
Tenses Test

1- The train to paris …………….. at 6.45 am.

A) leaves B) is leaving C) leave

2- He ………… TV. When the phone rang.

A)watches B) has watched C)was watching
3- Mary……………… for four years before she became a lawyer.
A)has studied B) is studying C)had been studying
4- Anna is from Paris but ……………………in London for two years.
A) lives B) is living C) has lived

5- I ……………… Julie yet.
A) havent seen B) didn’t see C) don’t see
6- Tommy is sweaty; he …………… for hours.

A) played B) has been playing C) had played
7- While Mum was cooking dinner, Julie …………………the house
A) was cleaning B) has cleaned C) cleans

8- He went to bed after the film……………….

A) has ended B) had ended C)ends
9- She has been eating a lot lately; I think she…………..weight
A) puts on B) put on C) has put on

10- He usually ……………….by train.

A)has travelled B) travels C) is travelling

11- He filled in his name, signed the contract and………………….it to the secratery.
A) gave B) has given C) had given
12- He was soaked to the skin because he ………………….. in the rain
A) walked B) is walking C) had been raining

13- She took her raincoat as it………………

A) was raining B) is raining C) has been raining

14- Her eyes are red because she ……………….onions
A) peeled B) has been peeling
15- He ……………… this house for five month.

A) is living B) was living C) has been living
16- Joseph …………………. in the garden since eight this morning.
A) has dug B) has been digging C)is digging
17- She …………….. the news when I saw her
A) didnt hear B) works C) has worked
18- John ……………….as awaiter until he finds a better job
A) is working B) works C) has worked
19- ……………… this newfilm yet.

A) do you see B) have you seen C) r u seeing

20- Tim was ironing while Marie …………………. telvision.

A) had been watching B) was watching C) watched

21-Ann ………….. an hour ago.
A)had called B)has called C)called
22-How long is it since he …………………
A)had left B)left C)leaves
23-She …………….. two rooms so far.
A)cleans B)has cleaned C)cleaned
24-The bamb exploded as they ……….. the road.
A)were crosing B)cross C)has crossed
25-She has been in NewYork ………………….. May.
A)after B)since C)for
26-He ……….. a bath at the moment.
A)has B)has had C)is having
27-He ………….. to Rome every month.
A)is travelling B)travels C)traveling

28-Paul …………… in Munih for two weeks by next Monday.
A)will be B)will have been C)is going to be
29-She ……………….. her grandperents this month.
A)wasn’t visiting B)hadn’t visited C)hasn’t visited
30-It’s two years since Steve last ………….. football.
A)played B)had played C)was playing
31-John ………… letters since here came in this morning.
A)was typing B)typed C)has been typing
32-The children ….. cartoons when father came.(baba geldiğinde çocuklar çizgifilm
A)have watched B)were watching C)watched
33-The dinner Sheilla …… for us last night was delicious.( delicious=lezzetli)
A)was cooking B)cooked C)has been cooking
34-They…………. in Manchester since 1994.(Onlar 1994 den beri Manchester ‘da
A)were living B)lived C)has been living
35-She … hard all day and now she is exhausted.( exhausted=bitkin)
A)was working B)worked C) has been working
36-Paul eats too much.He … on weight.(put on weight= kilo almak)
A)was putting B)put C)has put
37-The helicopter …………. over the forest when we saw it.(forest=orman)
A)was flying B)flew C)has been flying
38-Peter is very rich ,he . three limousines.
A)owns B)is owning C)has owned
39-Peter …. a shower when the phone rang.(telefon çaldığında Peter banyo yapıyordu)
A)had B)has had C)was having
40-Carl …… his homework now he can play with his friends.
A)was finishing B)has finished C)finishes
41-Jim was exhausted because he …. all day
A)was wolking B)had been walking C)had walked
42-Karen …….. to Indio two years ago.(Karen Indio’dan 2 yıl önce ayrıldı)
A)had gone B)went C)was going
43-By 5 o’clock,he ……… two letters.(Saat 5 te 2 mektup yazmış olacağım.)
A)will have written B)will have been writing C)will write
44-Tom … very hard this month(Tom bu ay çok sıkı çalıştı.)
A)works B) had worked C) has worked
45-I …….. typing the letter yet.(Mektubu daktilo etmeyi henüz bitirmedim)
A)have finished B) haven’t finished C) didn’t finished
46-Peter was angry because he … bus.(Peter sinirliydi çünkü otobüsü kaçırmış.)
A)has missed B)had missed C)misses
47-He ……. for London tomorrow morning.(O yarın sabah Londra’dan geliyor.)
A)has been leaving B)has left C)is leaving
48-This time next month I ……… in Cannes.(Gelecek ay bu zamanlar Cannes’te
güneşleniyor olacağım)
A)will sunbathe B)will be sunbathing C)will have sunbathed
49-I can’t see you tonight because I ….. with Tina. (Bu akşam senle
görüşemiycemiTina’yla yemek yiycem)
A)have B)was having C)am having
50-He . to Paris ten days ago.(O Paris’ten 10 gün önce geldi.)
A)had come B)came C)has come
51-I …. an hour ago and I’m still waiting for my friend.(1 saat önce geldim ve hala
arkadaşımı bekliyorum)
A)was arriving B)have arrived C)arrived
52-I …. you for ages!

A)didn’t see B)haven’t seen C)saw
53-Next year Jack …… at Oxford University.(Jack gelecek yıl Oxford Ünv. okuyor olacak.)
A)will have studied B)will be studying C) will have been studying
54-His hands were dirty,because he …… in the garden.(Onun elleri kirli çünkü bahçede
A)has been working B)had been working C)will be working
55-David .. with us next Christmas
A)is staying B)stays C)was staying
56-They ………. to the countryside two years ago.
A)will move B)moved C)are moving
57-He …. all his money now he can’t pay his rent.
A)has spent B)will spend C)is spending
58-By December I ……….. as a teacher for ten years.
A)will have been working B)will be working C)am going to work
59-How long ago …. taking driving lessons?
A)have you started B)did you start C)had you started
60-He ….. for this firm for three years before he was given a promation.
A)had been working B)has been working C)is working

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