
13 Unit Quiz

4. Aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi anlamca diğerlerinden farklıdır?

a) I don’t think we should focus on grammar.

b) Personally we don’t worry about grammar.

c) I think grammar is good to learn rules and not to make many mistakes.

d) I think grammar is not iportant to learn a language well.

5. Sue : Frank thinks we don’t have to speak a foreign language well, but we can use it when we need it .

Darren: In other words , ………

Boşluğa aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilmelidir ?

a) He thinks speaking is the most important skill to improve your foreign language.

b) He thinks learning a language means to speak it very well.

c) He thinks it is enough to speak a foreign language when it is necessary.

d) He thinks we should speak a lot to learn a language better.

6. Rose : As an adult, I think grammar is necessary.

Sally : I agree with you. …………..

Boş bırakılan yere aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilemez?

a) Vocabulary is more important for me.

b) It makes conversations easier.

c) It is good to learn grammar rules.

d) It helps us to develop our writing skills.

7. ve 8. soruları aşağıdaki maile göre cevaplayınız.

14-Oct-2008 09:07

Moonlight 14 Join Date : Oct 2007

Junior Member Post : 134

Re : ………………………………………………………………… .

Dear Akira ,

If you’d like to improve vocabulary in English ,

you have to practise a lot . I’m afraid there is no

magic spell. But there are a lot of effective


First, you should read short stories, comics,

newspapers and magazines in English and you

should watch movies in English. While you’re

reading or listening, you should guess the

meanings of the words from the context. Second,

you shouldn’t miss any chance to listen,

read,speak and write in English. So, you can

practice every new word. Finally , keep a

vocabulary notebook and write down a few

words each day. Don’t forget to revise them later.

Personally, if you don’t use the new vocabulary,

you lose it. I think 10 new words a day is okay.

7. What is the title of this mail ?

a) Different ways of learning a second language.

b) Difficulties of learning a foreign Language.

c) Problems of learning a second language.

d) The reasons of learning a second language.

8. Metne göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenemez ?

a) We shouldn’t focus on meaning.

b) We should use multi-media materials

c) We should take notes when we learn new words.

d) We should do practice with the new vocabulary.

9. Sammy : I prefer to play games in order to improve my vocabulary.

Adriana : ………….. Playing games is not a good idea because you only focus on the game, not to learning.

Boşluğa Aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilemez?

a) Absolutely right!

b) I don’t think so !

c) I disagree with you!

d) I don’t think it is true!

10. Mary : For me , we should use multi-media materials to improve our English.

Jane : ………….. I think they are the best way to practise and develop your English.

Boş bırakılan yere uygun olan ifadenin bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

a) That’s impossible! c) No way!

b) I completely agree ! d) Oh my goodness!

11. Mary likes small group works. She doesn’t get stressed easily and she is always self-confident . She is not afraid of making mistakes.

Yukarıdaki verilen açıklamaya göre Mary hakkında aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenemez ?

a) She takes risks

b) She is willing to communicate

c) She is keen on learning

d) She is bad at speaking

12. In this course , teachers listen to their students carefully and patiently.They use their experiences for our progress . Finally, they care about their students progress seriously.

Yukarıdaki açıklamaya uygun olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

a) Language learning should be great fun in the classroom.

b) Teachers give guidance and motivate students.

c) Teachers are rude and nervous.

d) Teachers are pleased with their students.

13. “Some people learn a foreign language on their own .” They ……. .

Boşluğa uygun olmayan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

a) write e-mails or chats on the internet

b) go abroad in order to learn a language

c) get help and guidance to learn a language

d) use many multi-media materials

14. “ They learn a foreign language the way they learn their mother tongue. They focus on the meanings of the words and they don’t be worry about grammar.They make friends with foreigners.”

Yukarıdaki açıklamaya uygun olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

a) They learn a foreign language naturally.

b) They learn a foreign language in the same way.

c) They learn a foreign languge in a class .

d) They learn a foreign language difficultly.

15. “ Different people learn in different ways. There is no best way to learn a language. Each different way suits different people.”

Altı çizili ifade yerine aşağıdakilerden hangisi getirilebilir ?

a) goes with c) improves

b) concentrates on d) practises

16. Aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi yanlıştır ?

a) If you prefer to learn language naturally, you focus on meanings of the words

b) If you grow up in a foreign country, you learn the language naturally

c) I think language learning should be a great fun.

d) If you want to learn a language on your own, you don’t have to be self-disciplined .

17.Akira : For me, playing games is an easy way to improve your vocabulary.

Adriana : “ I don’t think playing games is a good idea to improve your vocabulary. Because you only focus on the game, not the learning.”

Yukarıda geçen konuşma hakkında verilen bilgilerden hangisi doğrudur?

a) Adriana is sorry about playing games.

b) Akira expresses her surprise about games.

c) Adriana disagrees with Akira.

d) Akira apologizes for something.

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