
11 sinif ingilizce 1 donem 2 sinav sorulari

İngilizce 11. Sınıf 1. Dönem 2. Yazılı Yoklama Soruları


Read the passage and answer the following questions according to the passage

Rio Carnival is the biggest  and most famous carnival in the world. It takes place every February. Offical carnival days are Saturday through Tuesday . The first Parade was held in 1984. Different kinds of instruments were used during the  celebrations.

People celebrate carnival with drums ,dancing  and  singing in the streets .There are many activities during the carnival; parades are held  in almost every town and city. Dancers dress up in fantastic costumes such as insects, flower, Arab Sheiks or Roman Centurions. 

  1. What is Rio Carnival?                                               …………………………………………….
  2. When is it celebrated every year?                …………………………………………….
  3. When was the first Parade held?                  ………………………………………….
  4. How  do people celebrate carnival?             …………………………………………….
  5. What do the dancers dress up?                    …………………………………………….


1. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs by using appropriate tenses

light          call       burn          notice       have      forget         break out           tell          drive                       burn     put forward         make            start      arrive         leave              cause        try       spread

A fire 1………………………………….. late last night in the forest north of Broadtown. Mr. George Crispin, who 2 …………………………..…… home after an evening out with friends, 3……………………………. an orange glow coming from the trees and immedi­ately  4…………………….……. the fire brigade. By the time they 5……………………..  on the scene, however, the fire 6………………….…..already…………………. and seemed out of control.

Early this morning, the fire 7……………..……still…………………… . One of the firefighters 8…………………………… us, We 9…………………..………. for the past three hours to get this fire under control, but the strong winds 10……………………………… our job more difficult.’

It is not yet clear what 11………………………..…….. the fire to break out, but there are suspicions that it may have been a deliberate act. The fire probably 12…………………….……….. at around eleven o’clock at night and the most logical explanation that anyone 13 …………………………………..…..

 so far is that a group of teenagers 14 …………………….…………… a party in the forest and 15………………….………….. a fire. When they 16…………………………….……, they probably 17………………………………….. to check it 18 ……………………no longer……………………………………..

2. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Somebody has stolen / robbed my CD player.
    1. What did your teacher say / tell you to do?
    1. I wasn’t very starving / hungry, so I only had a sandwich for lunch.
    1. John is studying / reading tonight as he’s taking an exam tomorrow.
    1. We went for a walk on the beach in order to get some fresh air / wind.


  1. Choose the correct answer
  1. We  ………….. our car for very long.
  2. haven’t been having                   b. haven’t had
  3. My camera is broken! Who  …………. it?
  4. is using                b. has been using
  5. I ……….…already …………… reading the report.
  6. have finished  b. have been finishing
  • At ten o’clock yesterday morning, we ….. to Boston.
  • were flying            b. flew
  • It is the first time I ……… water – skiing.
  • have tried              b. haven’t tried
  • Put the dialogue in the correct order.
  • I think I’ve got that. Thanks ever so much for your help.
  • Of course. Go straight ahead until you come to hospital. Then turn left.
  • Then go past the hospital and continue along theroad. Turn right and you’ll see the library.
  • Could you tell me the way to the library, please?
  • Turn left at the hospital. Yes, OK.
  •            2.            3.             4.            5.

3.   Use either the Simple Past or the Past Continuous of the verbs In parentheses.

1. When I (leave) …………………………….. work yesterday, it (rain) ……………………………….  heavily.

2. It (continue) ……………………………… to rain while 1 (drive) ……………………………… home.

3. When I (arrive) ……………………………… home, it (still, rain) …………………………………

4. When I (go) ……………………………… round the bend, I (see) ………………………………. a van  in my lane. It (overtake) …………………………….. another van and (come) ……………………..  right at my car. I (step) ……………………………. on the brakes heavily and (swerve)  ……………………………. to the right. 1 (barely, avoid) ………………………………. the accident.

5. I (have) ……………………………… breakfast when she (phone) ………………………………. me.

6. While I (have) ……………………………… breakfast, she (phone) ………………………………. me.

7. When my sister (be) ……………………………… a child, she (have) ………………………………  poor eyesight, so she (wear) …………………………….. glasses.

4. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous, the Simple Past or Past Continuous.

1.A: …………….. you (ever, see] ………………. a live tiger?

    B: No, never. How about you?

    A: I (see) ……………………………… one when I (go) ……………………………… to India on business.

2. I had hidden the money in a very secret place. I don’t understand how he (find] ……………………………. it. Perhaps he (see) ………………………………. me while I (hide) ……………………………. it.

3. The council (promise) …………………………….. to repair that road for months now. They  (even, send) ……………………………..someone to inspect it a few months ago, but so far nothing (happen)……………………………….

4. There was too much noise at our next-door neighbours’ last night. I think they (have) …………………………….. a party with too many people. They (move)  ……………………………. into that apartment just three weeks ago, but (hold)

…………………………….three parties since.

5. This factory (manufacture) ……………………………… cars since the middle of the Republic period. Just last year, it (produce) ……………………………… three thousand cars and (contribute) …………………………….. greatly to the country’s economy by exporting half of them.

6. Five years ago, I (buy) ………………………. a car, which I (now, drive) …………………………. for over 40,000 kilometres and it (only, ever, break) ……………………………… down once.

7. She (laugh) ……………………………… non-stop since you (tell\ ……………………………… her that joke this morning.

8. We (only, put) …………………………….. the advertisement in the newspaper yesterday and we (already, have) …………………………….. over two hundred phone calls.

9. A: ……………… you (read) ……………… today’s newspaper yet?

    B: No, but I (do) …………………………….. the crossword while I (travel) ……………………………. to work.

10. Over the last century many young people (7eave) ……………………………… the Orkney  Islands, which lie off the north coast of Scotland, to work on the mainland; therefore, the average age on the islands (increase) ……………………………… ever since and the islanders’ traditional way of life is in danger of dying out.

11. He (not, pay) ……………………………… attention when he (give) ……………………………… the pharmacist a 20 million lira note instead of a 10 million lira note and he (not, realize) …………………………….. until he (get) ……………………………… home. Since then he (be) …………………………….. more careful with his money.

12. Since Lucy (start) ……………………………… her new job in a busy centre of the city, she (always, prefer) …………………………….. to take the train instead of driving her car as she finds the traffic frustrating, but because she (have) ……………………………… two large boxes to take to work yesterday, she (drive) …………………………….. instead.

Unfortunately, while she (load) …………………………….. the boxes into the boot of her car, she (pull) …………………………….. a muscle in her back and (lie) ……………………………. on the sofa unable to move ever since.

13. In 1929 Thomas Mann, a German writer, (win) ……………………………… the Nobel Prize for Literature, primarily for his novel Buddenbrooks, which, since this award, (become) ……………………………… one of the recognized classic works of contemporary literature.

14. This is the only time I (see) …………………………. the beautiful autumn colours of  Quebec, although I (visit) …………………………. the province many times before.

5. Add “for” or “since” to the sentences below.

1. We haven’t seen her ……………. she left Istanbul.
2. There has been famine in Africa …………… as long as I can remember.
3. It has been raining steadily…………….. the last two days.
4. They have been living in Ankara ……………. last year.
5. Their daughter has been attending university …………….. three years.
6. Their son has been looking for a job ……………. he graduated last year.
7. They have had their house ……………. Mr. Jones retired in 1985.
8. Mr. Brown has been the president ……………. the foundation of the institution.
9. She has been talking on the phone ……………. more than half an hour.
10. 1 have been expecting a letter from her ……………. ages.
11. He has been trying to pass the university exam …………….. at least three years.
12. I’ve been waiting for him …………….. two hours.

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