
Prepositions and prepositional phrases

1- wait for→→We are waiting for the game to begin.

2- think of →→I am thinking of buying a new car.

3- smile at→→She always smiles at me when she sees me.

4- rest on→→Your argument rests on a statement that cannot be proved.

5- rest with→→The decision rests with you.

6- provide … for→→I will provide blankets for you.

7- provide … with→→ I will provide you with blankets.

8- insist on→→He insisted on being paid more money for his work.

9- prevent … from→→The rain prevented me from coming early.

10- admit … as →→ He was admitted to the university as a research assistant.

11- work on →→ He is working on a new project now.

12- thank … for→→I thanked her for her kindness.

13- assign to →→ The customs officer we met last year was assigned to a new post.

14- stare at→→Why are you staring at me?

15- apply … for→→ Please apply to the secretary for more information.

16- benefit from →→ These small businesses have all benefited from the fall in interest rates.

17- reply to →→ He has not replied to my letter yet.

18- shocked by / at →→ I was shocked at / by his indifference.

19- object to →→ I object to your staying here.

20- satisfied with →→ The teacher was fully satisfied with my work.

21- disgusted at / with →→ I am disgusted at / with your behaviour.

22- disappointed with →→ He was disappointed with the result.

23- mention… to →→ Please don’t mention it to my wife.

24- remind … of →→ The picture reminds me of Paris.

25- corresponding with →→ I have been corresponding with an English girl for a long time.

26- prefer … to

27- exchanged … for

28- searching for

29- accused …of

30- agree with you on…

31- apologize to me for

32- approve of

33- apply … to for…

34- argue with sb about sth

35- arrest for

36- arrive at

37- arrive in

38- asked … about …

39- asked … for…

40- begged … for

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