
8 sınıf ingilizce kazanim testi 2 toad to success

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Road to Success
1.-3. soruları aşağıdaki metne göre
Learning styles are different ways of learning
and it is not the same for everyone. Some
people learn through pictures, diagrams or
charts. They prefer face to face communication
and sit at the front of the class. They take
detailed notes. They can learn best from visual
materials and they are called visual learners.
Some people learn best through listening.
They prefer reading aloud and using a tape
recorder. These people are called auditory
Kinaesthetic learners learn through moving,
doing or touching. They don’t like sitting
still. They prefer active jobs, sports or doing

  1. Which is true?
    A) Kinaesthetic learners learn best by reading.
    B) Auditory learners like listening.
    C) Visual learners don’t like pictures.
    D) Learning styles are the same for everyone.
  2. Metinde seçeneklerden hangisine
    A) Kinaesthetic learners don’t like reading
    B) Some people learn through pictures.
    C) Auditory learners learn through listening.
    D) Visual learners prefer face to face
  3. “…………………… like talking face to face.”
    cümlesini tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?
    A) Kinaesthetic Learners
    B) Auditory Learners
    C) Verbal Learners
    D) Visual Learners
    4-6. soruları aşağıdaki metne göre
    In order to be successful, you should have a
    goal first. You should make plans and study
    hard to achieve your goal. As a student, you
    should listen carefully at school and revise
    at home. You shouldn’t be afraid of making
    mistakes. Don’t forget that everyone makes
    mistakes but you should try to learn from your
    mistakes. Another important point is to have
    enough sleep. So you had better not stay up
    late before the exams.
  4. Metne en uygun başlık hangisidir?
    A) Success at school
    B) Learning styles
    C) School life
    D) Problems at school
  5. “To be successful at school …………………..”
    cümlesini tamamlayan seçenek hangisi
    A) you should study regularly.
    B) you should revise at home.
    C) you shouldn’t make mistakes.
    D) you shouldn’t stay up late at school.
  6. Tips for success
    ………… …………
    ………… …………
    Yukarıdaki tabloya seçeneklerden hangisi
    A) Don’t study for the exam.
    B) Never make mistakes.
    C) Have a goal.
    D) Don’t listen carefully.
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    Puan : …………..
    Adı :………………………………………
    Soyadı :………………………………………
    Sınıf :………………………………………
    NO : ………………………………………
    Road to Success
    7-9. soruları aşağıdaki metne göre
    Our brain has two hemispheres. Our left
    brain is responsible for logical processes.
    Left brained people prefer studying sitting up.
    When they read, they look for pieces. Our
    left brain analyses things, takes pieces and
    arranges them. Left brained students can
    express themselves and facts.
    Right brained students know their feelings but
    can not express them in words. They have
    talent in music. Creative writing may be a good
    activity for a right brained student but it isn’t for
    a left brained one.
  7. “…………………… is a good activity for a right
    brained student.”
    A) Solving problems
    B) Writing an imaginary story
    C) Expressing themselves in words
    D) Doing experiment
  8. “Left brained people are …………” cümlesini
    tamamlayan seçenek hangisi değildir?
    A) logical B) analytical
    C) reasonable D) emotional
  9. “…………………… prefer studying lying
    down.” cümlesini tamamlayan seçenek
    A) Right brained people
    B) Left brained student
    C) Logical people
    D) Two hemispheres
    10-12. soruları aşağıdaki metne göre
    Susan : Mum, can you help me with my
    Mother : Of course, dear. What is it about?
    Susan : It is about addition problems in
    Mother : Oh, I see. Did your teacher explain it
    in class?
    Susan : Yes, mum. But I can’t learn when
    someone explains.
    Mother : What kind of activities are you good
    Susan : I am really good at drawing.
    Mother : Hmm. I see, you learn better when
    you see it. Is it right?
    Susan : Absolutely.
    Mother : OK. Let’s solve the problem using
    these apples then.
  10. What is her problem?
    A) She doesn’t like maths.
    B) She has a difficult project.
    C) She can’t learn through hearing.
    D) Her mother can’t help her.
  11. What kind of a learner is she?
    A) She is an auditory learner.
    B) She is a visual learner.
    C) She is a kinaesthetic learner.
    D) She is a verbal learner.
  12. “She is good at …………” cümlesini
    tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?
    A) drawing B) listening
    C) solving problems D) sports

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