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1.-18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Several of my friends have entered the —-, but none of them expects to win.
? competition
? vacancy
? responsibility
? performance
? application
He’s a terribly —- person and never thinks at all of the needs or the wishes of other people.
? extravagant
? sensitive
? selfish
? nervous
? reliable
As she grew older, it became —- difficult for her to do the shopping.
? reluctantly
? eventually
? doubtfully
? adequately
? increasingly
The survivors of the shipwreck who were able to reach the land, decided to —- a fire and wait to be rescued.
? show
? do
? put
? make
? set
The melting of all the ice mass in the Arctic would —- the sea level by several metres.
? spoil
? preserve
? restore
? raise
? establish
I couldn’t —- why they were shouting so loudly.
? rely on
? put off
? keep up
? set up
? make out
During recent years, many people —- interested in Turkish music.
? might become
? would become
? are becoming
? had become
? have become
If I —- you were on your own, I —- you to come round here for the day.
? know / will ask
? have known / will have asked
? knew / have asked
? would know / had asked
I hope that, by next summer, I —- up enough money to go to Italy for a holiday.
? would have saved
? will have saved
? would save
? had saved
? have saved
Sally worked all the weekend to finish the project in time, but actually she —- so.
? couldn’t have done
? may not do
? needn’t have done
? wouldn’t have done
? doesn’t have to do
This is the first time you have ever driven a car, —-?
? isn’t it
? aren’t you
? have you
? is this
? hasn’t it
I enjoyed this book so much; I want to read another by —- author.
? similar
? same
? the same
? such
? a certain
A woman from Denmark has recently moved —- the flat —- mine.
? about / in front of
? into / next to
? to / at
? through / above
? up / in
The film “Brave Heart” is —- long. It lasts —- three hours.
? too / on
? very / at
? quite / in
? so / into
? rather / for
—- appearing every four to seven years as it used to, “El Nino” has now been appearing consecutively for a number of years.
? On account of
? In case of
? Because of
? In view of
? Instead of
You can look at this plan for the new sports centre —- closely —- you like but I don’t think you will be able to understand it.
? more / than
? as / as
? just / as
? so / that
? such / that
The Great Pyramid of Khufu, —- is near Cairo, is one of the most famous monuments in the world.
? what
? which
? whom
? who
? where
—- bicycles are all red, —- is the only blue one.
? Your / him
? Ours / hers
? The other / mine
? Others / his
? Theirs / yours
19.-24. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

Surely that’s the boy —-.
? who sang so beautifully at the concert last night
? that his sister won the painting competition
? unless he sent us the heavy box
? which everyone is talking about
? whether his bicycle has been repaired
He simply wanted to know —-.
? though everyone else had already eaten
? as if all the buses went past the town hall
? how far away we are moving
? which team has won
? whether I had been to see Jane
—-, there is enough food and water for everyone.
? If they had used their resources properly
? Provided that they are used well
? If we learned to respect the environment
? Though nature would have been spoiled
? Unless we take care of our green fields
Since the bus broke down just outside Bursa, —-.
? some people would even blame the driver
? there wouldn’t be another bus for an hour
? it was particularly cold that night
? there was still snow by the side of the road
? we were late for our appointment in Ankara
—- unless you are interested in psychology.
? There is no point in reading that book
? This book will be very useful for you
? He’s thinking of going to a psychiatrist
? You could solve your problems
? This is the book you’ve suggested
—- why she was looking so upset.
? There is nothing to be ashamed of
? Nobody had understood
? We are all extremely worried
? There wasn’t an explanation
? I really didn’t know
25.-32. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.

Kenya, a country famous for its safaris and coffee, is situated on the east coast of Africa.
? Safarileri ve kahvesiyle ünlü bir ülke olan Kenya, Afrika’nın doğu kıyısında yer alır.
? Afrika’nın doğu kıyısında yer alan Kenya, hem safarileri hem de kahvesiyle ünlü bir ülkedir.
? Afrika’nın doğu kıyısında bulunan Kenya, safarileri ve kahvesiyle ünlü bir ülke olarak bilinmektedir.
? Safarileri ve kahvesiyle bilinen ve bir Afrika ül- kesi olan Kenya, kıtanın doğu kıyısında yer alır.
? Kenya, safarileri ve kahvesiyle tanınan bir ülke olarak Afrika’nın doğu kıyısında bulunmaktadır.
The Suez Canal, which connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, was designed and built by the French engineer De Lesseps.
? Akdeniz ile Kızıl Deniz’in birleşmesi, Fransız mühendis De Lesseps’in Süveyş Kanalı’nı tasarlayıp inşa etmesiyle olmuştur.
? Süveyş Kanalı’nın Fransız mühendis De Lesseps tarafından tasarlanıp inşa edilmesiyle, Akdeniz’in Kızıl Deniz ile birleşmesi sağlanmıştır.
? Akdeniz ile Kızıl Deniz’i birleştiren Süveyş Kanalı, Fransız mühendis De Lesseps tarafından tasarlanmış ve inşa edilmiştir.
? Fransız mühendis De Lesseps’in tasarlamış ve inşa etmiş olduğu Süveyş Kanalı, Akdeniz ile Kızıl Deniz’i birleştirir.
? Süveyş Kanalı’nı tasarlayıp inşa eden Fransız mühendis De Lesseps, Akdeniz ile Kızıl Deniz’i birleştirmeyi amaçlamıştır.
In exploring the seas for oil, geologists primarily search for the salt domes under which vast oil fields are likely to lie.
? Petrol bulmak için denizleri tarayan jeologlar, her şeyden önce, altında çok geniş petrol alanlarının uzayıp gittiği tuz tepeciklerini incelerler.
? Altında çok geniş petrol yataklarının bulunduğu tahmin edilen tuz tepecikleri, denizlerde petrol arayan jeologların öncelikle araştırdığı alanlardır.
? Denizlerde petrol arayan jeologlar, her şeyden önce, altında geniş petrol yataklarının uzandığı sanılan tuz tepeciklerini araştırırlar.
? Jeologlar, petrol için denizleri araştırırken, öncelikle, altında muhtemelen geniş petrol alanlarının uzandığı tuz tepeciklerini ararlar.
? Jeologlar, denizlerde yaptıkları petrol arama çalışmalarında, öncelikle, altında çok geniş petrol yataklarının bulunduğu tuz tepeciklerine yönelirler.
In her short stories that are set in the Southern states at about the turn of the century, Katherine Anne Porter describes a way of life that is gone.
? Katherine Anne Porter, Güney eyaletleri ile ilgili kısa öykülerinde, yüzyılın başlarına dayanan bir yaşam biçimini tasvir eder.
? Katherine Anne Porter, yüzyılın başlarında Güney eyaletlerinde geçen kısa öykülerinde, kaybolmuş bir yaşam biçimini anlatır.
? Katherine Anne Porter, Güney eyaletleri ile ilgili kısa öykülerinde, yüzyılın başlarında geçen bir yaşamdan söz eder.
? Katherine Anne Porter’ın kısa öykülerinde tasvir edilen yaşam, yüzyılın başlarında Güney eyaletlerinde geçer.
? Yüzyılın başlarında Güney eyaletlerinde geçen yaşam biçimi, Katherine Anne Porter’ın kısa öykülerinde anlatılmaktadır.
Cancer of the throat is more likely to occur in heavy smokers than in non-smokers.
? Gırtlak kanserinin sigara tiryakilerinde ortaya çıkması, sigara içmeyenlere göre daha fazla muhtemeldir.
? Gırtlak kanserinin sigara tiryakilerinde görülme oranı, sigara içmeyenlere göre çok daha yüksektir.
? Sigara içmeyenlerin, sigara içenler kadar gırtlak kanserine yakalanma olasılığı her zaman vardır.
? Sigara tiryakilerinin gırtlak kanserine yakalanma ihtimalinin, sigara içmeyenlere göre daha çok olduğu bilinmektedir.
? Gırtlak kanseri, sigara içenlerde, sigara içmeyenlere göre daha çok ortaya çıkmaktadır.
Don Quixote, one of the greatest classics of European literature, is still appreciated by the present day reader due to its rich narrative style.
? Avrupa edebiyatının en büyük klasiklerinden biri olan Don Kişot, zengin anlatım tarzı sayesinde günümüz okuyucusu tarafından hâlâ takdir edilmektedir.
? Avrupa edebiyatının en büyük klasiklerinden Don Kişot, zengin anlatım tarzıyla tüm okuyucuların ilgisini çekmektedir.
? Klasik Avrupa edebiyatının en büyük eserlerinden biri olan Don Kişot, zengin anlatımıyla günümüz okurundan da takdir görmektedir.
? Zengin anlatım tarzıyla Avrupa edebiyatının en büyük klasiklerden biri olan Don Kişot, günü- müz okuyucusu tarafından hâlâ sevilerek okunmaktadır.
? Zengin anlatım tarzı okuyucular tarafından takdir edilen Don Kişot, Avrupa edebiyatının en büyük klasiklerinden biridir.
It is estimated that over half a billion people consume insufficient calories to maintain normal growth and health.
? Yarım milyar kişinin, normal gelişimini ve sağlığını sürdürürken, yetersiz kalori aldığı bildirilmiştir.
? Yarım milyara yakın insanın, normal gelişimini devam ettirirken, yetersiz kalori harcadığı varsayılmaktadır.
? Yaklaşık yarım milyar insanın, normal gelişimi ve sağlığı için yetersiz kalori harcadığı belirlenmiştir.
? Yarım milyar kadar kişinin, sağlıklı gelişimini sürdürürken, yetersiz kalori kullandığı belirlenmiştir.
? Yarım milyardan fazla insanın, normal gelişimini ve sağlığını sürdürmek için yetersiz kalori tükettiği tahmin edilmektedir.
Under the burning sun of the Mediterranean basin, the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians harvested salt through evaporation from the sea, on a scale sufficient for their daily needs.
? Eski Yunanlılar, Romalılar ve Mısırlılar, Akdeniz havzasının kızgın güneşi altında, denizden buharlaştırma yoluyla, günlük gereksinimleri için yeterli ölçüde tuz elde ediyorlardı.
? Günlük gereksinimlerini karşılamak için eski Yunanlılar, Romalılar ve Mısırlılar, Akdeniz’in kızgın güneşi altında, buharlaştırma yöntemiyle, denizden yeterince tuz elde edebiliyorlardı.
? Akdeniz bölgesinin yakıcı güneşi altında, eski Yunanlılar, Romalılar ve Mısırlılar, günlük gereksinimlerini karşılamak amacıyla buhar- laştırma yöntemiyle denizden tuz üretiyorlardı.
? Eski Yunanlılar, Romalılar ve Mısırlılar’ın, günlük gereksinimlerini karşılamak için, Akdeniz bölgesinin yakıcı güneşi altında, buharlaştırma yoluyla denizden tuz ürettikleri bilinmektedir.
? Akdeniz havzasının yakıcı güneşi altında, günlük tuz gereksinimlerini karşılamak için eski Yunanlılar, Romalılar ve Mısırlılar buharlaştırma yöntemini kullanmışlardır.
33.-40. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.

Onun, ne yaptığımı ya da niçin beni çağırtmış olduğunu hatırladığını sanmıyorum.
? I don’t expect him to remember what I’d done and why I’d been sent for.
? I don’t think he remembered what I had done or why he had sent for me.
? I don’t think he can remember what I’ve done and why I have been called for.
? I don’t think he recognised me or remembered why he’d sent for me.
? I don’t expect him to remember who I was or why he called me.
Özellikle Afrika’da ve Doğu’da, okuma yazması olmayan, ancak yüzlerce dizeli bir şiiri ezberden okuyan insanlarla karşılaşmak, çoğu kez bizi şaşırtmıştır.
? We have frequently come across illiterate people in Africa and the East who can recite hundreds of poems, and we are still astonished at it.
? It’s hardly surprising that the illiterate people of Africa and the East, in particular, are frequently to be found reciting poems with hundreds of verses.
? We have frequently been astonished to meet people, especially in Africa and the East, who are illiterate, and yet who recite from memory a poem of hundreds of verses.
? We are often surprised at how many illiterate people we meet, especially in Africa and the East, who are able to recite a poem with hundreds of verses.
? It is the illiterate people of Africa and the East, in particular, who, not surprisingly, have learned by heart poems with hundreds of verses.
Şurada bir grup gençle konuşan adam, bu ülkenin İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan beri sahip olduğu en iyi siyasetçilerden biridir.
? The man over there, talking to a group of young people, is one of the best politicians this country has produced since World War II.
? One of the best politicians this country has produced since World War II is standing over there talking to a group of young people.
? That man over there, with a group of youngsters, has been in politics since World War II, and has done the country a lot of good.
? The man those young people have joined is probably about the best politician this country has produced since World War II.
? The man talking to those young people over there has been involved in politics since World War II, and has done much good in the country.
Thomas Wolfe, ilk romanının 1929’da yayımlanması üzerine, kendi kuşağının en çok gelecek vaat eden yazarlarından biri olarak görüldü.
? With his first novel, which was published in 1929, Thomas Wolfe won the respect of his own generation and the next one.
? One of the most promising writers of this generation was Thomas Wolfe, whose first novel was published in 1929.
? Upon the publication, in 1929, of his first novel, Thomas Wolfe was considered to be one of the most promising writers of his generation.
? As soon as his first novel was published in 1929, Thomas Wolfe was acclaimed as one of the best writers of his generation.
? When his first novel was published in 1929, Thomas Wolfe was regarded as one of the most talented writers of his generation.
Kamyon sürücüsü olarak edindiği deneyimleri ona, çalışan çeşitli tipteki insanları şiirlerinde anlatma fırsatını verdi.
? While he was a truck driver, he began to write poems in which he described his experiences with various types of working people.
? His experiences as a truck driver gave him the opportunity to describe, in his poems, various types of working people.
? Various types of working class people are described in his poems which are related to his experiences as a truck driver.
? His experiences as a truck driver brought him close to working class people, and so he could describe them in his poems.
? His poems are usually about his experiences with the various types of working people he met during his years as a truck driver.
Dünyanın en önde gelen dilbilimcilerinden biri olan Eugene A. Nida, ilkel toplulukların dilleri ve lehçeleri alanında uzmanlaşmıştır.
? Eugene A. Nida, one of the foremost linguists in the world, has specialised in the field of the languages and dialects of primitive communities.
? His specialisation in the field of the languages and dialects of primitive communities is what has put Eugene A. Nida among the foremost of the world’s linguists.
? One of the best linguists in the world is Eugene A. Nida, who has specialised in the field of the languages and dialects of primitive communities.
? One of the best-known linguists in the world is Eugene A. Nida since he has specialised in the field of the languages and dialects of primitive communities.
? The famous linguist Eugene A. Nida is especially interested in the field of the languages and dialects of primitive communities.
Hindistan, Batılı ülkelerin çoğundan farklı olarak, çeşitli dillere ve kültürlere sahip bir ülkedir.
? Most western countries lack the variety that is to be found in the languages and cultures of India.
? Contrary to what is believed in most western countries, there are many different languages and cultures in India.
? The western countries are unlike India because of their varied languages and cultures.
? India is a country with varied languages and cultures, which makes it unlike the majority of western countries.
? Unlike the majority of western countries, India is a country which has varied languages and cultures.
Şirketimiz, tüm bölümlerinde güvenliği sağlamak için özel bir sistem geliştirdi.
? In order to maintain security in all its departments our company is developing a special system.
? Our company has developed a special system to maintain security in all of its departments.
? Our company maintains that the special security system it has developed is suitable for all its departments.
? The special security system developed by our company will be used in all its departments.
? Our company has developed a special security system to suit each of its departments.
41.-43. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Life on a submarine may, to many people, sound fascinating. However, it is, in fact, horribly boring. Except for the commanding officers, a day aboard a submarine consists of six hours on duty, six hours off, day after day, for months. This being the case, every effort is made to ensure that the lives of the men are as pleasant as possible. The meals are exceptionally good, and there is a daily film, shown at a specific time, on television around the submarine. In return, the crew is always expected to perform perfectly all the time. A mistake is quite unforgivable. In fact, a favourite saying is “There’s room for everything on a submarine except for a mistake”.

  1. We learn from the passage that, contrary to what a lot of people expect, —-.
    ? there is comparatively little work to be done on a submarine
    ? the officers on a submarine share the same duties as the other members of the crew
    ? submarines have every imaginable facility for entertaining the crew
    ? boredom is a major problem for the crew of a submarine
    ? life on a submarine is extremely rewarding for the crew
    Life on a submarine may, to many people, sound fascinating. However, it is, in fact, horribly boring. Except for the commanding officers, a day aboard a submarine consists of six hours on duty, six hours off, day after day, for months. This being the case, every effort is made to ensure that the lives of the men are as pleasant as possible. The meals are exceptionally good, and there is a daily film, shown at a specific time, on television around the submarine. In return, the crew is always expected to perform perfectly all the time. A mistake is quite unforgivable. In fact, a favourite saying is “There’s room for everything on a submarine except for a mistake”.
  2. The writer of the passage emphasises that, on a submarine, —-.
    ? there is every opportunity for officers to have a pleasant life
    ? life never gets boring for the crew
    ? everything is to be done faultlessly
    ? everyone works six hours a day
    ? every member of the crew helps to prepare the meals
    Life on a submarine may, to many people, sound fascinating. However, it is, in fact, horribly boring. Except for the commanding officers, a day aboard a submarine consists of six hours on duty, six hours off, day after day, for months. This being the case, every effort is made to ensure that the lives of the men are as pleasant as possible. The meals are exceptionally good, and there is a daily film, shown at a specific time, on television around the submarine. In return, the crew is always expected to perform perfectly all the time. A mistake is quite unforgivable. In fact, a favourite saying is “There’s room for everything on a submarine except for a mistake”.
  3. It is clear from the passage that it is almost impossible —-.
    ? to make life aboard a submarine fully fascinating
    ? for officers to establish a friendship with other members of the crew
    ? for everyone to be aware of night and day
    ? for the commanding officers to make a mistake
    ? for any member of the crew to be on duty more than six hours
    44.-46. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

As Orson Welles said: “to practise his art, a poet needs a pen, and a painter a brush. But a film-maker needs an army of actors, actresses and support- staff”. Orson Welles learned the hard way that all this costs a fortune. Few film directors are rich enough to finance their own films, and even fewer have the desire to take such a risk. Therefore, directors are dependent on film studios for the financing of their films. This has caused a certain tension between directors and film studios because film studios use their money to try to control the films they finance. If a film, while it is being made, starts to become too expensive, the studio has to make a choice: it must either cancel the making of the film and lose all the money already invested in it, or go on investing heavily and hope the film will really be a great success.

  1. It is suggested in the passage that film-making —-.
    ? is an industry which is almost always financially successful
    ? aims at making a good profit rather than giving entertainment
    ? is a business which depends more on finance than on talent
    ? is extremely expensive when compared with other forms of art
    ? involves a series of problems, one of which is the casting of actors and actresses
    As Orson Welles said: “to practise his art, a poet needs a pen, and a painter a brush. But a film-maker needs an army of actors, actresses and support- staff”. Orson Welles learned the hard way that all this costs a fortune. Few film directors are rich enough to finance their own films, and even fewer have the desire to take such a risk. Therefore, directors are dependent on film studios for the financing of their films. This has caused a certain tension between directors and film studios because film studios use their money to try to control the films they finance. If a film, while it is being made, starts to become too expensive, the studio has to make a choice: it must either cancel the making of the film and lose all the money already invested in it, or go on investing heavily and hope the film will really be a great success.
  2. According to the passage, film studios and directors often disagree —-.
    ? even though there is no financial problem facing them
    ? since each is always dependent upon the other for success
    ? over the choice and number of actors, actresses and support-staff for each film
    ? because a studio won’t always allow a director to do what he wants to do
    ? over whether a film is likely to succeed and make a profit
    As Orson Welles said: “to practise his art, a poet needs a pen, and a painter a brush. But a film-maker needs an army of actors, actresses and support- staff”. Orson Welles learned the hard way that all this costs a fortune. Few film directors are rich enough to finance their own films, and even fewer have the desire to take such a risk. Therefore, directors are dependent on film studios for the financing of their films. This has caused a certain tension between directors and film studios because film studios use their money to try to control the films they finance. If a film, while it is being made, starts to become too expensive, the studio has to make a choice: it must either cancel the making of the film and lose all the money already invested in it, or go on investing heavily and hope the film will really be a great success.
  3. It is pointed out in the passage that, so long as there is a chance for a film to be truly successful,—-.
    ? actors and actresses will perform to the best of their ability
    ? some directors may choose to finance their films themselves
    ? the studio will often be prepared to put more money into the making of it
    ? directors and studios will have no excuse for any disagreements
    ? other studios will gladly pour in more money in the hope of making very high profits
    47.-49. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Some 130 million years ago, a spike-backed dinosaur walked heavily through the wilderness of what came to be Australia, and left its footprints as a gift for the future. They were the world’s best impressions of a dinosaur’s two-ton footfalls. When they were found seven years ago in a remote valley in northern Australia, they provided scientists with the first clear evidence that dinosaurs had lived in Australia. This discovery provided further evidence for the theory that Australia was once joined to a vast super-continent that included what is now South America, Africa, India and Antarctica.

  1. It is clear from the passage that, millions of years ago, Australia —-.
    ? was, for the first time, inhabited by a large variety of dinosaurs
    ? was almost certainly not, as it is today, a separate continent
    ? with its geography and climate resembled South America and Africa
    ? was for the most part a wilderness where no living being could survive
    ? was undoubtedly the only suitable place in the world for the survival of dinosaurs
    Some 130 million years ago, a spike-backed dinosaur walked heavily through the wilderness of what came to be Australia, and left its footprints as a gift for the future. They were the world’s best impressions of a dinosaur’s two-ton footfalls. When they were found seven years ago in a remote valley in northern Australia, they provided scientists with the first clear evidence that dinosaurs had lived in Australia. This discovery provided further evidence for the theory that Australia was once joined to a vast super-continent that included what is now South America, Africa, India and Antarctica.
  2. The passage makes it clear that the dinosaur footprints discovered in Australia in recent years—-.
    ? have little attracted many a scientist interested in the distant past of the continent
    ? are in surprisingly good condition although millions of years have passed since they were made
    ? could only have been made by dinosaurs weighing a lot more than two tons
    ? are the same as those also found in South America, Africa, India and Antarctica
    ? have made scientists revise the most recent theories concerning dinosaurs
    Some 130 million years ago, a spike-backed dinosaur walked heavily through the wilderness of what came to be Australia, and left its footprints as a gift for the future. They were the world’s best impressions of a dinosaur’s two-ton footfalls. When they were found seven years ago in a remote valley in northern Australia, they provided scientists with the first clear evidence that dinosaurs had lived in Australia. This discovery provided further evidence for the theory that Australia was once joined to a vast super-continent that included what is now South America, Africa, India and Antarctica.
  3. One reason why the discovery in Australia of the dinosaur footprints is so important is that, —-.
    ? contrary to the popular view, this continent had always been a vast wilderness
    ? previously, no one knew for certain whether this country had ever been inhabited by dinosaurs
    ? presumably, they will provide clues for future geological changes in this continent
    ? until this discovery, nothing was known about the early climate of this continent
    ? up to this point, no one knew for sure that dinosaurs could weigh two tons
    50.-52. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

For most people, being a member of a large family is sometimes hard. Usually there isn’t enough money, so everyone has to do without various things. There are, however, certain advantages; in fact, there are probably more advantages than disadvantages. The other day I saw a family setting off on a day out. The parents, who looked remarkably young themselves, were carrying various bags. The biggest child, who was perhaps fifteen, carried a football. His sister, perhaps two years younger, carried what looked like the family lunch. The four smaller children also had things to carry. The youngest of them carried a toy bear that was almost as big as herself. The family were catching a bus and looked so contented. I wished I could have gone with them wherever they were going.

  1. It is clear from the passage that the family described here —-.
    ? isn’t used to going out for the day like this
    ? very rarely has a day out together
    ? is clearly a very rich one
    ? seldom takes a bus at weekends
    ? knows how to share its duties
    For most people, being a member of a large family is sometimes hard. Usually there isn’t enough money, so everyone has to do without various things. There are, however, certain advantages; in fact, there are probably more advantages than disadvantages. The other day I saw a family setting off on a day out. The parents, who looked remarkably young themselves, were carrying various bags. The biggest child, who was perhaps fifteen, carried a football. His sister, perhaps two years younger, carried what looked like the family lunch. The four smaller children also had things to carry. The youngest of them carried a toy bear that was almost as big as herself. The family were catching a bus and looked so contented. I wished I could have gone with them wherever they were going.
  2. We understand from the passage that, although these parents have six children, —-.
    ? it seems that life has not aged them
    ? they spend very little time with them
    ? they don’t really seem to care about them
    ? it is the four smaller ones that they are most fond of
    ? they are reluctant to spend much money on them
    For most people, being a member of a large family is sometimes hard. Usually there isn’t enough money, so everyone has to do without various things. There are, however, certain advantages; in fact, there are probably more advantages than disadvantages. The other day I saw a family setting off on a day out. The parents, who looked remarkably young themselves, were carrying various bags. The biggest child, who was perhaps fifteen, carried a football. His sister, perhaps two years younger, carried what looked like the family lunch. The four smaller children also had things to carry. The youngest of them carried a toy bear that was almost as big as herself. The family were catching a bus and looked so contented. I wished I could have gone with them wherever they were going.
  3. From the passage we can conclude that the narrator —-.
    ? feels sorry because the children have all got things to carry
    ? is more interested in the parents than in the children
    ? himself comes from a large family
    ? is very critical of large families
    ? seems to favour large families
    53.-55. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Mrs Gaskell was a nineteenth-century English novelist. She wrote social novels, the most famous of which were Mary Barton and North and South. The first, which is set in Manchester, an industrial city in the north of England, vividly describes the terrible conditions of the working class, which she knew at first hand. It is a powerful novel that made a considerable impression upon readers in nineteenth- century England. The other novel, North and South, contrasts two regions of England, through its heroine Margaret Hale, who leaves southern England to live in the industrial north. Both these novels present a balanced view of social problems in this period of English history.

  1. As it is pointed out in the passage, both in Mary Barton and in North and South, Mrs Gaskell —-.
    ? shows how the conditions of the English working class were improving in the nineteenth century
    ? compares the working conditions of men and women in southern England
    ? failed to capture the interest of readers in her time
    ? is mainly concerned with the conditions of working life in the industrial north of England
    ? tells the tragic story of a young country girl called Margaret Hale
    Mrs Gaskell was a nineteenth-century English novelist. She wrote social novels, the most famous of which were Mary Barton and North and South. The first, which is set in Manchester, an industrial city in the north of England, vividly describes the terrible conditions of the working class, which she knew at first hand. It is a powerful novel that made a considerable impression upon readers in nineteenth- century England. The other novel, North and South, contrasts two regions of England, through its heroine Margaret Hale, who leaves southern England to live in the industrial north. Both these novels present a balanced view of social problems in this period of English history.
  2. We understand from the passage that the manner, in which Mrs Gaskell approached the working conditions of her time, —-.
    ? is generally regarded now as being unfair
    ? was not one-sided
    ? was disliked by her readers
    ? was more critical in Mary Barton than in North and South
    ? was not based on fact
    Mrs Gaskell was a nineteenth-century English novelist. She wrote social novels, the most famous of which were Mary Barton and North and South. The first, which is set in Manchester, an industrial city in the north of England, vividly describes the terrible conditions of the working class, which she knew at first hand. It is a powerful novel that made a considerable impression upon readers in nineteenth- century England. The other novel, North and South, contrasts two regions of England, through its heroine Margaret Hale, who leaves southern England to live in the industrial north. Both these novels present a balanced view of social problems in this period of English history.
  3. We learn from the passage that Mrs Gaskell uses the story of Margaret Hale to —-.
    ? stress that there were good working opportunities for the young in the north of England
    ? draw attention to the special problems of young women in nineteenth-century England
    ? tell the story of her own life in Manchester
    ? illustrate the differences between the north and south of England
    ? show how the living conditions in the north were far better than those in the south
    56.-58. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

John Steinbeck grew up in California and went to university there, and studied marine biology. He worked at various jobs before he rose to fame in the 1930s with his novels about farm workers. In his novels, his approach is realistic and he shows a great deal of sympathy for his characters who are mostly poor and oppressed. We see this in The Grapes of Wrath, which is one of his best-known novels, and has been made into a film and also staged in the theatre.

  1. We learn from the passage that Steinbeck —-.
    ? was primarily concerned in his writings with the problems American society was facing in the 1930s
    ? wrote only one major novel, which is The Grapes of Wrath
    ? was originally trained as a scientist, but he turned to literature
    ? used California as the setting for all his works
    ? wrote almost all of his major works during the 1930s
    John Steinbeck grew up in California and went to university there, and studied marine biology. He worked at various jobs before he rose to fame in the 1930s with his novels about farm workers. In his novels, his approach is realistic and he shows a great deal of sympathy for his characters who are mostly poor and oppressed. We see this in The Grapes of Wrath, which is one of his best-known novels, and has been made into a film and also staged in the theatre.
  2. We understand from the passage that the people Steinbeck describes in his novels —-.
    ? work in a wide variety of jobs in California
    ? fail to arouse the reader’s sympathy
    ? usually have a background of economic and social hardships
    ? do not really represent the agricultural community of California
    ? are on the whole content with the kind of life they have
    John Steinbeck grew up in California and went to university there, and studied marine biology. He worked at various jobs before he rose to fame in the 1930s with his novels about farm workers. In his novels, his approach is realistic and he shows a great deal of sympathy for his characters who are mostly poor and oppressed. We see this in The Grapes of Wrath, which is one of his best-known novels, and has been made into a film and also staged in the theatre.
  3. It is clear from the passage that Steinbeck’s famous novel, The Grapes of Wrath, —-.
    ? has appealed not only to the general reader, but also to film and stage directors
    ? was only popular as a book and as a film, during the 1930s
    ? has had a lasting effect on its readers, though it is the least realistic
    ? was, much to the surprise of Steinbeck himself, an immediate success
    ? was adapted for the stage, but enjoyed little success in the theatre
    59.-61. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Reading on paper is so much a part of our lives that it is hard to imagine anything could ever replace the printed books we are used to. Before printed books came in, books had to be copied by hand; this was obviously a slow process and very expensive. Once Gutenberg had invented an economical way to make
movable letters in the 15th century, it became possible to produce reading material quickly,
comparatively cheaply and in large quantities. Since then, the printed word has become a permanent part of our everyday lives. So, how could anyone believe that sales of electronic books will equal those of paper books within a decade or so? Still, some people think that they will.

  1. The passage puts forward the idea that, even though the printed book continues to be popular, —-.
    ? the electronic book may well be on its way in
    ? it is no longer as popular as it used to be
    ? it will soon be completely replaced by the electronic book
    ? compared with the electronic book, it is very expensive
    ? fewer books are being sold than formerly
    Reading on paper is so much a part of our lives that it is hard to imagine anything could ever replace the printed books we are used to. Before printed books came in, books had to be copied by hand; this was obviously a slow process and very expensive. Once Gutenberg had invented an economical way to make
    movable letters in the 15th century, it became possible to produce reading material quickly,
    comparatively cheaply and in large quantities. Since then, the printed word has become a permanent part of our everyday lives. So, how could anyone believe that sales of electronic books will equal those of paper books within a decade or so? Still, some people think that they will.
  2. In this passage, the author suggests that, in spite of technological advances, some people —-.
    ? find it difficult to buy the kind of book they are looking for
    ? are dissatisfied at the rising prices of printed books
    ? will be reluctant to give up the printed book and turn to the electronic one
    ? still regard Gutenberg as the leading figure in book technology
    ? realise that books published in our time are not as well-made as those in the past
    Reading on paper is so much a part of our lives that it is hard to imagine anything could ever replace the printed books we are used to. Before printed books came in, books had to be copied by hand; this was obviously a slow process and very expensive. Once Gutenberg had invented an economical way to make
    movable letters in the 15th century, it became possible to produce reading material quickly,
    comparatively cheaply and in large quantities. Since then, the printed word has become a permanent part of our everyday lives. So, how could anyone believe that sales of electronic books will equal those of paper books within a decade or so? Still, some people think that they will.
  3. It is clear from the passage that Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press —-.
    ? increased the speed at which books could be produced
    ? did not have any noticeable effect upon the prices of books
    ? did not put an end to the practice of copying books by hand
    ? was the only major technological advance in the 15th century
    ? failed to spread the love of reading among ordinary people
    62.-68. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

Sally made her own costume for the school play, but she was the only one to do so.
? Sally made the costume she wore in the school play herself, but none of the others made theirs.
? Sally helped to make the costumes for the school play, but no one else did.
? It was only Sally who needed a special costume for the school play; none of the others did.
? Sally was the only one who helped to make the costumes for the school play.
? Except for Sally, no one helped to make the costumes for the school play.
Most of the students had worked hard and so they did quite well in the examination.
? Almost all of the hard-working students got very high grades in the examination.
? A majority of the students got good grades in the examination as they had prepared well for it.
? The students who do best in an examination are the ones who work hardest.
? Most students work hard before an examination and so do well.
? Quite a lot of the students did very well indeed in the examination.
The last time I saw my cousin he was only five years old.
? I haven’t seen my cousin since he was a 5-year-old child.
? I haven’t seen my cousin for five years.
? It’s five years since I last saw my cousin.
? I still haven’t seen my cousin who is now five years old.
? The last time I saw my cousin was five years ago.
I used to play basketball several times a week while I was at university.
? It was during my university years that I got used to playing basketball at least three times a week.
? I don’t play basketball now as often as I did when I was at university.
? During my university years, I started to play basketball two or three times a week, but I don’t any longer.
? A) When I was a university student, it was my habit to play basketball a few times a week, but now I don’t.
? It was when I was at university that I took up basketball and played several times a week.
As there was a great deal of traffic on the roads, the journey took us longer than we had expected.
? We were surprised at how long it took us to get there as there was so little traffic.
? The journey turned out to be much longer than we’d foreseen, owing to the heavy traffic.
? The journey was over fairly quickly considering how much traffic there was.
? There was a lot of heavy traffic on the roads, so we had to go slowly.
? In spite of the heavy traffic, the journey took hardly any longer than we had expected.
You knew I needed your help this weekend, so you shouldn’t have promised to go out with your friends.
? You’d promised to help me this weekend, so I don’t see how you can agree to go off with your friends like that.
? Why did you arrange to go out with your friends over the weekend while you said you would help me?
? It was not right for you to promise your friends that you’d go out with them this weekend since you knew I had to have some help from you.
? I suppose you’ve arranged to go off with your friends this weekend because you didn’t want to help me though you had promised to!
? When you agreed to go out with your friends this weekend, had you forgotten you’d promised to help me?
This material is suitable for students of eighteen years and up.
? All students, whether under or over eighteen, can be given this material.
? Only 18-year-old students will find this material suitable.
? The material is suitable for students who are over eighteen.
? The material may be suitable for students of over eighteen years of age.
? Students of eighteen years and over can use this material.
69.-76. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.

  1. Familiar terms such as “work”, “energy” and “force” are often used in a very particular and distinct manner in physics. —-. For instance, for the physicist, the word “force” is used in four different ways. These forces are responsible for all the phenomena we observe.
    ? The English physicist Newton is remembered for his investigations into the forces of nature
    ? “Work” is another term which also has a restricted technical meaning in science
    ? One of the fundamental forces in nature is the electromagnetic force
    ? We think of a force generally as a push or a pull
    ? It is important to understand their special meanings when they are used scientifically
    Flooding is an environmental disaster that may have substantial and long-lasting chemical effects. There are many possible sources of chemical contamination during and after a flood.
    —-. Chemicals released into the environment may have a variety of adverse ecological effects. These effects can be long-term or short-term in the normal functioning of the ecosystem.
    ? There are two main causes of such hazards: biological and chemical
    ? Fortunately, there is no possibility that any radioactive materials have been released
    ? It results in economic losses that might affect the whole country
    ? These include dumping grounds, chemical works, warehouses, and petrol stations
    ? Every chemical substance that affects the environment affects the human beings, too
    Calcium is an important mineral. It is crucial for the carrying of messages along the nerves. It is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Yet, few of us get as much as we need. —-.
    ? Milk and milk products are especially rich in calcium
    ? On the other hand, most parents are unaware of how much calcium their children need
    ? The taking of calcium pills is not always recommended
    ? In fact, most of us get only one third of the amount necessary for good health
    ? Calcium deficiency can lead to various problems
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Young children and older adults are the most regular consumers of breakfast. —-. However, especially among young people, before they reach adulthood, breakfast consumption decreases, and they give as reasons lack of time or not wanting to eat so early.
    ? Popular breakfasts nowadays include cereals, toast and fruit juice
    ? Studies show that over 90 % of them have breakfast every day
    ? Missing breakfast can affect a child’s ability to manage complex information
    ? The type of breakfast preferred varies from country to country
    ? Tests to see whether eating breakfast increases a child’s IQ remain controversial
    Poetry is as universal as language and almost as ancient. In all ages, and in all countries, poetry has been written, eagerly read and listened to by all kinds and conditions of people. —-. But this is not the whole answer. It has also been regarded as something central to each man’s existence.
    ? There is no real distinction between the practical use of language and the poetic one
    ? There is no sharp distinction between poetry and other imaginative literature
    ? The proper reading of poetry demands a high level of attention
    ? Literature exists to communicate significant experiences
    ? Why? Because it has given them pleasure
    Most of us feel that too much money is being spent on advertising. We see advertisements as we walk down the street, we see them in newspapers and magazines and on television.
    —-. Perhaps it would, but manufacturers know that it is vital to keep the name of a product fresh in the public eye; otherwise, sales fall.
    ? Advertising has become an art, and a lot of money is to be made in the field of advertising
    ? Personally, I find a lot of advertisements really annoying
    ? Advertising costs a lot, so we wonder if it wouldn’t be better to spend this money in other ways
    ? Some advertisements are quite amusing and really please us
    ? Children are often greatly influenced by the advertisements they see on television
    At seven in the morning on April 12th 1981, the first space shuttle “Columbia” left Earth. It flew up into space at a speed of 28, 000 kilometres an hour. —-. They had a lot to do while they were in space. They took photographs and sent pictures back to Earth. They also tested Columbia’s controls.
    ? Following its explorations in space, the shuttle returned safely to Earth
    ? This is what science fiction had imagined
    ? There were two astronauts inside, John Young and Robert Crippen
    ? At such a speed the shuttle might easily have blown up
    ? This was one of the best designed space shuttles put into space
    When we talk about the shared customs of a society, we are referring to a “culture”. However, not all things shared generally by a population are cultural. For example, the typical hair colour of a population is not cultural because it is genetically determined. —-.
    ? What and how human beings eat is learned and varies from culture to culture
    ? Culture refers to all these aspects of life
    ? For something to be considered cultural, it must be learned as well as shared
    ? Culture has nothing to do with playing the piano or reading poetry
    ? Every society has a culture, no matter how simple this culture is
    77.-84. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz.

Your brother is fond of detective novels. At present you are reading a novel which is about a very unusual detective. You feel your brother would enjoy reading it. So, you say to him:
? I’ve enjoyed this novel enormously; can you recommend some other detective novels?
? You said this was a detective novel, but it doesn’t seem like one to me.
? This is just your type of detective novel. I’ll pass it on to you when I’ve finished it.
? The main character in this novel is so unusual that you can’t take him seriously.
? I can’t understand what interests you in this particular detective novel.
You have applied to work for a travel agency. You are being interviewed and have been asked why you think you are suitable for the job. You reply:
? I imagine the work is interesting; a lot of jobs are boring.
? I’ve never been to Germany, but my cousin lives there.
? I speak English and German fluently and, therefore, I feel this is the right job for me.
? My brother has urged me to take up this job.
? I suppose I could work at weekends if you wanted me to.
It’s Monday. A friend wants you to go with her to the cinema this evening. It’s to a film you very much want to see, but for a day or two you are far too busy to go to the cinema. So, you say:
? Thanks, I’d love to; I’ve promised to help my mother in the garden, but that can wait till tomorrow.
? I wish I could come with you, but this evening I’ve promised to help my brother prepare for an examination.
? I can’t today, but that’s a film I don’t want to miss. Can’t we go later in the week?
? Thanks for asking me, but I really don’t want to see that film again.
? I’m not sure if I can. I’ll let you know later. When will you be home? I’ll give you a ring.
A good friend of yours has recently joined your football team, and today he has played goalkeeper for the first time. Your team has lost the game and your friend, as the goalkeeper, blames himself for it. So, to cheer him up, you say:
? A lot of the time you didn’t seem to be concentrating on the game.
? Actually, you could have prevented the goals.
? I feel we’re badly in need of a more efficient coach.
? This has been a bad day for our team, but I can assure you that you’ve done your best.
? After all, the other team worked to take you by surprise, and you played into their hands.
Your sister works in an office as a secretary. Today she has come home rather upset because her boss has shouted at her in front of a lot of people. She feels very strongly that she didn’t deserve such treatment. So, to comfort her, you say:
? Your boss seems to have been upsetting you a lot lately.
? I wish you could have said something back to him.
? I’m sure there was something else annoying him; otherwise, he would never have treated you like that.
? So long as you do your job properly, he won’t have any reason to treat you like that.
? The trouble with you is that you don’t stand up for yourself.
You have attended an English language school in Britain, and have been very well satisfied with the way it was organised and the standard of teaching. So, when someone asks you if you can recommend the school, you say:
? The school was very well run and my English certainly improved while I was there.
? The best thing about the school was that it was very close to London.
? We had classes most mornings and went sight- seeing in the afternoons.
? There were people there from all over the world and I made lots of friends.
? The food was rather poor and the dormitory was overcrowded.
You have been corresponding for some years with a Canadian boy. You learn from his last letter that he will be spending part of his summer holiday in Europe. You think this is a wonderful opportunity for him to come to Turkey and spend some time with you. So, you write:
? While making your holiday plans for Europe, I suggest you first visit the medieval towns of France.
? Since you are going to be in Europe, and so near to Turkey, I do wish you would arrange to have part of your holiday in Turkey with me.
? After all, while you are in Europe, it would be easy for me to come to see you.
? Let me know when you are going to be in Europe, so that we can arrange to meet there.
? If I were you, I would spend a week in Turkey before returning to Europe.
You have been in the school choir for some years now, and wish to persuade a close friend of yours, who is interested in music, to join the choir. So, you say:
? Don’t leave the school choir because Pat has joined it.
? Since you enjoy music it’s time you joined our choir and started to sing.
? I thought you were in the school choir when I joined three years ago.
? Have you been asked to join the school choir? I have recommended you.
? I know you love music. But do you sing yourself?
85.-92. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmında söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

Jane :- Did you enjoy the play, Pelin?
Pelin:- Very much. Thank you for organising the evening.
Jane:- —-
Pelin :- More or less. My English isn’t good, but I did get the general idea.
? I make a point of going to all the plays in town.
? I hope you managed to follow the story.
? What did you think of the settings and the costumes?
? Actually, I thought it was a particularly interesting play.
? The acting was very good. In particular I liked the old aunt.
Brother :- Did you make this cake Mary?
Sister : – Yes.
Brother : – —-
Sister :- Only a little! Don’t eat it if you don’t want to.
? Good for you! This is as good as mother’s cake!
? I’m going to make myself a sandwich.
? No one will marry you if that’s the best you can do!
? It’s not as good as the one mother makes.
? I thought so. It’s burnt!
Janet :- Will you be inviting Susan to your party?
Lucy :- No I won’t. You know l don’t like her.
Janet :- —-
Lucy :- You’re quite right. I’ll ask her.
? I wasn’t expecting you to. But if you were going to, I wouldn’t come.
? No. Neither do I. I think she gossips a lot.
? None of us does. She’s so proud of herself.
? I know you don’t. But she’s been having such a hard time lately. A change would do her good.
? She behaved so badly at Polly’s party, do you remember?
Brian :- Dad! I need a new pair of sports shoes.
Father :- What? It seems like only a month since I bought you a pair.
Brian : – —-
Father : – That’s all right, you win. We’ll buy a better pair this time.
? Thanks, but l don’t need any new ones now; I’ll let you know when I do.
? Two months, actually. But they were cheap, and l told you they wouldn’t last.
? These were a birthday present from my uncle. Don’t you remember?
? No, it’s at least a year. Actually, they’ve lasted well.
? They are absolutely fine. They’ll last another year at least.
James :- Do you know where I can hire a car?
Mark :- —-
James :- I’d really appreciate that. Are you sure you don’t need it?
Mark :- No, I don’t need it before next week.
? Sorry, I have no idea about where you can hire a car.
? Hiring a car is expensive. Why don’t you borrow my car?
? I think, you’d better take a taxi.
? There is a car rental agency at the end of this street on your left.
? Well, there are lots of car rental agencies. You can find their phone numbers in the yellow pages.
Anna :- Excuse me, could you tell me where Julia Sullivan’s office is?
Rebecca :- —-
Anna :- Yes, that’s right.
Rebecca :- Well, you are on the wrong floor. Her office is on the seventh floor.
? Why do you want to see her? Is she expecting you?
? She isn’t in her office. She is out today.
? Julia Sullivan? Isn’t she in the marketing department?
? Do you have an appointment with her?
? She is on holiday. She’ll be back next week.
Jane :- Sorry, I had to ring the doorbell.
Mary :- —-
Jane :- No, I seem to have lost it.
Mary :- Then I’d better let you have my spare key.
? I think we should let you have the other key.
? Don’t tell me you’ve lost your key again!
? I wish you hadn’t. Where is your key?
? Didn’t you have your key with you?
? That’s all right. By the way, I’ve got a new key for you.
Peter :- Are you going to the south coast again this summer?
Dave :- No, I’m doing something different this year. I’m going climbing in Scotland.
Peter :- —-
Dave :- I haven’t done it before. This will be the first time.
? Really? I didn’t even know you climbed.
? That sounds fun! I might join you.
? Well, let me know how you find Scotland.
? Well, let me know how you get on. I might join you another time.
? What a good idea! But why in Scotland?
93.-100. sorularda, hangi cümlenin anlam bakımından parçaya uymadığını bulunuz.

(I) Antarctica appears to be warming faster than anywhere else on the planet. (II) The ice is melting, and the winters are markedly warmer. (III) Indeed, industrial pollution is a major threat to the wild life. (IV) Grass is now beginning to push up through what was frozen wasteland just a few years ago. (V) Yet, this warming in Antarctica is causing problems for the penguins, the natives of the continent.
? II
? I
? V
? IV
(I) There is nothing unusual about a single language dying. (II) Communities have come and gone throughout history, and with them their languages. (III) The Hittite language, for example, died out when its civilisation disappeared. (IV) Small communities in isolated areas can easily be wiped out by earthquakes, hurricanes and other disasters. (V) Yet, in comparison with what happened in the past, what is happening today is extraordinary, for the cultural and linguistic diversity of the world is everywhere under threat.
? II
? V
? IV
? I
(I) Operations that were not even dreamed of fifty years ago are now being carried out successfully.
(II) Due to the spread of diseases, hospitals are getting more and more crowded. (III) For instance, the heart can be safely opened and its valves repaired. (IV) Blocked blood vessels can be cleaned out. (V) The whole stomach, even, can be removed without causing serious problems.
? IV
? II
? I
? V
(I) Homer designed his tale in the form of a tree. (II) The principal plot forms the trunk of the tree, and many stories branch off from the trunk. (III) Some of these stories are only the portrayal of principal characters. (IV) Homer is supposed to have written both The Odyssey and The Iliad. (V) The others describe various incidents related to the main theme.
? II
? IV
? V
? I
(I) In sixteenth-century England, the theatre was a very popular form of entertainment. (II) In many ways it was different from the theatre of our time. (III) Shakespeare, who was the leading dramatist of the time, is still regarded as one of the world’s greatest. (IV) For one thing, the theatre had no roof, and plays were acted with no setting. (V) Performances were given in the afternoons, and had to be cancelled if the weather was bad.
? V
? I
? IV
? II
(I) The year 1666 was the year of the great fire of London. (II) There is very little agreement among historians as regards the population of London at the time. (III) The houses were all made of wood, so they burned easily and there was a wind to fan the flames. (IV) So, despite all efforts to put it out, the fire raged for four days. (V) At the end, thousands of the Londoners were made homeless.
? V
? II
? IV
? I
(I) Dr. Johnson will always be remembered for producing the first serious dictionary of the English language. (II) In 1747 he published the Plan of his Dictionary. (III) The age in which he lived is reflected in his writings. (IV) According to this plan, he hoped to complete the work in three years. (V) Actually, however, it took him seven years to compile his dictionary.
? II
? I
? V
? IV

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