
present continuous for future plans funactivities

he present continuous

We can use the present continuous tense to talk about your plans in the future- tomorrow, next week, at the weekend.

I am doing my homework tomorrow

In your book turn these words into present continuous sentences. They are play tennis. (tomorrow) They are playing tennis tomorrow.

· I am watch TV (tonight)

· She is cook dinner (tomorrow)

· They are play tennis (on Saturday)

· We are go mosque (on Friday)

· He is work (next week)

· I am visit my uncle (at the weekend)

Use the correct verbs to fill in the gaps cooking playing staying going having She is________________shopping on Friday. He is ________________ at home on Sunday. We are_______________a party at my Uncle’s house on Sunday. He is _______________playing football tonight. They are____________us a meal at the weekend.

Write some sentences in your book using these verbs. going playing cooking Example- I am going shopping tomorrow.

The present continuous

We can use the present continuous tense to talk about your plans in the future- tomorrow, next week, at the weekend.

I am doing my homework tomorrow

In your book turn these words into present continuous sentences. They celebrate Diwali (tomorrow) They are celebrating Diwali tomorrow.

· I watch TV (tonight)

· She cook dinner (tomorrow)

· They play tennis (on Saturday)

· We go mosque (on Friday)

· He work (next week)

· I visit my uncle (at the weekend)

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