
will be going to arasindaki farklar

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Will’ or ‘be going to’? Put the verb into the correct form.

Do you think that the biology test BE very difficult?
Be careful! You FALL down from the stairs
I know that Mark is ill and I VISIT him tomorrow morning
John is not here I’m afraid. Ok then. I CALL him later.
I’ve noticed that she was angry at me so I TALK to her soon
Oh, you’re sick. I GO to the pharmacy and get you some medicines.
Be quiet or you WAKE everyone up!
She is fed up with her old car and she SELL it soon.
I think Jane NOT/SPEAK to him any more after what he did
Have you chosen a place for your holiday yet? Yes, we GO to Greece this year.
She knows he phoned her again but she NOT/PHONE him back.
Let’s go to the restaurant. We PAY for you.
He doesn’t know how to use that tool. He HURT himself.
EAT that apple? Can I have it?
Why did she hoover the whole flat? HAVE guests tonight?
I’ve read all my books so I BUY some new ones next month.
Mike PROBABLY/ARRIVE in Poland tomorrow night.
That window is too high. She NOT/REACH it. GIVE her a hand, please?
What about your new job offer? Oh, I’ve made a decision. I NOT/TAKE it.

Jenny and Chris are talking about their plans for next week. Read their conversation and put a form of going (to) or will into each gap.

Jenny Would you like a game of tennis next Thursday?
Chris I can’t, I’m afraid. I……………………………………………….. to Bristol.
Jenny What for?
Chris I have an interview for a job as manager of a record shop.
Jenny I didn’t know you wanted to move.
Chris Well, my parents ………………………………………….retire next year, and l want to be near them.
Jenny How are you getting to Bristol?
Chris l have a bit of a problem, actually. My car isn’t working at the moment, I’m thinking of getting a taxi to the station, and then getting a train.
Jenny I…………………………………give you a lift to the station. Don’t worry about a taxi.
Chris Really?
Jenny Mhmm……
Chris OK. Then I get a taxi home.
Jenny Well, what time is your train back?
Chris It gets in at nine fifteen in the evening. Why?
Jenny It’s all right. l ………………………………..pick you up as well. It’s no trouble.
Chris That’s great! Thanks a lot, Jenny.

When did Chris decide to go to Bristol? Before he spoke to Jenny or while he was speaking to her?
When did Jenny decide to give Chris a lift? Before she spoke to Chris or while she was speaking to him?
What’s the difference between going to and will to express a future intention?

Choose the correct form
  1. A My suitcase is so heavy!
    B Give it to me. I’ll / I’m going to carry it for you. b.
  2. I bought some warm boots because I’ll go / I’m going skiing.
  3. A Tony’s back from holiday
    B Is he? I’ll / I’m going to give him a ring.
  4. We’ll see / We’re going to see ‘Hamlet’ at the Royal Shakespeare tonight. The tickets were very expensive.
  5. You can tell me your secret. I won’t /I’m not going to tell anyone else
  6. I hear you and John will /are going to get married! Congratulations!
  7. A I need to get these letters in the post as soon as possible.
    B I’ll go/ I’m going shopping soon. I’ll / I’m going to post them for you.
  8. A Where will you go/are you going on holiday this year?
    B Turkey. What about you?’
    A We don’t know yet. Maybe we’ll go/we are going to Spain. MAKING PLANS FOR FUTURE
    Make true sentences about your future. Use will or going to:
  9. Tomorrow I……………………… probably…………………………………………………….
  10. Tomorrow I………………………………………………………………………………………..
  11. I perhaps…………………………………………………………………………… tomorrow.
  12. A day after tomorrow I……………………… probably………………………………………………
  13. A day after tomorrow I…………………………………………………………………………………..
  14. I perhaps……………………………………………………………………… a day after tomorrow.
  15. Next week I……………………… probably…………………………………………………….
  16. Next week I………………………………………………………………………………………..
  17. I perhaps…………………………………………………………………………… next week.
  18. Next month I……………………… probably…………………………………………………….
  19. Next month I………………………………………………………………………………………..
  20. I perhaps…………………………………………………………………………… next month.
  21. Next year I……………………… probably…………………………………………………….
  22. Next year I………………………………………………………………………………………..
  23. I perhaps………………………………………………………………………………. next year.

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