
Prepositions Palace Yer Edat Alistirma



Look at these eight pictures, then follow the example and answer the others

Yukarıdaki resime dikkatlice bakiniz ve aşağıdaki cümlelerin boşluklarına, resimdeki duruma göre, gerekli preposition’ları (edat) aynen birinci örnekteki gibi yazınız.

Not: Kullanacağınız edat, resimdeki durumlarına göre anlamlı olarak seçilmelidir.

1-Tennis racket is ……………………. the guitar.

a) above b) under c) between d) next to

2- The dictionary is ………………………… the record.

a) above b) under c) between d) next to

3- The football is a) above

………………….. the record and the walkman.

b) under c) between d) next to

4- The scissors are ……………………. the dictionary and the typewriter.

a) above b) under c) between d) next to

5-The typewriter is ……………………. the walkman.

a) above b) under c) between d) next to

Bazı kelimeler:

to complete tamamlamak to turn on acmak walkman kulaklıklı teyp

sentence cümle to turn off kapatmak guitar gitar

to draw çizmek to hurry acele etmek dictionary sözlük

time zaman record plak scissors makas

to get up kalkmak tennis racket tenis raketi typewriter daktilo

to be late geç kalmak football futbol topu

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