
11 sinif ingilizce 2 donem 1 yazili

A- GRAMMAR (72p.)

I – Change the sentences into passive (8p)

1. They have damaged the furniture.


2. Does someone report every accident?


3. Who translated this book?


4. I will buy her a new watch at Christmas.


II – Change the sentences into passive (9p)

1- People think she is living in France.

She ________________________________________________________________

2- People think he has deserted his family.

He _________________________________________________________________

3- They believed she acted deliberately.

She _________________________________________________________________

III- CAUSATIVES: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.(10p)

1. The teacher had the class__________ a 2000-word research paper. (write)

2. I made my son__________ the windows before he could go outside to play. (wash)

3. Don got some kids in the neighborhood __________ out his garage. (clean)

4. I went to the bank to have a check__________. (cash)

5. Alice stopped at the service station to have the tank __________ (fill)

IV- Complete the sentences using the MODALS (could have / would rather / should have/ used to/ will / would you mind /can’t have / not have to) and the verbs in parentheses (16p)

1- When Guillaume lived in France he ____________________(smoke) 20 cigarettes a day.

2- I’m trying to concentrate on my study at the moment, so I________________________(not be) disturbed unless something urgent arises.

3- _______________________(you/take) this vacuum cleaner to Mrs. Watercutter and thank her for lending it to us?

4- ________________________(look) after my baby while I’m shopping?

5- Patty ____________________________(go) by bus. Why did she walk?

6- It was so dark that I fell down the stairs. I____________________(fix) the light.

7- You ______________________________(be) at the restaurant yesterday – I looked everywhere for you and didn’t see you.

8- I’ve already finished all my work, so I _______________________(study) tonight.

V- Ask for permission, polite questions and make suggestions according to given information below. (8p)

1- You need to know the time but you haven’t got a watch, so you stop a passerby and say:

Could ____________________________________________________________?

2- You are in company and you want to have a cigarette as long as no one else objects. You say:

Would you mind ________________________________________________________?

3- You are at home together with your friends and you are bored, so you make a suggestion:

Let’s ______________________________________________________________________.

4- Today is your parents’ wedding anniversary and you and your sisters want to buy a present for them and you talk to your sisters about it so you make a suggestion:

Why don’t we_______________________________________________________________?

VI- “Must be” or “Can’t be”? (3p.)

1- The children ……………………………….tired already! We have only been walking for five minutes.

2- The children ……………………………….thirsty. They haven’t had a drink for hours.

3- Did you hear that? It ………………………….someone walking about in our garden.

VII- Combine the sentences using the correlative conjunctions given in the brackets(8p)

1- We couldn’t hear the actors. We couldn’t see the stage. (neither…nor)


2- He may be ill. He may be tired. (either…or)


3- This car is fast. It is comfortable. (both…and)


4- I swim in the swimming pool. I jog in the forest. (Use “not only …but also” at the beginning of the sentence)


VIII- Fill in the blanks with one of the coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS) (10p)

1- I want to work as an interpreter in the future, __________ I am studying Russian at university.

2- She has to get up very early tomorrow morning, __________ she doesn’t want to.

3- I go to the park every Sunday, _________ I love to watch the ducks on the lake.

4- You can eat your cake with a spoon ________ a fork.

5- Jane does not like swimming, _______ does she enjoy cycling.


I- Fill in the blanks with the words in the box (one extra) (5p)

attitude – interest – relationship – marine – observe – communication

1- I have a very good ______________________ with my sister.

2- My little brother has a very bad _____________________towards school.

3- Body language is a form of non-verbal __________________________.,

4- Whales are large ___________________ mammals.

5- I developed a(n) __________________ in art very early in my life.

II- Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions (5p)

1- She always has a remarkable talent _________ acting.

2- Cotton has decreased _________ value on the world market.

3- The tickets of the concert are finally _________ sale.

4- He isn’t keen ______ playing football like other boys.

5- Despite her lack _______ experience, she was able to get the role.,

C- READING(18p.)


In the past, people believed that rainbows were made by magic. Some people even thought that the rainbow was a bridge between heaven and the earth used by the gods. They also believed that there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Today, we know that rainbows occur when sunlight shines on drops of rain. You can see a rainbow when you stand with the sun behind you and the rain falling in front of you.

Although sunlight doesn’t seem to have any colour, it is actually made up of many colours. When it enters a drop of rain, sunlight separates into violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red.

Raindrops reflect the colours in sunlight. Because the colours blend together, only four or five are usually visible.

Numerous rays of sunlight reflecting off raindrops from shining, curved rainbow. Often, a faint second rainbow appears outside the first. Its colours will be in the opposite order to those of the brighter rainbow.

I- Read the text carefully and write True (T) or False (F)? (12p)

1- Rainbows are made by magic. …………….

2- Rainbows were bridges between heaven and earth. …………..

3- There is no pot of gold at the end of rainbow. ………….

4- When there is rain and sunlight, rainbows appear in the sky. ……..

5- You can see a rainbow when the sun is in front of you. ………..

6- There are many colours in sunlight. …………..

II- Answer the questions according to the text (6p)

1- How does a rainbow occur?


2- How did people in the past explain rainbows?


3- Are there any colours in sunlight? If so, what are they?


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