İngilizce’de “preposition” tek başına anlamı olmayan bir isim ya da başka sözcük türleriyle birleşerek anlam kazanan sözcüklere edat “preposition” denir. Cümle içindeki başlıca işlevi, cümlenin diğer öğeleri arasında, özellikle de isimler arasında bağlantı kurmaktır. Bir preposition’ dan sonra isim “noun”, zamir “pronoun”, vs gelebilir. Preposition’ dan sonra gelen isimler yalın haldedir:
to James,
on the table,
with my parents, etc.
Pronoun ise object pronoun biçiminde kullanılır:
to him, on it, with them, etc.
She is going to the cinema with the children. (prep. + noun)
They are very kind to us. (prep. + pronoun)
He is quite interested in reading. (prep. + gerund)
I don’t approve of what you did. (prep + noun clause)
Saatlerle at kullanılır.
Our classes start at 9 and finish at 12.
Yesterday, I left work at 6 o’clock sharp.
What time ……..? ile sorulan sorularda ve bu sorulara verilen kısa yanıtlarda at genellikle kulllanılmaz.
- At what time does the meeting start?
- At 9 o’clock in the morning.
- What time does the meeting start ?
- 9 o’clock in the morning
Zamanda bir nokta belirten ifadelerle at kullanılır. Bu ifadeleri söyle gruplandırabiliriz:
We are planning to set off at dawn. (Şafakta ….. )
Most people were living in great poverty at that time. (O zamanlar …..)
He left home at the age of 15. (15 yaşında …..)
They are working on a new project at the moment/at present. (Şu anda …. )
At the end ile in the end arasındaki ayrıma dikkat ediniz. In the end, finally anlamındadır ve kendinden sonra başka bir isim gelmez. At the end ise, bir şeyin sonunda anlamını verir:
at the end of the month, at the end of the week, at the end of the term, etc.
He had been out of work for months, but in the end, he found a good job.
I will be paid at the end of the month. Then I can pay you back.
Weekend ile British English at, American English on kullanır.
We usually go to the cinema at the weekend/on the weekend.
Günlerle ve tarihlerle on kullanılır.
He plays football on Saturdays.
I last saw him on his birthday.
This booklet will come out on December the 21st.
Daha uzun zaman dilimleri bildiren ifadelerle in kullanılır.
Morning, afternoon, evening ifadeleriyle normalde in kullanılır. Ancak bu ifadeleri bir gün ismiyle birlikte kullandığımızda preposition on dur.
She usually does the shopping in the mornings.
She usually does the shopping on Monday mornings.
The meeting will be held in the evening.
The meeting will be held on Friday evening.
Aylar ve yıllarla in kullanılır. Ancak bir ifadede günü de belirtiyorsak on kullanılır.
He was born in 1988.
He was born in May.
He was born in May, 1988.
He was born on 8th May, 1988.
He was born on 8th May.
Birinin yaşını ifade ederken at the age of kullanılır. Ancak, kişinin yaşını kesin olarak bilmiyorsak, in her/his thirties gibi ifadeler kullanırız. In her early thirties (otuzlu yaşların başlarında),
in her mid-thirties (otuzbeş yaşlarında),
in her late thirties (otuzlu yaşların sonlarında) gibi ifadeler tahminimize daha bir kesinlik kazandırır.
I don’t think she is as old as she looks.
She must be in her mid-fifties.
Next, last ve this, zaman zarflarıyla kullanıldığında in, on, at kullanılmaz.
They moved to Ankara last year.
We are going on holiday next month.
We will meet again next Saturday.
She stayed in İzmir for two weeks last winter.
We haven’t decided yet where to go on holiday this summer.
In two days, in a few hours, in three years, in a week, etc. gibi ifadeler gelecekte bir zaman belirtir. Bu ifadeleri in two days’ time, in three years’ time, in a week’s time biçiminde de kullanabiliriz.
We are moving into our new apartment in two weeks/in two weeks’ time. (İki hafta sonra …… )
They are going to get married in three months/in three months’ time. (Üç ay sonra …… )
I expect we’ll have arrived in the town in an hour/in an hour’s time. (Bir saat sonra ….. )
In + a period of time ifadesini, bir işin ne kadar zamanda yapıldığını belirtirken de kullanabiliriz. Bu anlamda in yerine within de kullanılabilir.
Normally, in the first grade of Elementary school, they teach children to read in (within) two or three months. (…… iki-üç ayda/iki-üç ay içinde …..)
He usually does his homework in (within) an hour. (= Usually it takes him an hour to do his homework.)
Most of the students finished the examination in (within) an hour and a half. (= It took them an hour and a half to finish the examination.)
In + a period of time ifadesi bu anlamda ” “apostrophe + time” biçiminde kullanılmaz. Şu iki örneği karşılaştıralım:
You will have to eat lunch in (within) half an hour.
Yemeğini yarım saatte/yarım saat içinde yemek zorunda kalacaksın.
You will have to eat lunch in half an hour/in half an hour’s time.
Yemeğini yarım saat sonra yemek zorunda kalacaksın.
for ( süreç bildirir)
I’ll be out of the country for a month on business. Let’s go to the cinema. I haven’t seen a good film for ages.
for two days,
for a few hours,
for centuries, etc.
during (….. sırasında)
He fell asleep during the lesson because it was so boring. They heard a loud noise during the night.
during the film,
during the war,
during my stay there, etc.
from …… to/till/until
The shop is open every Sunday from half past ten until one o’clock. The Second World War ran from 1939 to 1945.
from Monday to Friday
from 1980 to 1985
from February to March
from 9 to/until/till 6
between ….. and ……
There are no buses between midnight and 5 o’clock in the morning.. Most people take their holidays sometime between May and September.
between 1975 and 1980
between 9 and 6
between Monday and Friday
toward(s) (…. e doğru)
Towards the end of the day, she started to feel very tired. The snowstorm started towards 9 o’clock.
towards the end of the month
towards 7 o’clock
towards midnight
throughout (…… boyunca)
If you had studied more throughout the term, you wouldn’t be so worried about the exams now. I drink several cups of coffee throughout the day.
throughout the year
throughout the day
throughout the week
After today, our work should get easier. If you arrive after ten o’clock, call me
after 1990
after 2 o’clock
after the weekend
before 1996before 2 o’clock
before Please bring the books back before the weekend. If you arrive before ten o’clock, you’ll be able to get a bus to my house.
before Friday
since I haven’t had anything to eat since 8 o’clock this morning. He’s worked there since 1991.
since Monday
since 1980
since 5 o’clock
till/until (not before “….)
The manager will be out of the office until 2 o’clock. We won’t be able to pay you until the end of the month.
till/Until Friday
till/until 6 o’clock
till/until 1992
by (…… at the latest)
Please be at the station by 11:20, the train leaves at 11:25. The delivery should have arrived by Friday.
by Tuesday
by 5 o’clock
by 1996
During ile while aynı anlamı ifade edecek şekilde kullanılabilir. Ancak during’ den sonra bir
isim, while’ den sonra bir clause (subject +verb) gelir.
Suddenly, I began to feel unwell during the lesson.
Suddenly, I began to feel unwell while I was teaching.
I visited lots of places during my stay abroad.
I visited lots of places while I was abroad.
Until ve by, Türkçe’ye ” …… e kadar” biçiminde çevrildiği halde farklı anlamlar ifade ederler.
Until, eylemin sözü edilen zamana kadar devam ettiğini ve o noktada bittiğini ifade eder.
Last night, I studied until midnight.
(= Last night I stopped studying at midnight.)
By ise eylemin en geç sözü edilen zamanda gerçekleşecegini ya da sözü edilen zamana kadar gerçekleşmiş olduğunu ifade eder. Yani eylem, belirtilen zamandan daha önce bitmiş olabilir.
l had finished all my work by midnight.
(= When midnight came, 1 had no work to do.)
in (… de, … da, içinde anlamını verir.)
in a city, in the east of Turkey, in a room, in a park, in the water, in the sea, in a line, in a queue, in a row. in a book, in a newspaper, in the sky, in an armchair, in bed, in the world, in the sun, in the rain, etc.
(bir nokta ifade eder) at home, at school, at work (without “the”) at the cinema, at the theatre, at the party, at the meeting, at the station, at the airport, at the front, at the back, at sea (voyage) at the beginning of the street, at the end of the street, etc.
on (üzerinde, yüzeyindeanlamını verir.)
on the floor, on the wall, on the ceiling, on the chair, on the bed, on the table, on the shelf, on the cover, on page (7), on the front page of the newspaper, on the back page of the newspaper, on an island, on a river, on the ground, on earth, on her face, on my nose, on the West coast of Turkey, etc.
to (yönelme bildirir.)
from (bir yerden ayrılma ifade eder.)
to work, to school (without “the”) to the station, to London, to the airport. from work, from school (without “the”) from the station, from London, from the airport
into (bir şeyin “içine doğru” hareket bildirir.)
out of (bir yerden “dışarı çıkma” anlamını verir.)
walk into the cinema, get into the car, pour (water) into the glass, etc. come out of the cinema, get out of the car, drink (tea) out of a cup, etc.
round/around (çevresinde, köşede anlamını verir.)
live round the comer. have a hedge round the garden
beyond (ötede, ilerisinde anlamlarını verir.)
beyond the river beyond the beach
by (yanında anlamını verir.)
by the sea, by the lake
past (geçince anlamını verir.)
past the post office, past the police station
through (bir şeyin içinden geçerek anlamını verir.)
through the tunnel, through customs, through the woods, through the town.
throughout (bütün bir alanı kaplama anlamını verir.)
throughout the country (= all over the country) throughout the world (= all over the world)
across (bir uçtan diğer uca, bir taraftan diğer tarafa anlamını verir.)
across the river, across the street, across the field, across the path
along (…. boyunca anlamını verir.)
along the river, along the road, along the corridor, etc.
among (ikiden fazla öğeden oluşan bir grubun içinde)
between (iki ya da daha fazla öğeden oluşan düzenli bir grubun arasında anlamını verir.)
among the crowd, among the trees, among the people, etc. between you and me between the teacher and the students a treaty between the European countries, etc.
up (yukan doğru anlamım verir.)
down (aşağı doğru anlamını verir.)
up the hill, up the road, up the wall. etc. down the hill, down the road, down the river. etc.
above (= higher) (düzey olarak üzerinde, daha yüksekteanlamını verir. Nesneler birbirine değmez.)
below (= lower) (düzey olarak altında, daha aşağıda anlamını verir.)
above sea level, above the clouds, the people above us, above (the) average, above zero below the surface of the sea, the people below us, below the clouds, below (the) average, below zero
over (bir nesnenin diğer bir nesnenin tam üzerinde olduğunu ifade eder. Bazen iki nesne birbirine değebilir.)
under (bir nesnenin diğer bir nesnenin tam altında olduğunu ifade eder. Bazen iki nesne birbirine değebilir.)
jump over, the wall,a plane flying over the town a bridge over the river, over 50 years of age, a plaster over his eye (covering it) under the table, under the bridge, under the bed, under 50 years of age, under water etc.
against (birşeye dayamak, dayanmak anlamını verir.)
put something against the wall, lean against the chair
opposite (facing) (karşısında anlamını verir.)
the cinema opposite our house, sit opposite me
in front of (bir nesnenin diğer bir nesnenin önünde olduğunu belirtir.)
behind (bir nesnenin diğer bir nesnenin arkasında olduğunu ifade eder.)
the people in front of us, in front of the cinema in front of the tree, etc. the people behind us, behind the tree, a garden behind the house
beside (= next to) (yanında, yanına anlamlarını verir.)
sit beside me, the restaurant beside our house
inside (içinde, içeride anlamlarını verir.)
outside (dışarıda, dışında anlamlarını verir.)
inside the house, inside the cave, inside the shop, etc. outside the house, outside the cave, outside the shop, etc.
Birinin hala yatakta olduğunu ifade etmek için in bed kullanılır. Ancak yatağın üzerindeki bir nesneyi on (the) bed biçiminde ifade edebiliriz.
It’s already past 10 o’clock but he is still in bed.
Don’t put your jeans on my bed.
“Denizde olmak, yüzmek…” anlamlarında in the sea, “denizde yolculukta olmak”, anlamında ise at sea kullanılır.
I like swimming in the sea rather than in a pool.
The sailors were bored, because they had been at sea for months.
“Nehirde yüzmek” anlamında in the river kullanılır. Ancak nehirdeki sandal, gemi, vb. taşıtların durumunu ve bir nehir üzerine kurulmuş yerleşim merkezinin konumunu on the river biçiminde ifade edebiliriz.
It is not safe to swim in this river because of the currents.
Paris is on the river Seine.
There were a few boats on the river.
“Ayrı ayrı iki nesnenin birbirlerinin önünde/arkasında olduğunu in front of/behind ile ifade ederiz. Ancak aynı zemin üzerinde önde/arkada derken at the front/at the back kullanılır. Örneğin sınıfın önünde (ön tarafında) demek için at the front of the classroom, sınıfın arkasında (arka tarafında) demek için ise at the back of the classroom ifadelerini kullanmamız gerekir.
We were sitting at the front of the cinema.
Some students prefer to sit at the back of the classroom.
Ancak, gazetenin ön sayfasında/ arka sayfasında derken on the front/on the back page of the newspaper; ön sırada/arka sırada derken in the front row/in the back row kullanılır.
Go, get, fly, drive gibi fiiller yönelme bildiren preposition “to” ile kullanılır.
He is going/flying/driving to Ankara tomorrow.
When I got to work, I found everybody in a deep silence.
Arrive fiili, village, town, city, country gibi bir yerleşim merkezine varmak anlamındaysa in ; station, school, work, meeting, etc. gibi bir noktaya varmak anlamındaysa at ile kullanılır.
We arrived in Ankara at dawn. I arrived at my destination rather early.
Bu fiiller, home, abroad, here ve there ile kullanıldığında preposition almaz.
When will you come here again?
I’ve heard that you’re going abroad next week.
When I got/arrived/went/came home, I was really tired.
Don’t forget to call me as soon as you get there.
“Varmak, ulaşmak” anlamında reach fiili preposition almadan kullanılır.
When I reached the hotel, I went straight to bed.
a cause of something
The cause of the air crash is believed to be engine failure.
a reason for something
Tonight’s football match isn’t a good reason for not doing your homework.
a cheque for (a sum of money )
After they’d repaired his car, he gave the garage a cheque for £ 50.
a demand/a need for something
The traffic problems clearly show the need for better roads.
an advantage/a disadvantage of something
there is an advantage/a disadvantage in doing something
Clean air is just one of the advantages of living in the country.
There is an advantage in living in the country; clean air.
a rise/an increase/a fall/a decrease/a reduction in something
There has been a sharp rise in inflation recently, but also a slight decrease in unemployment.
a picture/a photograph of someone/something-
Would you like to see the photographs of my holiday?
a solution to a problem/an answer, to a question/a reply to â letter
It seems that no one is able to find a solution to the problems in Bosnia.
I haven’t had a reply to any of my letters of application yet.
a reaction to something
His reaction to my proposal took me completely by surprise.
damage to something
The strong winds did a lot of damage to the crops.
an invitation to a party/a wedding etc.
Have you sent David an invitation to the parry yet ?
an attitude to/towards someone/something
The Japanese’s attitude towards teachers is different from many other nationalities’.
a relationship/a connection/contact with someone/something
You should try to have a good relationship with your friends.
Their names are the same but this company has no connection with the one in
a relationship/a connection/contact/a difference between two things
Their names are the same but there is no connection between this company and the one in Ankara.
a novel/a painting/a play by someone
“Sunflowers” is one of the most famous paintings by Van Gogh.
a fight/struggle for/against something/someone
Eğer birşeyi kazanmak, elde etmek için savaşım veriliyorsa “for”, birşeye karşı savaşım
veriliyorsa “against” kullanılır.
In the 1920s British women had a hard fight for the right to vote.
Nelson Mandela’s struggle against apartheid in South Africa finally resulted in
his being elected president.
a noun + to infinitive
Pek çok isimden sonra “to + infinitive” kullanılır.
People, when arrested by the police, have the right to remain silent.
When she was very young, her ability to play the piano was soon noticed.
a) on average j) on the increase s) on loan
b) on board k) . on (one’s) own t) on purpose
c) on fire 1) on the phone u) on holiday
d) on foot m) on the hour on the our v) on a trip
e) on guard n) on television w) on a tour
f) on sale o) on a diet x) on a cruise
g) on strike p) on (one’s) way y) on an expedition
h) on occasions q) ci, on the whole
i) on (that) date r) on the outskirts
“On time”, “punctual” anlamındadır ve kararlaştırılmış bir saatten sözederken “vaktinde, dakik” anlamını verir.
- She never comes to class late. She is always on time.
The meeting will start at 2 p.m. and I have to be there on time.
“In time” da Türkçe’ye “vaktinde” biçiminde çevrilir. Ancak kararlaştırılmış bir saat söz konusu değildir. “Bir işi yapmak için uygun bir vakitte” anlamındadır. “In time for something/in time to do something” biçiminde de kullanılabilir.
I got home in time for my favourite programme.
I got home in time to have dinner with my parents.
They are having the house painted for the wedding.
I hope the painters finish their job in time.
(Umarım boyacılar işlerini vaktinde bitirirler.)
Son örnekte, boya işinin bitmesi için kararlaştırılmış bir saat olamaz. Bu nedenle “vaktinde” sözü, konuşmacının kendine göre “uygun bir zamanı” ifade etmektedir.
“Just in time” “tam zamanında” anlamını verir.
Someone had spilt coke on the chair, but Sue didn’t notice it, and was going to sit on the chair. Fortunately, I warned her just in time to prevent her from sitting there. (Onu tam zamanında uyardım…)
“Be/go on holiday” ifadesi, eğer “holiday” in önünde the, a, my, your, etc. gibi bir sözcük varsa “go for a/the/my holiday” biçiminde kullanılır.
Let’s not talk about business now.
We are on holiday.
We usually go to Bodrum for our holidays.
a) b) c) d) e) f) out of luck out of order out of practice out of the question out of danger out of debt g) h) i) j) k) 1) out of reach out of tune out of work out of sight out of fashion out of place m) n) o) p) q) i) out of print out of season out of breath out of control out of date out of doors
Phrasal verb, bir fiil köküyle bir preposition’dan oluşur ve türediği fiil kökünden farklı bir anlam taşır. Örneğin “take” fiili “almak, götürmek” anlamındadır. Ancak “take off’, “uçağın havalanması” ya da “bir giysiyi çıkarmak” anlamlarını veren ayn bir sözcük durumundadır.
Parents should bring up their children properly, (raise)
Do you think this blouse will go with my checked skirt? (match/suit)
Prepositional verb de “verb+preposition” biçiminde oluşur. Ancak, preposition eklendiği zaman fiilin anlamı değişmez. Preposition’ın buradaki görevi yönelme bildirmek ya da fiilden nesneye geçişi sağlamaktır.
She is waiting for her boyfriend.
He listened to the news very carefully.
Prepositional verb’lerde, fiil ile preposition’ın araşma nesne giremez. Ancak, briefly, angrily, suspiciously, etc. gibi durum bildiren zarflar girebilir.
I looked at the timetable.
I looked briefly at the timetable. OR
I looked at the timetable briefly.
Phrasal verb’leri geçişli (transitive) ve geçişsiz (intransitive) olarak iki grupta inceleyebiliriz. Geçişli fiillerin bir bölümünde nesne iki şekilde yer alabilir: verb+preposition+object ya da verb+object+preposition.
The expedition set off at dawn to reach the area before it got too hot. (intransitive) By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off. (intransitive)
She turned off the television, (transitive)
She turned the television off.
They turned down my offer. (transitive)
They turned my offer down.
Bazı phrasal verb’lerde ise fiil köküyle preposition birbirinden ayrılamaz.
He got over his illness remarkably quickly. I came across an old friend the other day.
Araya nesne alabilen phrasal verb’lerde nesne me, it, them, you, etc. gibi bir pronoun ise, bu nesne preposition’dan sonra kullanılamaz. Mutlaka fiil ile preposition’ın arasında yer almalıdır.
She turned It off.
They turned it down.
I’ll think them over.
Ancak, bölünemeyen phrasal verb’lerde, nesne bir pronoun da olsa, yeri değişmez. Yine preposition’dan sonra gelir.
He got over It remarkably quickly.
I came across him the other day in a cafe.
blowup = inflate make up = invent
= explode pickup = go to get someone
bring up
= raise a child = take in one’s hand
cheer up
= make happier set up = establish
get up
= arise from a bed show up = appear, be seen
give up
= stop take up = adopt as a pastime
grow up
= become an adult = occupy space/time
hold up
= = delay turn up = increase volume
look up
= search for information = arrive
break down = fail to work bring down = cause to fall, lower close down = stop all work, cease trading cut down = do something less often get down = cause depression, make unhappy knock someone down = strike to the ground or floor knock something down = demolish lay down = establish rules let down = disappoint, not keep a promise pour down = come down heavily (of rain) settle down = live a quiet, routine life slow down = go less fast turn down = decrease volume = refuse
break out = appear, start suddenly make out = manage to see or hear with difficulty
(especially a war, fire, = try to understand
disease or rioting! pass out = lose consciousness
bring out
= publish pick out = select
= introduce a new product point out = call attention to
carry out
= perform or complete put out = extinguish
a task run out = be all used up
come out
= appear, bloom set out = begin a journey
cross out
= delete, erase sort out = separate into categories
find out
= discover information stand out = be visible, more important
hand out
= distribute wear someone out = exhaust tire out
keep out
= not enter wear something out = cause to become old, useless
leave out
= not include work out = plan, decide
let out
= release = calculate (in AmE = figure out)
look out
= take care , be careful
call off = cancel drop off = leave a passenger somewhere get off = leave a bus. train, etc. go off = explode = go bad put off = postpone = distract, dissuade see off = say goodbye to someone going on a journey set off = begin a journey show off = do things trying to impress people take off = remove (clothing) = leave the ground turn off = stop a machine, light
carry on = continue count on = rely on get on = enter a public vehicle hold on = wait live on = have (money or food) for survival put on = get dressed = increase (especially in weight) switch/turn on = start electrical equipment try on = put or clothing to see if it fits
break in/into = enter by force check in = register at an airport or hotel flood in = come in large numbers get in/into = enter a car or a taxi hand in = give something to someone in authority join in = take part in an activity bump/run into = meet by chance = crash look into = investigate take in = make smaller = understand = deceive
come across = find or meet by chance look after = take care of
come round = visit pass away = die
= regain consciousness put aside = save (especially money)
cut across
= take a short cut put away = tidy, store
do over
= do again put through = connect
get away
= leave, escape take after = resemble
get back
= regain possession take over = take control of
get over
= recover from think over = consider carefully
go over/through
= examine throw away = discard, get rid of
go with = match, suit
catch/keep up with = reach the same position or level
come up against = be faced with
come up with = produce
cut down on = reduce
get on with = work, live in a sociable way
get out of = leave a car or taxi
= avoid work on an unpleasant activity
go down with = become ill
go in for = enter an exam/competition
grow out of = get too big for
look down on = consider someone inferior
look forward to = anticipate with pleasure
make up for = compensate for
put up with = tolerate
run out of = finish a supply of something
absent from
He has been absent from school for three days.
accustomed to
I’m not accustomed to very cold climates.
acquainted with
She is acquainted with our customs quite well.
addicted to
So many youths are addicted to drugs.
afraid of
She is afraid of going out after dark.
allergic to
My son is allergic to penicillin.
amazed at/by
We were all amazed at/by her unusual behaviour.
angry at/about
We were angry at her selfish behaviour.
angry with someone for something
We were angry with him for his selfishness.
annoyed at/about
I was annoyed at not being invited to the party.
annoyed with someone for something
They were annoyed with me for not inviting (hem to the party.
anxious about
We were anxious about his constantly high temperature.
appropriate for
Do you think this book is appropriate for our aim?
ashamed of
I felt ashamed of my shabby clothes.
You must be ashamed of yourself for treating her so rudely.
associated with
Steven Spielberg is associated with special effects in film.
astonished at/by
They were rather astonished at losing the game.
aware of
Most people are still not aware of the extent of environmental pollution.
bad at
He is bad at repairing things.
bad for
Eating too much candy is bad for your teeth.
based on
Educational principles should be based on the requirements of our age.
beneficial to
Taking regular exercise is beneficial to your health.
boastful of
She is boastful of her son’s achievements.
bored with
I didn’t finish reading the book, for I was bored with the plot.
brilliant at
He is really brilliant at calculating.
busy with
She can’t come with us because she is busy with her term paper.
capable of
You are capable of doing better work than this.
careful about
Be careful about your words even when you are annoyed.
careful with
You must be careful with money in these economic conditions.
careless about (not paying attention to)
She is often careless about her clothes; especially when she is depressed.
careless of (unconcerned)
Some drivers, enjoying the speed, are careless of the dangers of driving fast.
clever at
She is quite clever at working out the most difficult problems.
committed to
He is committed to honest work.
composed of
End of term parties are usually composed of students, teachers and parents.
concerned about
People are concerned about the increasing air pollution in Istanbul.
connected with/to
Good mood is usually connected with good health.
I think she is distantly connected with/to that family.
conscious of
A good many parents are not conscious of the importance of reading for their children.
content with
The teacher seemed content with our exam results.
convinced of
I’m convinced of his innocence.
coordinated with
When you are swimming, the movements of your legs should be coordinated with your
covered with/in
When I in looked out of the window, I noticed that everywhere was covered with snow.
crowded with
The city center is always crowded with people.
curious about
I’m curious about which party will win the election.
dedicated to
She loves her job; in fact, she is dedicated to it.
deficient in
You should eat vegetables and fruit regularly so that your diet is not deficient in vitamins.
delighted with/at
The child was delighted with his new toy.
dependent on/upon
Because he hasn’t got a proper job, he is still dependent on his parents financially.
derived from
Most words in English are derived from Latin.
devoid of
She seems to be devoid of the skills required for this job.
devoted to
She is devoted to her children.
different from
Your likes and dislikes are quite different from mine.
disappointed with
She seemed really disappointed with her exam results.
discriminated against
People should not be discriminated against because of the colour of their skin.
divorced from
According to the statistics, the number of women divorced from their husbands is increasing.
dressed in
She was dressed in a skirt, which was unusual for her.
eager for
He seems eager for a quick recovery, so he is doing whatever the doctor says.
efficient in
The production manager is really efficient in his job.
engaged to
She is still engaged to Johnathan, but is thinking of getting married soon.
enthusiastic about
Jenny is very enthusiastic about coming to the concert with us.
envious of
I’m envious of people who can speak three or more languages fluently.
equipped with
Big offices are usually equipped with a burglar alarm.
excellent in/at
She is excellent in music.
excited about
The children seem quite excited about going on holiday.
exposed to
If hands and face are exposed to extreme cold, they may get frostbite.
faithful to
Dogs are known to be faithful to their owners.
familiar with
If you start to study English at university, you’ll become familiar with English or American literature.
familiar to
The man in the corner seems familiar to me.
famous for
Turkish people are famous for their hospitality.
filled with
The room was filled with excited people.
fond of
I’m very fond of children.
free of
Children under seven can travel free of charge.
free from
You will be free from pain soon after you’ve taken two of these tablets.
friendly to/with
She was quite friendly to me last night
full of
Your composition is full of grammatical mistakes.
furious about
She was furious about the news that she wasn’t promoted.
furious with someone for something
She was furious with the manager for not promoting her.
furnished with
The agents have been furnished with all the necessary information.
generous about/with
The host was a bit too generous with the raki, so we all became drunk.
good at
I’m not so good at playing cards.
good for
Taking regular walks is good for your heart.
grateful to someone for something
I’m grateful to you for your kind support.
guilty of
He was found guilty of the robbery.
happy about
I’m very happy about your getting this job.
happy with
I purchased my dishwasher two years ago, and I’m still happy with it
honest with
You should be honest with your clients.
hopeful of/about
She is hopeful of passing the university entrance exam this year.
hopeless at
She is hopeless at cooking. She can’t even cook the simplest dishes properly.
hostile to
Since the scandal, the two families have been hostile to each other.
identical with/to
What a coincidence! Your dress is almost identical with mine.
ignorant of
She is ignorant of the warnings made against her bad behaviour.
impressed with/by
We were greatly impressed with her diligence.
inferior to
I don’t think your work is inferior to anybody else’s in the office.
indebted to
I’m indebted to my friends for the encouragement they gave me for this job.
indifferent to
She seems quite indifferent to what is happening around her.
innocent of
She was found innocent of the charge.
interested in
I’ve always been interested in folk music.
involved in
He has recently been involved in a bribery case.
jealous of
She has always been jealous of her brother’s success.
keen on
He is very keen on football.
kind to
She has always been kind to the people around her.
known for (famous for)
Mr. Eames is known for his honesty.
known as
Mr. Eames is known as an honest man.
late for
You’ve been late for work twice this week.
limited to
The time given for the university entrance exam is limited to three and a half hours.
lucky at
He is usually lucky at cards.
mad at (angry with)
Don’t be mad at me! I was just trying to help you.
mad about (very fond of)
She is mad about pop music.
made of
Tables and chairs are usually made of wood, (if there is only physical change in the raw material)
made from
Paper is made from wood. (The raw material changes chemically as well as physically.)
made out of
It’s difficult to believe that this lovely vase was made out of a bottle, (if you alter an item, and use it with a different aim)
married to
She is married to an American.
mindful of
You should be mindful of your responsibilities.
mistaken about
You are mistaken about the extent of her capacities.
nervous of/about
She is nervous about the job interview she will have in a few minutes.
notorious for
She became notorious for her extravagance.
obliged to
I’m obliged to you for being beside me during all that trouble.
opposed to
I’m opposed to giving so many responsibilities to a small child.
patient with
A teacher should be patient with his/her students.
pleased about
She seems very pleased about being put in charge.
pleased with
I’m pleased with the progress you’ve made.
polite to
You should be polite to the customers.
popular with
She is very popular with her students.
prepared for
I’m buying these boots so that I’m prepared for the snow this winter.
proud of
She is rightly proud of her success.
provided with
The young should be provided with jobs after graduation.
ready for
Everybody seems ready for the journey.
related to
Are you related to the headmaster? I’m asking just because your surnames are the same.
relevant to
Your question must be relevant to the subject we are discussing; otherwise 1 won’t let you speak.
responsible for
I think air pollution in big cities is responsible for most of the respiratory diseases.
rich in
Vegetables and fruit are rich in vitamins.
right about
I was right about her chance of getting the job.
sad about
She was sad about losing the chance of giving a party, having failed the exam.
satisfied with
Are you satisfied with your present job?
scared of
She was scared of the growling dog.
shocked at/by
He was such a good driver we were all shocked at the news that he’d had an accident.
short of
I’m a bit short of money these days, so I can’t come with you to dine out. .
sick of
I’m sick of this ceaseless rain.
similar to
This scheme is quite similar to the one I prepared.
skilful at
Eskimos are known to be skilful at using their harpoons.
slow at
The new secretary is quite slow at typing.
sorry for someone
I feel sorry for Sue, because she hasn’t been able to find a job yet.
sorry about something
I’m sorry about my rude remarks yesterday.
sorry for doing something
I’m sorry for hurting you with my rude remarks yesterday.
subject to
The South-East of Turkey is subject to extreme weather conditions.
successful in
He was successful in marketing the product to a wide area.
suitable for
I don’t think jeans will be suitable for such a formal party.
superior to
Do you think this job will be superior to your current one?
sure of
If you are not sure of your facts, don’t make them public.
sure about
I’m not sure about the time of the train.
surprised at/by
I was really surprised at her treating us so strangely.
suspicious of
The guard became suspicious of the youth standing on the comer.
terrible at
She is terrible at cooking.
terrified of
The little girl was terrified of the huge dog.
thankful to someone for something
I’m thankful to them for taking the time to help me.
thrilled with
The employees were thrilled with the promise given, by the boss about a high pay rise.
tired of
I’m tired of your complaints.
troubled with
He was deeply troubled with the situation in the office.
typical of
Do you like eating food typical of the region in which you are travelling?
upset with/about
She was upset about the trouble she had caused.
used to
She is not used to staying at home alone.
worried about
I’m worried about his being so withdrawn.
wrong about
Many people were wrong about their predictions for the results of the election.
wrong with
I think something is wrong with Sue. She keeps crying in the next room.
absent from
He has been absent from school for three days.
accustomed to
I’m not accustomed to very cold climates.
acquainted with
She is acquainted with our customs quite well.
addicted to
So many youths are addicted to drugs.
afraid of
She is afraid of going out after dark.
allergic to
My son is allergic to penicillin.
amazed at/by
We were all amazed at/by her unusual behaviour.
angry at/about
We were angry at her selfish behaviour.
angry with someone for something
We were angry with him for his selfishness.
annoyed at/about
I was annoyed at not being invited to the party.
annoyed with someone for something
They were annoyed with me for not inviting (hem to the party.
anxious about
We were anxious about his constantly high temperature.
appropriate for
Do you think this book is appropriate for our aim?
ashamed of
I felt ashamed of my shabby clothes.
You must be ashamed of yourself for treating her so rudely.
associated with
Steven Spielberg is associated with special effects in film.
astonished at/by
They were rather astonished at losing the game.
aware of
Most people are still not aware of the extent of environmental pollution.
bad at
He is bad at repairing things.
bad for
Eating too much candy is bad for your teeth.
based on
Educational principles should be based on the requirements of our age.
beneficial to
Taking regular exercise is beneficial to your health.
boastful of
She is boastful of her son’s achievements.
bored with
I didn’t finish reading the book, for I was bored with the plot.
brilliant at
He is really brilliant at calculating.
busy with
She can’t come with us because she is busy with her term paper.
capable of
You are capable of doing better work than this.
careful about
Be careful about your words even when you are annoyed.
careful with
You must be careful with money in these economic conditions.
careless about (not paying attention to)
She is often careless about her clothes; especially when she is depressed.
careless of (unconcerned)
Some drivers, enjoying the speed, are careless of the dangers of driving fast.
clever at
She is quite clever at working out the most difficult problems.
committed to
He is committed to honest work.
composed of
End of term parties are usually composed of students, teachers and parents.
concerned about
People are concerned about the increasing air pollution in Istanbul.
connected with/to
Good mood is usually connected with good health.
I think she is distantly connected with/to that family.
conscious of
A good many parents are not conscious of the importance of reading for their children.
content with
The teacher seemed content with our exam results.
convinced of
I’m convinced of his innocence.
coordinated with
When you are swimming, the movements of your legs should be coordinated with your
covered with/in
When I in looked out of the window, I noticed that everywhere was covered with snow.
crowded with
The city center is always crowded with people.
curious about
I’m curious about which party will win the election.
dedicated to
She loves her job; in fact, she is dedicated to it.
deficient in
You should eat vegetables and fruit regularly so that your diet is not deficient in vitamins.
delighted with/at
The child was delighted with his new toy.
dependent on/upon
Because he hasn’t got a proper job, he is still dependent on his parents financially.
derived from
Most words in English are derived from Latin.
devoid of
She seems to be devoid of the skills required for this job.
devoted to
She is devoted to her children.
different from
Your likes and dislikes are quite different from mine.
disappointed with
She seemed really disappointed with her exam results.
discriminated against
People should not be discriminated against because of the colour of their skin.
divorced from
According to the statistics, the number of women divorced from their husbands is increasing.
dressed in
She was dressed in a skirt, which was unusual for her.
eager for
He seems eager for a quick recovery, so he is doing whatever the doctor says.
efficient in
The production manager is really efficient in his job.
engaged to
She is still engaged to Johnathan, but is thinking of getting married soon.
enthusiastic about
Jenny is very enthusiastic about coming to the concert with us.
envious of
I’m envious of people who can speak three or more languages fluently.
equipped with
Big offices are usually equipped with a burglar alarm.
excellent in/at
She is excellent in music.
excited about
The children seem quite excited about going on holiday.
exposed to
If hands and face are exposed to extreme cold, they may get frostbite.
faithful to
Dogs are known to be faithful to their owners.
familiar with
If you start to study English at university, you’ll become familiar with English or American literature.
familiar to
The man in the corner seems familiar to me.
famous for
Turkish people are famous for their hospitality.
filled with
The room was filled with excited people.
fond of
I’m very fond of children.
free of
Children under seven can travel free of charge.
free from
You will be free from pain soon after you’ve taken two of these tablets.
friendly to/with
She was quite friendly to me last night
full of
Your composition is full of grammatical mistakes.
furious about
She was furious about the news that she wasn’t promoted.
furious with someone for something
She was furious with the manager for not promoting her.
furnished with
The agents have been furnished with all the necessary information.
generous about/with
The host was a bit too generous with the raki, so we all became drunk.
good at
I’m not so good at playing cards.
good for
Taking regular walks is good for your heart.
grateful to someone for something
I’m grateful to you for your kind support.
guilty of
He was found guilty of the robbery.
happy about
I’m very happy about your getting this job.
happy with
I purchased my dishwasher two years ago, and I’m still happy with it
honest with
You should be honest with your clients.
hopeful of/about
She is hopeful of passing the university entrance exam this year.
hopeless at
She is hopeless at cooking. She can’t even cook the simplest dishes properly.
hostile to
Since the scandal, the two families have been hostile to each other.
identical with/to
What a coincidence! Your dress is almost identical with mine.
ignorant of
She is ignorant of the warnings made against her bad behaviour.
impressed with/by
We were greatly impressed with her diligence.
inferior to
I don’t think your work is inferior to anybody else’s in the office.
indebted to
I’m indebted to my friends for the encouragement they gave me for this job.
indifferent to
She seems quite indifferent to what is happening around her.
innocent of
She was found innocent of the charge.
interested in
I’ve always been interested in folk music.
involved in
He has recently been involved in a bribery case.
jealous of
She has always been jealous of her brother’s success.
keen on
He is very keen on football.
kind to
She has always been kind to the people around her.
known for (famous for)
Mr. Eames is known for his honesty.
known as
Mr. Eames is known as an honest man.
late for
You’ve been late for work twice this week.
limited to
The time given for the university entrance exam is limited to three and a half hours.
lucky at
He is usually lucky at cards.
mad at (angry with)
Don’t be mad at me! I was just trying to help you.
mad about (very fond of)
She is mad about pop music.
made of
Tables and chairs are usually made of wood, (if there is only physical change in the raw material)
made from
Paper is made from wood. (The raw material changes chemically as well as physically.)
made out of
It’s difficult to believe that this lovely vase was made out of a bottle, (if you alter an item, and use it with a different aim)
married to
She is married to an American.
mindful of
You should be mindful of your responsibilities.
mistaken about
You are mistaken about the extent of her capacities.
nervous of/about
She is nervous about the job interview she will have in a few minutes.
notorious for
She became notorious for her extravagance.
obliged to
I’m obliged to you for being beside me during all that trouble.
opposed to
I’m opposed to giving so many responsibilities to a small child.
patient with
A teacher should be patient with his/her students.
pleased about
She seems very pleased about being put in charge.
pleased with
I’m pleased with the progress you’ve made.
polite to
You should be polite to the customers.
popular with
She is very popular with her students.
prepared for
I’m buying these boots so that I’m prepared for the snow this winter.
proud of
She is rightly proud of her success.
provided with
The young should be provided with jobs after graduation.
ready for
Everybody seems ready for the journey.
related to
Are you related to the headmaster? I’m asking just because your surnames are the same.
relevant to
Your question must be relevant to the subject we are discussing; otherwise 1 won’t let you speak.
responsible for
I think air pollution in big cities is responsible for most of the respiratory diseases.
rich in
Vegetables and fruit are rich in vitamins.
right about
I was right about her chance of getting the job.
sad about
She was sad about losing the chance of giving a party, having failed the exam.
satisfied with
Are you satisfied with your present job?
scared of
She was scared of the growling dog.
shocked at/by
He was such a good driver we were all shocked at the news that he’d had an accident.
short of
I’m a bit short of money these days, so I can’t come with you to dine out. .
sick of
I’m sick of this ceaseless rain.
similar to
This scheme is quite similar to the one I prepared.
skilful at
Eskimos are known to be skilful at using their harpoons.
slow at
The new secretary is quite slow at typing.
sorry for someone
I feel sorry for Sue, because she hasn’t been able to find a job yet.
sorry about something
I’m sorry about my rude remarks yesterday.
sorry for doing something
I’m sorry for hurting you with my rude remarks yesterday.
subject to
The South-East of Turkey is subject to extreme weather conditions.
successful in
He was successful in marketing the product to a wide area.
suitable for
I don’t think jeans will be suitable for such a formal party.
superior to
Do you think this job will be superior to your current one?
sure of
If you are not sure of your facts, don’t make them public.
sure about
I’m not sure about the time of the train.
surprised at/by
I was really surprised at her treating us so strangely.
suspicious of
The guard became suspicious of the youth standing on the comer.
terrible at
She is terrible at cooking.
terrified of
The little girl was terrified of the huge dog.
thankful to someone for something
I’m thankful to them for taking the time to help me.
thrilled with
The employees were thrilled with the promise given, by the boss about a high pay rise.
tired of
I’m tired of your complaints.
troubled with
He was deeply troubled with the situation in the office.
typical of
Do you like eating food typical of the region in which you are travelling?
upset with/about
She was upset about the trouble she had caused.
used to
She is not used to staying at home alone.
worried about
I’m worried about his being so withdrawn.
wrong about
Many people were wrong about their predictions for the results of the election.
wrong with
I think something is wrong with Sue. She keeps crying in the next room.
İngilizce’de “preposition” çok geniş kapsamlı bir sözcük grubudur. Cümle içindeki başlıca işlevi, cümlenin diğer öğeleri arasında, özellikle de isimler arasında bağlantı kurmaktır. Bir preposition’ dan sonra noun, pronoun, gerund ve noun clause gelebilir. Preposition’ dan sonra gelen isimler yalın haldedir: to James, on the table, with my parents, etc. Pronoun ise object pronoun biçiminde kullanılır: to him, on it, with them, etc.
She is going to the cinema with the children. (prep. + noun)
They are very kind to us. (prep. + pronoun)
He is quite interested in reading. (prep. + gerund)
I don’t approve of what you did. (prep + noun clause)
1-1 AT, ON, IN
a) AT
Saatlerle at kullanılır.
Our classes start at 9 and finish at 12.
Yesterday, I left work at 6 o’clock sharp.
What time ……..? ile sorulan sorularda ve bu sorulara verilen kısa yanıtlarda at genellikle kulllanılmaz.
- At what time does the meeting start?
- At 9 o’clock in the morning.
- What time does the meeting start ?
- 9 o’clock in the morning
Zamanda bir nokta belirten ifadelerle at kullanılır. Bu ifadeleri söyle gruplandırabiliriz:
We are planning to set off at dawn. (Şafakta ….. )
Most people were living in great poverty at that time. (O zamanlar …..)
He left home at the age of 15. (15 yaşında …..)
They are working on a new project at the moment/at present. (Şu anda …. )
At the end ile in the end arasındaki ayrıma dikkat ediniz. In the end, finally anlamındadır ve kendinden sonra başka bir isim gelmez. At the end ise, bir şeyin sonunda anlamını verir: at the end of the month, at the end of the week, at the end of the term, etc.
He had been out of work for months, but in the end, he found a good job.
I will be paid at the end of the month. Then I can pay you back.
Weekend ile British English at, American English on kullanır.
We usually go to the cinema at the weekend/on the weekend.
b) ON
Günlerle ve tarihlerle on kullanılır.
He plays football on Saturdays.
I last saw him on his birthday.
This booklet will come out on December the 21st.
c) IN
Daha uzun zaman dilimleri bildiren ifadelerle in kullanılır.
Morning, afternoon, evening ifadeleriyle normalde in kullanılır. Ancak bu ifadeleri bir gün ismiyle birlikte kullandığımızda preposition on dur.
She usually does the shopping in the mornings.
She usually does the shopping on Monday mornings.
The meeting will be held in the evening.
The meeting will be held on Friday evening.
Aylar ve yıllarla in kullanılır. Ancak bir ifadede günü de belirtiyorsak on kullanılır.
He was born in 1988.
He was born in May.
He was born in May, 1988.
He was born on 8th May, 1988.
He was born on 8th May.
Birinin yaşını ifade ederken at the age of kullanılır. Ancak, kişinin yaşını kesin olarak bilmiyorsak, in her/his thirties gibi ifadeler kullanırız. In her early thirties (otuzlu yaşların başlarında), in her mid-thirties (otuzbeş yaşlarında), in her late thirties (otuzlu yaşların sonlarında) gibi ifadeler tahminimize daha bir kesinlik kazandırır.
I don’t think she is as old as she looks.
She must be in her mid-fifties.
Next, last ve this, zaman zarflarıyla kullanıldığında in, on, at kullanılmaz.
They moved to Ankara last year.
We are going on holiday next month.
We will meet again next Saturday.
She stayed in İzmir for two weeks last winter.
We haven’t decided yet where to go on holiday this summer.
In two days, in a few hours, in three years, in a week, etc. gibi ifadeler gelecekte bir zaman belirtir. Bu ifadeleri in two days’ time, in three years’ time, in a week’s time biçiminde de kullanabiliriz.
We are moving into our new apartment in two weeks/in two weeks’ time. (İki hafta sonra …… )
They are going to get married in three months/in three months’ time. (Üç ay sonra …… )
I expect we’ll have arrived in the town in an hour/in an hour’s time. (Bir saat sonra ….. )
In + a period of time ifadesini, bir işin ne kadar zamanda yapıldığını belirtirken de kullanabiliriz. Bu anlamda in yerine within de kullanılabilir.
Normally, in the first grade of Elementary school, they teach children to read in (within) two or three months. (…… iki-üç ayda/iki-üç ay içinde …..)
He usually does his homework in (within) an hour. (= Usually it takes him an hour to do his homework.)
Most of the students finished the examination in (within) an hour and a half. (= It took them an hour and a half to finish the examination.)
In + a period of time ifadesi bu anlamda ” “apostrophe + time” biçiminde kullanılmaz. Şu iki örneği karşılaştıralım:
You will have to eat lunch in (within) half an hour.
Yemeğini yarım saatte/yarım saat içinde yemek zorunda kalacaksın.
You will have to eat lunch in half an hour/in half an hour’s time.
Yemeğini yarım saat sonra yemek zorunda kalacaksın.
for ( süreç bildirir) I’ll be out of the country for a month on business. Let’s go to the cinema. I haven’t seen a good film for ages.
for two days,
for a few hours,
for centuries, etc.
during (….. sırasında) He fell asleep during the lesson because it was so boring. They heard a loud noise during the night.
during the film,
during the war,
during my stay there, etc.
from …… to/till/until The shop is open every Sunday from half past ten until one o’clock. The Second World War ran from 1939 to 1945.
from Monday to Friday
from 1980 to 1985
from February to March
from 9 to/until/till 6
between ….. and …… There are no buses between midnight and 5 o’clock in the morning.. Most people take their holidays sometime between May and September.
between 1975 and 1980
between 9 and 6
between Monday and Friday
toward(s) (…. e doğru) Towards the end of the day, she started to feel very tired. The snowstorm started towards 9 o’clock.
towards the end of the month
towards 7 o’clock
towards midnight
throughout (…… boyunca) If you had studied more throughout the term, you wouldn’t be so worried about the exams now. I drink several cups of coffee throughout the day.
throughout the year
throughout the day
throughout the week
after After today, our work should get easier. If you arrive after ten o’clock, call me
after 1990
after 2 o’clock
after the weekend
before Please bring the books back before the weekend. If you arrive before ten o’clock, you’ll be able to get a bus to my house.
before 1996
before 2 o’clock
before Friday
since I haven’t had anything to eat since 8 o’clock this morning. He’s worked there since 1991.
since Monday
since 1980
since 5 o’clock
till/until (not before “….) The manager will be out of the office until 2 o’clock. We won’t be able to pay you until the end of the month.
till/Until Friday
till/until 6 o’clock
till/until 1992
by (…… at the latest) Please be at the station by 11:20, the train leaves at 11:25. The delivery should have arrived by Friday.
by Tuesday
by 5 o’clock
by 1996
During ile while aynı anlamı ifade edecek şekilde kullanılabilir. Ancak during’ den sonra bir
isim, while’ den sonra bir clause (subject +verb) gelir.
Suddenly, I began to feel unwell during the lesson.
Suddenly, I began to feel unwell while I was teaching.
I visited lots of places during my stay abroad.
I visited lots of places while I was abroad.
Until ve by, Türkçe’ye ” …… e kadar” biçiminde çevrildiği halde farklı anlamlar ifade ederler.
Until, eylemin sözü edilen zamana kadar devam ettiğini ve o noktada bittiğini ifade eder.
Last night, I studied until midnight.
(= Last night I stopped studying at midnight.)
By ise eylemin en geç sözü edilen zamanda gerçekleşecegini ya da sözü edilen zamana kadar gerçekleşmiş olduğunu ifade eder. Yani eylem, belirtilen zamandan daha önce bitmiş olabilir.
l had finished all my work by midnight.
(= When midnight came, 1 had no work to do.)
in (… de, … da, içinde anlamını verir.) in a city, in the east of Turkey, in a room, in a park, in the water, in the sea, in a line, in a queue, in a row. in a book, in a newspaper, in the sky, in an armchair, in bed, in the world, in the sun, in the rain, etc.
(bir nokta ifade eder) at home, at school, at work (without “the”) at the cinema, at the theatre, at the party, at the meeting, at the station, at the airport, at the front, at the back, at sea (voyage) at the beginning of the street, at the end of the street, etc.
(üzerinde, yüzeyinde
anlamını verir.)
on the floor, on the wall, on the ceiling, on the chair, on the bed, on the table, on the shelf, on the cover, on page (7), on the front page of the newspaper, on the back page of the newspaper, on an island, on a river, on the ground, on earth, on her face, on my nose, on the West coast of Turkey, etc.
(yönelme bildirir.)
(bir yerden ayrılma ifade eder.)
to work, to school (without “the”) to the station, to London, to the airport. from work, from school (without “the”) from the station, from London, from the airport
(bir şeyin “içine doğru”
hareket bildirir.)
out of
(bir yerden “dışarı çıkma” anlamını verir.) walk into the cinema, get into the car, pour (water) into the glass, etc. come out of the cinema, get out of the car, drink (tea) out of a cup, etc.
(çevresinde, köşede anlamını verir.)
live round the comer. have a hedge round the garden
(ötede, ilerisinde anlamlarını verir.)
beyond the river beyond the beach
(yanında anlamını verir.) by the sea, by the lake
past (geçince anlamını verir.) past the post office, past the police station
(bir şeyin içinden geçerek anlamını verir.) through the tunnel, through customs, through the woods, through the town.
(bütün bir alanı kaplama anlamını verir.) throughout the country (= all over the country) throughout the world (= all over the world)
(bir uçtan diğer uca, bir taraftan diğer tarafa
anlamını verir.) across the river, across the street, across the field, across the path
(…. boyunca anlamını verir.) along the river, along the road, along the corridor, etc.
(ikiden fazla öğeden oluşan bir grubun
(iki ya da daha fazla öğeden oluşan düzenli
bir grubun arasında anlamını verir.)
among the crowd, among the trees, among the people, etc. between you and me between the teacher and the students a treaty between the European countries, etc.
(yukan doğru anlamım verir.)
(aşağı doğru anlamını verir.)
up the hill, up the road, up the wall. etc. down the hill, down the road, down the river. etc.
above (= higher)
(düzey olarak üzerinde, daha yüksekte
anlamını verir. Nesneler birbirine değmez.)
below (= lower)
(düzey olarak altında, daha aşağıda
anlamını verir.)
above sea level, above the clouds, the people above us, above (the) average, above zero below the surface of the sea, the people below us, below the clouds, below (the) average, below zero
(bir nesnenin diğer bir nesnenin tam üzerinde
olduğunu ifade eder. Bazen iki nesne
birbirine değebilir.)
(bir nesnenin diğer bir nesnenin tam altında
olduğunu ifade eder. Bazen iki nesne
birbirine değebilir.)
jump over, the wall,a plane flying over the town a bridge over the river, over 50 years of age, a plaster over his eye (covering it) under the table, under the bridge, under the bed, under 50 years of age, under water etc.
against (birşeye dayamak, dayanmak anlamını verir.) put something against the wall, lean against the chair
opposite (facing) (karşısında anlamını verir.)
the cinema opposite our house, sit opposite me
in front of
(bir nesnenin diğer bir nesnenin önünde
olduğunu belirtir.)
(bir nesnenin diğer bir nesnenin arkasında
olduğunu ifade eder.)
the people in front of us, in front of the cinema in front of the tree, etc. the people behind us, behind the tree, a garden behind the house
beside (= next to)
(yanında, yanına anlamlarını verir.)
sit beside me, the restaurant beside our house
(içinde, içeride anlamlarını verir.)
(dışarıda, dışında anlamlarını verir.)
inside the house, inside the cave, inside the shop, etc. outside the house, outside the cave, outside the shop, etc.
Birinin hala yatakta olduğunu ifade etmek için in bed kullanılır. Ancak yatağın üzerindeki bir nesneyi on (the) bed biçiminde ifade edebiliriz.
It’s already past 10 o’clock but he is still in bed.
Don’t put your jeans on my bed.
“Denizde olmak, yüzmek…” anlamlarında in the sea, “denizde yolculukta olmak”, anlamında ise at sea kullanılır.
I like swimming in the sea rather than in a pool.
The sailors were bored, because they had been at sea for months.
“Nehirde yüzmek” anlamında in the river kullanılır. Ancak nehirdeki sandal, gemi, vb. taşıtların durumunu ve bir nehir üzerine kurulmuş yerleşim merkezinin konumunu on the river biçiminde ifade edebiliriz.
It is not safe to swim in this river because of the currents.
Paris is on the river Seine.
There were a few boats on the river.
“Ayrı ayrı iki nesnenin birbirlerinin önünde/arkasında olduğunu in front of/behind ile ifade ederiz. Ancak aynı zemin üzerinde önde/arkada derken at the front/at the back kullanılır. Örneğin sınıfın önünde (ön tarafında) demek için at the front of the classroom, sınıfın arkasında (arka tarafında) demek için ise at the back of the classroom ifadelerini kullanmamız gerekir.
We were sitting at the front of the cinema.
Some students prefer to sit at the back of the classroom.
Ancak, gazetenin ön sayfasında/ arka sayfasında derken on the front/on the back page of the newspaper; ön sırada/arka sırada derken in the front row/in the back row kullanılır.
Go, get, fly, drive gibi fiiller yönelme bildiren preposition “to” ile kullanılır.
He is going/flying/driving to Ankara tomorrow.
When I got to work, I found everybody in a deep silence.
Arrive fiili, village, town, city, country gibi bir yerleşim merkezine varmak anlamındaysa in ; station, school, work, meeting, etc. gibi bir noktaya varmak anlamındaysa at ile kullanılır.
We arrived in Ankara at dawn. I arrived at my destination rather early.
Bu fiiller, home, abroad, here ve there ile kullanıldığında preposition almaz.
When will you come here again?
I’ve heard that you’re going abroad next week.
When I got/arrived/went/came home, I was really tired.
Don’t forget to call me as soon as you get there.
“Varmak, ulaşmak” anlamında reach fiili preposition almadan kullanılır.
When I reached the hotel, I went straight to bed.
a cause of something
The cause of the air crash is believed to be engine failure.
a reason for something
Tonight’s football match isn’t a good reason for not doing your homework.
a cheque for (a sum of money )
After they’d repaired his car, he gave the garage a cheque for £ 50.
a demand/a need for something
The traffic problems clearly show the need for better roads.
an advantage/a disadvantage of something
there is an advantage/a disadvantage in doing something
Clean air is just one of the advantages of living in the country.
There is an advantage in living in the country; clean air.
a rise/an increase/a fall/a decrease/a reduction in something
There has been a sharp rise in inflation recently, but also a slight decrease in unemployment.
a picture/a photograph of someone/something-
Would you like to see the photographs of my holiday?
a solution to a problem/an answer, to a question/a reply to â letter
It seems that no one is able to find a solution to the problems in Bosnia.
I haven’t had a reply to any of my letters of application yet.
a reaction to something
His reaction to my proposal took me completely by surprise.
damage to something
The strong winds did a lot of damage to the crops.
an invitation to a party/a wedding etc.
Have you sent David an invitation to the parry yet ?
an attitude to/towards someone/something
The Japanese’s attitude towards teachers is different from many other nationalities’.
a relationship/a connection/contact with someone/something
You should try to have a good relationship with your friends.
Their names are the same but this company has no connection with the one in
a relationship/a connection/contact/a difference between two things
Their names are the same but there is no connection between this company and the one in Ankara.
a novel/a painting/a play by someone
“Sunflowers” is one of the most famous paintings by Van Gogh.
a fight/struggle for/against something/someone
Eğer birşeyi kazanmak, elde etmek için savaşım veriliyorsa “for”, birşeye karşı savaşım
veriliyorsa “against” kullanılır.
In the 1920s British women had a hard fight for the right to vote.
Nelson Mandela’s struggle against apartheid in South Africa finally resulted in
his being elected president.
a noun + to infinitive
Pek çok isimden sonra “to + infinitive” kullanılır.
People, when arrested by the police, have the right to remain silent.
When she was very young, her ability to play the piano was soon noticed.
a) on average j) on the increase s) on loan
b) on board k) . on (one’s) own t) on purpose
c) on fire 1) on the phone u) on holiday
d) on foot m) on the hour on the our v) on a trip
e) on guard n) on television w) on a tour
f) on sale o) on a diet x) on a cruise
g) on strike p) on (one’s) way y) on an expedition
h) on occasions q) ci, on the whole
i) on (that) date r) on the outskirts
“On time”, “punctual” anlamındadır ve kararlaştırılmış bir saatten sözederken “vaktinde, dakik” anlamını verir.
- She never comes to class late. She is always on time.
The meeting will start at 2 p.m. and I have to be there on time.
“In time” da Türkçe’ye “vaktinde” biçiminde çevrilir. Ancak kararlaştırılmış bir saat söz konusu değildir. “Bir işi yapmak için uygun bir vakitte” anlamındadır. “In time for something/in time to do something” biçiminde de kullanılabilir.
I got home in time for my favourite programme.
I got home in time to have dinner with my parents.
They are having the house painted for the wedding.
I hope the painters finish their job in time.
(Umarım boyacılar işlerini vaktinde bitirirler.)
Son örnekte, boya işinin bitmesi için kararlaştırılmış bir saat olamaz. Bu nedenle “vaktinde” sözü, konuşmacının kendine göre “uygun bir zamanı” ifade etmektedir.
“Just in time” “tam zamanında” anlamını verir.
Someone had spilt coke on the chair, but Sue didn’t notice it, and was going to sit on the chair. Fortunately, I warned her just in time to prevent her from sitting there. (Onu tam zamanında uyardım…)
NOTE: Bu bölümdeki alıştırmaları yapmadan önce, sayfa 61’deki Verb+Preposition listesini inceleyiniz.
Phrasal verb, bir fiil köküyle bir preposition’dan oluşur ve türediği fiil kökünden farklı bir anlam taşır. Örneğin “take” fiili “almak, götürmek” anlamındadır. Ancak “take off’, “uçağın havalanması” ya da “bir giysiyi çıkarmak” anlamlarını veren ayn bir sözcük durumundadır.
Parents should bring up their children properly, (raise)
Do you think this blouse will go with my checked skirt? (match/suit)
Prepositional verb de “verb+preposition” biçiminde oluşur. Ancak, preposition eklendiği zaman fiilin anlamı değişmez. Preposition’ın buradaki görevi yönelme bildirmek ya da fiilden nesneye geçişi sağlamaktır.
She is waiting for her boyfriend.
He listened to the news very carefully.
Prepositional verb’lerde, fiil ile preposition’ın araşma nesne giremez. Ancak, briefly, angrily, suspiciously, etc. gibi durum bildiren zarflar girebilir.
I looked at the timetable.
I looked briefly at the timetable. OR
I looked at the timetable briefly.
Phrasal verb’leri geçişli (transitive) ve geçişsiz (intransitive) olarak iki grupta inceleyebiliriz. Geçişli fiillerin bir bölümünde nesne iki şekilde yer alabilir: verb+preposition+object ya da verb+object+preposition.
The expedition set off at dawn to reach the area before it got too hot. (intransitive) By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane had taken off. (intransitive)
She turned off the television, (transitive)
She turned the television off.
They turned down my offer. (transitive)
They turned my offer down.
Bazı phrasal verb’lerde ise fiil köküyle preposition birbirinden ayrılamaz.
He got over his illness remarkably quickly. I came across an old friend the other day.
Araya nesne alabilen phrasal verb’lerde nesne me, it, them, you, etc. gibi bir pronoun ise, bu nesne preposition’dan sonra kullanılamaz. Mutlaka fiil ile preposition’ın arasında yer almalıdır.
She turned It off.
They turned it down.
I’ll think them over.
Ancak, bölünemeyen phrasal verb’lerde, nesne bir pronoun da olsa, yeri değişmez. Yine preposition’dan sonra gelir.
He got over It remarkably quickly.
I came across him the other day in a cafe.
blowup = inflate make up = invent
= explode pickup = go to get someone
bring up
= raise a child = take in one’s hand
cheer up
= make happier set up = establish
get up
= arise from a bed show up = appear, be seen
give up
= stop take up = adopt as a pastime
grow up
= become an adult = occupy space/time
hold up
= = delay turn up = increase volume
look up
= search for information = arrive
break down = fail to work bring down = cause to fall, lower close down = stop all work, cease trading cut down = do something less often get down = cause depression, make unhappy knock someone down = strike to the ground or floor knock something down = demolish lay down = establish rules let down = disappoint, not keep a promise pour down = come down heavily (of rain) settle down = live a quiet, routine life slow down = go less fast turn down = decrease volume = refuse
break out = appear, start suddenly make out = manage to see or hear with difficulty
(especially a war, fire, = try to understand
disease or rioting! pass out = lose consciousness
bring out
= publish pick out = select
= introduce a new product point out = call attention to
carry out
= perform or complete put out = extinguish
a task run out = be all used up
come out
= appear, bloom set out = begin a journey
cross out
= delete, erase sort out = separate into categories
find out
= discover information stand out = be visible, more important
hand out
= distribute wear someone out = exhaust tire out
keep out
= not enter wear something out = cause to become old, useless
leave out
= not include work out = plan, decide
let out
= release = calculate (in AmE = figure out)
look out
= take care , be careful
call off = cancel drop off = leave a passenger somewhere get off = leave a bus. train, etc. go off = explode = go bad put off = postpone = distract, dissuade see off = say goodbye to someone going on a journey set off = begin a journey show off = do things trying to impress people take off = remove (clothing) = leave the ground turn off = stop a machine, light
carry on = continue count on = rely on get on = enter a public vehicle hold on = wait live on = have (money or food) for survival put on = get dressed = increase (especially in weight) switch/turn on = start electrical equipment try on = put or clothing to see if it fits
break in/into = enter by force check in = register at an airport or hotel flood in = come in large numbers get in/into = enter a car or a taxi hand in = give something to someone in authority join in = take part in an activity bump/run into = meet by chance = crash look into = investigate take in = make smaller = understand = deceive
come across = find or meet by chance look after = take care of
come round = visit pass away = die
= regain consciousness put aside = save (especially money)
cut across
= take a short cut put away = tidy, store
do over
= do again put through = connect
get away
= leave, escape take after = resemble
get back
= regain possession take over = take control of
get over
= recover from think over = consider carefully
go over/through
= examine throw away = discard, get rid of
go with = match, suit
catch/keep up with = reach the same position or level
come up against = be faced with
come up with = produce
cut down on = reduce
get on with = work, live in a sociable way
get out of = leave a car or taxi
= avoid work on an unpleasant activity
go down with = become ill
go in for = enter an exam/competition
grow out of = get too big for
look down on = consider someone inferior
look forward to = anticipate with pleasure
make up for = compensate for
put up with = tolerate
run out of = finish a supply of something
absent from
He has been absent from school for three days.
accustomed to
I’m not accustomed to very cold climates.
acquainted with
She is acquainted with our customs quite well.
addicted to
So many youths are addicted to drugs.
afraid of
She is afraid of going out after dark.
allergic to
My son is allergic to penicillin.
amazed at/by
We were all amazed at/by her unusual behaviour.
angry at/about
We were angry at her selfish behaviour.
angry with someone for something
We were angry with him for his selfishness.
annoyed at/about
I was annoyed at not being invited to the party.
annoyed with someone for something
They were annoyed with me for not inviting (hem to the party.
anxious about
We were anxious about his constantly high temperature.
appropriate for
Do you think this book is appropriate for our aim?
ashamed of
I felt ashamed of my shabby clothes.
You must be ashamed of yourself for treating her so rudely.
associated with
Steven Spielberg is associated with special effects in film.
astonished at/by
They were rather astonished at losing the game.
aware of
Most people are still not aware of the extent of environmental pollution.
bad at
He is bad at repairing things.
bad for
Eating too much candy is bad for your teeth.
based on
Educational principles should be based on the requirements of our age.
beneficial to
Taking regular exercise is beneficial to your health.
boastful of
She is boastful of her son’s achievements.
bored with
I didn’t finish reading the book, for I was bored with the plot.
brilliant at
He is really brilliant at calculating.
busy with
She can’t come with us because she is busy with her term paper.
capable of
You are capable of doing better work than this.
careful about
Be careful about your words even when you are annoyed.
careful with
You must be careful with money in these economic conditions.
careless about (not paying attention to)
She is often careless about her clothes; especially when she is depressed.
careless of (unconcerned)
Some drivers, enjoying the speed, are careless of the dangers of driving fast.
clever at
She is quite clever at working out the most difficult problems.
committed to
He is committed to honest work.
composed of
End of term parties are usually composed of students, teachers and parents.
concerned about
People are concerned about the increasing air pollution in Istanbul.
connected with/to
Good mood is usually connected with good health.
I think she is distantly connected with/to that family.
conscious of
A good many parents are not conscious of the importance of reading for their children.
content with
The teacher seemed content with our exam results.
convinced of
I’m convinced of his innocence.
coordinated with
When you are swimming, the movements of your legs should be coordinated with your
covered with/in
When I in looked out of the window, I noticed that everywhere was covered with snow.
crowded with
The city center is always crowded with people.
curious about
I’m curious about which party will win the election.
dedicated to
She loves her job; in fact, she is dedicated to it.
deficient in
You should eat vegetables and fruit regularly so that your diet is not deficient in vitamins.
delighted with/at
The child was delighted with his new toy.
dependent on/upon
Because he hasn’t got a proper job, he is still dependent on his parents financially.
derived from
Most words in English are derived from Latin.
devoid of
She seems to be devoid of the skills required for this job.
devoted to
She is devoted to her children.
different from
Your likes and dislikes are quite different from mine.
disappointed with
She seemed really disappointed with her exam results.
discriminated against
People should not be discriminated against because of the colour of their skin.
divorced from
According to the statistics, the number of women divorced from their husbands is increasing.
dressed in
She was dressed in a skirt, which was unusual for her.
eager for
He seems eager for a quick recovery, so he is doing whatever the doctor says.
efficient in
The production manager is really efficient in his job.
engaged to
She is still engaged to Johnathan, but is thinking of getting married soon.
enthusiastic about
Jenny is very enthusiastic about coming to the concert with us.
envious of
I’m envious of people who can speak three or more languages fluently.
equipped with
Big offices are usually equipped with a burglar alarm.
excellent in/at
She is excellent in music.
excited about
The children seem quite excited about going on holiday.
exposed to
If hands and face are exposed to extreme cold, they may get frostbite.
faithful to
Dogs are known to be faithful to their owners.
familiar with
If you start to study English at university, you’ll become familiar with English or American literature.
familiar to
The man in the corner seems familiar to me.
famous for
Turkish people are famous for their hospitality.
filled with
The room was filled with excited people.
fond of
I’m very fond of children.
free of
Children under seven can travel free of charge.
free from
You will be free from pain soon after you’ve taken two of these tablets.
friendly to/with
She was quite friendly to me last night
full of
Your composition is full of grammatical mistakes.
furious about
She was furious about the news that she wasn’t promoted.
furious with someone for something
She was furious with the manager for not promoting her.
furnished with
The agents have been furnished with all the necessary information.
generous about/with
The host was a bit too generous with the raki, so we all became drunk.
good at
I’m not so good at playing cards.
good for
Taking regular walks is good for your heart.
grateful to someone for something
I’m grateful to you for your kind support.
guilty of
He was found guilty of the robbery.
happy about
I’m very happy about your getting this job.
happy with
I purchased my dishwasher two years ago, and I’m still happy with it
honest with
You should be honest with your clients.
hopeful of/about
She is hopeful of passing the university entrance exam this year.
hopeless at
She is hopeless at cooking. She can’t even cook the simplest dishes properly.
hostile to
Since the scandal, the two families have been hostile to each other.
identical with/to
What a coincidence! Your dress is almost identical with mine.
ignorant of
She is ignorant of the warnings made against her bad behaviour.
impressed with/by
We were greatly impressed with her diligence.
inferior to
I don’t think your work is inferior to anybody else’s in the office.
indebted to
I’m indebted to my friends for the encouragement they gave me for this job.
indifferent to
She seems quite indifferent to what is happening around her.
innocent of
She was found innocent of the charge.
interested in
I’ve always been interested in folk music.
involved in
He has recently been involved in a bribery case.
jealous of
She has always been jealous of her brother’s success.
keen on
He is very keen on football.
kind to
She has always been kind to the people around her.
known for (famous for)
Mr. Eames is known for his honesty.
known as
Mr. Eames is known as an honest man.
late for
You’ve been late for work twice this week.
limited to
The time given for the university entrance exam is limited to three and a half hours.
lucky at
He is usually lucky at cards.
mad at (angry with)
Don’t be mad at me! I was just trying to help you.
mad about (very fond of)
She is mad about pop music.
made of
Tables and chairs are usually made of wood, (if there is only physical change in the raw material)
made from
Paper is made from wood. (The raw material changes chemically as well as physically.)
made out of
It’s difficult to believe that this lovely vase was made out of a bottle, (if you alter an item, and use it with a different aim)
married to
She is married to an American.
mindful of
You should be mindful of your responsibilities.
mistaken about
You are mistaken about the extent of her capacities.
nervous of/about
She is nervous about the job interview she will have in a few minutes.
notorious for
She became notorious for her extravagance.
obliged to
I’m obliged to you for being beside me during all that trouble.
opposed to
I’m opposed to giving so many responsibilities to a small child.
patient with
A teacher should be patient with his/her students.
pleased about
She seems very pleased about being put in charge.
pleased with
I’m pleased with the progress you’ve made.
polite to
You should be polite to the customers.
popular with
She is very popular with her students.
prepared for
I’m buying these boots so that I’m prepared for the snow this winter.
proud of
She is rightly proud of her success.
provided with
The young should be provided with jobs after graduation.
ready for
Everybody seems ready for the journey.
related to
Are you related to the headmaster? I’m asking just because your surnames are the same.
relevant to
Your question must be relevant to the subject we are discussing; otherwise 1 won’t let you speak.
responsible for
I think air pollution in big cities is responsible for most of the respiratory diseases.
rich in
Vegetables and fruit are rich in vitamins.
right about
I was right about her chance of getting the job.
sad about
She was sad about losing the chance of giving a party, having failed the exam.
satisfied with
Are you satisfied with your present job?
scared of
She was scared of the growling dog.
shocked at/by
He was such a good driver we were all shocked at the news that he’d had an accident.
short of
I’m a bit short of money these days, so I can’t come with you to dine out. .
sick of
I’m sick of this ceaseless rain.
similar to
This scheme is quite similar to the one I prepared.
skilful at
Eskimos are known to be skilful at using their harpoons.
slow at
The new secretary is quite slow at typing.
sorry for someone
I feel sorry for Sue, because she hasn’t been able to find a job yet.
sorry about something
I’m sorry about my rude remarks yesterday.
sorry for doing something
I’m sorry for hurting you with my rude remarks yesterday.
subject to
The South-East of Turkey is subject to extreme weather conditions.
successful in
He was successful in marketing the product to a wide area.
suitable for
I don’t think jeans will be suitable for such a formal party.
superior to
Do you think this job will be superior to your current one?
sure of
If you are not sure of your facts, don’t make them public.
sure about
I’m not sure about the time of the train.
surprised at/by
I was really surprised at her treating us so strangely.
suspicious of
The guard became suspicious of the youth standing on the comer.
terrible at
She is terrible at cooking.
terrified of
The little girl was terrified of the huge dog.
thankful to someone for something
I’m thankful to them for taking the time to help me.
thrilled with
The employees were thrilled with the promise given, by the boss about a high pay rise.
tired of
I’m tired of your complaints.
troubled with
He was deeply troubled with the situation in the office.
typical of
Do you like eating food typical of the region in which you are travelling?
upset with/about
She was upset about the trouble she had caused.
used to
She is not used to staying at home alone.
worried about
I’m worried about his being so withdrawn.
wrong about
Many people were wrong about their predictions for the results of the election.
wrong with
I think something is wrong with Sue. She keeps crying in the next room.
absent from
He has been absent from school for three days.
accustomed to
I’m not accustomed to very cold climates.
acquainted with
She is acquainted with our customs quite well.
addicted to
So many youths are addicted to drugs.
afraid of
She is afraid of going out after dark.
allergic to
My son is allergic to penicillin.
amazed at/by
We were all amazed at/by her unusual behaviour.
angry at/about
We were angry at her selfish behaviour.
angry with someone for something
We were angry with him for his selfishness.
annoyed at/about
I was annoyed at not being invited to the party.
annoyed with someone for something
They were annoyed with me for not inviting (hem to the party.
anxious about
We were anxious about his constantly high temperature.
appropriate for
Do you think this book is appropriate for our aim?
ashamed of
I felt ashamed of my shabby clothes.
You must be ashamed of yourself for treating her so rudely.
associated with
Steven Spielberg is associated with special effects in film.
astonished at/by
They were rather astonished at losing the game.
aware of
Most people are still not aware of the extent of environmental pollution.
bad at
He is bad at repairing things.
bad for
Eating too much candy is bad for your teeth.
based on
Educational principles should be based on the requirements of our age.
beneficial to
Taking regular exercise is beneficial to your health.
boastful of
She is boastful of her son’s achievements.
bored with
I didn’t finish reading the book, for I was bored with the plot.
brilliant at
He is really brilliant at calculating.
busy with
She can’t come with us because she is busy with her term paper.
capable of
You are capable of doing better work than this.
careful about
Be careful about your words even when you are annoyed.
careful with
You must be careful with money in these economic conditions.
careless about (not paying attention to)
She is often careless about her clothes; especially when she is depressed.
careless of (unconcerned)
Some drivers, enjoying the speed, are careless of the dangers of driving fast.
clever at
She is quite clever at working out the most difficult problems.
committed to
He is committed to honest work.
composed of
End of term parties are usually composed of students, teachers and parents.
concerned about
People are concerned about the increasing air pollution in Istanbul.
connected with/to
Good mood is usually connected with good health.
I think she is distantly connected with/to that family.
conscious of
A good many parents are not conscious of the importance of reading for their children.
content with
The teacher seemed content with our exam results.
convinced of
I’m convinced of his innocence.
coordinated with
When you are swimming, the movements of your legs should be coordinated with your
covered with/in
When I in looked out of the window, I noticed that everywhere was covered with snow.
crowded with
The city center is always crowded with people.
curious about
I’m curious about which party will win the election.
dedicated to
She loves her job; in fact, she is dedicated to it.
deficient in
You should eat vegetables and fruit regularly so that your diet is not deficient in vitamins.
delighted with/at
The child was delighted with his new toy.
dependent on/upon
Because he hasn’t got a proper job, he is still dependent on his parents financially.
derived from
Most words in English are derived from Latin.
devoid of
She seems to be devoid of the skills required for this job.
devoted to
She is devoted to her children.
different from
Your likes and dislikes are quite different from mine.
disappointed with
She seemed really disappointed with her exam results.
discriminated against
People should not be discriminated against because of the colour of their skin.
divorced from
According to the statistics, the number of women divorced from their husbands is increasing.
dressed in
She was dressed in a skirt, which was unusual for her.
eager for
He seems eager for a quick recovery, so he is doing whatever the doctor says.
efficient in
The production manager is really efficient in his job.
engaged to
She is still engaged to Johnathan, but is thinking of getting married soon.
enthusiastic about
Jenny is very enthusiastic about coming to the concert with us.
envious of
I’m envious of people who can speak three or more languages fluently.
equipped with
Big offices are usually equipped with a burglar alarm.
excellent in/at
She is excellent in music.
excited about
The children seem quite excited about going on holiday.
exposed to
If hands and face are exposed to extreme cold, they may get frostbite.
faithful to
Dogs are known to be faithful to their owners.
familiar with
If you start to study English at university, you’ll become familiar with English or American literature.
familiar to
The man in the corner seems familiar to me.
famous for
Turkish people are famous for their hospitality.
filled with
The room was filled with excited people.
fond of
I’m very fond of children.
free of
Children under seven can travel free of charge.
free from
You will be free from pain soon after you’ve taken two of these tablets.
friendly to/with
She was quite friendly to me last night
full of
Your composition is full of grammatical mistakes.
furious about
She was furious about the news that she wasn’t promoted.
furious with someone for something
She was furious with the manager for not promoting her.
furnished with
The agents have been furnished with all the necessary information.
generous about/with
The host was a bit too generous with the raki, so we all became drunk.
good at
I’m not so good at playing cards.
good for
Taking regular walks is good for your heart.
grateful to someone for something
I’m grateful to you for your kind support.
guilty of
He was found guilty of the robbery.
happy about
I’m very happy about your getting this job.
happy with
I purchased my dishwasher two years ago, and I’m still happy with it
honest with
You should be honest with your clients.
hopeful of/about
She is hopeful of passing the university entrance exam this year.
hopeless at
She is hopeless at cooking. She can’t even cook the simplest dishes properly.
hostile to
Since the scandal, the two families have been hostile to each other.
identical with/to
What a coincidence! Your dress is almost identical with mine.
ignorant of
She is ignorant of the warnings made against her bad behaviour.
impressed with/by
We were greatly impressed with her diligence.
inferior to
I don’t think your work is inferior to anybody else’s in the office.
indebted to
I’m indebted to my friends for the encouragement they gave me for this job.
indifferent to
She seems quite indifferent to what is happening around her.
innocent of
She was found innocent of the charge.
interested in
I’ve always been interested in folk music.
involved in
He has recently been involved in a bribery case.
jealous of
She has always been jealous of her brother’s success.
keen on
He is very keen on football.
kind to
She has always been kind to the people around her.
known for (famous for)
Mr. Eames is known for his honesty.
known as
Mr. Eames is known as an honest man.
late for
You’ve been late for work twice this week.
limited to
The time given for the university entrance exam is limited to three and a half hours.
lucky at
He is usually lucky at cards.
mad at (angry with)
Don’t be mad at me! I was just trying to help you.
mad about (very fond of)
She is mad about pop music.
made of
Tables and chairs are usually made of wood, (if there is only physical change in the raw material)
made from
Paper is made from wood. (The raw material changes chemically as well as physically.)
made out of
It’s difficult to believe that this lovely vase was made out of a bottle, (if you alter an item, and use it with a different aim)
married to
She is married to an American.
mindful of
You should be mindful of your responsibilities.
mistaken about
You are mistaken about the extent of her capacities.
nervous of/about
She is nervous about the job interview she will have in a few minutes.
notorious for
She became notorious for her extravagance.
obliged to
I’m obliged to you for being beside me during all that trouble.
opposed to
I’m opposed to giving so many responsibilities to a small child.
patient with
A teacher should be patient with his/her students.
pleased about
She seems very pleased about being put in charge.
pleased with
I’m pleased with the progress you’ve made.
polite to
You should be polite to the customers.
popular with
She is very popular with her students.
prepared for
I’m buying these boots so that I’m prepared for the snow this winter.
proud of
She is rightly proud of her success.
provided with
The young should be provided with jobs after graduation.
ready for
Everybody seems ready for the journey.
related to
Are you related to the headmaster? I’m asking just because your surnames are the same.
relevant to
Your question must be relevant to the subject we are discussing; otherwise 1 won’t let you speak.
responsible for
I think air pollution in big cities is responsible for most of the respiratory diseases.
rich in
Vegetables and fruit are rich in vitamins.
right about
I was right about her chance of getting the job.
sad about
She was sad about losing the chance of giving a party, having failed the exam.
satisfied with
Are you satisfied with your present job?
scared of
She was scared of the growling dog.
shocked at/by
He was such a good driver we were all shocked at the news that he’d had an accident.
short of
I’m a bit short of money these days, so I can’t come with you to dine out. .
sick of
I’m sick of this ceaseless rain.
similar to
This scheme is quite similar to the one I prepared.
skilful at
Eskimos are known to be skilful at using their harpoons.
slow at
The new secretary is quite slow at typing.
sorry for someone
I feel sorry for Sue, because she hasn’t been able to find a job yet.
sorry about something
I’m sorry about my rude remarks yesterday.
sorry for doing something
I’m sorry for hurting you with my rude remarks yesterday.
subject to
The South-East of Turkey is subject to extreme weather conditions.
successful in
He was successful in marketing the product to a wide area.
suitable for
I don’t think jeans will be suitable for such a formal party.
superior to
Do you think this job will be superior to your current one?
sure of
If you are not sure of your facts, don’t make them public.
sure about
I’m not sure about the time of the train.
surprised at/by
I was really surprised at her treating us so strangely.
suspicious of
The guard became suspicious of the youth standing on the comer.
terrible at
She is terrible at cooking.
terrified of
The little girl was terrified of the huge dog.
thankful to someone for something
I’m thankful to them for taking the time to help me.
thrilled with
The employees were thrilled with the promise given, by the boss about a high pay rise.
tired of
I’m tired of your complaints.
troubled with
He was deeply troubled with the situation in the office.
typical of
Do you like eating food typical of the region in which you are travelling?
upset with/about
She was upset about the trouble she had caused.
used to
She is not used to staying at home alone.
worried about
I’m worried about his being so withdrawn.
wrong about
Many people were wrong about their predictions for the results of the election.
wrong with
I think something is wrong with Sue. She keeps crying in the next room.