
tense multiple choice tests answers

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences.

1. Linda……a vegetarian three years ago after watching a documentary on animal rights, and she……meat since then.

A) became / hasn’t eaten

B) had become / doesn’t eat

C) was becoming / isn’t eating

D) would become / didn’t eat

E) has become / hadn’t eaten

2. …….the president began to speak, protestors began chanting anti-war slogans.

A) Already

B) Even

C) No longer

D) The moment

E) Provided that

3. …….a loss……a draw will be any good to us in this game. We have to win, or we’re out of the league cup.

A) Both / and

B) Neither / nor

C) Either / or

D) Hardly / when

E) Such / as

4. Since an earthquake……at any time, it Is always best to be prepared,

A) will have occurred

B) has occurred

C) must have occurred

D) ought to occur

E) might occur

5. Since David lives in Mexico but speaks no Spanish, I wonder……he manages to talk to his neighbours and do his shopping.

A) which

B) what

C) how

D) whom

E) why

6. I wish that I……Freddy that he won’t be chosen for the school basketball team.

A) haven’t been telling

B) won’t have to tell

C) don’t have to tell

D) didn’t have to tell

E) shouldn’t be telling

7. Not……as a finalist in the spelling competition caused young Scott …… from depression for months afterwards.

A) to choose / suffering

B) being chosen / to suffer

C) to have chosen / to be suffered

D) choosing / to have suffered

E) to be chosen / suffered

8. Frank Lloyd Wright was a pioneer architect whose ideas were……ahead of his time, and he had to fight for acceptance of every new design.

A) that

B) such

C) better

D) well

E) too

9. …….who is acquainted with Pat knows that they can always rely on…….

A) Everyone / her

B) Someone / his

C) Whoever / him

D) Nobody / hers

E) Anybody / he

10. Wandering aimlessly, Peter found…… in the kind of neighbourhood that his mother had warned……not to go into.

A) his own / her

B) him / himself

C) himself/ him

D) he / his

E) his / herself

11. Ever since she started attending evening courses, Linda……as much yoga as she…….

A) isn’t doing / has been

B) wasn’t doing / should

C) hasn’t been able to do / used to

D) doesn’t do / would like

E) didn’t do / must

12. There doesn’t seem to be……to get away from the crowd in this town.

A) anywhere

B) somehow

C) nowhere

D) nobody

E) wherever

13. …….classical dance for five years, Akiko finally felt ready……in public.

A) Studying / to be performed

B) To be studied / performing

C) Being studied / having performed

D) Having studied / to perform

E) To study / performed

14. The farmers in the valley eat most of ……they produce, and……they don’t eat, they sell.

A) which / anything

B) where / how else

C) that / something

D) how / whenever

E) what / whatever

15. Yoriko, after working all day, prefers to open a tin……cook a meal for herself.

A) otherwise

B) rather than

C) therefore

D) as long as

E) instead

16. You have to take the full course of your antibiotics……you feel better;……, your illness will simply return.

A) so that / such as

B) unless / moreover

C) whereas / even if

D) even if / otherwise

E) although / so that

17. If you …… a car, you should get it …… regularly.

A) owned / to service

B) will own / servicing

C) own / serviced

D) had owned / being serviced

E) would own / have serviced

18. Sandy …… on her car all day long—I wonder if she……by this evening.

A) works / is going to finish

B) worked / was finishing

C) is going to work / has finished

D) had worked / has been finishing

E) has been working / will have finished

19. Anna has been interested in learning how to sail a boat ……. she went sailing with his friends a few years ago.

A) by the time

B) the moment

C) just after

D) ever since

E) long before

20. We were expecting beautiful weather at the beach, but it was so cold and rainy that,……getting a sun tan, I caught a cold.

A) in case of

B) instead of

C) compared to

D) according to

E) just as

21. I……all night long, and I must get some sleep, or else I……asleep during the exam.

A) have been studying / will fall

B) was studying / fall

C) am studying / was falling

D) studied / have fallen

E) study / am going to fall

22. The main staple food……in Ethiopia is a flat, sour, spongy bread which …. injera.

A) to eat / calls

B) having eaten / has been called

C) to have eaten / has called

D) eating / was called

E) eaten / is called

23. The famous animal conservationist ……to raise funds for her latest African project when she……in a tragic accident.

A) has been trying / had killed

B) had been trying / killed

C) would try / was being killed

D) tried / has been killed

E) was trying / was killed

24. In Japan, all buildings……during the past decade are designed…… powerful earthquakes.

A) building / withstanding

B) built / to withstand

C) having built / to be withstood

D) to build / to have withstood

E) to be built / having withstood

25. You……to Bali in the high season unless you …… reservations.

A) don’t go / will make

B) can’t go / were making

C) haven’t gone / would make

D) shouldn’t go / have made

E) wouldn’t go / make

26. In Turkey, people can now buy as much foreign currency as they like,……it was not always…….

A) yet / too

B) so / already

C) thus / yet

D) but / so

E) still / either

27. You will have to study for years…… you intend to read the ancient Greek classics In the original.

A) if

B) unless

C) so

D) yet

E) nor

28. Ted thought……would be a good Idea to study with friends rather than on ……. but In the end they just listened to music and played cards.

A) they / them

B) it / his own

C) he / himself

D) theirs / him

E) his / their own

29. Although he is 75 years old and drinks and smokes, Mr. Winston doesn’t have problems with his lungs,……does he suffer from a bad liver.

A) each

B) rather

C) unless

D) nor

E) whether

30. …….his money for several years, Jerry had enough……his master’s degree without any help from his family.

A) Being saved / financing

B) Saving / being financed

C) To be saved / having financed

D) Having saved / to finance

E) To save / financed

31. The moment I saw the bus at the bus stop ahead, I started to run……I could in order to catch it.

A) faster than

B) too fast that

C) fast enough

D) as fast as

E) so fast that

32. Sanskrit is……difficult language and is of …… practical use that few people even attempt to study it.

A) as / few enough

B) too / such a little

C) a very / too few

D) such a / so little

E) so / as little

33. The Mayan civilization……to exist long before the first Europeans …… in the Americas.

A) was ceasing / will arrive

B) has ceased / would arrive

C) had been ceasing / have arrived

D) ceased / are arriving

E) had ceased / arrived

34. …….you have graduated from university and started working, you will realize ……fun it was being a student.

A) Hardly / what

B) When / so

C) Not only / that

D) Once / how much

E) How/ so much

35. You failed all of your exams this semester because you……computer games when you…….

A) were playing / should have been studying

B) could be playing / used to study

C) had to play / ought to study

D) played / must have been studying

E) have been playing / were studying

36. …….in 1513, the Piri Reis map accurately……the outlines of parts of South America.

A) Having drawn / showed

B) Drawn / shows

C) To draw / has shown

D) To be drawn / was showing

E) Being drawn / will be showing

37. Many writers say that they never enjoy writing another book……they enjoyed writing their first one.

A) so much that

B) as much as

C) the most than

D) too many as

E) enough as

38. …….education a person has……. chance there is of him or her earning low wages.

A) A little / no

B) Little / much

C) Plenty of / a few

D) The less / the more

E) Several / many

39. …….told me that there was a party last night, so 1 just stayed home and didn’t do…….

A) Someone / anywhere

B) Anyone / nothing

C) Somebody / nowhere

D) Everyone / no more

E) No one / anything

40. Happy……his research paper with two days……, Arnie decided to celebrate with his friends.

A) finishing / having spared

B) finished / to have spared

C) being finished / to be spared

D) to finish / sparing

E) to have finished / to spare

41. The first dictionaries of many Native American languages …… for missionaries who……to convert people to the Christian religion.

A) were compiled / hoped

B) have been compiling / had hoped

C) compiled / have been hoping

D) are compiled / were hoping

E) were compiling / have hoped

42. Unfortunately, the weather bureau …. that less rain……this year than last year, which may be bad news for the farmers.

A) has predicted /fell

B) predicts / will fall

C) was predicted / falls

D) is predicting / has fallen

E) is predicted / is falling

43. Ryan was in trouble with the law as a teenager,……he managed to turn his life around before it was too late.

A) while

B) for

C) but

D) nor

E) unless

44. Scott……the best bicycle in the neighborhood, but then it was stolen.

A) ought to own

B) had better own

C) may own

D) used to own

E) should have owned

45. Mr. Jones……fresh fruit and vegetables, but, since his heart attack, he……his eating habits.

A) didn’t have to eat / might change

B) wasn’t supposed to eat / would change

C) mustn’t eat / could have changed

D) wouldn’t eat / used to change

E) didn’t use to eat / has had to change

46. The US dollar,……is widely accepted as a strong and stable currency, is actually much less stable than the Japanese yen.

A) what

B) where

C) which

D) when

E) why

47. …….her subject thoroughly over a period of two years, Pelin was finally ready to start……her master’s thesis.

A) To be researched / having written

B) Researching / wrote

C) To research / to have written

D) Having researched /writing

E) Researched / to write

48. The man……by the police was infamous for……… several crimes.

A) to catch / commit

B) catching / being commit

C) being caught / to commit

D) caught / having committed

E) to be caught / to have committed

49. It’s a real shame that you missed……..class.

A) too interesting

B) such an interesting

C) interesting enough

D) so interesting

E) more interesting than

50. …….of the films of Stanley Kubrick has ……distinctive about it.

A) Each / something

B) Some / nothing

C) The whole / whatever

D) Everyone / anything

E) All / everything

51. The journey……meticulously, because we…… through uninhabited regions where there was to be no food or water available.

A) should be planned / had passed

B) ought to plan / must have passed

C) must have been planned / will pass

D) had to be planned / would pass

E) may be planned / should have passed

52. Since Ted has……a good education ……a charismatic personality, he should have a bright future.

A) whether / or

B) even / so

C) not only / but also

D) such / as

E) neither / and

53. …….I know, Jake is …… interested in our project.

A) As though / even

B) Whoever / anymore

C) No matter / still

D) Even so / no more

E) As far as / no longer

54. It is……fun to take photographs on a digital camera because you can see them right away.

A) much more

B) too much

C) so many

D) several

E) such a lot

55. Steve WIcCurry, many of …… photographs have won international awards, recently had an exhibition in Istanbul.

A) which

B) whom

C) what

D) whose

E) that

56. Some people have a talent for science and mathematics,……others are good at art and music.

A) such as

B) rather than

C) while

D) no matter

E) otherwise

57. US visa fees are very high, and so, ……, most countries charge US citizens a lot for a visa.

A) no matter

B) owing to

C) in addition

D) as if

E) In return

58. I wonder……textbooks I will need to buy for my literature course.

A) how many

B) how often

C) how far

D) however

E) how much

59. You wouldn’t be studying mechanical engineering if your father had not forced you to, …….?

A) would you

B) wouldn’t you

C) had he

D) are you

E) hadn’t he

60. Protesters attempting to reform the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have not had much success …… .

A) just


C) so far

D) later

E) rather

61. Manufacturing —- rapidly in Egypt since the 1950’s, when the government —- a leading role in promoting industrialization.

A) were increased / had taken

B) increased / took

C) has been increased / has taken

D) will increase / take

E) has increased / took

62. We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while —- judge us by what we have already done.



C) the other

D) others

E) the others

63. According to a recent survey, people who pay more for their vehicles drive —- responsibly —- others.

A) such / that

B) much / than

C) too / as

D) more / than

E) so / as

64. Some inhabitants were strictly opposed —- the highway after Benjamin Franklin.

A) having named

B) to have named

C) to name

D) to naming

E) naming

65. If the workers —- a few hours per shift in the airlocks, instead of just 20 minutes, adjusting to normal air pressure, then none of the deaths or illnesses —- .

A) had spent / wouldn’t have occurred

B) didn’t spend / would be occurred

C) would spend / occurred

D) were spent / would occur

E) had spent / would have occurred

66. A computer is a complex piece of machinery made up of many parts, —- can be considered a separate invention.

A) all of them

B) each of whom

C) whose

D) each of which

E) that

67. —- numerous experiments carried out by the scientists, nobody knows how much the earth’s oceans would rise If the terrestrial poles were to melt.

A) Although

B) Due to the fact that

C) Despite

D) However

E) On account of

68. Since the conclusion of World War I, called “the war to end all wars”, international organizations —- to prevent the outbreak of new wars.

A) have developed

B) were developed

C) will develop

D) had developed

E) have been developed

69. Some claim that, the best teachers are —-that have many different ways of teaching the same lesson, whereas —- claim that a good teacher should adopt only one teaching method.

A) the ones / the others

B) the one / one another

C) one / other

D) the ones / others

E) ones / the other

70. According to a recent report, women have more nerve receptors, which cause them to feel pain —- than men.

A) much intense

B) less intensely

C) intensely

D) more intensely

E) the most intense

71. —- and held prisoner for three days, sixteen-year-old boy was finally rescued by the police.

A) To be kidnapped

B) Having kidnapped

C) To have been kidnapped

D) Having been kidnapped

E) To have kidnapped

72. —- had her boyfriend left her in the lurch —- she decided to start everything from scratch with someone else.

A) Hardly / than

B) No sooner / than

C) Not only / but also

D) Both / and

E) Neither / nor

73. The era known as the Industrial Revolution was a period —- fundamental changes occurred in agriculture, textile, transportation and the social structure in England.

A) which

B) where

C) in which

D) of which

E) that

74. Even when an employer is sure that an employee of —- is really talented, he can’t certainly say that he will handle —- job well.

A) him / his

B) their / them

C) his / his

D) theirs / his

E) his / their

75. Despite many catastrophic earthquake experiences we have experienced so far, most of us still don’t know —- to do in such a situation.

A) how

B) why

C) what

D) where

E) when

76. There are many rumors in the company, the most irritating —- is that it can go bankrupt within a month.

A) of which

B) that

C) to whom

D) what

E) where

77. Now that you can’t find another job, I am sure you now wish you hadn’t resigned, —-?

A) hadn’t you

B) did you

C) will you

D) won’t I

E) don’t you

78. —- general, criminals tend to deny every charge they are accused —-.

A) On / to

B) With / by

C) To / with

D) In / of

E) For / for

79. The village —- I was born in 1957 has got many historical places.

A) whose

B) which

C) when

D) where

E) who

80. The President of the United States is concerned about the difficulties of communicating the risk of using the heavily polluted floodwater to people who may —-bottled water.

A) run out of

B) come across

C) look like

D) take on

E) pass out

81. When……for olive oil, “refined” means that the oil……chemically to neutralize acid content.

A) using /will have treated

B) used / has been treated

C) to use / will be treated

D) being used / treated

E) uses / is being treated

82. …….of the countries of Western Europe used to have its own currency, but now …… of them use the euro.

A) Either / any

B) All / whole

C) Each / most

D) Most / too much

E) Whole / every

83. …….I not seen it with my own eyes, I ……it.

A) Were / must not have believed

B) Was / shouldn’t have believed

C) Am / don’t believe

D) Had / wouldn’t have believed

E) Have / didn’t believe

84. In some countries, there is either…… rain, when the crops don’t grow properly, or ……. when land and houses are washed away by floods.

A) so much / enough

B) too little / too much

C) such a little / much more

D) the less / the more

E) the least / the most

85. Apart from……problems we had in communicating, we……enjoyed our holiday.

A) the little / whole

B) some / either

C) the few / all

D) enough / most

E) most/ none

86. …….fully, the Himalayas…… at sunrise.

A) To be appreciated / should be seen

B) To appreciate / must see

C) Appreciating / ought to be seen

D) Having appreciated / will be seen

E) Appreciated / have to see

87. The book 1421,……claims that the Chinese came to the Americas in that year, was written by a man……is a former British naval officer.

A) where / whom

B) which / who

C) how / when

D) when / where

E) who / what

88. …….out of school as a teenager, Maurice decided later in life …… up his education where he had left off.

A) Being dropped / took

B) Dropping / to be taken

C) To drop / taking

D) Having dropped / to take

E) Dropped / being taken

89. …….opium is being grown in Afghanistan this year……last year.

A) Much more /than

B) So much / as

C) The most / more

D) Too many/that

E) Enough / than

90. We were surprised……James……so soon after his car accident.

A) being seen / walked

B) to see / walking

C) to have seen / to walk

D) seen / walk

E) seeing / to have walked

91.For the last hour, the committee members…… when……the construction of the new bridge.

A) have discussed / started

B) are discussing / starting

C) will have discussed / being started

D) have been discussing / to start

E) were discussing / having started

92. If local governments……after the environment around popular tourist destinations, they …… their appeal.

A) haven’t looked / are losing

B) weren’t looking / lost

C) didn’t look / have lost

D) wouldn’t look / lose

E) don’t look / will lose

93. In countries……are affected by wars and famines, It Is often the children ……suffer the most.

A) where / what

B) whose / how

C) which / who

D) why / whom

E) when / why

94. I think……photographs are better than……only because you have a better camera.

A) your / mine

B) you / my

C) mine / yourself

D) yours / me

E) your own / myself

95. “Working two part-time jobs while, at the same time…….for her Ph.D. taught Deniz how……her time.

A) to study / to be organized

B) studied / organizing

C) studying / to organize

D) to be studying / organize

E) having studied / organized

96. Although tigers……in Africa, plenty of lions …… there.

A) do not find / are living

B) are not found / live

C) have not been found / will live

D) had not been found / have lived

E) have not found / had been living

97. We were surprised at……the rooms in Japanese houses were, but it was interesting to see …… the Japanese use their limited space.

A) how small / how well

B) so small /so good

C) such a small / much better

D) the smallest / such a good

E) too small / the best

98. Jackie is……of our strikers, and so he is……likely to score a goal.

A) so good / too much

B) the best / the most

C) any good / the more

D) as good as / how much

E) the better / any more

99. Since there seems to be……to discuss, we can call this meeting to a close.

A) another

B) whatever

C) nothing else

D) any other

E) itself

100. I want to finish my speech without ……, and then I’ll listen to your complaints.

A) to be interrupted

B) being interrupted

C) to have interrupted

D) interrupt

E) having interrupted

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