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11th grades summary questions

  1. Wehaven’t had such a coldwinter __
    A) for B) since C) before D) when E) as
  2. I found _ accentsofunnythat I had to stop____ fromlaughingoutaloud. (lol)
    A) her / it B) their / myself C) hers / him
    D) them / me E) his / himself
  3. I walkedtoschool as usual __ it
    A) although B) because C) so
    D) however E) if
  4. While I
    A) waswaiting / grabbed
    B) waited / had beengrabbing
    C) had waited / wasgrabbing
    D) had towait / had grabbed
    E) havebeenwaiting / wouldhavegrabbed
  5. My mum was —- when I
    A) difficult
    B) lucky
    C) curious
    D) angry
    E) careful
  6. Theschoolteam —- anymatch in
    thetournament yet.
    A) has not won
    B) didn’twon
    C) won
    D) waswinning
    E) isn’twinning
  7. Somepeople, especiallygirlshate —– a cat
    but strangelythesamepeoplelovehamsters.
    A) touch
    B) totouch
    C) touched
    D) touching
    E) to be touched
  8. Thebrainuses —-
    A) any
    B) some
    C) little
    D) themost
    E) less
  9. The problem in the car may be —- this time
    thanwethought it to be.
    A) morecomplex
    B) themostcomplex
    C) muchcomplex
    D) verycomplex
    E) socomplex
  10. You can trust me withyoursecret. I
    promise, I willshare it with —-.
    A) anybody
    B) nobody
    C) somebody
    D) everyone
    E) something
  11. —- nine o’clock —- theevening of 5
    November, mysistergavebirthto a large boy.
    A) On/at
    B) In/in
    C) At/in
    D) At/on
    E) On/at
  12. Thenewmanager —
    internationalcompany in Poland.
    A) which
    B) who
    C) whose
    D) where
    E) when
  13. Thecountries —-
    peoplesufferfromhungeraremostly in Africa.
    A) where
    B) that
    C) which
    D) who
    E) whose
  14. We _ breakfast in bed.
    A) werehave B) has C) washaving
    D) had E) having
  15. _ John giveyouthoseflowers?
    A) Did B) Have C) Was
    D) Is D) Has
  16. How manypeople _
    A) was B) have C) did
    D) were E) can
  17. I havebeenliving in Paris _
    A) while B) during C) for
    D) in E) since
  18. The meal _ youcookedwasdelicious.
    A) which B) whose C) who
    D) where E) why
  19. I wasborn _ 1974.
    A) for B) since C) in
    D) ago E) about
  20. “Where _ Liz _ on holiday?”
    “Shewentto Paris.”
    A) did / went B) has / been C) did / go
    D) has / gone E) can / go
  21. Theclerk is speakingtothewomen. He is
    __ .
    A) them B) they C) him D) he E) their
  22. Can youseethoseboysand __ father?
    A) they B) them C) their D) him E) her
  23. GivethatballtoTomand me. It is __ .

A) mine B) ours C) theirs D) our E) my

  1. A: Whydoesn’t Pete haveanyteeth?
    B: Because he __ brushedthem.
    A) usually B) often C) frequently
    D) never E) always
  2. My grandfatherwasborneightyyears
    A) since B) last C) ago
    D) before E) after
  3. Thissummerwe_______ toSpain.
    A) goingtotravel
    B) aretravelling
    C) willtravel
    D) havetravelling
    E) can travelling
  4. Mary wasmakingsaladwhileJakeandSue
    A) aresetting
    B) havesetting
    C) is setting
    D) wassetting
    E) weresetting
  5. Students __
    A) should B) don’thaveto C) mustn’t
    D) can E) will
  6. Alex __ readcomicswhen he was a
    child, but he doesnow.
    A) usedn’tto B) usedto not C) didn’tusedto
    D) didn’tuseto E) used not to
  7. Chris __ his biketoschool.

A) alwaysdoesn’tride B) doesn’tridealways
C) doesn’talwaysride D) alwaysdoesn’tride
E) alwaysridedoesn’t

  1. My sisterand I _
    A) are B) am C) was D) has been E) can
  2. Why _ earlyyesterdayevening?
    A) youweresleeping B) wereyousleeping
    C) youaresleeping D) areyousleeping
    E) wereyousleep
  3. How about _ a DVD tonight?
    A) watch B) watching C) towatch
    D) towatching E) watched
  4. Ali: Can I have a look at
    Emel: _____________
    Ali: Don’tworry, I’llkeepmyfinger in it.
    A) It’s in German. Can youreadthat?
    B) No, I’m reading it at the moment.
    C) Ok, but pleasedon’tdamage it.
    D) Sure, but pleasedon’tlosemyplace.
    E) I’llgive it toyouwhen I havefinished it.
  5. Yousuddenlylearnthatyouhaveto be in
    Rome at theweekend.
    Youtravelyouragentandask :
    A) Does Rome havetwoairports ?
    B) Areyouflyingto Rome thisweekend?
    C) Is there a flightto Rome on Friday ?
    D) Is theflightto Rome alreadybooked?
    E) Can yousend me a ticket at theweekend?
  6. I likeallkinds of fruit, but I’m
    especiallyfondof cherries.

A) Tüm meyveler içinde özellikle düşkün
olduğum ,kirazdır.
B) Bütün meyveleri yerim fakat en çok kirazı
C) Her çeşit meyveyi severim ama kiraza
özellikle düşkünümdür.
D) En çok sevdiğim meyve kirazdır fakat diğer
meyveleri de severek yerim.
E) Bütün meyve çeşitleri içinde kirazın benim
için ayrıbir yeri vardır.

  1. Peter: Whendidyoulastgotoyourdentist?
    William: About a yearand a halfago.
    Peter: _
    William: You’reright. TomorrowI’llmake an
    A) My dentist is on holidaynow.
    B) Youshouldsee a dentist at leastonce a year.
    C) Lastnight I had a terribleheadache.
    D) Youmusttake an aspirin.
    E) I wenttomydentisttwoyearsago.
  2. Thiswasthefirsttime Sarah wasgoingtofly.
    Itwasn’tgoingto be a longflight. Shewould be
    in theairjustunder an hour. Shegottotheairport
    an hourbeforetheflight time.
    Shewasveryexcitedandalso a littlenervous. But
    beforelong, it wasannouncedthat her
    flightwasgoingto be delayedfortwohours.
    owwhatto do at theairport.
    Sarah’sflight ______ .
    A) left an hourago
    B) wasdelayedfortwohours
    C) suddenlytookoff
    D) wasenjoyablefromthebeginningtotheend
    E) wasover far tooquickly
  3. Whichwordgivestheoppositemeaning of
    A) upset B) unhappy C) sad
    D) pleased E) worried
  4. I wasonly 4
    s, lionsandtigers._. When I was 14, I
    wasalreadytakingcare of
    cubs, leopardcatsandotheranimals. At 17, I
    beganworkingprofessionallywithelephants. I
    didthatforabout8yearsandthengave itup. I
    havebeenworking in theconstructionbusiness
    since then.
    B) Therefore, I always had animalsaround me
    C) Youhavetolovethemunconditionally
    D) But nothingwouldhappentoelephants
    E) Theyarethetype of

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