11 sinif ingilizce exam 1×1

Part I: Reading
Time has become a scarce commodity. Everyone wants more of it. The refrain ‘If only I had
more time’ echoes around offices and homes in the western world; ‘hurry sickness’ is becoming the
malaise of the new millennium. All over the world, people are working longer and longer hours, and
struggling to fit more and more into every day. Symptoms include jabbing the ‘door close’ button on
lift doors to save the two to four seconds required for it to do it on its own, and an inability to do one
thing at a time, so that every journey becomes a phone call opportunity.
Technology is speeding up the world. All over the globe, there has been a massive increase in
sales of laptops and mobile phones (with a hands-free set so that you can do something else at the
same time); and we wonder however we managed without pagers, remote controls, and e-mail. We
live in an instant, insistent world. Advertisements read ‘Having trouble keeping up with yourself?’ We
yearn for the slower pace of life we remember in the dim and distant past, but enthusiastically sign up
for e-mail, messaging services, evening classes, even time management classes. The result is parents
with a lack of quality time to spend with their children, and surveys showing that working couples are
becoming a major cause of marital discord. The idea of doing nothing has become terrifying, a sure
sign of worthlessness.
Like any commodity that has become scarce, time has become a battleground. In what is
supposed to be the world of the consumer, firms are stealing time from customers. It is now perfectly
acceptable to be asked to hold the instant the phone is answered. This saves the company time, but
costs you time. We are engaged in a constant, subtle war over time. If politics of class dominated the
last century, the politics of time could dominate this one.
O course, there is a class dimension to the rush culture. One of the biggest transitions of the
past few decades has been to take the previous relationship between time and status – the rich had lots
of time, the poor had little- and reverse it. While bankers in the City are now at their desk at 7 a.m., in
the good old days ‘bankers’ hours’ meant 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. with a decent lunch break. Moreover, to
be seen to have time to spare is a sign of low status; when arranging lunch, it not done to be available
too soon. Similarly, being late is moving form being a sign of rudeness to a sign of status.
A two-tier time society is gradually being built, with the money-rich, time poor on one level,
and the money-poor, time rich on the other. The rich are working longer and longer hours in order to
compete with each other. At the same time, they are employing others – cleaners, nannies, child
minders, garners, and fast food outlets- in order to allow them to work all the time. Meanwhile, more
and more of us are putting ourselves on the treadmill of constant activity, taking on an increasingly
heavy workload, and never stopping for a moment to ask ourselves why.
Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the passage above
and explain why you say true or false by providing support from the text (16 marks).
1- People need more and more time each day.
2- In spite of all the things that save time, people claim they still cannot find enough time.
3- People are contented with the present situation and do not want to have a life that does not
proceed fast
Name & Surname: …………… ……………. Class: …………… No: ……….


4- Working couples experience serious problems due to the time spent on household chores and
looking after children.
5- Those things that cannot be found easily cause human beings to struggle to get more of them.
6- There are three groups of people in terms of their social status and their relationship with time
and money.
7- The writer is not able to find a sensible reason why people make themselves engaged all the
8- Nowadays, being late to an appointment makes someone more important just as it did in the
Find the words in the text that mean the following (5 marks).
a- great; very big _
b- a place where people fight __
c- a vague feeling of physical discomfort or uneasiness, as early in an illness_____________
d- want very much; crave for_____________
e- early indications or signs of sth, especially an illness_____________
Use the words given in parentheses with each sentence to form a word that fits in
the gap (10 marks).
1- The chocolate and banana cake that Patrick made looked simply _. (resist)
2- All this talk of changes in the company is rather _. (settle)
3- The professor warned that writing _ could cost marks. (legible)
4- _ is still a serious problem in some African and Asian countries. (literate)
5- The _ of the special committee are being published today. (find)
6- It never ceases to amaze me how ________Hilda is sometimes- you’d think she would have more common sense. (logic) 7- That make of car is considered to be _______ by some people, but I’ve had mine for
years and it has never given me trouble. (rely)
8- He treated me rather_____________ when I visited him at home, and made me feel that he
wanted me to leave. (polite)
9- After all I did for her, I was rather taken aback by her _ attitude. (appreciate)
10- Leeds managed _ victory at Anfield last night beating Liverpool 5-0. (decide)
Fill in the gaps with ONE word (9 marks).
1- I am not accustomed _ this kind of heat.
2- ______your request, we can provide further details. 3- Many young lambs succumb _____________the cold and die. 4- His contribution is unequal ______
5- We must maintain our market share_____________ all costs.
6- Change came _______very slowly in women’s rights. 7- The match was called _______ due to heavy snow.
8- He came _____________a lot of money when his father died.
9- One should never resort _____________violence under any circumstances.
Choose the best word for the blanks in the following sentences (8 marks).
♫ For seven years my father was a(n) ____________plumber.
a) pupil b) student c) assistant d) apprentice e) learner


♫ Books taken from the short ___section are due to be returned the next day. a) borrowing b) credit c) loan d) return e) owing ♫ Fortunately, the number of students ____________out of school is lower. a) falling b) going c) dripping d) dropping e) registering ♫ “Great news! I have been made the ________of Department!” a) Leader b) Chief c) Supervisor d) Head e) Manager Complete the following sentences with a phrasal verb with come or call (10 marks). ♫ I _________________these photos while tidying up my room. ♫ The committee _________________suggestions for places to hold the conference. ♫ The government _________________a lot of criticism because of heavy taxes. ♫ She was not able to _________________problems and difficulties by herself. ♫ One of their salesmen ___________ me yesterday, but I told him I was not really interested.
Rewrite the following sentences by using the words in parentheses. Do not change
the meaning (10 marks).
1- In the end, I could not make it to the party because I had too much work to do. (able)
2- At school she was the fastest runner in her class. (could)
3- We were not obliged to attend all the classes because some of them were optional. (have)
4- If I do not find a job soon, I won’t be able to pay the bills. (have)
5- I took a lot of suntan lotion with me, but I did not need it. (taken)

Sentences to make appropriate further conditional on conditional sentences, using
the correct form of the words in brackets. Sometimes negative is necessary (10
1- If I _____(visit) Athens last year, I ________(phone) you.
2- If you _____( spend) so much money, I ____(be) angry now.
3- There _____(be) a serious accident if he _____(see) the other
4- If I _____(meet) you before, my life _____(be) different.
5- She _____(get) promotion last year if she _____ (not argue)
with the boss.
Making the necessary changes fill in the blanks in the following sentences by using
the words in the table below. One of the words is extra (10 marks).
flee assassinate forage insolvent confiscate proliferate fragile petrified
overshadow rival pursue
☺Mr Fisher went totally __, shooting seven of his colleagues before killing himself.
☺There was a(n) ___ expression on his face when he saw the dead bodies.
☺An FBI spokesman said Stewart ____ before police arrived. He did this because he
was guilty.


☺President Kennedy was _____ in Dallas, Texas in 1963 and he was buried ten days
after his murder.
☺The death of one of the fans __________the great victory against rival team. ☺She ________________about in her handbag, but could not find her keys. ☺Gambling is _____ in America, and if it goes on increasing like this, it will be number-one
free time activity soon.
☺ He went to England to ______higher education. ☺I feel ____, as if a breath of wind could knock me over.
☺No computer can __ a human brain.
Read the text below and summarize the main points in it. Do not use more than
100 words (12 marks).
Changing Tastes
In today’s Ireland, it seems hard to imagine the grim days of the 19 th century when so many of the
population starved, or that, in those days, many poor people had no clue how to prepare any food
other than boil a potato. Nowadays, it is quite possible to eat both well and heartily all over the island.
Tourism has made a vast difference to the standards of cuisine in Ireland. Until recently there was
hardly any tradition of eating out in many districts, except perhaps on very rare occasions at a local
hotel. Patterns of diet were conservative, based firmly on ‘meat and two vegetables’ (somewhat
overcooked), potatoes (of course) and large quantities of dairy produce. Now things are very
different. Tourist demands for predictable, inexpensive fast food are met, as everywhere, with
hamburgers and pizzas – a better bet being fish and chips. But more sophisticated tastes have
introduced whole foods and vegetarian restaurants (almost unheard of before), and a vast number of
new eateries, often French in style, have opened in the main tourist centers. Food ‘events’ such as
Kinsale’s Gourmet festival or Galway’s Oyster Festival attract large numbers of visitors and reflect the
new interest in food.
Whatever Irish cuisine lacks in finesse, it nearly always makes up for in copiousness, and ingredients
are of a high quality. Home-grown produce includes rich dairy foods, beef, lamb and pork, and a great
variety of seafood. One of its great specialities is soda bread. It is made with butter-milk and is served
fresh and warm with every meal. Recently there has been a return to simple Irish foods such as stews
and potato dishes.
One of the best-value meals in Ireland is breakfast. A ‘traditional Irish breakfast’ is a brimming
plateful of bacon and eggs with soda and potato breads. Accommodation rates are nearly always
quoted with a full breakfast included, so you might as well eat enough to keep you going all day and

get your money’s worth!





Time Allowed: (50 minutes)


Part I: Reading
Time has become a scarce commodity. Everyone wants more of it. The refrain ‘If only I had
more time’ echoes around offices and homes in the western world; ‘hurry sickness’ is becoming the
malaise of the new millennium. All over the world, people are working longer and longer hours, and
struggling to fit more and more into every day. Symptoms include jabbing the ‘door close’ button on
lift doors to save the two to four seconds required for it to do it on its own, and an inability to do one
thing at a time, so that every journey becomes a phone call opportunity.
Technology is speeding up the world. All over the globe, there has been a massive increase in
sales of laptops and mobile phones (with a hands-free set so that you can do something else at the
same time); and we wonder however we managed without pagers, remote controls, and e-mail. We
live in an instant, insistent world. Advertisements read ‘Having trouble keeping up with yourself?’ We
yearn for the slower pace of life we remember in the dim and distant past, but enthusiastically sign up
for e-mail, messaging services, evening classes, even time management classes. The result is parents
with a lack of quality time to spend with their children, and surveys showing that working couples are
becoming a major cause of marital discord. The idea of doing nothing has become terrifying, a sure
sign of worthlessness.
Like any commodity that has become scarce, time has become a battleground. In what is
supposed to be the world of the consumer, firms are stealing time from customers. It is now perfectly
acceptable to be asked to hold the instant the phone is answered. This saves the company time, but
costs you time. We are engaged in a constant, subtle war over time. If politics of class dominated the
last century, the politics of time could dominate this one.
O course, there is a class dimension to the rush culture. One of the biggest transitions of the
past few decades has been to take the previous relationship between time and status – the rich had lots
of time, the poor had little- and reverse it. While bankers in the City are now at their desk at 7 a.m., in
the good old days ‘bankers’ hours’ meant 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. with a decent lunch break. Moreover, to
be seen to have time to spare is a sign of low status; when arranging lunch, it not done to be available
too soon. Similarly, being late is moving form being a sign of rudeness to a sign of status.
A two-tier time society is gradually being built, with the money-rich, time poor on one level,
and the money-poor, time rich on the other. The rich are working longer and longer hours in order to
compete with each other. At the same time, they are employing others – cleaners, nannies, child
minders, garners, and fast food outlets- in order to allow them to work all the time. Meanwhile, more
and more of us are putting ourselves on the treadmill of constant activity, taking on an increasingly
heavy workload, and never stopping for a moment to ask ourselves why.
Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the passage
above and explain why you say (T) or (F) by providing support from the text (16 marks).
9- People need more and more time each day. (T)
Time is becoming sth scarce each day; everybody wishes they had more time. Hurry sickness
is becoming one of main problems of societies.
10- In spite of all the things that save time, people claim they still cannot find enough time. (T)
The refrain “If only I had more time… Hurry sickness is becoming the malaise of the new millennium. The writer also wonders how
people lived without all this technological equipment.
Name & Surname: …………… ……………. Class: …………… No: ……….


11- People are contented with the present situation and do not want to have a life that does not
proceed fast (F)
We yearn for (crave for) the slower pace of life in the past.
12- Working couples experience serious problems due to the time spent on household chores and
looking after children. (T)
Working couples are becoming a major cause of marital discord because they cannot find quality time for their home and children.
13- Those things that cannot be found easily cause human beings to struggle to get more of them. (T)
What is scarce is wanted more as it is in the case of time. (Like any commodity that has become scarce, time has become a
14- There are three groups of people in terms of their social status and their relationship with time
and money. (F)
[A two-tier (on the one hand, money rich but time poor; on the other hand, time-rich but money-poor people) society is being built up.]
15- The writer is not able to find a sensible reason why people make themselves engaged all the
time. (T)
People find themselves in a busy world, but they don’t ask themselves why.
16- Nowadays, being late to an appointment makes someone more important just as it did in the
past. (F)
In the past being late was a sign of low status; however, today it is the sign of high status.
Find the words in the text that mean the following (10 marks).
a- great; very big: massive_
b- a place where people fight:battleground__
c- a vague feeling of physical discomfort or uneasiness, as early in an illness:malaise__ d- want very much; crave for:___yearn for_
e- early indications or signs of sth, especially an illness:symptom__
Use the words given in parentheses with each sentence to form a word that fits in
the gap (10 marks).
11- The chocolate and banana cake that Patrick made looked simply _irresistable.
12- All this talk of changes in the company is rather _unsettling. (settle)
13- The professor warned that writing illegibly_ could cost marks. (legible)
14- Illiteracy_ is still a serious problem in some African and Asian countries.
15- The findings_ of the special committee are being published today. (find)
16- It never ceases to amaze me how Hilda is sometimes_______illogical_______; you’d think
she would have more common sense. (logic)
17- That make of car is considered to be unreliable_ by some people, but I’ve had
mine for years and it has never given me trouble. (rely)
18- He treated me rather______impolitely_______ when I visited him at home, and made me feel
that he wanted me to leave. (polite)
19- After all I did for her, I was rather taken aback by her unappreciative___
attitude. (appreciate)
20- Leeds managed decisive_ victory at Anfield last night beating Liverpool 5-0.
Fill in the gaps with ONE word (10 marks).
10- I am not accustomed to _ this kind of heat.
11- At________your request, we can provide further details. 12- Many young lambs succumb _____to_______the cold and die. 13- His contribution is unequal _______to hers.


14- We must maintain our market share_______at______ all costs.
15- Change came about_______very slowly in women’s rights. 16- She came ______across_______an old vase while looking for something else in the attic. 17- The match was called ______off_ due to heavy snow.
18- He came into_______a lot of money when his father died. 19- One should never resort _______to______violence under any circumstances. Choose the best word for the blanks in the following sentences (8 marks). ♫ For seven years my father was a(n) ____________plumber. a) pupil b) student c) assistant d) apprentice e) learner ♫ Books taken from the short _________section are due to be returned the next day. a) borrowing b) credit c) loan d) return e) owing ♫ Fortunately, the number of students ____________out of school is lower. a) falling b) going c) dripping d) dropping e) registering ♫ “Great news! I have been made the ________of Department!” a) Leader b) Chief c) Supervisor d) Head e) Manager Complete the following sentences with a phrasal verb with come or call (8 marks). ♫ I ________came across_________these photos while tidying up my room. ♫ The committee _______came up with__________suggestions for places to hold the conference. ♫ The government ________came in for_________a lot of criticism because of heavy taxes. ♫ She was not able to _________come up against________problems and difficulties by herself. ♫One of their salesmen ______called on______me yesterday, but I told him I was not really interested. Rewrite the following sentences by using the words in parentheses. Do not change the meaning (marks). 6- In the end, I could not make it to the party because I had too much work to do. (able) In the end, I was not able to go to the party because I had too much work to do. 7- At school she was the fastest runner in her class. (could) At school, she could run faster than anyone else in her class. 8- We were not obliged to attend all the classes because some of them were optional. (have) We did not have to attend to all the classes because some of them were optional. 9- If I do not find a job soon, I won’t be able to pay the bills. (have) I need to pay the bills, so I (will) have to find a job soon. 10- I took a lot of suntan lotion with me, but I did not need it. (taken) I needn’t have taken so much suntan lotion with me. Sentences to make appropriate further conditional on conditional sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets (marks). 6- If I _______had visited(visit) Athens last year, I would have phoned (phone)
7- If you had not spent (had spent) ( spend) so much money, I would not be (I would be) (be) angry now.
8- There would have been
(be) a serious accident if he had not seen_( see) the
other car.


9- If I ___had met__(meet) you before, my life would be(be)
10- She would have got (gotten)_____(get) promotion last year if she
_had not argued____ (not argue) with the boss.
Making the necessary changes fill in the blanks in the following sentences by using
the words in the table below. One of the words is extra (10 marks).
flee assassinate forage insolvent confiscate (not used) proliferate fragile petrified
overshadow rival pursue
☺Mr Fisher went totally _insolvent_, shooting seven of his colleagues before killing
☺There was a(n) petrified___ expression on his face when he saw the dead bodies.
☺An FBI spokesman said Stewart _fled___ before police arrived. He did this because
he was guilty.
☺President Kennedy was __assasinated___ in Dallas, Texas in 1963 and he was
buried ten days after his murder.
☺The death of one of the fans _overshadowed_________the great victory against rival team. ☺She _______foraged_________about in her handbag, but could not find her keys. ☺Gambling is _____proliferating in America, and if it goes on increasing like this, it will be
number-one free time activity soon.
☺ He went to England to pursue______higher education. ☺I feel ____fragile, as if a breath of wind could knock me over.
☺No computer can rival a human brain.
Read the text below and summarize the main points in it. Do not use more than
125 words (10 marks).
Changing Tastes
In today’s Ireland, it seems hard to imagine the grim days of the 19 th century when so many of the
population starved, or that, in those days, many poor people had no clue how to prepare any food
other than boil a potato. Nowadays, it is quite possible to eat both well and heartily all over the island.
Tourism has made a vast difference to the standards of cuisine in Ireland. Until recently there was
hardly any tradition of eating out in many districts, except perhaps on very rare occasions at a local
hotel. Patterns of diet were conservative, based firmly on ‘meat and two vegetables’ (somewhat
overcooked), potatoes (of course) and large quantities of dairy produce. Now things are very
different. Tourist demands for predictable, inexpensive fast food are met, as everywhere, with
hamburgers and pizzas – a better bet being fish and chips. But more sophisticated tastes have
introduced whole foods and vegetarian restaurants (almost unheard of before), and a vast number of
new eateries, often French in style, have opened in the main tourist centers. Food ‘events’ such as
Kinsale’s Gourmet festival or Galway’s Oyster Festival attract large numbers of visitors and reflect the
new interest in food.
Whatever Irish cuisine lacks in finesse, it nearly always makes up for in copiousness, and ingredients
are of a high quality. Home-grown produce includes rich dairy foods, beef, lamb and pork, and a great
variety of seafood. One of its great specialties is soda bread. It is made with butter-milk and is served
fresh and warm with every meal. Recently there has been a return to simple Irish foods such as stews
and potato dishes.
One of the best-value meals in Ireland is breakfast. A ‘traditional Irish breakfast’ is a brimming
plateful of bacon and eggs with soda and potato breads. Accommodation rates are nearly always
quoted with a full breakfast included, so you might as well eat enough to keep you going all day and
get your money’s worth!


Although cooking and eating habits in Ireland nowadays are quite different from those in the
past, until recently, people have not been accustomed to eating out apart from doing this on
very special occasions. Though patterns of food were traditional in the past and people did not
have much interest for food, there is a change in cuisine and an increasing interest for various
types of food including fast food and fish; consequently, tourist demands are easily met.
Irish cuisine, which lacks skill, is very rich in terms of ingredients. This cuisine, one of the
specialties of which is soda bread served almost in every meal, attaches great importance to
breakfast. Number of words: 113

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