
2012-2013 Ingilizce 2 2 Yariyil 2 Oturum Online Test

Students ………… a cap and gown on their graduation day.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? eat
? put up
? shout
? wear
? get
The bride and groom are celebrating their
………… in a small hotel in the city center.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? graduation day
? wedding day
? school day
? Valentine’s day
? birthday
The Internet café is ………… the bank and the shoe store.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? around
? across
? between
? on
? outside
My brothers play golf every weekend so sometimes I play with ………… .
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? us
? them
? me
? you
? him
Alex would like to do ………… but he doesn’t have a camera.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? knitting
? carpentry
? crafts
? meditation
? photography
I’d like ………… a dance class.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? joining
? to join
? to joining
? in joining
? join
A: Do your brothers have a good diet?
B: Yes, they do. They ………… eat healthy food.
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki konuşmayı doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? extremely
? once in a while
? once a year
? generally
? not very often
A: Where ………… your friends study?
B: They study in Boston.
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki konuşmayı doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? does
? do
? aren’t
? are
? don’t
………… long does it take to get to college?
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? How
? What
? When
? Where
? Do
A: Are you students in this school? B: …………
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki konuşmayı doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? No, they’re not.
? No, we’re not.
? No, he’s not.
? No, I’m not.
? No, you’re not.
A: How ………… I help?
B: I’d like to go to the nearest supermarket.
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki konuşmayı doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? could
? do
? will
? would
? can
Mom ………… born in New York but she lived there for most of her life.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? hasn’t
? didn’t
? doesn’t
? wasn’t
? isn’t
………… you play the piano?
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? Hate
? Can
? Prefer
? Enjoy
? Like
………… celebrate his birthday because he doesn’t like parties.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? Is Paul going to
? Isn’t Paul going to
? Is Paul not going to
? Paul is going to
? Paul’s not going to
I love fish so I really want to go to the new
………… .
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? bus station
? museum
? aquarium
? theater
? stadium
My grandparents got married in ………… . (1958).
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? nineteen five eight
? nineteen and fifty-eight
? nineteen fifty eight
? nineteen and five eight
? nineteen fifty-eight
Joanna ………… meat because she’s a vegetarian.
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? eats
? doesn’t eat
? not eating
? eat
? is eating
We’re learning about life in the eighteenth century in ………… .
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? computer studies
? history
? geography
? algebra
? biology
Ayşe: ………… a bookstore in the city center? John: No, there isn’t.
Which of the following completes the dialogue above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki konuşmayı doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? Is there
? Is it
? Is that
? Is this
? Is here
The second month of the year is ………… .
Which of the following completes the sentence above?
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi doğru şekilde tamamlar?
? October
? February
? July
? March
? January

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