
10 sinif ingilizce 1 donem 2 yazma sinavi


A. Put the following sentences into passive.( Cümleleri edilgen cümle yapınız.)20p

1. The municipality announces the event location.


2. The company gives the warranty paper with the product.


3. Children recite poems on National Sovereignty and Children’s Day.


4. Young people wear special costumes on 19th May.


5. People use stadiums as the celebration spots.


B. Match the sentences. ( cümleleri eşleştirin)10p

1.Special meals are cooked. A.Republic Day

2.The new year is celebrated. B.Children’s day

3.Street parties are organized. C.Sacrifice of the Feast

4.Flags are hanged everywhere. D.National Festivals

5.Fancy dresses are worn by children. E)Christmas Day

6.It is considered one of the most important festivals in Turkey. F)Spring Day

C. Fill in the blanks with simple past tense or present perfect tense.10p

(dili geçmiş zaman ya da yakın geçmiş zamana göre boşlukları doldurun)

1.I ………………………………………….(see)Brad in the Street the other day.

2.My mother ………………………………………(just/clean)the kitchen so it smells very nice.

3…………………………you ………………………..(know) Ali for long?

4.Last night,we …………………………..(stay) and ………………………(take)rest.

5.Mary and I……………………………..(be)on a business trip since Tuesday.

D. Fill in the blanks with “because”, “so” ,”but”( boşlukları because, so , but ile doldurun.)10p

1. I am very hungry……………I will eat two hamburgers.

2. He is studying very much…………….he has English exam tomorrow.

3. Ayşegül is so small……………she can play basketball well.

4. I will buy a large coke…………….it is so hot.

5. They studied hard………………they passed the exam.

E) Read the text and answer the questions and answers (Parçayı okuyup soruları cevaplayın).

When he was in his final year of high school, Peter was touring the science lab of Columbia University. While there, an escaped spider fell upon Peter and bit him. This gave Peter the strength and agility of a spider.

Peter decided to use his powers to become a wrestler. After the wrestling, the promoter refused to pay him the full money. While Peter was leaving the wrestling arena, he saw a robber escaping with the money. Peter refused to stop the robber. However, when he was walking down the streets, he found out that his uncle Ben was shot by a carjacker who stole his car. Angry and bitter, Peter wanted to confront the carjacker.

He tracked down the carjacker to a building with no lights. He wanted to see the face of the man. Therefore, he pushed him into the light of a window. The carjacker was the same person who robbed the arena that same night.

After his uncle’s death, he decided to use his powers to fight crime and help people in need. He learned that “with great power, comes great responsibility.” Then he became Spiderman.

1. How did he feel when he saw his uncle shot by a carjacker?3p

2. Who was the carjacker?3p

3. What did Peter decide to do after the death of his uncle?4p

F)Answer the questions.(Ramazan Bayramına göre soruları cevaplayın.)20p

1.When is The Ramadan Festival held?

2.What are the main events?

3.How do we prepare it?

4.How does it impact people?

5.What are the general impressions?

G)Answer the questions(Soruları cevaplayın)20p

1.What is social media?


2.How much time do you spend on social media?


3.Are you addicted to social media?


4.What are positive effects of social media?






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