
11 sinif ingilizce 1 donem 1 ortak yazili sorulari 2018


Name – Surname :________________________________ Date : 15.11.2018

Class – Number : 11/________-____________________ Point : __________

READING (20poınts)

A- ) Read the paragraphs and do the TRUE / FALSE parts. (5×2= 10p)

Everybody can name Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg as the most successful entrepreneurs of the 21st century. They have contributed to the technological developments lately. There is one more name that is so important but not as famous as others. Can you imagine who this person is? He is Elon Musk, one of the most innovative entrepreneurs of our time. Like other entrepreneurs, he always works hard and follows his extraordinary dreams to be successful.

After graduating from the college, he would prefer to start his own business rather than wait for the other companies to hire him. As he believes that future jobs will be based on internet, sustainable energy and space colonization, he starts with his first online companies. He makes his fortune with these two companies and continues to make technological innovations. He thinks that in order to fight against global warming, we should use clean energy sources. With his motor company, he focuses on sustainable energy and electric cars. Maybe his first attempt to send a rocket to the space is a failure, but he never gives up and succeeds after trying four times.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another field that Elon Musk is interested in. His intention is not to make more money, but to keep an eye on the developments of AI. Because just like Bill Gates and Stevhen Hawking, Elon is afraid that AI will become smarter and give an end to the human life on earth. Certainly, these fears will not stop him from trying as he is a visionary man.

Elon Musk is as famous as others______

After Elon Musk graduated from the college, he waited for the companies hire him_____

He thinks that internet, sustainable energy and space colonization will form the future jobs____

He is not into Artificial İntelligence________

He thinks that AI will give an end to the human life________

B-) Read the paragraphs and match the following words. (5×2= 10p)

1. Successful/ innovative …….. a. Intelligence

2. Sustainable……. b. Entrepreneur

3. Space ……… c. Colonisation

4. Base on……. d. Energy

5. Artificial….. e. Internet


A-) Put the words into the correct column.(Kelimeleri doğru gruba yerleştiriniz.) (15×1=15p.)

Soap Opera/ Wing Suiting/ infotainment/jingle/techno/blues/jazz/T- commerce/body boarding / docudrama/caving/hip hop/high lining/soft rock/ice climbing


B-) Fill in the blanks using the words below (Aşağıdaki kelimelerle boşlukları doldurunuz) (5×2=10 p)

1. Surprising ability or skill…… a. Be tickled to death

2. Waiting nervously to find out what’s happening… b. be on pins and needles

3. Speaking German fluently… c. let the cat out of the bag

4. To be very happy… d. a good command of

5. No more secrets… e. dark horse


A- ) Fill in the blanks using “Be Going to” or “Will” (Boşlukları “Be Going to” yada “Will” ile doldurunuz) (10×2=20p)

1. It’s OK. I __________________ (help) you do your homework.

2. A : Have you decided what to do when you graduate from the university

B : Yes, I ________________________________ (have) a holiday for a couple of months .

3. I have a lot of work to do. I think I _______________________ (ask) my mother for some help.

4. A : Where are you going?

B : I _________________________ (buy) something for the guests.

5. A : You look terrible. What is wrong with you?

B : I have a backache. I have already phoned my doctor and got an appointment. I _________________________ (see) him at 9 tomorrow.

6. A : What’s the problem?

B : I left my wallet at home.

A : Don’t worry I ________________________________ (lend) you some money.

7. We _______________________________ (have) a surprise birthday party for Fiona tomorrow and I hope

everyone _____________________________come).

8. A: Are you free tomorrow?

B : No I am not. I _______________________________(meet) my friends.

9. Claudia has bought her ticket. She _______________________ (be) here on May 5th.

B- ) Choose the correct choice (Doğru seçeneği seçiniz) (5×4=20p)

1. I would like _____ my favourite singer on the stage when she comes to Ayvalık.

a. See b. seeing c. to see d. saw

2. People prefer ____in supermarkets_______to the local shops.

a. Shopping/ to going b. shop/than go c. to shop/ to go d. shop/go

3. I would rather _____from the job_______those bad working conditions.

a. Resigning/than accepting b. resign/ than accept c. resign/to accept d. resigned/accepted

4. I would prefer_____to her directly_____this problem on the phone.

a. To talk/to solve b. talked/solved c. talking/ than solve d. to talk/ rather than solve

5. I would like______this project even if it lasts till the morning.

a. Finish b. to finish c.finishing d. finished

C- ) Complete the sentences using CAN – CAN’T – COULD – COULDN’T –WAS/WERE ABLE TO ( Cümleleri CAN – CAN’T – COULD – COULDN’T- WAS/WERE ABLE TO ile doldurunuz. (5×3=15 p)

1. Michael Jordan was a great basketball player between the years 1991-2003. He _________________ jump very high.

2. Although it was raining hard, we __________________finish the match.

3. When I was 10, I _____________________________ drive. I learned how to drive when I was 20.

4. She has an incredible visual intelligence. She ______________________ draw everything she sees around without

missing any detail.

5. Liam has a problem in Maths. He __________________________ even solve the basic problems.

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