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1)How did Tom finish painting the fence?
2)How did Tom manage to sit with the girl?
3)What were the three man doing in the graveyard?
4)Why didn’t Huck and Tom tell the truth to the Sheriff?
5)What happened after Tom told the truth at the trail?
6) How did Red Joe die?
7) Where did the boys find the treasure?
8) What did Tom and Huck do after finding the treasure?
9) Who killed the doctor?
10)How did Tom’s aunt pull down Tom’s teeth?
B- TRUE / FALSE (53=15) 1)Tom was the model boy of the village. T F 2)Becky had blue eyes and yellow hair. T F 3)Every boy in Saint Petersburg admired Huckelberry Finn and wanted to be like him. T F 4)Becky was the first girl Tom had been engaged to. T F 5) They promised not to talk by writing it on a paper. T F C- Match the Characters (103=30)
1-Polly a- Tom’s sister
2- Sidney b- Tom’s couisen
3- Bern Rogers c- Doctor
4- Joe Harper d- Tom’s best friend
5- Amy Lawrence e- Tom’s Aunt
6- Mary f- Tom’s ex-girlfriend
7- Mr. Dobbins g- Judge
8- Becky Thatcher h- Tom’s friend
9- Robinson i- Tom’s girlfriend
10- Thatcher j- Master
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D- Match The Words and Definitions (5*3)
1-the port around the neckt of a shirt a-mysterious
2- very tired b-astonished
3-greatly surprised, amazed c-collar
4-difficult or impossible to understand d-funeral
5- a ceremony hold shortly after a person’s death e-exhausted
1 2 3 4 5
Good Luck!

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