
11 sinif secmeli ingilizce 1 donem 1 yazili

Not all frogs are green. Frogs can be green,grey,red, blue,yellow,purple,orange,or combinations of two or more colours. Whether their skin is plain or eye-catching,it serves as an adaptation: it helps them stay safe. Some frogs use their skin as camouflage,to help them blend into their environment. Certain frogs even change their skin colour with changes in humidity,light,and temperature. Highly toxic frogs display bright colours to warn predators not to eat them. And some nontoxic frogs display bright colours so predators will think they’re poisonous,too. Frogs shed the outer layer of their skin many times a year. So do toads. They use their forelegs to pull the old skin off over their head and then they eat it.

1. It is stated in the passage that frogs………… .

a. belong to the same family as toads

b. shed their skin once or twice a year

c. use their forelegs to warn their predators

d. come with a number of different colours

e. can’t adapt themselves to their environment easily

2. According to the passage, the skin of a frog…….. .

a. is smooth and moist and well supplied with blood vessels

b. can change colour in some species

c. can be eaten by predators when it is shed

d. is a rich source of chemicals capable of killing harmful insects

e. is the most poisonous part of a frog’s body

3. One can understand from the passage that……. .

a. only a patterned skin can help camouflage the frog

b. some frog species have been known to retain their skin

c. the skin on the forelegs of a frog serves as an adaptation

d. more frogs are found in more temperate climates

e. certain colours can help warn predators that the frog may be toxic

The Pulitzer Prize is an award for achievements in journalism,literature,and musical composition in the United States. A win is a great honour,especially for a newspaper,with the all time record for Pulitzer Prizes held by the New York Times. The prizes are named for Joseph Pulitzer, a prominent 20th century journalist who revolutionized the New York World, a major New York City newspaper. Under Pulitzer,the paper became renowned for hard-hitting investigative journalism,and it is also contributed to public service through a variety of public campaigns. One year after Pulitzer’s death in 1911,the Columbia University School of Journalism was founded, and in 1917 the first Pulitzer Prizes were awarded.

1. According to the passage, the Pulitzer Prize………

a. began to be given in 1911

b. used to be more prestigious than it is now

c. is not awarded in the field of music

d. was won by the New York World several times

e. took its name from an important journalist

2. It is stated in the passage that Joseph Pulitzer ………… .

a. was a journalist working for the New York Times

b. died before the Columbia University School of Journalism was founded

c. contributed a lot to the New York Times

d. was a famous composer

e. won a number of prizes for his journalism

3. One can understand from the passage that the first Pulitzer Prizes………. .

a. were given before Joseph Pulitzer died

b. were awarded in 1917

c. were awarded in music

d. were won by journalists working in the New York Times

e. were given to the winners by Joseph Pulitzer himself

B. Complete each sentence with one of the words from the box. (12pts)

1. Some precautions must be taken to preserve our clean water resources as they are not as ____________as before.

2. If you two could stop and think logically for a moment,you could have seen that there is actually no reason to____________over this issue.

3. Being a(n) __________________child, Sarah never showed disrespect for her mother’s wills.

4. I wonder what is wrong with my laptop; it always freezes whenever it is left ______________for about 10 minutes.

5. The living conditions of the country that we visited last month were quite good except for the ____________temperatures reaching over 45 °C.

6. As cows in India are considered to be ________________, it’s forbidden to hurt or kill them in most of the states.

7. You need to be _________________to keep on the right track if you really want to be a successful lawyer.

8. Most traffic accidents ________________from negligence, so we can prevent them by paying more attention to the rules and traffic signs.

9. Although they look alike, the twin sisters are ______________different in their personal interests and characteristics.

10. She realized that she had an _________________with shoes,when she incidentally found out she had more than a hundred shoes at home.

11. To ____________a story is simply to tell the story , like telling a friend what happened over the weekend.

12. You have to _______________yourself to the cold weather in this region.

C. Complete the sentences using THE PRESENT PERFECT OR THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE. (15pts)

1. I(send)________________a letter to my uncle a week ago, but I(not/get)__________________a reply yet, so I(just/write)___________________again.

2. I first (meet)_____________________her on the bus a month ago, and I (meet)_________________her at the bus-stop several times.

3. He (buy)__________________a pair of Brown shoes last year , but he(not/buy)____________________a new pair of shoes since then.

4. We (come)___________________to this house five years ago. We (be)________________in this house for five years.

5. John (play)_________________football when he (be) ________________a student. He (not/play)_______________since he (leave)__________________school.

6. The students(do)___________________a lot of homework so far. I think it’s time they(take)___________a break.

D. Complete the sentences. Use THE PAST SIMPLE, PAST CONTINUOUS OR PAST PERFECT FORM of the verbs in brackets.


1. It was a beautiful morning. The sun _______________ (shine) and the world was bright.

2. Who ________ you ________ (talk) to when I saw you last night? She looked familiar.

3. I spent the afternoon listening to Rick’s songs, but I _______________ (not like) them.

4. Jason _______________ (play) in a band called Flotsam & Jetsam before he joined Metallica.

5. Vicky didn’t want to see the film because she _______________ (see) it before.

6. David picked up the phone and _______________ (call) his best friend.

7. While we were watching the concert, it _______________ (stop) raining.

8. A lot of snow _______________ (fall) yesterday, but it’s warmer today.

9. Caitlin and Ryan _______________ (know) each other for years before they became a couple.

10. I was tired, because I___________________(work) hard all day.


1. How long _____________you_____________(have)your mobile phone now?

2. They_________________(live)in New York for 3 years before they_______________(move)to Seattle three months ago.

3.Pat ______________(study) for four hours when her father arrives.

4. By this time next year, I____________________(finish)the course and I______________(start) to speak perfect English.

5. They _____________(work) for two hours by the time the manager arrives at six today.

6. By the time you received this letter yesterday, Dina________________(leave) for Algeria.

7. When we meet again next week, I___________________(practise) tennis for at least a month.

8.She ________________(recover) her surgery by the time we visit her next Saturday.


1. I studied my lessons, then I ate dinner.

After _________________________________________________

Before ________________________________________________

2. She typed the letters. She posted them.

As soon as_____________________________________________


3.First she made a cake, then the visitors came home.



4.First I will finish my homework, then my parents will arrive home.

Before ____________________________________________

By the time ________________________________________

5.First we will change the furniture, then you will come back from Germany.


_____________________by the time____________________


1. The bus was completely empty. There was ……………………….. on it.

2. The party was very nice. ………………………….. enjoyed it.

3. Tom is very popular. ………………………… likes him.

4. ……………………….. was very kind to us. They helped us too much.

5. ……………………….. can make her happy because she is very sad now.

6. I opened the door but there was ………………………….. there.

7. ……………………….. telephoned the police but he didn’t give his name.

8. Is ……………………… living in that house? It looks empty.

9. I heard ………………………. falling down the stairs.

10. John went ……………………….. exciting last week.

11. Does ………………………… mind if I smoke?

12. A: Where did you go for your holidays?

B: …………………… . I stayed at home.

13. The accident looked serious but fortunately ……………………….. was injured.

14. A: What did you have for breakfast?

B: ………………………. . I don’t usually have …………………… for breakfast.



1-One of …………….. has to take the

responsibility for setting up the experiment.

A) their B) him C) us D) your E) me

(ÖYS 1991)

2-We can, if you agree, watch the sunset………. time when Jane and Mary are free, too.

A) other B) another C) rather

D) such E) certain

(ÖYS 1991)

3-We have already filled in …………… application

forms but Mary is still trying to complete ……… .

A) my/her B) ours/his C) her/your

D) our/hers E) us /theirs

(ÖYS 1992)

4-Don’t blame ……….. for keeping you wa-

iting. It was entirely ………. . fault.

A) ours/his B) mine/their

C) her/them D) him/my

E) them/ours

(ÖYS 1994)

5-Your bicycle goes much faster than ………..

because it’s a lot lighter.

A) mine B) him C) us D) their E) our

(ÖYS 1995)

6-……… car is out of order, so they want to

come with us in ……… .

A) Their/ours B) His/my C) Hers/theirs

D) Her/your E) They/yours

(ÖYS 1997)

7-He was an extremely entertaining speaker, so we all enjoyed ….. even more than we had expected to.

A) ourselves B) us C) himself

D) themselves E) them

(ÖYS 1998)

8-John has told me that one of …….. articles

and two of …….. have been accepted for publication in the journal.

A) theirs/her B) mine/their C) your/my

D) his/yours E) hers/ours

(ÖYS 1998)

9-Though the cloakroom was very crowded, she managed to find …… coat fairly quickly, but it took me a long time to find …… .

A) theirs/our B) his/its C) our/us

D) her/mine E) hers/theirs

(YDS 1999)

10-He turned down the offer on grounds of health, but I think there were …… reasons behind his decision.

A) any B) another C) such

D) some other E) any other

(YDS 1999)



l.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D

6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.D

11.A 12.B 13.A 14.E 15.A

16.P 17.A 18.D 19.E 20.D


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