
8 Sinif Teen Life Test

8th Grades Unit 2 Teen Life – Practice Questions

1) ______ clothes are suitable for everyday wear a) fashion b) casual c) trendy d) serious 2) Don’t go out with this shirt. It’s _______. Your friends will make fun of you! a) ridiculous b) serious c) trendy d) fashion 3) Şenol is a/n _______ boy. You never see him laughing. a) ridiculous b) funny c) serious d) impressive 4) Burakcan loves fashion and he wears _____ clothes. a) snob b) funny c) trendy d) serious 5) Bilge is a ________. She studies 7 hours everyday. She never goes out with her friends. a) cool b) nerd c) lazy d) sociable

6) ________ is a person whose age falls within the range from 13–19. a) old b) teenager c) adult d) young 7) There are _________ both for girls and boys. Hats, jeans, watches etc. are some examples of them a) relationships b) trendy c) serious d) outfits 8) Your new suit is _________. You look cool a) ridiculous b) serious c) impressive d) casual 9) Most of the people older than 40 thinks Heavy Metal music is________ because of its loud sound. a) unberarable b) impressive c) fantastic d) ridiculous

10) ________ is the recreation or sport of rolling downhill inside a ball, generally made of transparent plastic a) Bossaball b) Zorbing c) Snow tubing d) Snowshoeing

11) Serra usually goes to the movies with her parents on Sunday. She likes watching musicals, but her parents prefer watching thrillers. So, they usually _________. a) go to the cinema b) make plans c) go nowhere d) make deals 12) I hope that noise stops soon. I _________ a) am fond of it b) like it very much c) don’t mind d) can’t stand it 13) I like rock music very much. I think it’s _____ a) terrible b) casual c) terrific d) ridiculous 14) On trains there is an emergency________ to stop the train as quickly as possible. a) brake b) seat c) gear d) tire 15) Erhan : Let’s go cycling Melih : I can’t now. Because my bike’s______ isn’t comfortable. Erhan : Hmm, you should change it first a) brake b) seat c) gear d) tire

16) A ________ is a part of a car, motorcycle, scooter or bicycle. People use it to stop water or other objects from coming up onto the vehicle or the person a) mudguard b) seat c) gear d) tire

17) Umut : What kind of oil should I use on my bike _________ ? Aykut : If you ride in dry weather you should use light oil but if you ride in very rain yor wet conditions the grease is best for you Umut : Thanks. That’s right. Proper lubrication keeps it turning smoothly. a) frame b) tire c) seat d) chain 18) Enfal : What would you do if you had a flat tire while you’re away from the town Ezgi : I would ________ it myself Enfal : Really? I would call my mechanic a) brake b) get on c) fix d) take 19) Saniye : I ________ stay up late on weekdays. Sümeyye : Me too. I walk to school so I have to get up early a) often b) usually c) hardly ever d) always 20) Elif Hanım: Do you think Volkan is a _______? Şevval : No, he isn’t. He is always kind and helpful to me a) snob b) nerd c) ridiculous d) cool

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