
10 sinif school life karisik alistirma

Reading comprehension

Deshi turned off the computer and opened his English book, but it was difficult to concentrate on irregular verbs… “Have you finished your homework?” Deshi’s mum opened the door. “Quick! Dinner is in half an hour!” He wasn’t hungry. Deshi couldn’t sleep that night and he was late for school the next morning. School didn’t go well that day. He failed a maths test and the English teacher shouted at him for not concentrating. At lunch time, he wasn’t hungry. The food in the cafeteria just made him feel sick. And then he had to stay late after school for extra English and missed the bus. He decided to walk home. He crossed the park near his street, thinking about his school back in Shanghai and how he missed it. Later that evening, Deshi practiced his guitar with the headphones on. His friends in Shanghai thought he was very good but now he didn’t want anyone to hear him playing. He was thinking about getting a a classical guitar .Deshi thought about how unhappy he was as he went down the stairs. His mum had no time for him, she was always working. School was really difficult and he had no friends in Boston.

Activity 1: Tick the best title for the text:

Deshi’s problems with his parents □ at school □ with his friends in Boston □

Activity 2: Are these statements true or false? Write (yes)or (no) and Justify

1- Deshi is good at English. (___) → __________________________________

2- Deshi doen’t like the food at school. (___)→ __________________________

3-Deshi gets on well with his mother. (___)→____________________________

Activity 3: Complete the sentences with details from the text:

1- Deshi didn’t concentrate so the ______________________________________

2- Deshi feels sad because ____________________________________________


Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with words from the box: (there’s an extra word)

Activity 2: match the sentences halves to get a coherent paragraph

Activity 3: fill in the blanks with the correct alternative from the margin:

I have never forgotten my first day of pre-school .I 1) ————————–wearing a bright – 2) ————————dress. I was very attached to my mother. When she was leaving, I 3) —————————- after her and grabbed onto her legs and refused to let her go. I did not want to stay unless my mom did and I started 4) ————————. All the teachers there came and talked to me kindly. After a while, I felt 5) ———————– and accepted that pre-school is only for children and teachers not mothers. The same thing happened for about a week and finally I felt secure 6) ———————— my mom. 1- 1-remember / forget / pretend 2- 2- colours / colourful / coloured 3- 3- ran/ run / running 4- 4- smiling / crying / studying 5- 5- safe / hazardous / disobedient 6- 6-with / without / from

Shared best from party meet as exhaussted I think I have the greatest friends in the world. They are just as important to me 1) _______________family. In fact, they are my family, really. My 2) ________________ friends and I all grew up together and 3) ______________so many experiences together. We know everything about each other. I would do anything for my friends and I’m sure they’d do anything for me. I’m sure there’s nothing in the world that could stop us from being friends. I’ve also made lots of other good friends 4) ___________________university and the different places I’ve worked. They are also important to me. We are now all over the world and it’s sometimes difficult to each other, but we stay in touch. One day I’d like to get all of my friends together for a big 5) _________________. That’d be great fun.

1- 1- I get £20 a month which I spend mainly on CDs and pres

mainly on CDs and presents 2- 2-I don’t have to buy my own clothes but 3- 3-I have a savings account 4- 4-I’m not allowed to touch that 5- 5-I usually get about £60 at Christmas A- A-for family and friend’s birthdays etc. B- B- and my birthday from relatives. C- C- with some money in. D- D-until I’m older E- E- I can’t save it, I need to buy many things F- F- I do have to pay for cinema trips with my friends.

(1→——) (2→——) (3→——) (4→——) (5→——)

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