
clean the house: ev temizliği yapmak
read poems: şiirler okumak
perform folk dance: halk dansı yapmak
give presents to someone: birine hediye vermek
wear costumes: kostüm giymekmake traditional food: geleneksel yemek yapmakdecorate places: yerleri dekore etmek
walk in the parade: geçit törenine katılmak
visit relatives: akrabaları ziyaret etmek
Victory Day: zafer bayramı
Children’s Day: Cocuk bayramı
Youth and Sports Day: gençlik ve spor bayramı
Republic Day: cumhuriyet bayramı
Dear Steve,
How are you? I hope everything is OK. It is 23rd April tomorrow. It is an exciting day because we celebrate Children’s Day in Türkiye. Children from different countries come to Türkiye and they stay at our homes. They wear their traditional clothes and dance. We walk in parades and sing songs. We decorate our schools with flags and balloons. We watch firework shows in the evenings. Next year I hope you can stay at my home.
Best Wishes
flags: bayrakstay: kalmakwatch: tv izlemekshaking: selamlama
When is the festival?
What do you use for decorations?
Do you have fun at school?
How long is the festival?
Do you give presents?

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