
to have grammar for beginners



I have
you have
he, she, it has


we have
you have
they have

  1. I _ a nice family.
  2. __ you got a sister?
  3. Dad __ a brother.
  4. Mom _ a sister.
  5. I _ two siblings.
  6. An elephant __ four legs.
  7. A giraffe __ a long neck.
  8. He _ a nice voice.
  9. America _ a president.
  10. Denmark _ no mountains.
  11. A cat __ whiskers.
  12. They _ no kids.
  13. You __ blue eyes.
  14. We __ a blue car.
  15. The Grady family __ a dog.
  16. Our neighbor __ a green car.
  17. He _ breakfast at 7 am.
  18. They __ dinner at 7 pm.
  19. We __ not seen the film.
  20. The film _ many fans.
  21. I __ more books than you.
  22. __ your mom grey hair?
  23. He __ put sugar in the coffee.
  24. She _ egg for breakfast.
  25. The plane _ seats for 300
  26. My uncle __ no money.
  27. The teacher _ a red pencil.
  28. Do you _ a mailbox?
  29. Do you __ an email addy?

Write the
right form of
the verb ”to

Page 2

  1. I __ many friends.
  2. Anna _ a stamp collection.
  3. He __ a new backpack.
  4. A carrot _ a green top.
  5. Charlie _ Internet.
  6. I __ much time.
  7. She _ fun with reading books.
  8. _ you ever been to Spain?
  9. Can we _ the bill, please?
  10. Can I __ a hamburger, please?
  11. I _ to work.
  12. A good pizza __ a lot of cheese.
  13. __ a cup of tea!
  14. Can I _ a coke?
  15. They _ the day off!
  16. We _ never been there.
  17. A kangaroo _ a strong tail.
  18. Australia __ a hot climate.
  19. __ they got enough water?
  20. My sister _ a week off.
  21. I __ a cell phone.
  22. __ he got and iPhone?
  23. He __ got everything.
  24. Mr Wilson __ many books.
  25. Today we _ one English class.
  26. Mike __ no friends.
  27. I __ a heavy bag.
  28. Today we __ snow.
  29. She __ many fans.
  30. __ you got it now?

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