
11 Sinif Ingilizce Dersi 2 Donem 1 Yazili Sinav Sorulari 2018-2019


Göbeklitepe is an archaeological site near ŞanlıurfAnyway, archaeologists are still excavating Göbeklitepe and debating over its meaning. Further research may change our understanding of the birth of civilisation. Only time will tell. a in southeast of Turkey. It is known to be the world’s first temple. It was built roughly twelve thousand years ago, around 10,000 BC. When the site was first investigated in 1960s, archaeologists thought that it was a medieval cemetery and didn’t pay much attention. Then, it was explored again in 1990s by German archaeologist and pre-historian Klaus Schmidt and its true age was revealed by carbon-dating. Thousands of wild animal bones have been uncovered there, but not any trash pits, fireplaces or any other signs of domestic life. At the time of Göbeklitepe’s construction, the human race lived in small nomadic groups, eating plants and hunting wild animals. It is amazing how the temple’s builders were able to cut, shape, and transport hundreds of huge stones without having wheels or beasts of burden. Anyway, archaeologists are still excavating Göbeklitepe and debating over its meaning. Further research may change our understanding of the birth of civilisation. Only time will tell.

reveal: ortaya çıkarmak

A. Answer the questions according to the text(Soruları parçaya göre cevaplayınız) 3×4=12 pts

1-Who did reveal Göbeklitepe?

2-When was Göbeklitepe built?

3-Where is Göbeklitepe?

B.TRANSLATION Translate the following sentences into Turkish. (Aşağıdaki cümleleri Türkçeye çeviriniz) 3×4=12 pts

1- I wish I had save money!

2- I wish I hadn’t delayed my homeworks!

3- I wish I had made more friends at school!

C.. Write the Turkish meanings of the following sentences.( Aşağıdaki kelimelerin Türkçe karşılığını yazınız) 5×2=10 pts

-finishing other -snacking too much: -being punctual:

people’s sentences:

-biting nails: -help poor people:

2D. Match the words with their definitions.(Kelimeleri tanımlarıyla eşleştiriniz) 8×2=16 pts

memorise ____________a. be seen or noticed clearly

work on ____________b. become sth different

remind ____________c. plan or decide to do sth

realise ____________d. spend time on sth

lose heart ____________e. learn sth so that you remember them perfectly

turn into ____________f. become hopeless or discouraged.

intend ____________g. make someone remember sth

show up ____________h. become aware of sth that you didn’t notice before

E.Convert the sentences into If only/I wish(Cümleleri if only/I wish içeren cümlelere dönüştürünüz) 4×3=12 pts

1. I don’t know the answer. à If only / I wish _____________________________________________

2. I’m not good at sports. à If only / I wish _______________________________________________

3. You are constantly talking. à If only / I wish ________________________________________(stop)

4. There is no sun! It’s so gloomy.àIf only / I wish the sun___________________________(come out)!

F. Choose the closest meanings of the underlined words.(Koyu renkle yazılan kelimeye en yakın anlamı içeren kelimeyi işaretleyiniz) 5×2=10 pts.

1.If you have any questions, you can get in touch with the information desk.

a. communicate

b. understand

2. The city library is a gold mine for me. I can find every kind of books there.

a. a way to be rich

b. a rich source of information

3. We don’t have much information about prehistoric times as people could not write.

a. before the recorded history

b. after the recorded history

5.This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous questions waiting to be answered.

a. a small part of a bigger problem

b. an unimportant problem

G. PROVERBS 5×2=10 pts

…………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………….

What is the Turkish proverb above? (Yukarıdaki anlamları açıklanan atasözleri hangileridir? Üstteki boşluğa yazınız)

H. TRAVEL QUIZ Did you visit any city in Turkey? If yes, where did you visit ? Please tell about (Türkiye’de bir şehir ziyaret ettiniz mi? Ettiyseniz nereyi ziyaret ettiniz? Anlatınız.) (gitmediyseniz gitmek istediğiniz bir şehri yazınız) 5×2=10 pts

1- I…………………………………………………………………………

2- I…………………………………………………………………………

I Fill in the blanks with the suitable words(Boşlukları uygun kelimeyle doldurunuz) 3×3=9 pts.

___________a skin disease common in young people, in which small, red spots appear on the face and neck ____________the business of providing services such as transport, places to stay, orentertainment for people who are on holiday ___________one of the seven large land masses on the earth’s surface, surrounded, ormainly surrounded, by sea and usually consisting of various countries

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