
11 sinif ingilizce 1 donem 1 sinav 2018 2019

A) Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (a-g). (7×2=14)

1. a buddy/mate ……….

2. count on ……….

3. get on well ……….

4. laid-back ……….

5. a secret ……….

6. a slumber party ……….

7. back up ……….

a) only a few people know something

and they don’t tell it to anybody

b) rely on

c) a friend

d) have a good relationship

e) a group of teens spend the night at one of the teens’ house

f) help someone

g) relaxed, not worried

B) Put the lines in the correct order to make a conversation. (8×2=16)

….. I’d love to, but I can’t.

….. What are you doing on Saturday?

….. I’m helping my dad with the gardening.

….. That sounds fun.

….. Shame. Why not?

….. We’re having a barbecue at my house.

….. Oh, dear! Sorry, you can’t make it. Another time, maybe.

….. Would you like to join us?

C) Read the sentences below. Which sentences can you use to:

invite someone, accept an invitation, refuse an invitation, apologise ? (9×2=18)

1. Would you like to join us? …………………………..

2. It sounds awesome. …………………………..

3. How about a slumber party? …………………………..

4. Oh, thanks. I don’t get on well with…. …………………………..

5. Yeah, sounds good. …………………………..

6. Cool! I’d love to. …………………………..

7. Why don’t you come along? …………………………..

8. Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t. …………………………..

9. I’d love to, but I have to be at home by 12. …………………………..

D) Fill in the blanks with the words below. (5×2=10)

Count on get on well with back…up best secrets

Esma is my …….. friend. I can always …………. her. She never tells my ……… anyone, always trust her. She also ……….me……….. up, and I always support her. I ……………………with her.

E) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Then put the sentences in the correct place in the invitation and the reply. (5×2=10)

a) there / be / I’ll / sure / for


b) I’m / a / on / party / saturday / having


c) know / let / as soon as possible / me


d) at / it’ll / 19.30 / start


e) for / to / inviting / your party / thanks/ me


F) Put the words in brackets into the correct form. (8×2=16)

Dear Lisa,

I 1) ………………. (be) so excited. I 2)………………… (celebrate) my fifteenth birthday this Saturday and I 3) ………………. (want) toinvite you to my party. I 4)………………. (hope) you can come. All my classmates 5)………………. (come), too. We 6)………………. (want) to have the party in the garden, so my parents are busy now. The party 7)………………. (start) at 7 in the evening. Why 8)……………………… (not/you spend) the night with us? We can share my room.

Please come.



G) Read the dialogues and answer the questions. (8×2= 16)

Dialogue 1:

Timothy : What are you doing on Saturday?

George : We’re having a barbecue at my house.

Timothy : That sounds fun.

George : Would you like to join us?

Timothy : I’d love to, but I can’t.

George : Really? Why not?

Timothy : I’m helping my dad with the gardening.

George : Oh, dear! Another time, maybe.

1. What is the event?


2. When is the event?


3. Did Timothy accept the invitation?


4. Why does Timothy refuse the invitation?


Dialogue 2:

Mark : Listen, Tom. Are you busy this evening?

Tom : No, not at all. Why?

Mark : I have two tickets for a concert tonight. Wouldyou like to go with me?

Tom : I’d love to, but whose concert is it?

Mark : It’s a concert of the symphony orchestra.

Tom : Sorry, but I don’t like classical music.

1. What is the event?


2. Is Tom busy?


3. Does he accept the invitation?


4. Why does Tom refuse Mark’s invitation?


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