Ogrenci Secme ve Yerlestirme Merkezi

2012 Lys5 Ingilizce Online Test

  1. 1. – 8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

    To a psychologist, personality consists of persistent —- of thought, emotion and behaviour.
    1.   ?    compliments
    2.   ?    inventions
    3.   ?    patterns
    4.   ?    services
    5.   ?    belongings
  2. Both Malatya and Gaziantep have grown economically in the past three decades and both are now considerably —- than they used to be.
    1.   ?    simpler
    2.   ?    weaker
    3.   ?    riskier
    4.   ?    wealthier
    5.   ?    stricter
  3. Passing on knowledge to others was once thought to be a —- human ability, but several species are proving otherwise.
    1.   ?    uniquely
    2.   ?    rapidly
    3.   ?    generously
    4.   ?    steadily
    5.   ?    hazardously
  4. Psychological factors influence our physical health, because our emotions and thoughts are always —- by biochemical reactions in our bodies.
    1.   ?    detected
    2.   ?    pretended
    3.   ?    appointed
    4.   ?    accompanied
    5.   ?    rejected
  5. During the 18th century, the Ottoman Empire lost status as well as power, as it could not —- the scientific developments in Europe.
    1.   ?    get rid of
    2.   ?    keep up with
    3.   ?    look up to
    4.   ?    run away from
    5.   ?    cut down on
  6. Tourists visiting China —- Mount Lushan as a magnificent mountain that —- out of the water.
    1.   ?    were describing / has been rising up
    2.   ?    had described / should rise up
    3.   ?    would describe / will rise up
    4.   ?    described / would have risen up
    5.   ?    have described / rises up
  7. The origins of Western cooking —- to ideas about diet and nutrition that —- during the 17th century.
    1.   ?    must be traced / appear
    2.   ?    can be traced / appeared
    3.   ?    have to be traced / were appearing
    4.   ?    might be traced / have appeared
    5.   ?    could be traced / are appearing
  8. Bessie Smith, who —- her stage career in the 1910s as a dancer and singer, —- the most well-known blues singer of the 1920s.
    1.   ?    would begin / would be
    2.   ?    began / was
    3.   ?    has begun / has been
    4.   ?    was beginning / could be
    5.   ?    had begun / had been
  9. 9. – 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

    —- their brightly coloured beaks and feet, Atlantic puffins are —- the world’s most distinctive seabirds.
    1.   ?    With / among
    2.   ?    Beyond / within
    3.   ?    Over / of
    4.   ?    For / about
    5.   ?    On / from
  10. Nursing has evolved from an unstructured method —- caring for the ill —- a scientific profession.
    1.   ?    between / on
    2.   ?    of / to
    3.   ?    under / from
    4.   ?    in / for
    5.   ?    with / over
  11. Traditionally, intelligence was considered stable —- our adult years, but new research shows that it can rise and fall —- time.
    1.   ?    along / of
    2.   ?    during / over
    3.   ?    within / towards
    4.   ?    for / upon
    5.   ?    into / by
  12. A running tap wastes up to nine litres of water per minute, —- turning it off while brushing your teeth helps save plenty of water.
    1.   ?    otherwise
    2.   ?    when
    3.   ?    instead
    4.   ?    so
    5.   ?    since
  13. It is impossible to make appropriate decisions about how to solve a problem —- you define it and identify its root causes first.
    1.   ?    whether
    2.   ?    because
    3.   ?    though
    4.   ?    unless
    5.   ?    in case
  14. Global demand for coal will continue to expand over the next five years —- governments’ attempts to reduce reliance on this fuel.
    1.   ?    in spite of
    2.   ?    as well as
    3.   ?    in case of
    4.   ?    as a result of
    5.   ?    due to
  15. —- children see us read, —- inclined they are to want to read.
    1.   ?    Either / or
    2.   ?    The more / the more
    3.   ?    Both / and
    4.   ?    Other / than
    5.   ?    Neither / nor
  16. 16. – 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

    The traditional Ottoman house was very practical. In fact, until the 19th century, (16)—- furniture was used. Space was used efficiently to meet the needs of daily life. Beds (17)—- simply mattresses, aired with the rest of the bedding in the morning, then rolled up and stored until night-time. Meals were served on a large tray, cleared away after eating. A large brazier (mangal)
    (18)—- the modern fireplaces used today. Low seating called sedir, was built on three sides (19)—- a room, and was covered with rugs (kilims). It was easy to keep the rugs on the floor clean and in good shape, (20)—- outdoor shoes were replaced by soft indoor slippers before entering the house.

    16. …………………….?
    1.   ?    many
    2.   ?    most
    3.   ?    little
    4.   ?    much
    5.   ?    least
  17. The traditional Ottoman house was very practical. In fact, until the 19th century, (16)—- furniture was used. Space was used efficiently to meet the needs of daily life. Beds (17)—- simply mattresses, aired with the rest of the bedding in the morning, then rolled up and stored until night-time. Meals were served on a large tray, cleared away after eating. A large brazier (mangal)
    (18)—- the modern fireplaces used today. Low seating called sedir, was built on three sides (19)—- a room, and was covered with rugs (kilims). It was easy to keep the rugs on the floor clean and in good shape, (20)—- outdoor shoes were replaced by soft indoor slippers before entering the house.

    17. …………….?
    1.   ?    should be
    2.   ?    were
    3.   ?    had to be
    4.   ?    can be
    5.   ?    have been
  18. The traditional Ottoman house was very practical. In fact, until the 19th century, (16)—- furniture was used. Space was used efficiently to meet the needs of daily life. Beds (17)—- simply mattresses, aired with the rest of the bedding in the morning, then rolled up and stored until night-time. Meals were served on a large tray, cleared away after eating. A large brazier (mangal)
    (18)—- the modern fireplaces used today. Low seating called sedir, was built on three sides (19)—- a room, and was covered with rugs (kilims). It was easy to keep the rugs on the floor clean and in good shape, (20)—- outdoor shoes were replaced by soft indoor slippers before entering the house.

    18. ………………..?
    1.   ?    dealt with
    2.   ?    substituted for
    3.   ?    turned down
    4.   ?    worked out
    5.   ?    kept away
  19. The traditional Ottoman house was very practical. In fact, until the 19th century, (16)—- furniture was used. Space was used efficiently to meet the needs of daily life. Beds (17)—- simply mattresses, aired with the rest of the bedding in the morning, then rolled up and stored until night-time. Meals were served on a large tray, cleared away after eating. A large brazier (mangal)
    (18)—- the modern fireplaces used today. Low seating called sedir, was built on three sides (19)—- a room, and was covered with rugs (kilims). It was easy to keep the rugs on the floor clean and in good shape, (20)—- outdoor shoes were replaced by soft indoor slippers before entering the house.

    19. ………………?
    1.   ?    by
    2.   ?    at
    3.   ?    to
    4.   ?    of
    5.   ?    near
  20. The traditional Ottoman house was very practical. In fact, until the 19th century, (16)—- furniture was used. Space was used efficiently to meet the needs of daily life. Beds (17)—- simply mattresses, aired with the rest of the bedding in the morning, then rolled up and stored until night-time. Meals were served on a large tray, cleared away after eating. A large brazier (mangal)
    (18)—- the modern fireplaces used today. Low seating called sedir, was built on three sides (19)—- a room, and was covered with rugs (kilims). It was easy to keep the rugs on the floor clean and in good shape, (20)—- outdoor shoes were replaced by soft indoor slippers before entering the house.

    20. ……………..?
    1.   ?    as
    2.   ?    there fore
    3.   ?    although
    4.   ?    but
    5.   ?    unless
  21. 21. – 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

    By the time Daniel Defoe died, —-.
    1.   ?    many people were saddened by the death of the novelist
    2.   ?    many novelists would be an inspiration for him
    3.   ?    he had produced many books including Robinson Crusoe
    4.   ?    it was apparently as a result of physical exhaustion
    5.   ?    Robinson Crusoe, despite its simple narrative style, has received notable praise in the literary world
  22. Since the purpose of charity is to make life better for others, —-.
    1.   ?    more than half of the money taken in by aid organizations is from private donations
    2.   ?    sacrificing some of your self-interest for the benefit of those in need is praiseworthy
    3.   ?    donations from governments are not as important as they used to be
    4.   ?    health organizations may sometimes have difficulties in raising funds to fight diseases
    5.   ?    it is now easy to donate to your favourite charity using direct deposit
  23. —-, where visitors can walk, hike, sail, ride horse, ski and more.
    1.   ?    The Mediterranean and Aegean coasts are under threat due to the high number of tourists
    2.   ?    Turkey offers a range of exciting outdoor activities, particularly in the Black Sea and Eastern Anatolian regions
    3.   ?    From prehistory to the present, numerous cultures have emerged and declined within Turkey’s present-day borders
    4.   ?    Turkey is home to remarkable ruins such as Aspendos, Termessos and the famous library at Ephesus
    5.   ?    Turkey has many ancient palaces, museums, impressive mosques and churches
  24. —- even before Europe started interfering in its local affairs.
    1.   ?    North Africa had many serious problems
    2.   ?    The 19th century was a time of great scientific advances
    3.   ?    Some countries certainly had strategic importance
    4.   ?    Libya and Sudan had a peaceful period of economic development
    5.   ?    The potential for the exploitation of resources in Europe was limited
  25. Solar power stations can be an economical way to generate power —-.
    1.   ?    if a region has a steady amount of sunshine
    2.   ?    because the power generated by electricity is insignificant
    3.   ?    since power from solar power plants is about twice as expensive
    4.   ?    although they already operate a power plant there
    5.   ?    even though they have built a demonstration plant in Italy
  26. —-, we are likely to be bombarded with facts and figures on pollution, unemployment and inflation.
    1.   ?    Although politics is sometimes defined as the art of government
    2.   ?    Whenever we pick up a newspaper or turn on the television
    3.   ?    As we are concerned with what choices have to be made
    4.   ?    Because most educators make use of many forms of media
    5.   ?    Since the field of economics deals with economic data
  27. —-, the Turkish rituals attached to serving tea to guests are almost as elaborate.
    1.   ?    Because of the fact that few people are fond of drinking tea
    2.   ?    Even if an invitation to tea in Korea does not always mean a long visit
    3.   ?    Now that it is customary in England to drink at least three glasses of tea
    4.   ?    Just as tea is prepared in a teapot over the stove in Egypt
    5.   ?    Although people normally associate the idea of a tea ceremony with Japan
  28. —-, they move their bodies according to complex rhythmic patterns.
    1.   ?    Although dancing is beneficial for many people
    2.   ?    When books on dance are widely available
    3.   ?    As dancers perform in front of an audience at a festival
    4.   ?    Since dancing and religion go together in many cultures
    5.   ?    If dancing is an important part of a culture
  29. 29. – 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

    To see the big obstacle facing renewable energy, look at Denmark. It has some of the world’s largest wind farms. Yet because consumer demand for electricity is often lowest when the winds blow hardest, Denmark sometimes has to sell its extra electricity to neighbouring countries at low prices ‒ only to buy energy back when demand rises, at much higher prices. Companies in Texas face a similar mismatch between supply and demand; they sometimes have to pay customers to take energy from their windmills and solar farms. In theory, the wind and sun could supply the US with all the electricity it requires. In practice, however, both sources are too unreliable to supply more than 20% of a region’s total energy capacity. Beyond that point, balancing supply and demand becomes too very difficult. What is needed are cheaper and more efficient ways of keeping power in reserve so that it can be accessed when the winds are not blowing and the sun is not shining.

    29. According to the passage, Denmark —-.
    1.   ?    has been experiencing the drawbacks of using wind farms for energy
    2.   ?    sells all of the energy it produces to other countries for profit
    3.   ?    pays a lot of money for electricity it does not use
    4.   ?    buys cheap energy from neighbouring countries
    5.   ?    wants to reduce the demand for electricity when the winds are blowing hard
  30. To see the big obstacle facing renewable energy, look at Denmark. It has some of the world’s largest wind farms. Yet because consumer demand for electricity is often lowest when the winds blow hardest, Denmark sometimes has to sell its extra electricity to neighbouring countries at low prices ‒ only to buy energy back when demand rises, at much higher prices. Companies in Texas face a similar mismatch between supply and demand; they sometimes have to pay customers to take energy from their windmills and solar farms. In theory, the wind and sun could supply the US with all the electricity it requires. In practice, however, both sources are too unreliable to supply more than 20% of a region’s total energy capacity. Beyond that point, balancing supply and demand becomes too very difficult. What is needed are cheaper and more efficient ways of keeping power in reserve so that it can be accessed when the winds are not blowing and the sun is not shining.

    30. What could be the best title for the passage?
    1.   ?    Problems Involved in the Use of Renewable Energy
    2.   ?    Comparisons of the Use of Wind Power in the US and Denmark
    3.   ?    The Inevitable High Cost of Producing Electricity
    4.   ?    Why Renewable Energy Is the Best Solution
    5.   ?    The Imbalance between Solar and Wind Power
  31. To see the big obstacle facing renewable energy, look at Denmark. It has some of the world’s largest wind farms. Yet because consumer demand for electricity is often lowest when the winds blow hardest, Denmark sometimes has to sell its extra electricity to neighbouring countries at low prices ‒ only to buy energy back when demand rises, at much higher prices. Companies in Texas face a similar mismatch between supply and demand; they sometimes have to pay customers to take energy from their windmills and solar farms. In theory, the wind and sun could supply the US with all the electricity it requires. In practice, however, both sources are too unreliable to supply more than 20% of a region’s total energy capacity. Beyond that point, balancing supply and demand becomes too very difficult. What is needed are cheaper and more efficient ways of keeping power in reserve so that it can be accessed when the winds are not blowing and the sun is not shining.

    31. It can be inferred from the passage that what power companies need to do is to —-.
    1.   ?    control climate variables such as the wind for cheaper energy
    2.   ?    explore realistic alternatives to windmills and solar farms
    3.   ?    generate more power from traditional power sources using new technology
    4.   ?    help their customers generate usable power in their own homes
    5.   ?    find better ways to store power in order to make it available when needed
  32. 32. – 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

    The early morning streets of Sultanahmet seemed perfect for the task I had set for myself, which was to travel alone and collect the sights and the sounds of Istanbul in my notebooks. The first mistake on any journey, of course, is to make plans. I strolled a few hundred metres up to the Blue Mosque. Everything in Sultanahmet ‒ which is to say almost all the obvious attractions of Istanbul ‒ is within a short walk, and you can’t miss the Blue Mosque. Its great dome sits at the highest point of Sultanahmet. Istanbul was built on seven hills, and each hilltop has been given over to a mosque. A big tour bus moved slowly along the street, pulling up outside a hotel near the mosque. The hotel was painted blue and benefits from the name of the Blue Mosque. Ironically, the mosque itself isn’t blue, at least not on the outside. It gets its name from the blue Iznik tiles which cover the interior of its dome. A group of old Australians got out of the bus. I smiled at them, happy not to be part of the regular tourist crowd and kept on walking.

    32. It is stated in the passage that —-.
    1.   ?    careful planning can make a vacation more satisfying
    2.   ?    the author’s notebooks are full of his observations about the city
    3.   ?    it is not easy to locate the Blue Mosque unless you know the city well
    4.   ?    nearly all of the tourist sites in Sultanahmet are located close to each other
    5.   ?    tourists prefer visiting the Blue Mosque in the early morning
  33. The early morning streets of Sultanahmet seemed perfect for the task I had set for myself, which was to travel alone and collect the sights and the sounds of Istanbul in my notebooks. The first mistake on any journey, of course, is to make plans. I strolled a few hundred metres up to the Blue Mosque. Everything in Sultanahmet ‒ which is to say almost all the obvious attractions of Istanbul ‒ is within a short walk, and you can’t miss the Blue Mosque. Its great dome sits at the highest point of Sultanahmet. Istanbul was built on seven hills, and each hilltop has been given over to a mosque. A big tour bus moved slowly along the street, pulling up outside a hotel near the mosque. The hotel was painted blue and benefits from the name of the Blue Mosque. Ironically, the mosque itself isn’t blue, at least not on the outside. It gets its name from the blue Iznik tiles which cover the interior of its dome. A group of old Australians got out of the bus. I smiled at them, happy not to be part of the regular tourist crowd and kept on walking.

    33. We can infer from the passage that the author —-.
    1.   ?    believes Sultanahmet is symbolic of other historical places
    2.   ?    finds the establishment of Sultanahmet region strange
    3.   ?    enjoys travelling as part of a large group
    4.   ?    was having a pleasant time exploring Sultanahmet
    5.   ?    has negative feelings towards historical sites in Turkey
  34. The early morning streets of Sultanahmet seemed perfect for the task I had set for myself, which was to travel alone and collect the sights and the sounds of Istanbul in my notebooks. The first mistake on any journey, of course, is to make plans. I strolled a few hundred metres up to the Blue Mosque. Everything in Sultanahmet ‒ which is to say almost all the obvious attractions of Istanbul ‒ is within a short walk, and you can’t miss the Blue Mosque. Its great dome sits at the highest point of Sultanahmet. Istanbul was built on seven hills, and each hilltop has been given over to a mosque. A big tour bus moved slowly along the street, pulling up outside a hotel near the mosque. The hotel was painted blue and benefits from the name of the Blue Mosque. Ironically, the mosque itself isn’t blue, at least not on the outside. It gets its name from the blue Iznik tiles which cover the interior of its dome. A group of old Australians got out of the bus. I smiled at them, happy not to be part of the regular tourist crowd and kept on walking.

    34. It is understood from the passage that —-.
    1.   ?    the hotel’s name comes from its location near the Blue Mosque
    2.   ?    Iznik tiles can frequently be found in most Turkish mosques
    3.   ?    the name of the Blue Mosque is representative of its outward appearance
    4.   ?    most tourists visiting Sultanahmet come from Australia
    5.   ?    tour companies often force their customers to stay in the same hotel
  35. 35. – 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

    When the first cars hit British roads in the late 19th century, they had an unusual safety feature. Every “horseless carriage” was guided by a man walking in front waving a red flag to warn other road users of the vehicle’s approach. These early precautions, known as the “red flag laws”, seem laughable now. However, future generations may look at current safety measures in much the same way. In the US state of Nevada, the government has begun to draft a set of regulations that will allow self-driving vehicles on its roads. These cars will have technological advantages such as cameras that determine exactly where other cars are and how fast they are moving. Promoters of the self-driving cars believe they will save time and fuel, and reduce traffic jams. If these cars become a reality, there may be a dramatic decrease in human drivers on the roads.
    People who still want the pleasure of driving themselves will someday have to warn other road users that they are engaging in such a dangerous activity. People then might consider reintroducing the red flags.

    35. The author of the passage thinks that —-.
    1.   ?    many cars will not be driven by humans when unmanned cars come into existence
    2.   ?    current technology is insufficient to meet safety needs on today’s roads
    3.   ?    precautions taken by the British were not as effective as those of the Nevada government
    4.   ?    regulations in Nevada might be a successful example for other governments which want to approve self-driving cars
    5.   ?    road users rely heavily on self-driving cars due to their technological advantages
  36. When the first cars hit British roads in the late 19th century, they had an unusual safety feature. Every “horseless carriage” was guided by a man walking in front waving a red flag to warn other road users of the vehicle’s approach. These early precautions, known as the “red flag laws”, seem laughable now. However, future generations may look at current safety measures in much the same way. In the US state of Nevada, the government has begun to draft a set of regulations that will allow self-driving vehicles on its roads. These cars will have technological advantages such as cameras that determine exactly where other cars are and how fast they are moving. Promoters of the self-driving cars believe they will save time and fuel, and reduce traffic jams. If these cars become a reality, there may be a dramatic decrease in human drivers on the roads.
    People who still want the pleasure of driving themselves will someday have to warn other road users that they are engaging in such a dangerous activity. People then might consider reintroducing the red flags.

    36. It can be understood from the passage that —-.
    1.   ?    the technical features of self-driving cars will make them expensive at first
    2.   ?    we need to build special roads for self-driving cars
    3.   ?    the designs of self-driving cars will be more attractive than current ones
    4.   ?    no one will want to drive themselves anymore
    5.   ?    promoters of the self-driving cars believe these cars will have several benefits
  37. When the first cars hit British roads in the late 19th century, they had an unusual safety feature. Every “horseless carriage” was guided by a man walking in front waving a red flag to warn other road users of the vehicle’s approach. These early precautions, known as the “red flag laws”, seem laughable now. However, future generations may look at current safety measures in much the same way. In the US state of Nevada, the government has begun to draft a set of regulations that will allow self-driving vehicles on its roads. These cars will have technological advantages such as cameras that determine exactly where other cars are and how fast they are moving. Promoters of the self-driving cars believe they will save time and fuel, and reduce traffic jams. If these cars become a reality, there may be a dramatic decrease in human drivers on the roads.
    People who still want the pleasure of driving themselves will someday have to warn other road users that they are engaging in such a dangerous activity. People then might consider reintroducing the red flags.

    37. It is inferred in the passage that —-.
    1.   ?    the Nevada government was inspired by the “red flag laws” while drafting regulations for self-driving cars
    2.   ?    driving a car yourself may be considered dangerous in the future
    3.   ?    a red flag was generally used to signal the approach of a pedestrian
    4.   ?    British people did not obey the “red flag laws” since they considered them ridiculous
    5.   ?    cars were often used to carry equipment when they were first introduced to British roads in the 19th century
  38. 38. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

    Folk dance is a term referring to any kind of dance which has been developed within a traditional community, rather than being created by a choreographer or teacher. Steps and patterns are passed on from one generation to another, gradually undergoing a process of change. Many folk dances have their origins in ritual and express the character of the community who dance them. The term was coined in the 18th century to distinguish “peasant” dance forms from those of the upper classes, but the distinction itself dates back to the 15th century when ballroom dances first began to emerge as separate forms. With urbanization and demographic change, many original forms of folk dance have been lost, even though many Western countries, during the 20th century, attempted to rediscover and preserve them, often through specialist groups of folk dancers.

    38. According to the passage, folk dance —-.
    1.   ?    is the creation of modern choreographers
    2.   ?    depends on geographical conditions
    3.   ?    has repetitive steps and patterns
    4.   ?    originated in traditional communities
    5.   ?    remained the same since it was created
  39. Folk dance is a term referring to any kind of dance which has been developed within a traditional community, rather than being created by a choreographer or teacher. Steps and patterns are passed on from one generation to another, gradually undergoing a process of change. Many folk dances have their origins in ritual and express the character of the community who dance them. The term was coined in the 18th century to distinguish “peasant” dance forms from those of the upper classes, but the distinction itself dates back to the 15th century when ballroom dances first began to emerge as separate forms. With urbanization and demographic change, many original forms of folk dance have been lost, even though many Western countries, during the 20th century, attempted to rediscover and preserve them, often through specialist groups of folk dancers.

    39. As the passage states, folk dance —-.
    1.   ?    emerged in the 18th century after ballroom dancing was introduced
    2.   ?    shaped the development of existing dance forms
    3.   ?    influenced the dances performed by the upper classes
    4.   ?    was recognized as a distinct form as early as the 15th century
    5.   ?    represented a need to express certain religious beliefs
  40. Folk dance is a term referring to any kind of dance which has been developed within a traditional community, rather than being created by a choreographer or teacher. Steps and patterns are passed on from one generation to another, gradually undergoing a process of change. Many folk dances have their origins in ritual and express the character of the community who dance them. The term was coined in the 18th century to distinguish “peasant” dance forms from those of the upper classes, but the distinction itself dates back to the 15th century when ballroom dances first began to emerge as separate forms. With urbanization and demographic change, many original forms of folk dance have been lost, even though many Western countries, during the 20th century, attempted to rediscover and preserve them, often through specialist groups of folk dancers.

    40. It is understood from the passage that —-.
    1.   ?    folk dances have always been performed by specialist groups
    2.   ?    urbanization has helped to develop a new style of folk dances
    3.   ?    a number of folk dances have been lost due to urbanization
    4.   ?    new forms of folk dances were discovered in the 20th century
    5.   ?    Western countries have made little effort to preserve folk dances
  41. 41. – 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

    China’s economy is so huge that it is easy to forget the country’s property market is still in its adolescence. Two decades ago, most city-dwellers had to live in basic, old accommodation, provided by their state-owned employer. Since then, house building has developed greatly as has the notion of home ownership. However, the market has been experiencing sudden changes and prices are falling in many cities. This is having an impact on local governments which carry out four-fifths of the country’s spending but only receive half of the taxes in income. To help make up the difference, they rely on buying land from farmers and selling it to property developers. But as developers struggle, land sales are decreasing and local governments are receiving less money. In other countries, local governments raise money by taxing homes, but in China, this is a sensitive subject. People feel that they already pay too much to a state that provides too little.

    41. As clearly stated in the passage, until recently, the majority of city-dwellers in China —-.
    1.   ?    lived in simple houses that they built themselves
    2.   ?    were provided housing by the government
    3.   ?    left home to work for the state when they were adolescents
    4.   ?    required permission from the state if they wanted to build a house
    5.   ?    were afraid to buy their own homes in the city
  42. China’s economy is so huge that it is easy to forget the country’s property market is still in its adolescence. Two decades ago, most city-dwellers had to live in basic, old accommodation, provided by their state-owned employer. Since then, house building has developed greatly as has the notion of home ownership. However, the market has been experiencing sudden changes and prices are falling in many cities. This is having an impact on local governments which carry out four-fifths of the country’s spending but only receive half of the taxes in income. To help make up the difference, they rely on buying land from farmers and selling it to property developers. But as developers struggle, land sales are decreasing and local governments are receiving less money. In other countries, local governments raise money by taxing homes, but in China, this is a sensitive subject. People feel that they already pay too much to a state that provides too little.

    42. According to the passage, one of the challenges for local governments is that they are —-.
    1.   ?    dealing with half of the country’s public spending
    2.   ?    responsible for the stability of the market
    3.   ?    receiving little money from local farmers
    4.   ?    experiencing problems related to income and spending
    5.   ?    expected to provide cheaper housing for city-dwellers
  43. China’s economy is so huge that it is easy to forget the country’s property market is still in its adolescence. Two decades ago, most city-dwellers had to live in basic, old accommodation, provided by their state-owned employer. Since then, house building has developed greatly as has the notion of home ownership. However, the market has been experiencing sudden changes and prices are falling in many cities. This is having an impact on local governments which carry out four-fifths of the country’s spending but only receive half of the taxes in income. To help make up the difference, they rely on buying land from farmers and selling it to property developers. But as developers struggle, land sales are decreasing and local governments are receiving less money. In other countries, local governments raise money by taxing homes, but in China, this is a sensitive subject. People feel that they already pay too much to a state that provides too little.

    43. According to the passage, it would be difficult to introduce a property tax in China because people feel that —-.
    1.   ?    it would make it more difficult for people to buy a house
    2.   ?    the government does not do enough for them
    3.   ?    there are not enough houses to tax
    4.   ?    imposing income taxes would be more effective
    5.   ?    only the very rich would benefit from such a tax
  44. 44. – 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bu- lunuz.

    Oya:  I wish I could live a simpler life like people who lived 100 years ago.
    Selin:  Why would you want that? I think life must have been really boring back then.
    Oya:  —-
    Selin:  You have a point. Sometimes I feel like throwing away my cell phone and my computer.
    1.   ?    I suppose you are right. I couldn’t imagine life without the Internet.
    2.   ?    Maybe, but imagine being alive in the era of such adventure. Wouldn’t that be exciting?
    3.   ?    If you don’t like the past, would you prefer to live at some point in the future?
    4.   ?    True, life was much more difficult for most people. You have to admit though, for some people it was great.
    5.   ?    But there was also more simplicity. Nowadays, we spend all our time being overwhelmed with technology.
  45. Birgül:  I have an interesting job and I’m earning a good salary, why do I still feel so stressed?
    Eda:  —-
    Birgül:  What do you mean by that?
    Eda:  I have read it in an article. It says that as you gain more responsibility, your level of stress increases.
    1.   ?    You have such a calm personality to be so stressed.
    2.   ?    Perhaps, you should talk to your boss instead.
    3.   ?    Maybe you’re suffering from the stress of having to do too much.
    4.   ?    Don’t you think you’re exaggerating this time?
    5.   ?    Have you considered doing yoga to relieve your stress?
  46. Okan:  There are now almost a dozen studies showing that mind power can be increased over time by doing simple exercises.
    Berkay:  Really? That’s very interesting. What kind of exercises are you talking about?
    Okan:  Things like sitting up straight instead of lying down and brushing your teeth with your less dominant hand.
    Berkay:  —-
    1.   ?    I’ve never realized such simple exercises could contribute to the development of our brain.
    2.   ?    Scientists always come up with fresh claims about fitness and exercising for a healthy life.
    3.   ?    That’s not new to me. I’ve been trying to improve my memorization skill for a very long time.
    4.   ?    So, what you’re saying is that we should keep doing the same things over and over again.
    5.   ?    Studies on the brain tend to be quite popular nowadays, but this one doesn’t sound very appealing.
  47. İpek:  Can you say which foreign language is easier to learn?
    Nilüfer:  I’ve studied French, but it’s very different from Turkish and the pronunciation is really hard.
    İpek:  So maybe I should just give up on learning a foreign language.
    Nilüfer:  —-
    1.   ?    You’re right. Learning a language is both enjoyable and brings in many advantages.
    2.   ?    Sure, that’s an interesting way of learning a foreign language in a short time.
    3.   ?    Yes, it’s better to go to the country where the language is actually spoken.
    4.   ?    Definitely, you can ask someone else about learning German or Spanish.
    5.   ?    You shouldn’t quit. Learning anything new takes time and hard work.
  48. Doruk:  You know I have been hosting a guest from Egypt. He has come to celebrate Children’s Festival with us.
    Ozan:  —-
    Doruk:  Certainly. He wants to visit us again this summer. He has also invited me to spend a month in his country.
    Ozan:  Really? You’re so lucky. That sounds very exciting.
    1.   ?    Well, isn’t that the country your family was working in previously?
    2.   ?    Sure, you told me all about it the day he arrived. How could you forget that?
    3.   ?    I’m really looking forward to seeing him on stage while performing their traditional dance.
    4.   ?    Oh, that’s great. Has he been enjoying his time here with you?
    5.   ?    No, I haven’t heard anything about it. When will you introduce him to me?
  49. 49. – 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

    The young generation still believe that there is hardly anything they cannot do.
    1.   ?    As always, young people believe that there is nothing they can do.
    2.   ?    Young people are capable of doing whatever they believe they can do.
    3.   ?    There is absolutely nothing young people cannot do if it is based on their beliefs.
    4.   ?    Young people firmly believe that they can hardly do anything.
    5.   ?    Young people’s belief that they can do almost anything has not changed.
  50. Experienced athletes and artists often complain that they have lost touch with what made them love what they do.
    1.   ?    Most of the time, it is the less experienced athletes and artists who stay connected to what they like to do.
    2.   ?    Although experienced athletes and artists may sometimes lose their excitement about what they do, they still keep doing it.
    3.   ?    Not being able to do what they have experience in usually causes athletes and artists to complain.
    4.   ?    More and more experienced athletes and artists are having issues about the areas that they are passionate about.
    5.   ?    Losing interest in what enabled them to enjoy what they were doing is a common complaint among experienced athletes and artists.
  51. Languages are much more than a means of communication, as they also express and shape the way we see the world and the way we see ourselves.
    1.   ?    Languages are not only a means of communication for us, because they also influence our worldview and our self-perception.
    2.   ?    We express and shape our worldview thanks to languages, but their primary function is to let us communicate.
    3.   ?    The fact that languages are a means of communication does not stop us from using them for other purposes such as shaping our worldview.
    4.   ?    We use languages to communicate, but it is unclear whether they influence the way we see the world around us.
    5.   ?    E) Languages are not only a means of communication for us, because they also influence our worldview and our self-perception.
  52. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Latin language continued to change and evolve as it had always done.
    1.   ?    Latin remained a prestigious language in many countries after the fall of the Roman Empire.
    2.   ?    Latin began to develop and transform after the collapse of the Roman Empire.
    3.   ?    Following the fall of the Roman Empire, Latin transformed into an almost new language.
    4.   ?    The Latin language owed much of its progress to the Roman Empire even after its fall.
    5.   ?    Latin was a changing and evolving language, and this did not change after the Roman Empire’s collapse.
  53. Young people must be well-educated in order to become good citizens in the future.
    1.   ?    The education in the future will teach young people how to become citizens.
    2.   ?    As long as today’s youth receives a good education, they will become citizens.
    3.   ?    Today’s youth should not only be well-educated, but also be trained in citizenship.
    4.   ?    So as to become good citizens, today’s youth needs to receive a good education.
    5.   ?    Today’s youth will become citizens even if they do not receive a good education.
  54. 54. – 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

    You have been staying in a hotel for 5 days and as you are about to check out, you see that you have been charged for 10 days. You want to point this out to the receptionist politely but in a serious manner. So you say: —-
    1.   ?    I’m afraid there’s been a mistake. Could you check your records once again please?
    2.   ?    Can I learn how much a customer has to pay just for one night in this hotel?
    3.   ?    Do I have to pay this extraordinary amount even if it is not my fault?
    4.   ?    The information I read on your website about the prices is wrong, isn’t it?
    5.   ?    I don’t remember ordering anything else apart from the full-board option.
  55. A friend of yours is insistent on your going to her birthday party, but you don’t want to go. So you come up with an excuse and say: —-
    1.   ?    I’m so sorry that I have completely forgotten it. It is very thoughtful of you to remind me of joining.
    2.   ?    It has been very long since I last saw you. It’ll be a great chance for me to see you again.
    3.   ?    Is it possible for you to postpone the party to another day?
    4.   ?    I’d love to but I have to look after my younger brother, as my parents will be dining out.
    5.   ?    It could make you feel sad but I won’t be able to come to the party. I promise I’ll send your present later.
  56. Your boss has invited you for dinner in his home. You suspect that the main dish was prepared with nuts, which you are allergic to. You want to let him know about the situation without offending him, so you say: —-
    1.   ?    Could you write down the recipe for this dish? I would like to know how it was prepared.
    2.   ?    That looks wonderful, but if there are nuts in the food, I’m afraid I won’t be able to have any.
    3.   ?    I’m sorry, I’m not feeling well. I’d better go home now.
    4.   ?    No thanks, I’ve had enough nuts already. That was quite delicious!
    5.   ?    What did you use to make this awful dish? It smells very bad.
  57. While you are going to the supermarket to do your weekly shopping, you see your next door neighbour, who is an elderly lady. She is going to the supermarket too, but she can hardly walk. You want to help her immediately, so you say: —-
    1.   ?    I’m on my way to the supermarket. If you tell me what you need, I can buy it for you.
    2.   ?    Shopping must be really difficult for you. Why don’t you ask someone to help you?
    3.   ?    Let’s take a walk together. We can do our shopping later.
    4.   ?    Could you do me a favour? Will you buy some milk and bread for me too?
    5.   ?    If you had computer skills, you wouldn’t have any difficulty in shopping online.
  58. One of your colleagues visits you in your office. Although you are very busy with paperwork, you try to be polite. After some time, however, you want to let him know that you would like him to leave. So you say: —-
    1.   ?    I’d love to spend more time with you today, but unfortunately I really need to get back to work.
    2.   ?    Sorry, but I may not be able to call you back when I’m finished with my work.
    3.   ?    You can’t just come in and sit down without knocking on the door first, you know.
    4.   ?    What I don’t understand is how they always manage to make me work so hard.
    5.   ?    As you can see, I’m totally free right now, so we can do whatever you please.
  59. 59. – 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

    Astronomers know that nearly every large galaxy contains an enormous black hole at its centre. The death of stars can produce small black holes, with masses ranging from about three to 100 times the mass of the Sun. However, such black holes are tiny compared with the giants found at the centres of galaxies. —- Why are they so common in galaxies? Which came first, the galaxy or the hole? And how did they form in the first place?
    1.   ?    Were black holes already in place when the universe was very young?
    2.   ?    These incredibly large black holes present several questions to astronomers.
    3.   ?    How can we improve the study of black holes in space?
    4.   ?    Astronomers have proposed two general ways for black holes to form.
    5.   ?    The first stars to take shape in the universe were probably extremely large.
  60. The World Bank states that poverty is hunger, lack of shelter, sickness and above all, powerlessness. We can look at a range of ways to measure poverty including not only income measures, but also non-income areas such as health, education or housing. —- In other words, a person is considered to be poor, or “below the poverty line”, if their income falls below a level necessary to meet basic needs.
    1.   ?    Better health and education services can reduce the number of people below the “poverty line”.
    2.   ?    The distribution of income and wealth should be improved.
    3.   ?    The most obvious approach to measuring poverty, however, is by focusing on income.
    4.   ?    Health and housing are perhaps more important than education.
    5.   ?    One of the key issues is the development of strategies to deal with poverty.
  61. People have lived on Earth for two million years. For most of that time, the population has remained small, as the number of births has more or less equalled the number of deaths. Improved medicine and health care, better sanitation, improved farming methods, producing more and better food, and less physical work have all led to fewer infant deaths and more people living longer. —- Today the world’s population is nearly 7 billion, and is rising at the rate of about one million a week.
    1.   ?    This has caused a huge increase in population over the last 150 years.
    2.   ?    Immigration and travel do not seem to have a relevant impact on this change.
    3.   ?    Poverty drives many people to flee their country in search of better life elsewhere.
    4.   ?    The world’s population is not equally distributed around the world.
    5.   ?    The population is concentrated on areas where the climate is suitable for farming methods.
  62. Problems such as habitat destruction and climate change are putting an increasing number of species at risk of extinction. We have the capacity to save some of those species but we cannot save them all. —- A recent survey showed that 54% of scientists agreed that there are some species we should give up on. Assuming we were to progress in such a way, deciding which species we should protect and which we should not would be difficult.
    1.   ?    On the contrary, some species that are genetically very similar could be abandoned.
    2.   ?    It is a sad reality to face but it is becoming more widely accepted by experts.
    3.   ?    However, our choices can be informed by three factors: genes, species or ecosystems.
    4.   ?    A focus on genetic diversity can be used to categorize species.
    5.   ?    We need to make efforts to save all species and not just a few.
  63. Konya is well-known for the life and work of Celaleddin Rumi, or Mevlâna, the founder of the Mevlevi dervish sect in 13th century. —- He brought his teachings to Seljuk-ruled Konya and died there in 1273.
    1.   ?    Spiritual union and universal love were the central beliefs of his philosophy.
    2.   ?    Rumi’s father and some other dervish leaders also set up their own sects.
    3.   ?    Konya’s largest mosque, Alaeddin Mosque, was finished in 1220 by Alaeddin Keykubad I.
    4.   ?    Mevlâna Museum, which contains the tomb of Rumi, is similar to a dervish lodge (tekke).
    5.   ?    The Semahane used to be the setting for the whirling ceremony, but now it is a museum.
  64. 64. – 69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye an- lamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

    64. By the 18th century, scientists in various disciplines had used various approaches to calculate the earth’s age and reached different conclusions.
    1.   ?    18. yüzyıl itibarıyla, birçok farklı alanda çalışmış olan bilim adamları yeryüzünün yaşını bazı yöntemlerle hesaplayarak farklı sonuçlara ulaşmışlardı.
    2.   ?    Farklı alanlardaki bilim adamları, 18. yüzyıldan sonra yeryüzünün yaşını hesaplamak için çeşitli yöntemler denemişler ve sonunda istedikleri sonuçlara ulaşmışlardı.
    3.   ?    18. yüzyıldan sonra, farklı alanlarda çalışan bilim adamları yeryüzünün yaşını değişik bir şekilde hesaplayabilmek için çeşitli yöntemler denemişler ve her biri önemli sonuçlara ulaşmışlardı.
    4.   ?    18. yüzyılın hemen başında, bilim adamları yeryüzünün yaşını hesaplamak için farklı alanlardaki çeşitli yöntemleri kullanmışlar ve böylelikle istedikleri sonuçlara ulaşmışlardı.
    5.   ?    18. yüzyıl itibarıyla, çeşitli alanlardaki bilim adamları yeryüzünün yaşını hesaplamak için çeşitli yöntemler kullanmışlar ve farklı sonuçlara ulaşmışlardı.
  65. Choosing one thing inevitably requires giving up something else, which means that another opportunity has been missed.
    1.   ?    Bir fırsatın kaçırılması, tercihlerimizle ilgili yaptığımız değişikliklerden kaynaklanmaktadır ve bu da kaçınılmaz olarak diğer tercihlerimizde dikkatli olmayı gerektirir.
    2.   ?    Herhangi bir şeyi seçmek, kaçınılmaz olarak başka şeylerden vazgeçmek anlamına gelir ki bu, başka fırsatların kaçırılmasına neden olur.
    3.   ?    İki şey arasında bir seçim yapmak, kaçınılmaz olarak başka fırsatların kaçırılmasına neden olur ve bu da bizi fırsatları yeniden gözden geçirmeye zorlar.
    4.   ?    Bir şeyin yerine başka bir şeyin seçilmesi, çoğu zaman büyük fırsatların kaçırıldığı anlamına gelmektedir.
    5.   ?    Bir şeyi seçmek, kaçınılmaz olarak başka bir şeyden vazgeçmeyi gerektirir ki bu, başka bir fırsatın kaçırıldığı anlamına gelir.
  66. It is difficult to handle health issues without knowing all the aspects of an individual’s lifestyle and genetics.
    1.   ?    Bir bireyin yaşam tarzını ve bazı belirgin genetik özelliklerini bilmeden, onunla ilgili sağlık sorunlarını ele almak zordur.
    2.   ?    Bir bireyin yaşam tarzı ve genetik özellikleri ile ilgili genel bilgiye sahip değilseniz sağlık sorunlarına çözüm üretmek kolay değildir.
    3.   ?    Bir bireyin yaşam tarzı ve genetik özelliklerinin tüm yönlerini bilmeden, sağlık sorunlarını ele almak zordur.
    4.   ?    Bir kişinin hem yaşam tarzı hem de genetik özellikleri tüm yönleriyle bilinse de o kişiyle ilgili sağlık sorunlarını ele almak zordur.
    5.   ?    Genetik özelliklerin yaşam tarzı üzerindeki etkilerini bilmeden, bir kişinin sağlık sorunlarına çözüm üretmek zordur.
  67. It won’t be new technology in itself that drives us out of recession, this will also be connected to the changes we make in our work and our lives.
    1.   ?    Bizi durgunluktan çıkaran yeni teknoloji, işimizde ve yaşantımızda büyük değişiklikler yapmamızı da gerekli kılacaktır.
    2.   ?    Bizi durgunluktan çıkaran, kendi başına yeni teknoloji olmayacaktır; bu, aynı zamanda işimizde ve yaşantımızda yaptığımız değişikliklere de bağlı olacaktır.
    3.   ?    Teknolojik yenilikler kendi başına bizi durgunluktan çıkaramayacaktır; bu, işlerimizin ve yaşantılarımızın tamamen değiştirilmesiyle olacaktır.
    4.   ?    İnsanların durgunluktan çıkması, teknoloji ile olmayacaktır; bu, işimizde ve yaşantımızda yaptığımız değişlikler yoluyla olacaktır.
    5.   ?    Tek başına teknolojik yenilikler bizi durgunluktan çıkarmayacağı gibi, işimizde ve yaşantımızdaki değişiklikler de bu konuda yetersiz kalacaktır.
  68. Studies that have been carried out in recent times, designed to discover whether there is a relationship between class size and levels of achievement, have reached conflicting results.
    1.   ?    Yakın tarihte, sınıf büyüklüğü ile başarı oranları arasındaki ilişkiyi keşfeden çalışmalar yapılmış ve kesin sonuçlar elde edilmiştir.
    2.   ?    Yeni çalışmalar, sınıf büyüklüğü ile başarı oranları arasında bir ilişki olduğunu keşfetmekle birlikte bazı önemli sonuçlar da ortaya çıkarmıştır.
    3.   ?    Sınıf büyüklüğü ile başarı seviyesi arasında kayda değer bir ilişki olup olmadığını keşfetmek üzere yakın tarihte bazı çalışmalar yapılmış, ancak çelişkili sonuçlar elde edilmiştir.
    4.   ?    Yakın tarihte sınıf büyüklüğü ile başarı oranı arasındaki ilişkiyi keşfetmek üzere yapılmış olan bazı önemli çalışmalar, çeşitli sonuçlara ulaşmıştır.
    5.   ?    Sınıf büyüklüğü ile başarı seviyeleri arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını keşfetmek için yapılan yakın tarihteki çalışmalar çelişkili sonuçlara ulaşmıştır.
  69. Creating works of art for the local community can help children to appreciate the social and political dimensions of aesthetic activities.
    1.   ?    Yerel toplumdaki çocukların, estetik faaliyetlerin toplumsal ve siyasi boyutlarını anlaması için sanat büyük ölçüde yardımcı olabilir.
    2.   ?    Yerel toplum, sanat eseri üreterek çocukların estetik faaliyetlerin toplumsal ve siyasi boyutlarını anlamasını sağlayabilir.
    3.   ?    Çocukların, estetik faaliyetlerin toplumsal ve siyasi boyutlarını anlaması için yerel topluma yönelik sanat eserleri üretmeleri gerekir.
    4.   ?    Çocuklar sanat eserleri üreterek yerel toplumun, estetik faaliyetlerin toplumsal ve siyasi boyutlarını anlamasını sağlar.
    5.   ?    Yerel toplum için sanat eserleri üretmek, çocukların, estetik faaliyetlerin toplumsal ve siyasi boyutlarını anlamasına yardımcı olabilir.
  70. 70. – 75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye an- lamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

    Afrika’nın hızlı ekonomik büyümesinin ve nüfus artışının sonucu olarak, yerleşik Afrikalı halkın üçte birinden fazlası şu anda şehirlerde yaşamaktadır.
    1.   ?    As a result of Africa’s rapid economic growth and population expansion, over a third of African inhabitants currently live in cities.
    2.   ?    The ongoing economic growth and population expansion of Africa have resulted in the immigration of over a third of African inhabitants to cities.
    3.   ?    Africa has experienced a rapid economic growth and population expansion and as a result, about a third of African inhabitants have left the cities now.
    4.   ?    Due to the fast economic growth and population expansion of Africa, up to a third of African inhabitants prefer to live in cities now.
    5.   ?    Over a third of African inhabitants prefer to live in cities, despite the fast economic growth and population expansion of Africa.
  71. 1930’larda Hollywood’un başarısına yaklaşabilen, Japonya’nınkinden başka bir film endüstrisi yoktu.
    1.   ?    The Japanese film industry achieved the same success as Hollywood in the 1930s.
    2.   ?    Except for Hollywood and the Japanese film industry, there was no other successful film industry in the 1930s.
    3.   ?    Only the Japanese film industry was more successful than Hollywood during the 1930s.
    4.   ?    In the 1930s, the Japanese film industry’s success was close to Hollywood’s, but other industries were failing.
    5.   ?    There was no film industry during the 1930s which was able to come close to Hollywood’s success other than the Japanese film industry.
  72. İnsanların zihinsel becerisi ile ilgili olarak, bu alanda çalışan psikologlar arasında artık bakış açılarında önemli bir fark bulunmamaktadır.
    1.   ?    Currently, there are no differences in the views of psychologists in this field in terms of how to treat human mental ability differences.
    2.   ?    The field of human mental ability is full of psychologists with the same perspectives, and it has never changed until now.
    3.   ?    There is no longer a significant difference in viewpoints about human mental ability among psychologists working in this field.
    4.   ?    Psychologists in the field of human mental ability have longed possessed totally different perspectives, but they now agree with each other much more.
    5.   ?    We do not see major differences in the mental abilities of psychologists in the field of human intelligence.
  73. Demokrasiler ve otoriter rejimler, kimlik çatışmalarını diğer birçok konuda olduğu gibi farklı yollarla ele alma eğilimindedirler.
    1.   ?    Democracies and authoritarian regimes tend to deal with identity conflicts, as with most other matters, in different ways.
    2.   ?    Identity conflicts and many different matters are controlled by democracies and authoritarian regimes in similar ways.
    3.   ?    As with other important issues, identity conflicts are treated in different ways by democracies and authoritarian regimes.
    4.   ?    Democracies and authoritarian regimes deal with identity conflicts in the same ways, as they have always done.
    5.   ?    Contrary to expectations, there is a tendency by democracies and authoritarian regimes towards treating identity conflicts in different ways.
  74. Ernest Hemingway, 1900’lerin başında Avrupa’da yaşamış ve seyahat etmiş Amerikalıların yaşamlarını ele alan pek çok kısa hikâye ve birkaç roman yazmıştır.
    1.   ?    Many short stories and novels by Ernest Hemingway focused on the lives of Europeans who lived and travelled in America at the beginning of the 1900s.
    2.   ?    Ernest Hemingway represented the lives of Americans who lived and travelled in Europe during the early 1900s in all his short stories and novels.
    3.   ?    Ernest Hemingway was known to produce many short stories and novels concerning the lives of those who lived and travelled in Europe and America during the early 1900s.
    4.   ?    Many short stories and several novels of Ernest Hemingway reflected the experiences of Europeans and Americans who lived in the early 1900s.
    5.   ?    Ernest Hemingway wrote many short stories and several novels that dealt with the lives of Americans who lived and travelled in Europe in the early 1900s.
  75. Birçok farklı türde çalışma, çocuğun eğitimine anne-babanın katılımının, çocuğun okuldaki öğrenme ve başarma becerisini artırdığını göstermiştir.
    1.   ?    That strict parental control of a child’s education enhances a child’s ability to learn and succeed at school has been shown by many studies.
    2.   ?    The importance of parental involvement in enhancing a child’s ability to learn at school has been shown in many different types of studies on education.
    3.   ?    Many different types of studies have shown that parental involvement in a child’s education increases a child’s ability to learn and succeed at school.
    4.   ?    Many different types of studies have shown that a child’s ability to learn and succeed at school is unaffected by parental involvement in a child’s education.
    5.   ?    Many studies have shown the importance of parental involvement in a child’s academic success at school and beyond.
  76. 76. – 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu- ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

    (I) Almost every culture has its version of the flute, drum and guitar. (II) There are wide variations in the way they are tuned, constructed and played. (III) Typically, a child prodigy gains expertise in just two or three years. (IV) They share, however, a common association of often being used for religious ceremonies. (V) The craft of making and playing them is therefore taken very seriously.
    1.   ?    III
    2.   ?    I
    3.   ?    II
    4.   ?    V
    5.   ?    IV
  77. (I) Many magazines and newspapers are still printed on paper, though most have online versions as well. (II) But print edition newspapers are generally preferred by families on Sunday mornings. (III) Newspaper editors can update news much more quickly on websites than in print. (IV) Creating an online-only news source is also less expensive than producing a print edition of a newspaper. (V) These are two of the reasons that some newspaper companies have chosen to have online-only editions.
    1.   ?    IV
    2.   ?    II
    3.   ?    V
    4.   ?    I
    5.   ?    III
  78. (I) Almost every town and village in Turkey enjoys an annual festival. (II) The yearly celebration may involve competitions and animal shows, or simply a festival where farmers can show off their new tractors. (III) Some of these events resemble ancient seasonal rituals. (IV) Although most of these activities are aimed at locals, you are sure to be welcomed. (V) Even so, the main event is the festival at Kırkpınar, near Edirne.
    1.   ?    IV
    2.   ?    II
    3.   ?    I
    4.   ?    V
    5.   ?    III
  79. (I) The Kangal is unique to Turkey and used to be bred for use as a sheepdog. (II) To this day, you will still see these large, strong dogs guarding flocks, especially in Eastern Turkey. (III) Although pure-bred Kangals are expensive to buy, there are many Kangal-cross dogs which you can adopt among the street population. (IV) Thus, Kangal puppies, with their huge feet, melting eyes and soft yellow fur, are particularly attractive. (V) However, before adopting one, you should consider that they are not suitable pets for anyone living in an apartment.
    1.   ?    II
    2.   ?    V
    3.   ?    III
    4.   ?    IV
    5.   ?    I
  80. (I) Advances in space travel have changed the way we have come to see Earth and the universe as a whole. (II) We can now more thoroughly explore our solar system, which is governed by the Sun’s energy. (III) The Sun forces planets into specific orbits and provides light and heat energy to the cold universe. (IV) Nevertheless, most regions of the solar system are rather inhospitable and Earth seems to be the only planet with such a vast richness of life. (V) Therefore, other planets have been discovered around such stars.
    1.   ?    III
    2.   ?    V
    3.   ?    I
    4.   ?    II
    5.   ?    IV

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