
11 sinif ingilizce unit 3 the past and today kelimeler



New Words

Bulimia: abnormal appetite; eating disorder mainly affecting women

Homesick: longing for home or family

Disbelief: lack of belief;

Slim: slender, thin; slight

Slimming: becoming thinner, losing weight

Strive: try hard; compete; struggle

Course: part of a meal

Throw up: Vomited

Desperately: hopelessly

Therapy: treatment designed to cure a disease or disorder

Must: necessity, obligation, need

Vivid: lively, lifelike

Penniless: poor, lacking money

Gloomy: sad, depressing

Brutal: cruel, harsh, savage

Innovative: new, inventive

Trendy: fashionable

Trends: tendency; fashion, mode

rim: furnish with a rim,

Exquisite: excellent, well made; sharp, intense

Vital: lively, living çok önemli; hayati

Badge: tag; ensign; sign, kimlik kartı,rozet

Convince: persuade, convict, influence,

Convincing: persuasive, influentialpersuasive, influential

Impact: influence, effect

You would cook tasty pasta every Saturday.

“Her cumartesi lezzetli pasta yapardın.”

Mr Kayhan would write in his spare time.

“Bay Kayhan boş zamanlarında yazardı.”

You would do a lot of shopping.

“Çok alış veriş yapardın.”

Would = used to “geçmişteki alışkanlıklarımız”

Would cook: pişirirdi

Would help: yardım ederdi

Would visit: ziyaret ederdi

Used to cook: pişirirdi

Used to help: yardım ederdi

You didn’t use to let me eat before I tidied my room.

“Odamı toplamadan once yemek yememe izin vermezdin.”

Life isn’t as easy as it used to be. (in the past)

“Hayat eskiden olduğu kadar kolay değil.”

Ayla isn’t as beautiful as she used to be.

“Ayla eskiden olduğu kadar güzel değil.”

He didn’t USE TO have a house or a car.

“Arabaya veya eve sahip değildi.”

He USED TO go on a holiday very often.

“Çok sık tatile giderdi.”

Teenagers USED TO wear handmade sandals.

“Gençler el yapımı sandaletler giyerdi.”

I want to see you as powerful as you used to be.

“Seni daha once olduğun kadar güçlü görmek istiyorum.”

My daughter is the meaning of my life. (I’ll do my best for her.)

Lead in: giriş

Related: connected

Mary’s life

Mary’s and Susan’s LIVES

The day we met “Karşılaştığımız gün”

The book we read “Okuduğumuz kitap”

The words you told me “bana söylediğiniz sözler”

The love you felt for me “Benim için hissettiğin (bana duyduğun) sevgi”

Flat: apartment (British)

Appealing: attractive; interesting

It was fun TO LIVE with you.

It is nice TO BE with you.

It is wonderful TO BE here with you.

Before I tidied up my room,

Before you came here, Before + S + verb 2 + o

Before I saw you, “Simple past”

Before the bell rang,

A very VIVID memory

An attiractive offer

The most innovative ideas

Innovative: new

What’s up: what’s going on?, what’s new?, how are you?

What is up: what’s happening?, what’s going on?, how do you feel?

The company I work for “çalıştığım şirket”

The school we work for “çalıştığımız okul”

Undergo: endure, experience, go through, suffer

Optimist x pessimist “iyimser, kötümser”

Pessimist: person who tends to view life negatively

Optimist: one who views life positively

How about your life?

How about listening to music?

Gorgeous: marvelous; wonderful

Responsibility: duty, obligation

Youth: childhood; child; young person


“Bebekken yapabildiklerimiz”


“bebekken yapaMAdıklarımız”

I COULD climb any tree in the forest when I was young.

“Ben gençken ormanda her ağaca tırmanabilirdim.”

He COULD play football well in the past.

“Geçmişte iyi futbol oynayabilirdi.”

We couldn’t reach the table, but now we can.

“Eskiden Masaya yetişemezdik, ama şimdi yetişebiliriz.”

We couldn’t touch our noses with our feet, but now we can.

“Ayağımızla burunlarımıza dokunamazdık, ama şimdi dokunabiliriz.”

We couldn’t ride a bike, but now we can.

“Bisiklet kullanamazdık, ama şimdi kullanabiliriz.”

We couldn’t make an omelette, but now we can.

“Eskiden omlet yapamazdık, ama şimdi yapabiliriz.”

We couldn’t lift the suitcase, but now we can.

“Eskiden bavulu kaldıramazdık, ama şimdi kaldırabiliriz.”

He couldn’t reach door handles when he was a baby.

“Bebekken kapı tokmağına ulaşamazdı, yetişemezdi.”

He USED TO smoke cigarettes; now He smoke a pipe.

He USED TO drink beer; now he drinks wine.

She USED TO like Tom but she didn’t quite likes him now.

She USED TO dislike Tom but she quite likes him now.

Would = used to “geçmişteki alışkanlıklarımız”

He didn’t USE TO walk to school.

He WOULDn’t walk to school.

“Okula yürürdü. (yürüyerek giderdi.)”

He USED TO travel by bus.

He WOULD travel by bus.

“Otobüsle seyahat ederdi.”

He USED TO go to school in thirty minutes.

He WOULD go to school in thirty minutes.

“Otuz dakikada okula giderdi.”

He USED TO work in a small school with forty colleagues.

He WOULD work in a small school with forty colleagues.

“Kırk meslekdaşıyla küçük bir okulda çalışırdı.”

He used to DISLIKE working there as it was too crowded.

(state verb)

He used to HAVE a cleaning woman to do the housework.

(state verb)

He used to HAVE hardly any free time because of working long hours.

He used to BE busy and tired.

Note: Would sadece TEKRARLANAN hareketlerde, used to ise hem tekrarlanan hem de HERHANGİ BİR DURUMDA BULUNUŞ, bir şeye SAHİP OLUŞ gibi hallerde kullanılır.

(WOULD can NOT replace USED to for a DISCONTINUED habit.)

WOULD can only be used for REPEATED actions.



The youth all over the world

Through this type of music

Through this type of behavior

Through this type of attitude

A way

A way of talking “konuşma şekli, tarzı”

A way of learning “öğrenme şekli, tarzı, türü, yolu, biçimi”

Coax: 1. tatlı sözlerle kandırmak, gönlünü yapmak. 2. dil dökmek.

A way of coaxing

Their philosophy of life

To express their philosophy of life

A way of talking to express their philosophy of life

His music

The energy of his music

A culture

A real culture

A real culture for youngsters (youth, kid, child;)

RELATIVE CLAUSE “Sıfat cümlesi”

Children who don’t want to study their lessons “derslerine çalışmak istemeyen öğrenciler”

Teachers who are interested in their students “öğrencileriyle ilgilenen öğretmenler”

Soldiers WHO are fighting for their country “ülkeleri için savaşan askerler”

Youngsters WHO didn’t want to grow up like their parents

Hippie: person in the late 1960’s who rejected the established values

and norms of society

and often expressed this stance (duruş, tutum) through unconventional clothing and behavior

the end of cultural change in the 60s


personal freedom messages

mark(v): indicate, (işaretlemek)

flower power: Barışçı hippilerin savunduğu ilkeler

protests AGAINST the Vietnam war

My love FOR you will never end. “Sana olan aşkım hiç bitmeyecek”

As for: ise: with regards to, as to, concerning

As for me, I´m not going. Bense gitmiyorum.


As for the 70s

Punk: 1. çocuk, sübyan, kopil. 2. punkçu. s. punkçu.

Revolution: overthrow of the government; overthrow of the government;

Exquisite: excellent, well made; sharp, intense; delicate, dainty

Starve: be without food or water for a long period of time be without food or water for a long period of time

Belief: opinion, creed; religion, faith

ın terms of appearance and career

Both in terms of appearance and career

Activities in which young people participate

Activities which young people participate in

Today’s youth

ın the life of today’s youth

Badges: tag; ensign; sign

Determine: decide, settle; co

The way they dress “Onların giyiniş şekilleri”

The way they speak “Onların konuşma biçimleri”

The way they walk “Onların yürüyüş tarzları”

Baggy: loose, shapeless, ill-fitting

Loose: free, not tight

Convince: persuade, convict, influence

ımpact: influence, effect; colliding of two bodies; touch

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