gördüğünüz gibi, indirect object yani insan olan nesne fiilden hemen sonra geliyorsa, diğer nesneye geçerken bir preposition kullanılmaz. Eğer fiilden hemen sonra direct object geliyorsa, indirect object’e geçerken, fiilin gerektirdiğine göre, “to” ya da “for” kullanılır.

Bu iki nesneli fiillerin passive biçimi de iki şekilde olur:

Active         :    I gave      him    some money yesterday.

  I.O.         D.O.

Passive    I    :    He was given some money yesterday.

Passive   2     :    Some money was given to him yesterday.                                    (Ona dün biraz para verildi.)

Active        :     I will buy      her      a book tomorrow.

I.O.     D.O.

Passive    I   :    She will be bought a book tomorrow.

Passive    2   :    A book will be bought for her tomorrow.                                    (Yarın ona bir kitap alınacak.)

Farklı şekillerde passive yapılabilmelerine karşın,  bu cümlelerin  anlamları  aynıdır.  Indirect object’irı passive cümlede subject olması, daha yaygın olarak kullanılır.


modal + be  + past             participle
a)    The letters b)    Tomorrow’s exam c)    You d)    Children e)    Chocolate f)     Tomorrow’s meeting g)      She h)    He i)        We  will                                    be can                                    be may                                                     be should                            be ought not to               be had better                   be had to                            be must                               be were supposed to    be  posted tomorrow. postponed to next Monday. allowed to leave early. warned against dangers. eaten Loo much. cancelled. taken to hospital. told the news.                                                         informed about the change.
modal + have been + past participle
j)    She k)   He I)    This book m) You  shouldn’t        have       been      told the bad news. can’t                have       been      seen with her. must                have       been      left here by a student. ought to          have       been      allowed to go there


İngilizce’de fiillerin üçüncü halleri (past participle), bazı cümlelerde sıfat gibi işlev görür. Bu cümleler yapı olarak passive olmalarına karşın, kullanılan past participle, eylemin nasıl yapıldığım ya da kim tarafından yapıldığını ifade etmez. Yalnızca bir ismi tanımlar. Yani bir nesnenin ya da kişinin durumunu ifade eder. Bir ismi tanımladığı için de bu sözcükler sıfat görevindedir.

The window is large.

The window is white.

The window is broken.

İlk iki cümledeki “large” ve “white” sözcük türü olarak sıfattır. “Broken” ise “break” fiilinin üçüncü halidir; ancak o da, “large” ve “white” gibi ”window” sözünü tanımlamıştır.

Bu tür sözcüklerin, cümlede passive eylem görevinde mi yoksa bir ismi tanımlayan sıfat görevinde mi olduğunu cümlenin akışından çıkarabiliriz.

Yesterday,  the window of the classroom was broken by one of the students. (passive action)

(Dün sınıfın camı, bir öğrenci tarafından kırıldı.)

When I entered the classroom yesterday, the window was broken. (stative


(Dün sınıfa girdiğimde, cam kırıktı.)

The door to the school is always locked by the caretaker after the classes are over. (passive action)

(Dersler   bittikten   sonra,   okulun   kapısı  müstahdem   tarafından   hep


We can’t enter that room. The door is locked, (stative passive)

(O odaya giremeyiz. Kapı kilitli.)


“Stative passive” bildiren fiiller çoğunlukla bir preposition ile birlikte kullanılırlar. *

I’m interested in music, especially in folk music.

She is married to an American.

I’m satisfied with the progress you’ve made in English.

When the teacher gave the exam results, Ann was disappointed with her


NOTE: Exercise 10 ve 11’i yapmadan önce sayfa 64’teki listeyi inceleyiniz.


Bazı sıfatlan “get” ile birlikte kullanarak, onları durum, bildiren bir yapıdan eylem bildiren bir yapıya dönüştürebiliriz.

I couldn’t wear my jeans this morning, because they were still wet.                        (“Were wet” kotun o anki durumunu belirtiyor.)                                                         (Bu sabah kotumu giyemedim çünkü hala ıslaktı.)

When I stepped into a hole full of water yesterday, my jeans got wet.                (“got wet” o anda olan bir olayı belirtiyor.)                                                                 (Dün su dolu bir çukura basınca, kotum ıslandı.)

“Get + past participle” da aynı şekilde kullanılır ve passive bir anlam taşır.

She didn’t want to go out because she was tired.                 (Dışarı çıkmak istemedi çünkü yorgundu.)

Having worked for three hours without stopping, she got tired. (Ara vermeden üç saat çalışınca yoruldu.)

When she came home, she was very annoyed.                      (Eve geldiğinde çok öfkeliydi.)

She got very annoyed when she heard the news.                 (Haberi duyunca çok öfkelendi.)

“Annoy, please, surprise, frighten, etc.” gibi fiilleri kullanırken dikkatli olunuz. Bu fiillerin active biçimleri “kızdırmak, memnun etmek, şaşırtma/c, korkutmak vb.” biçimindedir. Eğer bunları “kızmak, memnun olmak, şaşırmak, korkmak” anlamında kullanmak istiyorsak, “be + past participle” ya da “get + past participle” yapısıyla, yani passive cümle yapısıyla kullanmamız gerekir.

She disappointed me with her low grades.                        (Düşük notlarıyla beni hayal kırıklığına uğrattı.)

I was disappointed with her low grades.

(Düşük notlarından dolayı hayal kırıklığına uğradım.)

He surprises us all with his strange behaviour.                   (Garip davranışlarıyla hepimizi şaşırtıyor.)

We are all surprised at his strange behaviour.                   (Onun garip davranışlarına hepimiz şaşırıyoruz.)

He annoyed me by coming late for his appointment. (Randevusuna geç gelerek beni kızdırdı.)

I got annoyed when he came late for his appointment. (Randevusuna geç gelince ona kızdım.)

The dog frightened me when it suddenly appeared in front of me. (Köpek aniden önüme çıkınca, beni korkuttu.)

l got frightened when a dog suddenly appeared in front of me. (Aniden önüme bir köpek çıkınca, korktum.)


Bazı cümlelerde, eylemi yapan kişinin yanı sıra, eylemin hangi araçla yapıldığını da ifade etmek isteriz.

He chopped the wood with an axe.

The wood was chopped with an axe (by him).

The burglar hit the owner on the head with a stone.

The owner was hit on the head with a stone (by the burglar.)

You must write your compositions in ink.                                                                                Your compositions must be written in ink.

Eylemi yapan kişi ya da nesneyi “by” ile ifade ederiz: by him, by the burglar, etc. gibi.

Eylemi yapmak için kullanılan aracı ise “with, in, on, etc.” gibi o sözcüğün kendine Özgü preposition’ı ile ifade ederiz. With an axe, with a stone, in ink, etc. gibi. Eğer eylem kendiliğinden gerçekleşmişse, nesneler için de “by phrase” kullanırız.

He was hit on the head with a stone by the burglar.

(Vurma eylemini kişi yapıyor.)

A stone rolled down the cliffs and he was injured by the falling stone.

(Taş kendiliğinden düşüyor.)


Anyone, no one, anybody, nobody, anything ve nothing gibi belgisiz zamirlerin bulunduğu active cümleyi passive yaparken, cümlenin olumsuz anlamını bozmamaya dikkat ediniz.

Active         : Nobody can repair this broken vase. (Cümlede fiil
olumlu, ancak “nobody” cümleye olumsuz bir anlam

Passive       :    This   broken   vase   can’t   be    repaired   by    anybody.

(Cümlede  fiil   olumsuz   olduğu   zaman   “nobody”  yerine “anybody”, “nothing” yerine “anything” kullanılır.)

Active         :    Nobody has considered the result like this.

Passive         :    The result hasn’t been considered like this.

Active         :    You can’t do anything about this case.

Passive         :    Nothing can be done about this case.

Active         :    They don’t allow anyone to leave early.

Passive        :     No one is allowed to leave early.


“Want, would like, enjoy, hate, like” gibi fiiller, hem nesne alarak hem de nesne almadan kullanılabilen fiillerdir. Eğer bu filleri nesnesiz kullanıyorsak, passive biçime dönüştürenleyiz. Bazıları kural olarak dönüştürülebilse bile, anlam açısından bozuk cümleler elde edilir.

I want to go abroad. (No passive)

I would like to read a book. (No passive)

I like swimming. (”Swimming is liked by me.” kural olarak doğru bir. cümledir. Ancak ‘Yüzme benim tarafımdan sevilir.” anlamsız bir cümledir.)

Everybody likes him.

He is liked by everybody. (“O herkes tarafından sevilir.” cümlesi hem kural hem anlam açısından doğru bir cümledir.)

The secretary wants to work hard. (No passive)

The company wants a hardworking secretary.

A hardworking secretary is wanted.(Çalışkan bir sekreter aranıyor.)

I hate laughing at other people. (No passive)

(İnsanlara gülmekten nefret ederim.)

I hate someone laughing at me.

I hate being laughed at.

(Bana gülünmesin den nefret ederini.)

*    Bu konu, Gerunds-Infinitives konusunu işlerken daha detaylı görülecektir. Burada, çok yaygın olarak kullanılan “want, would like, like, enjoy, hate” gibi Juller üzerinde durulacaktır.

I like to read for myself. I don’t like someone to read to me.

I don’t like to be read to.

(Bana kitap okunmasını sevmem.)

Gerund/Infinitive içeren bir cümlede özellikle fiillerden hangisinin active hangisinin passive olduğuna dikkat ediniz. Bazen her iki fiil de passive olabilir.

They don’t allow students to take books out from the library.

Passive 1:       Students aren’t allowed to take books out from the library.
(aren’t allowed: passive, to take: active)
Öğrencilerin kütüphaneden dışarı kitap çıkarmalarına izin verilmiyor.

Passive 2:        They don’t allow books to be taken out from the library,
(don’t allow; active, to be taken: passive)
Kitapların kütüphaneden dışarı çıkarılmasına izin vermiyorlar.

Passive 3:        Books aren’t allowed to be taken out from the library.
(aren’t allowed: passive, to be taken: passive)
Kitapların kütüphaneden dışarı çıkarılmasına izin verilmiyor.

13-   IT’S SAID THAT…/ HE IS SAID TO… etc.

“Main clause + noun clause” biçiminde kurulmuş olan cümleleri iki şekilde passive yapabiliriz.

Active        :    People say that he lives abroad now.

Passive 1   :    It is said that he lives abroad now.

Passive 2   :    He is said to live abroad now.

Bu iki cümlenin de Türkçe’ye çevirisi aynıdır.

Onun şimdi yurtdışında yaşadığı söyleniyor.

Active        :    People believe that he is the murderer of his wife.

Passive 1   :    It’s believed that he is the murderer of his wife.

Passive 2   :    He is believed to be the murderer of his wife.

Birinci tip passive cümleye “It’s + past participle” ile başlanır ve “that clause” aynen eklenir.İkinci tip passive cümleye ise, “noun clause” daki özne ile başlanır. Bu passive biçimini tense’lere göre şu şekillerde kullanabiliriz:

a)        Present “be” (am, is, are)

They say the man upstairs is a thief.

It is said that the man upstairs is a thief.

The man upstairs is said to be a thief.

b)         Simple Present

We understand that he dislikes children.

It is understood that he dislikes children.

He is understood to dislike children.

c)        Past “be”  (was, were)

They say that he was very rich in the past.

 It is said that he was very rich in the past.

He is said to have been very rich in the past.

d)        Simple Past

People claim that he left the country two months ago.

It is claimed that he left the country two months ago.

He is claimed to have left the country two months ago.

e)        Present Perfect

People think that he has deserted his family.

It’s thought that he has deserted his family.

He is thought to have deserted his family.

f)         Present Progressive

We think he is waiting there now.

It’s thought that he is waiting there now.

He is thought to be waiting there now.

g)        Past Progressive

People say he was working very hard.

It is said that he was working very hard.

He is said to have been working very hard.

h)        Future Tense (will or going to)

People expect that the rate of exchange will go down soon.

It is expected that the rate of exchange will go down soon.

The rate of exchange is expected to go down soon.

Present Passive (am, is, are done)

They say that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.

It is said that a lot of electrical appliances are stolen every day.

A lot of electrical appliances are said to be stolen every day.

j)         Past Passive (was, were done)

They report that two people were killed in the explosion.

It is reported that two people were killed in the explosion.

Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion.

Temel cümledeki yüklem past tense ise, passive cümlede “was, were” kullanmamız gerekir.

People believed that he had committed the crime.

It was believed that he had committed the crime.

He was believed to have committed the crime.

Temel cümlenin yüklemi “present”, yan cümleciğin yüklemi “past” olduğu zaman passive cümlede “to have done” yapısının kullanıldığını gördük. Bunun nedeni, eylemler arasındaki zaman ilişkisini vurgulamaktır.

They believe she acted deliberately.

(believe: present, acted: past)

It is believed that she acted deliberately.

She is believed to have acted deliberately.

Eğer hem temel cümlenin hem de yan cümleciğin yüklemi “past” ise, iki eylem arasında zaman farkı olmadığı için, bu ifadeyi passive yapıya “to do” biçiminde aktarırız. Yan cümledeki eylem daha önce gerçekleşmişse, bunu active cümlede “past perfect” kullanarak ifade ederiz. Bu durumda, iki eylem arasındaki farkı göstermek için passive cümlede yine “to have done” kullanırız.

They believed she knew the truth.

(believed: past, knew: past)

She was believed to know the truth.

They believed she had acted deliberately, (believed: past, had acted: past perfect)

She was believed to have acted deliberately.

Bu passive yapısıyla yaygın olarak kullanılan fiiller say, claim, understand, think, suppose, expect, report, allege, acknowledge, assume, estimate, believe, consider gibi fiillerdir.

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