
10 sinif ingilizce unit 2 ders anlatimi

UNIT: 2 Cultural Events


We use the Present Simple Tense for

habitual activities . (mostly with frequency adverbs)
The baby drinks milk every night. I usually play football after school.
She always comes in time. They wake up at seven every day.
Your examples:

factual statements or eternal truths.
The earth revolves around the sun. Babies drink milk .
Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. Snow is white .
Twice two is four
Your examples:

arranged future. (particularly when it refers to a journey)
The exam starts at ten o’clock tomorrow. The train to Selçuk leaves at 17.30
Our friends arrive today. We go to Manisa at 12:00 in the afternoon .
Your examples:

formal ceremonial.
I pronounce you man and wife.

instantaneous use /Sports Commentaries
John passes the ball to Bill. Ahmet maintains his lead over the other athletes

newspaper headlines

Your examples:

thoughts and feelings (verbs of perception: )
(believe, forget, wish, doubt, want, understand, imagine, know, feel, think (have an opinion), suppose,
see (understand), like, dislike, love, hate, remember, recognize, realize, prefer … etc)
Do you hear a strange noise? I don’t like Ahmet.
I am sorry. I don’t understand. She feels sick.


Your examples:

dramatic narrative
When the curtain rises, Juliet is writing at her desk. Suddenly the window opens and a masked man

asking the occupation
What do you do? = (what is your job)

A: I have a headache B: Why don’t you take a tablet?
Your examples:

Instead of will after words and expressions such as when , until , before , as soon as , while …..
when we are referring to the future
What will you do when you leave school? Can you telephone us as soon as he arrives?
Your examples:
As soon as

Exclamatory sentences with ‘there ….! here ……… !
Here comes the bride . There he goes again .
Your examples:

We use this tense to talk about an action or event which took place at a specific time
and place in the past that is now finished .
Bahri Demirci went to England in 1990. We left the house at 3 o’clock.
I saw a movie yesterday. I didn’t see a movie yesterday.
Last year, we traveled to Japan. Last year, I didn’t travel to Japan.
She washed her car. She did not learn English.
Your examples:

We use this tense to talk about an action or event which took place over a specific
period in the past. We mostly use “for” in this structure.
Nese Hanim played table tennis for seven years.
I worked for two years as a postman .

We lived in Istanbul for ten years .
Shauna studied Japanese for five years.
They sat at the beach all day.
We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
How long did you wait for them?We waited for one hour.
Your examples:

We use this tense to express past habits or customs .
My father ate a lot of pasta when he was in Italy.
When I was a child we had breakfast at five o’clock every day .
In his younger days, my father always walked to his office .
He played the violin.
She worked at the movie theater after school.
They never went to school, they always skipped.
Your examples:

PS: We usually use frequency adverbs, used to or would in order to express past habits.
When I was young, I used to bite my nails. My father would sometimes finish a couple of packets a
Your examples:

The Simple Past is used to express a series of past actions following one another .
I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.
It was 9:30 when I left home. I called a taxi and asked the driver to take me to the factory
When she pressed the button the lift stopped.
Your examples:

We use this tense to tell stories.
One day, the prince decided that he didn’t like his palace anymore So, he told his father, the
king, that he wanted to go to another country…………………..

Finish the story. Afterwards your teacher will ask you to tell it orally.


too/either so am I/neither do I etc.

We use too and either at the end of a sentence.
We use too after a positive verb:

‘I’m happy.’ ‘I’m happy too.’

‘I enjoyed the film.’ ‘I enjoyed it too.’

Mary is a doctor. Her husband is a doctor too.
We use either after a negative verb (am not / isn’t / can’t etc.):

‘I’m not happy.’ ‘I’m not happy either.’ (not ‘I’m not happy too.’)

‘I can’t cook.’ ‘I can’t either.’

Bill doesn’t watch TV. He doesn’t read newspapers either.

Now it is your turn. Please make sentences with too and either as in the examples above.

So am I / Neither do I etc

am/is/are …
  was/were …
so do/does …
  did …
  have/has …
neither can …
  will …
  must …

So am I (= I am too), So have I (= I have too) etc.:

‘I’m tired.’ ‘So am I.’ (‘So I am.’)

‘I was late for work today.’ ‘So was John.’

‘I work in a bank.’ ‘So do I.’

‘We went to the cinema last night.’ ‘Did you? So did we.’
Neither am I (= I’m not either), Neither have I (= I haven’t either) etc.:

‘I haven’t got a key.’ ‘Neither have I.’ (‘Neither I have.’)

‘Ann can’t cook.’ ‘Neither can Tom.’

‘I won’t (= will not) be here tomorrow.’ ‘Neither will I.’

‘I never eat meat.’ ‘Neither do I.’
You can also use Nor … (= Neither):

‘I’m not married.’ ‘Nor am I.’ (= Neither am I.)’

It is your turn now. Could you please make sentences with so and neither as in the examples
above. While making your sentences, please use different tenses.




Tell some sentences to your desk mate and he/she will reply to your sentences with
Neither-Nor or So.

There are two voices: A) Active Voice B) Passive Voice
Active Voice  In active voice, the subject performs the action expressed by the verb: 
The student wrote a song.    
Passive Voice   In passive voice, the subject receives the action expressed by the verb:
A song was written by the student.
Generally we use the passive voice when the object is more important than the subject.
We will learn how to make passive together with tenses because every tense structures has a different
passive structure.Just to have an idea, let’s examine the passive formation:

We change the object in the active into the subject in the passive sentence. We must be careful
whether our new subject is singular or plural and also we change the active verb into a passive
verb (verb3) together with “to be”.
Example: Belgin washes the windows every week (active)
The windows are washed every week. (passive)
He bought a house. (active)
A house was bought. (passive)

The agent is very often not mentioned. When it is mentioned it is preceded by “by” and placed
at the end of the clause.
Istanbul was conquered by Fatih Sultan Mehmet. (We should use the by-phrase)
Coal is mined in Zonguldak. (“by people” is not necessary)
The theory of relativity was developed by Eistein. (We should use the by-phrase)

Only transitive verbs (the verbs that take an object) can be put into passive structure. The
intransitive verbs such as look, happen, walk, go, belong, cost, seem, come … etc cannot be
made passive.
I will go to school. (No Passive. The verb ”Go” is intransitive.)
Here is a tense chart of active – passive structures. Please study the structures you have learned.
The active object becomes the passive subject.
am/is/are +  past participle
was/were + past participle
Active: Simple Present
I clean the kitchen every day.
The movie bores Jack.
The movie surprises them.

Passive: Simple Present
The kitchen is cleaned every day.
Jack is bored by the movie.
They are surprised by the movie.


Your examples:

Active: Simple Past
The movie bored me.
The movie fascinated Jack.
The movie surprised them.
Your examples:

Change these into Passive:
He sent a parcel yesterday.
I write a letter every week.
They took him to the hospital.
We served only coffee and dessert.
My company installs computers.

Passive: Simple Past
I was bored by the movie.
Jack was fascinated by the movie.
They were surprised by the movie.

Passive form: 
am/is/are + being + past participle
was/were + being + past participle
Active: Present Continuous
I am helping Shannon.
June is helping Su and Ling.
Your examples:

 Passive: Present Continuous
Shannon is being helped by me.
Su and Ling are being helped by June.

Active: Past Continuous
I was cleaning the bathroom.
They were cleaning the bedroom.
Susan was cleaning the kitchen and patio.
Your example:

Change these into Passive:
He is sending a parcel now.
I was writing a letter.
They are taking him to the hospital.
We are serving only coffee.
My company was installing computers.

Passive: Past Continuous
The bathroom was being cleaned by me.
The bedroom  was being cleaned by them.
The kitchen and patio were being cleaned by



Passive form: 
have/has been + past participle
had been + past participle
Active: Present Perfect
I have mailed the gift.
Jack has mailed the gifts.
Your examples:

Passive: Present Perfect
The gift has been mailed by me.
The gifts have been mailed by Jack.

EXTRA INFO: (Past and future Perfects are not included)
Active: Past Perfect
Steven Spielberg had directed the movie.
Penny Marshall had directed those movies.

Passive: Past Perfect
The movie had been directed by Steven Spielberg.
The movies had been directed by Penny Marshall.

Active: Future Perfect
John will have finished the project next month.
They will have finished the projects before then.

Passive: Future Perfect
The project will have been finished by next month.
The projects will have been finished before then.

Passive forms: will + be + past participle
is/are going to be + past participle
Active: Future with WILL
I will mail the gift.
Jack will mail the gifts.
Your examples:

Passive: Future with WILL
The gift will be mailed by me.
The gifts will be mailed by Jack.

Active: Future with GOING TO
I am going to make the cake.
Sue is going to make two cakes.
Your examples:

Passive: Future with GOING TO
The cake is going to be made by me.
Two cakes are going to be made by Sue.

Change these into Passive:
He has not sent a parcel yet.


I will write a letter.
They have taken him to the hospital.
We are going to serve only coffee.
My company is going to install computers.
Mehmet will learn Chinese.
We are going to buy a car.
We are going to school now.
She is going to build a big house.

MODALS: The passive form follows this pattern:
modal + be + past participle
CAN: I can speak English. . . . . . . . English can be spoken
MAY: He may do it. . . . . . . . . . . . . It may be done.
SHOULD: They should inform us. . We should be informed.
MUST: We must use the door. . . . . The door must be used.
HAVE TO: I have to clean my room. My room has to be cleaned.
Your examples:

We use the Passive voice;

If the doer of the action is not necessary to mention as it is obvious who he is/was/will be …etc
The dinner hasn’t been cooked yet. The streets are cleaned every day.

When we do not know the doer.
The prime minister was murdered. The broken ladder is being repaired.

When the subject of the active sentence is PEOPLE or ONE.
ACTIVE: People speak Turkish in Turkey. ACTIVE: People suspect him of stealing the jewels
PASSIVE: Turkish is spoken in Turkey PASSIVE: He is suspected of stealing the jewels.
ACTIVE : One can learn English without a book. PASSIVE: English can be learned without a book.

When we are more interested in the action than the person who does it.
The house next door has been bought. (by a Mehmet)


The new school is being established. (by the Ministry of Education)

The speaker may know who performed the action, but wish to avoid giving the name .
Lale, who suspects Ahmet of opening her letter, may say:
This letter has been opened. (Instead : You’ve opened the letter.)

While turning an active question into passive or for negative statements, we use the same rules.
ACTIVE : Is Hasan posting the letters? PASSIVE: Are the letters being posted by Hasan?
ACTIVE : I can’t publish the book. PASSIVE: The book cannot be published
ACTIVE : When does Jack usually wash the car?
PASSIVE : When is the car usually washed (by Jack)?
Your examples:
Negative Statement:
Question (Simple Past)
Question (Simple Present)
Question (Present Perfect)
Question (Simple Future)
Question (Modals)

When the questions with “who” ask the agent, we use the pattern “who … by”.
ACTIVE : Who discovered America?
PASSIVE: Who was America discovered by? (=By whom was America discovered?)

ACTIVE : Who founded the Republic of Turkey?
PASSIVE : Who was the Republic of Turkey founded by?
(=By whom was the Republic of Turkey founded?)

It is your turn. Make active sentences with WHO (Subject) and change them into passive.

When the questions with “who” ask the person in the form of object, we do not use “by”. If there is
a preposition which belongs to the object, we use it.
ACTIVE : Who did you see him with? PASSIVE : Who was he seen with?
ACTIVE : Who did he lend his car to? PASSIVE : Who was his car lent to?
(=To whom was his car lent?)


It is your turn. Make active sentences with WHO (Object) and change them into passive.

There isn’t an object in a question with “what”. In this case, we turn it into the passive as in the
ACTIVE : What are they doing about the case? PASSIVE : What is being done about the case?
ACTIVE : What did they do about the case? PASSIVE : What was done about the case?
ACTIVE : What have they done about the case? PASSIVE : What has been done about the case?
ACTIVE : What will they do about the case? PASSIVE : What will be done about the case?

It is your turn. Make active sentences with WHAT and change them into passive. Use different


The time adverbials used at the end of the sentence are placed after the by-phrase.
ACTIVE : Mehmet washed the car yesterday.
PASSIVE : The car was washed by Mehmet yesterday.
ACTIVE : Mehmet will wash the car tomorrow.
PASSIVE : The car will be washed by Mehmet tomorrow.
Note: These adverbials can be used at the beginning of the sentence to emphasize the meaning.
Yesterday, the car was washed. Tomorrow, the car will be washed.

The time adverbials such as always, just, usually, already … etc are placed after the verb-be when
there is one helping verb.
ACTIVE : Nalan usually cleans the house in the afternoon.
PASSIVE : The house is usually cleaned by Nalan in the afternoon.
ACTIVE : Jack last washed the car two days ago.
PASSIVE : The car was last washed by Jack two days ago.
Your examples:
Note: The time adverbials such as always, just, usually, already are placed in two ways when there is
another helping verb.
ACTIVE : Sude has just painted the house.
PASSIVE : 1) The house has just been painted by Sude
2) The house has been just painted by Sude.

ACTIVE : Musa had already written his report.
PASSIVE : 1) The report had already been written by Musa.
2) The report had been already written by Musa.
ACTIVE : Mary will probably clean the table.
PASSIVE : 1) The table will probably be cleaned by Mary.
2) The table will be probably cleaned by Mary.
Extra Info:
Note: Please pay attention to the negative forms of Probably.
ACTIVE : 1) Mary probably won’t clean the table.
2) Mary will probably not clean the table.
PASSIVE : 1) The table probably won’t be cleaned by Mary.
2) The table will probably not be cleaned by Mary.

It is your turn. Make example sentences.

3.The adverbs of manner such as deeply, beautifully, carefully … etc are usually placed between the
verb-be and the main verb.
ACTIVE : The horror film affected the kids badly.
PASSIVE : The kids were badly affected by the horror film.
ACTIVE : We placed the vase carefully on the dresser.
PASSIVE : The vase was carefully placed on the dresser.
Some verbs (such as ask, tell, give, send, show, teach, pay, offer …etc take two objects.) They are
called direct and indirect objects. The prepositions “to-for” are often used in these type of sentences.
The Passive structure is made in two ways:
ACTIVE : I gave him some money two months ago
(“him” : Ind. Obj. “Some money”: Direct Obj.)
PASSIVE : 1) He was given some money two months ago.
2) Some money was given to him two months ago.
ACTIVE : I will buy her this beautiful skirt tomorrow.
(“her”: Ind. Obj. “this beautiful skirt: Direct Obj.)
PASSIVE : 1) She will be bought this beautiful skirt tomorrow.
2) This beautiful skirt will be bought for her tomorrow.
Note: The indirect object used as subject in Passive is much the more usual.


Change these into Passive.
The teacher taught us English

English was taught to us.

We were taught English.
They will send me a postcard.

A postcard will be sent to me.

I will be sent a postcard.

If we deal with materials used in the action, not with the agents, we normally use “with”, however
there are other prepositions used with.
ACTIVE : He chopped the wood with an axe. ACTIVE : Smoke filled the room.
PASSIVE : The wood was chopped with an axe. PASSIVE : The room was filled with smoke.
ACTIVE : You must write your compositions in ink.
PASSIVE : Your compositions must be written in ink.

As we know, we use “by” for people. (by him, by Hülya … etc)
ACTIVE : The burglar hit the homeowner .
PASSIVE : The homeowner was hit by the burglar.

We also use the by-phrase when the action happens by itself.
He was hit on the head with a stone by the burglar. (The person did the action)
A stone rolled down the cliffs, and he was injured by the falling stone. (The stone fell down by itself)
While turning the active voice that contains Impersonal Pronouns (Nobody, Somebody, Anybody …
etc) into the passive, we must pay attention not to change the meaning.
ACTIVE : Nobody can repair this broken vase.
PASSIVE : This broken vase can’t be repaired by anybody.
ACTIVE : They don’t allow anybody to leave early.
PASSIVE : No one is allowed to leave early.
ACTIVE : Nobody has considered the result like this.
PASSIVE : The result hasn’t been considered like this.
ACTIVE : You can’t do anything about this case.
PASSIVE : Nothing can be done about this case.

Complete the sentences and then change them into Passive:
ACTIVE: Nobody …….
ACTIVE: ………………………………………………………………………….………anything.


ACTIVE:…………………………………………………………….. anybody……………..
We can put some adjectives into a verb-like structure by using “GET”.
I couldn’t wear my socks this morning because they were still wet. (adj.)
When I stepped into a hole full of water yesterday, my socks got wet. (a verb-like structure)
“get + past participle(v3)” is also used in the same way and it has a passive meaning.
After my grandpa had worked for five hours in the vineyard, he got tired.
She got very annoyed when she heard the news.
Note: We must be very careful while using the verbs such as please, annoy, surprise, frighten … etc
The active and passive meanings of these verbs are rather different.
He disappointed me with his low grades.
I was disappointed with his low grades / I got disappointed with his low grades.
The dog frightened me when it suddenly appeared in front of me.
I got frightened / was frightened when a dog suddenly appeared in front of me.
We form the passive of the gerund by using “being V3”.
Film stars enjoy being admired . She was afraid of being recognized.
He dislikes being called by his first name. I hate being laughed at.

Complete the following using the passive:
I don’t enjoy . . . . . . .
She hates . . . . . . . . .
They are afraid of . .
PS: “Need” can be used in two ways. (Gerund & Infinitive)
I need to clean the windows (active)

The windows need cleaning. (passive)

the windows need to be cleaned. (passive)

Your examples:

If the object is a person we cannot use the gerund passive.
He needs to be helped ………………………. He needs helping (wrong)
Your examples:


Extra Info:
“advise, insist, propose, recommend, suggest + gerund + object” are usually expressed in the passive
by “that ……. should”
ACTIVE : He recommended using bullet-proof glass.
PASSIVE : He recommended that bullet-proof glass should be used.
We form the passive of the infinitive by using “to be (V3).
ACTIVE : He wants to finish the work today.
PASSIVE : He wants the work to be finished today.
She expects to be selected for the scholarship. He deserves to be punished.
Your examples:
Extra Info:
PS1: “advise, beg, order, recommend, urge + indirect object + infinitive + object” can be made passive
in two ways:
ACTIVE : He urged the council to reduce the rates.
PASSIVE : 1) The council was urged to reduce the rates.
2) He urged that the rates should be reduced
PS2: “agree, be anxious, arrange, be determined, , determine, decide, demand + infinitive + object” is
usually expressed in the passive by “that … should”.
ACTIVE : He decided to sell the house. PASSIVE : He decided that the house should be sold.
I could not find the letter which was sent to you.(=I could not find the letter sent to you .)
The man who was accused of murder and robbery denied the charges.
(=The man accused of murder and robbery denied the charges.)
Although he was supported by some influential politicians, he wasn’t elected.
(=Although supported by some influential politicians, he wasn’t elected.)
Your examples:

Change these sentences from active to passive.

The robbers stole all the money from the bank yesterday
All the money from the bank was stolen yesterday.


The people elect a new President every four years.
A New President is elected every four years.

Can they grow anything in the desert?
Can anything be grown by them in the desert?

They speak English in most countries in Europe.
English is spoken in most countries in Europe.

That man should show inflation graphs at the meeting.
Inflation graphs should be shown by that man at the meeting.

You must look into this matter.
The matter must be looked into by you.

Nobody has washed the car since last month
The car has not been washed since last month.

They are going to build a new hospital next year
A new hospital is going to be built next year.

Why did he paint the walls?
Why were the walls painted?

The police told the dancers not to perform in the street.
The dancers were told not to perform in the street.

Who wrote Great Expectations?
Who was Great Expectations written by?

They should clean the rooms every day.
The rooms should be cleaned every day.

The doctor will test your heart tomorrow.
Your heart will be tested tomorrow.

People mustn’t take the books home from this library.
The books mustn’t be taken home (by people) from this library.

They’ve cut down the last tree in the forest today.
The last tree in the forest has been cut down today.

Who killed this man?
Who was this man killed by?

When will he water the plants?
When will the plants be watered?

Is he going to use the gun?
Is the gun going to be used?

They produce excellent red wine in France.
Excellent red wine is produced in France

Some other scientists may discover the cure for A.I.D.S
The cure for AIDS may be discovered by some other scientists.

Write these sentences in two different ways, using the passive.
They sent me a letter.
a. I was sent a letter. b. A letter was sent to me.

They showed the reporters their new invention.
a. The reporters were shown their new invention.
b. Their new invention was shown to the reporters.

Did they send you the new information?
a. Were you sent the new information?
b. Was the new information sent to you?

She gave the report to her boss.
a. Her boss was given the report.
b. The report was given to her boss.


Have they shown the evidence to the police?
a. Have the police been shown the evidence?
b. Has the evidence been shown to the police?

The manager paid her a lot of money.
a. She was paid a lot of money.
b. A lot of money was paid to her.

Complete the sentences with the given words. Some of the sentences are passive and some
are active. Use any appropriate tense.

The Marathon of Sands (hold) is held every year in spring. The race (start) starts
in Ouratazate in Morocco. It (last) lasts six days. Competitors (walk) walk
or (run) run 140 miles across the Sahara Desert. Each person (allow) is allowed
nine litres of water a day. The race (refer is referred(has been referred) to as
the toughest foot race on the Earth.

One year’s average rainfall (fall) fell in five days last year in Caracas, Venezuela.
The torrential rain (lead) led to deadly mud slides. 400,000 people (make) were made
homeless. 25,000 people (kill) were killed . Many people (die) died
because their houses (not, build) hadn’t been built properly.

The quality of the Louvre’s restoration of the painting ‘The Marriage at Cano’ (question) is
being questioned by critics at the moment. This masterpiece (paint) was painted
by Veronese, the 16th century master of Leonardo Da Vinci. Following the completion of the
restoration, some clothes which were red now (appear) appear green. The painting
(value) is valued at between £50 million and £100 million. It (paint) was painted at a
monastery in Italy and (remain) remained there until Bonaparte’s occupation of
Venice, when it (take) was taken to France. In 1992, it (suffer) suffered an
accident when some scaffolding (crash) crashed into it, Unfortunately, the repair
work and cleaning (destroy) destroyed the original colour combinations.

99% of Japanese Airlines’ flights (take off) take off on time, so it’s most likely that you
(not, delay) won’t be delayed .

About 700 passengers (rescue) were rescued from the ‘Titanic’ after it (hit) had
hit (hit) an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean.

Use an appropriate form of get and the given verbs.

We (lose) got lost after we took a wrong turning in the forest.

Yon had better (dress) get dressed before your aunt arrives. It’s not very polite to greet
her wearing your pyjamas.

She (depress) gets depressed whenever her husband has to work out of
London for long periods.

As the elephant came towards the bush which we were hiding behind, we (more and more,
frighten) got more and more frightened . You can imagine the relief we felt when the
animal walked off in the opposite direction.

Rewrite the following passage in the active
Fourteen-year-old Martin was found late yesterday by the police. Martin had been kidnapped by an
escaped prisoner. He was kept in a farmer’s barn. He was seen by a local person. The police were
called by him. Martin has been returned to his parent’s home.
The police found fourteen-year-old Martin late yesterday. An escaped prisoner had kidnapped
Martin. The prisoner kept him in a farmer’s barn. A local person saw him. The local person
called the police. The police returned Martin to his parent’s home.

Change these sentences into the active :


Some money was thrown into the empty cup of the beggar.
People threw some money into the empty cup of the beggar.

What advice was given to Nick by his teacher when he told his problem?
What advice did his teacher give Nick when he told his problem?

Your photograph must be taken today.
Someone must take your photograph today.

Something bad is being done by you. Be careful!
You are doing something bad. Be careful!

Mrs. Wales hasn’t been sent any money by her children for the last three months.
Her children haven’t sent Mrs. Wales any money for the last three months.

A woman had been murdered in that house
Someone had murdered a woman in that house.

You are not going to be told how wonderful you are.
They aren’t going to tell you how wonderful you are.

Every word you wrote will be read by Mrs. Fisher carefully.
Mrs. Fisher will read evey word you wrote carefully.

A lesson can be learnt from that story. It is “Never trust anybody”.
You (one) can learn a lesson from that story. It is “Never trust anybody”.

The true value of a diamond is never known until it has been cut.
Nobody knows the true value of a diamond until he has cut.

Transform the following into passives. The words in italics should be the new subject of
the sentences.

I hadn’t been with my firm for more than four months when they taught me the elements of
marketing and made me a sales representative.
I hadn’t been with my firm for more than four months when I was taught the elements of
marketing and I was made a sales representative.

They recently increased my salary by thirty per cent. The trouble is that at the same time they
reduced my expense allowance by nearly half.
My salary was recently increased by thirty per cent. The trouble is that at the same time
my expense allowance was reduced by nearly half.

Denis says his firm has offered him a job in Singapore, but that he won’t take it because
someone else has promised him a much better job in Japan.
Denis says he has been offered a job in Singapore, but that he won’t take it because he has
been promised a much better job in Japan by someone else.

Someone has lent me a book on computers and I now understand roughly how they work. No
one had ever explained them to me before.
I have been lent a book on computers and I now understand roughly how they work.
They had never been explained to me before

Last year they overtaxed me and now owe me quite a lot of money. I think they should pay me
interest on it.
Last year I was overtaxed and now I am owed quite a lot of money. I think I should be
paid interest on it.

My car broke down yesterday and they had to tow it to a local garage for repair. They’ll charge me
for the repair, of course, but not for the tow, as my membership of the Automobile Club covers me
for that.
My car broke down yesterday and it had to be towed to a local garage for repair. I will be
charged for the repair, of course, but not for the tow, as I am covered by my membership of
the Automobile Club for that.

Complete the following sentences with “so…” or “neither (nor)…….”:


Sam: I want to be a doctor.
Linda: So do I.

Carol: I didn’t study last night.
Tommy: Neither (Nor) did I.

Dave: I can’t cook well.
Sandy: Neither(Nor) can I.

Mike: I am very tired.
Ann: So am I.

Kim: I haven’t seen Tom since yesterday.
Casey: Neither have I.

Maria: I am not going to learn German next year.
Larry: Neither am I.

Vicky: I will watch that programme tonight.
Pam: So will I.

Ricky: I understood the subject very well.
Salina: So did I.

Nancy: I don’t go to school every day.
Nicky. Neither do I.

Kelly: I can sing very well.
Henry: So can I.

Complete the following paragraph using “so….” or “neither…..” :
Samuel and Terry are best friends. Samuel likes reading and writing and so does Terry.
Samuel isn’t tall and neither is Terry. They are like twins. Samuel wears sporty clothes and so
does Terry. Samuel doesn’t have any brothers or sisters and neither does Terry. Last weekend
Samuel went fishing and so did Terry. He couldn’t catch any fish and neither could Terry. When
they returned, Samuel decided not to go fishing again and so did Terry.
PS: So am I means ‘I am too’; so does he means ‘he does too’; and so on.
Neither/Nor am I means ‘I’m not either’, and so on.

Complete the sentences with so am I etc or neither/nor am I etc.

She’s from Scotland, and so am I

I was tired, and so were the others.

Sue isn’t drinking milk. “Neither/nor is Fatima”

I’ve lost their address.’ So have I

I like dancing, and so does he?

I can’t swim, and neither/nor can Bill

She didn ‘t understand.’ Nor/neither did I.’

He’s tall, and so is his sister.

‘I haven’t paid.’ Neither/nor have I.’

Penguins can’t fly, and neither / nor can ostriches.

I love this music ’’so do I.’

I lost my passport. ’’so did Nicola.’

I don’t like her, and neither / nor do my friends.

The food was bad, and so was the wine.

Sue won’t be there, and neither / nor will her mother.

‘Pete looks ill.’’ So do you.’

I wasn’t surprised.’ ’Neither / nor was I.’

They are learning English. “ so are we”

PREPOSITIONS: Complete the blanks with suitable prepositions.


What do the English generally do on Halloween?

She’s away on a business trip and won’t be back until next week.

Thank you for inviting us.

Which cuisine would you like to start with ?

Were you late for work on Monday?

Are you pleased with your current job?

We lived on a farm for ten years.

Do people in Europe kiss in public? Yeah, but it is not nice.

Belgians kiss twice on the cheek.

Before the 23 rd April Festival, we celebrated bosh our class with

READING: Read the passage below and choose the correct answer.
Tennis can be played by two players in singles or by four in doubles. There is a marked-out area, the
court, with a long net drawn across the centre. The object of the game is to hit the ball over the net and
keep it in play until the opponent loses the point by failing to make a good return. The opposing
players hit a ball to each other with rackets. They concede points to the opponent each time they hit the
ball into the net, or place it outside the limits of the court. The game is played on grass, called lawn
tennis, or on a hard court. Its origins go back to the sixteenth century, and the modern form of the
game dates from 1873. Two of today’s most important international tennis championships are
Wimbledon and the Davis Cup.

It is clear from the passage that tennis ……… .

is better when played on grass than on a hard court

requires rather expensive equipment

is played by either two individual players or two pairs*

is generally a sport of the wealthy

has changed little since it originated

The passage tells us that tennis……….. .

was first played sometime in the 1500s*

was perfected by someone called Davis

was a somewhat informal game until 1873

was played without rules for centuries

is played on extremely hard ground

We understand from the passage that, in tennis……… .

the rules are not as strict as in other sports

there are no more than two international tournaments

people can be seriously hurt when they are hit with rackets

one player, or pair, wins by the other’s mistakes*

players have to make a large number of strikes

SPEAKING: Do as in the example. Use different tenses.
Student A: I will clean the windows tomorrow.
Student B: Sorry, I didn’t hear all of that. What did you say about the windows?
Student A: The windows will be cleaned.

SPEAKING: RESEARCH TOPIC: Find out some information about a historic place in your
country. Narrate it to the class using the passive structures. Prepare questions (mainly in
passive voice) After you have talked about it, ask your questions to your friends.


VOCABULARY: Find the words. There is one letter on each dot.

H . N . . a reddish brown dye, used mainly for coloring the hair and skin henna

W . . C H a woman who is believed to have magical powers and who uses them to harm or
help other people witch

W . . H a desire for something wish

A . O . A . I C having a pleasant smell aromatic

D . S . food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal. dish

. R . . E a woman who is about to get married or has just got married bride

. E . T L . an insect with a hard shell-like back beetle

. . V . M . N . UK (US sidewalk) a path with a hard surface beside one or both sides of a road,
that people walk on pavement

M . N I . I . . L I . Y a city or town with its own local government, or this local government
itself municipality

. . M . A . . a device for finding direction which has a freely moving needle that always points
to magnetic north compass

. I . . O . a large usually grey bird, which is often seen in towns sitting on buildings in large
groups, and is sometimes eaten as food pigeon

B . I . E . R . O . a man who is about to get married or has just got married bridegroom

. . A C . (US USUALLY bus) a long motor vehicle with comfortable seats, used to take groups
of people on journeys coach

. U . S . N E a style of cooking cousine

. . I C . containing strong flavours from spice spicy

. R A . E . a box-shaped container without a top which is part of a piece of furniture. It slides in
and out to open and close and is used for keeping things in drawer

. O . S . to cook food in an oven or over a fire roast

B . . F the flesh of cattle which is eaten beef

A I . a result that your plans or actions are intended to achieve aim

P . R . D E a large number of people walking or in vehicles usually as part of a public
celebration of something. parade

D E . I . A . E . believing that something is very important and giving a lot of time and
energy to it dedicated

A . S . M . L . a group of people, especially one gathered together regularly for a particular
purpose, such as government, or more generally, the process of gathering together assembly

. L . . If you do it, you turn it over quickly one or more times. flip

M A . . I one of the original people of New Zealand and the Cook Islands maori

R . B to press or be pressed against something with a circular or up and down repeated
movement rub

B . W to bend your head or body forward, especially as a way of showing someone respect or
expressing thanks to people who have watched you perform bow

. . E N . I . E unpleasant offensive

. A . E . . by the smallest amount; almost not barely

H . A . . N in some religions, the place, sometimes imagined to be in the sky, where God or the
gods live and where good people are believed to go after they die, so that they can enjoy
happiness heaven

. N . I . E whole or complete, with nothing missing entire

. L O . S . M When a tree or plant does it, it produces flowers before producing edible
fruit blossom

. . U . L . T two lines of poetry next to each other, especially ones which rhyme and have the
same length and rhythm couplet

. R A . a flat object, usually with raised edges, used for carrying food and drinks tray

. E P . E . E N . to speak, act or be present officially for another person or people represent

. R . S P E . I . Y the state of being successful and having a lot of money prosperity


N . . D L . a food in the form of long thin strips made from flour or rice, water and often egg,
which you cook in boiling liquid: noodle

A . T . T . D . a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is
caused by this attitude

C . N . I . E . to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision consider

D . . E R . I . E to control or influence something directly or to decide what will happen

. U . L . N . a description of the main facts about something outline

. . E . Z . When you do it, air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your nose
and mouth in a way you cannot control sneeze

. A . T . bad or very unpleasant nasty

C . N T . . I O . an officer in the army of ancient Rome, who was responsible for 100
soldiers. Centurion

W . . P to beat food, especially cream with a special utensil in order to make it thick and
firm whip

. . E A . to go somewhere secretly, or to take someone or something somewhere secretly sneak

. H . . to crush food into smaller, softer pieces with the teeth so that it can be swallowed chew

WORD FORMATION: Write the suitable form of the word given in bracket.

Number Ten Downing Street is the British prime minister’s official residence. (OFFICIALLY)

He immigrated with his parents in 1895, and grew up in Long Island.

Your starting salary is £13 000 per annum and will be reviewed annually (= once every
year). (ANNUAL)

The town’s fame rests on its beautiful 14th-century abbey. (FAMOUS)

When are the municipal elections? (MUNICIPALITY)

We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.

The story is written in richly poetic language. (POET)

The lighting of the Olympic torch symbolizes peace and friendship among the
nations of the world. (SYMBOL)

War had given to the community a greater sense of togetherness. (TOGETHER)

His face was thin and bloodless . (BLOOD)

There was relatively little violence. (RELATIVE)

His work on DNA was widely admired. (WIDE)

WATCHING: Write “Garden State – Retarded Olympics” in the search bar of Youtube.
Click the first video and then fill in the blanks.

No, not from high school. From TV.
Didn’t you play the retarded quarterback?
Yeah. (quarterback: Futbolda defans oyuncusu)
Are you really retarded?
No, I’m not.
Cool. Great job, man. I mean, I thought you were really retarded. You’re just as good as
that Corky kid, and he’s absolutely retarded.
If there was some sort of retarded Oscar … you would win like hands down, kick his ass.
Well, thank you. Thanks, I appreciate it. I have to fill out this form though, so…
Right on.


My cousin’s an actor. Jake Ryan Winters. Doubt you’ve ever heard of him. He was, like,
on Xena once as a gnome or something. That’s really cool though.
Oh, my God. That scene. That last scene… where you give the speech to the whole stadium… and your
dad… oh, your dad gives you the thumbs up.Aw. That was, like… That was emotional.
So, you got anything else coming out?
No. You know , I’m auditioning…
I can’t believe you’re not really retarded. I mean, Jake’s not a very good actor. You can’t really tell on
Xena ’cause he’s in the hairy gnome suit…but when we were little, he used to put on these really, really
low-budge…renditions of Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals in our attic. And they were awful .!
Like, so bad.It sucks, though, because there’s not that much work for little people, you know?
Anyway , I’m talking too much. I’ll just…You got to fill out your forms .

WRITTEN EXPRESSION: Write a paragraph about “Ramazan Bayramı”. Describe the
celebration and preparations and also add your suggestions. Use the passive voice in your

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