
present continuous guias de gramatica

Complete with the affirmative. a) Jamie _________________ (read) a book. b) My brother _________________ (ride) his bike. c) They _________________ (play) on the computer. d) Mr. Holmes _________________ (listen) to music. e) At the moment Jane _______________ (play) football. f) Be quiet! The baby _________________ (sleep). g) Charles and I _________________ (study) for the English test. h) Her parents ________________(make) a cake. i) The dogs _________________ (run) fast. j) Now I _________________ (write) a letter.

Make the sentences negative and interrogative. a) Jimmy is watching TV. Neg.:______________________________________ Int.:_______________________________________ b) Their mother is speaking Chinese. Neg.:______________________________________ Int.:_______________________________________ c) We are having a good time! Neg.:______________________________________ Int.:_______________________________________ d) The dog is eating a bone. Neg.:______________________________________ Int.:_______________________________________

Write questions and short answers as in the example. a) watch/TV c) read/ a book Is he watching TV? __________________________________________ No, he isn’t. He’s playing tennis. __________________________________________ b) ride/ a horse d) swim ________________________________ __________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________________

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