Ogrenci Secme ve Yerlestirme Merkezi

2011 Lys5 Ingilizce Online Test

  1. 1. – 8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

    The successful —- of developing countries into world trade requires more than just open access to export markets and international trade rules.
    1.   ?    resignation
    2.   ?    integration
    3.   ?    contribution
    4.   ?    investment
    5.   ?    reduction
  2. The printing press had a —- effect on the transformation of cultural and religious issues in the Renaissance.
    1.   ?    redundant
    2.   ?    previous
    3.   ?    spiritual
    4.   ?    controversial
    5.   ?    profound
  3. In the past 25 years, the number of children’s museums has increased —-.
    1.   ?    frequently
    2.   ?    rapidly
    3.   ?    instantly
    4.   ?    separately
    5.   ?    commonly
  4. Nobel Prizes are widely —- as the world’s most prestigious awards given for intellectual achievement.
    1.   ?    founded
    2.   ?    revealed
    3.   ?    discovered
    4.   ?    competed
    5.   ?    regarded
  5. In his calculations, Isaac Newton used the laws of planetary motion —- by Kepler about sixty years previously.
    1.   ?    worked out
    2.   ?    built upon
    3.   ?    put off
    4.   ?    given off
    5.   ?    called for
  6. The Sumerian civilization —- the first alphabet, which —- it easier for older generations to pass on their cultural heritage to younger generations.
    1.   ?    will have developed / has made
    2.   ?    would develop / had made
    3.   ?    developed / makes
    4.   ?    were developing / will make
    5.   ?    would have developed / made
  7. The first English immigrants to what is now the United States —- the Atlantic long after colonies —- in Mexico and South America.
    1.   ?    would be crossing / must have been established
    2.   ?    had crossed / were established
    3.   ?    will be crossing / have been established
    4.   ?    cross / are established
    5.   ?    crossed / had been established
  8. The Earth —- more solar energy in one hour than the whole world —- in a year.
    1.   ?    is receiving / is consuming
    2.   ?    receives / could consume
    3.   ?    has received / will be consuming
    4.   ?    had received / consumed
    5.   ?    received / would consume
  9. 9. – 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

    Children’s first experiments with paint begin —- many rhythmic brushings back and forth —- the paper.
    1.   ?    off / from
    2.   ?    with / across
    3.   ?    within / over
    4.   ?    through / for
    5.   ?    by / on
  10. One of the best fossil locations in the United States is the Morrison formation area —- the Dinosaur National Monument, which covers the border —- the states of Colorado and Utah.
    1.   ?    in / on
    2.   ?    at / between
    3.   ?    about / of
    4.   ?    onto / through
    5.   ?    over / towards
  11. It is not good to store a watermelon —- a refrigerator as studies have shown that keeping it —- room temperature significantly increases lycopene and beta-carotene levels.
    1.   ?    on / below
    2.   ?    in / at
    3.   ?    inside / by
    4.   ?    within / over
    5.   ?    at / around
  12. The cause of Beethoven’s death remained a great mystery —- the year 2000, when a sample of his hair was analyzed using sophisticated technology.
    1.   ?    until
    2.   ?    while
    3.   ?    after
    4.   ?    since
    5.   ?    because
  13. Most vitamin and mineral products are legally classified as food supplements, —- some, mainly herbal, are classified as licensed medicines.
    1.   ?    if
    2.   ?    so
    3.   ?    thus
    4.   ?    but
    5.   ?    so that
  14. In Scandinavia, wildlife in many rivers has been destroyed —- the devastating power of acid rain.
    1.   ?    as regards
    2.   ?    because of
    3.   ?    in terms of
    4.   ?    in spite of
    5.   ?    as opposed to
  15. Musical performers can be classified into many different categories —- vocalists and instrumentalists.
    1.   ?    both
    2.   ?    as well as
    3.   ?    more than
    4.   ?    such as
    5.   ?    either
  16. 16. – 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

    The rising price of fertilisers and chemicals has forced Sri Lankan farmers to return to traditional farming methods. (16)—- the country’s Green Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s was taking place, farmers had already started moving towards (17)—- these products, all of which promised increased crop yields and enhanced productivity. Now, the British non-governmental organization War on Want is collaborating with local farmers to promote (18)—- agriculture and self-sufficiency by encouraging organic farming. The projects (19)—- new forms of mixed-cropping, composting, seed cultivation and other inexpensive farming practises. All surplus produce is sold at local markets, providing many families with much needed money (20)—- education and health care.

    16. ……………?
    1.   ?    Which
    2.   ?    After
    3.   ?    Whereas
    4.   ?    How
    5.   ?    When
  17. The rising price of fertilisers and chemicals has forced Sri Lankan farmers to return to traditional farming methods. (16)—- the country’s Green Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s was taking place, farmers had already started moving towards (17)—- these products, all of which promised increased crop yields and enhanced productivity. Now, the British non-governmental organization War on Want is collaborating with local farmers to promote (18)—- agriculture and self-sufficiency by encouraging organic farming. The projects (19)—- new forms of mixed-cropping, composting, seed cultivation and other inexpensive farming practises. All surplus produce is sold at local markets, providing many families with much needed money (20)—- education and health care.

    17. ………………?
    1.   ?    being used
    2.   ?    to be used
    3.   ?    to use
    4.   ?    using
    5.   ?    used
  18. The rising price of fertilisers and chemicals has forced Sri Lankan farmers to return to traditional farming methods. (16)—- the country’s Green Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s was taking place, farmers had already started moving towards (17)—- these products, all of which promised increased crop yields and enhanced productivity. Now, the British non-governmental organization War on Want is collaborating with local farmers to promote (18)—- agriculture and self-sufficiency by encouraging organic farming. The projects (19)—- new forms of mixed-cropping, composting, seed cultivation and other inexpensive farming practises. All surplus produce is sold at local markets, providing many families with much needed money (20)—- education and health care.

    18. ………………..?
    1.   ?    sustainable
    2.   ?    replicable
    3.   ?    describable
    4.   ?    available
    5.   ?    agreeable
  19. The rising price of fertilisers and chemicals has forced Sri Lankan farmers to return to traditional farming methods. (16)—- the country’s Green Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s was taking place, farmers had already started moving towards (17)—- these products, all of which promised increased crop yields and enhanced productivity. Now, the British non-governmental organization War on Want is collaborating with local farmers to promote (18)—- agriculture and self-sufficiency by encouraging organic farming. The projects (19)—- new forms of mixed-cropping, composting, seed cultivation and other inexpensive farming practises. All surplus produce is sold at local markets, providing many families with much needed money (20)—- education and health care.

    19. …………………?
    1.   ?    were to encourage
    2.   ?    would encourage
    3.   ?    had encouraged
    4.   ?    used to encourage
    5.   ?    encourage
  20. The rising price of fertilisers and chemicals has forced Sri Lankan farmers to return to traditional farming methods. (16)—- the country’s Green Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s was taking place, farmers had already started moving towards (17)—- these products, all of which promised increased crop yields and enhanced productivity. Now, the British non-governmental organization War on Want is collaborating with local farmers to promote (18)—- agriculture and self-sufficiency by encouraging organic farming. The projects (19)—- new forms of mixed-cropping, composting, seed cultivation and other inexpensive farming practises. All surplus produce is sold at local markets, providing many families with much needed money (20)—- education and health care.

    20. ……………….?
    1.   ?    from
    2.   ?    to
    3.   ?    for
    4.   ?    in
    5.   ?    over
  21. 21.- 28. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

    If the brain were simpler, —-.
    1.   ?    the scientists can produce simulations of it
    2.   ?    our brains surely had a way of interfering with our minds
    3.   ?    we wouldn’t be smart enough to understand how it works
    4.   ?    some of us could cure genetically-determined illnesses
    5.   ?    we have lots of data observed from identical twins
  22. Once we have acknowledged the painful memories of the past, —-.
    1.   ?    remembering them makes you feel hopeless
    2.   ?    we can begin to come to terms with them
    3.   ?    you can start by trying to remember them
    4.   ?    trying to remember the distant past can be difficult
    5.   ?    remind yourself of the choices you have made
  23. Just because global warming has come to dominate conversations about the environment, —-.
    1.   ?    global pollution problems are becoming more serious
    2.   ?    it does not mean that industrial pollution has disappeared
    3.   ?    developing nations such as Turkey have been negatively affected
    4.   ?    Japan has passed a law that will reduce industrial pollution
    5.   ?    the US has decided not to introduce technological changes
  24. Although people complain about paying a high fee for paid TV channels, —-.
    1.   ?    most viewers still preferred to watch football
    2.   ?    the fee is considerably higher than in the previous year
    3.   ?    they accept it as they have no other choice
    4.   ?    they are supposed to cancel their membership
    5.   ?    no one thinks of those who cannot afford it
  25. Malaria is spread by mosquitoes in tropical areas —-.
    1.   ?    since it is the world’s second biggest killer after tuberculosis
    2.   ?    as long as people can find a cure for it
    3.   ?    but it cannot be transmitted directly from person to person
    4.   ?    if you take anti-mosquito precautions and medication to keep safe
    5.   ?    even though malaria is potentially a deadly disease
  26. —-, the disagreement will continue.
    1.   ?    If the United Nations have agreed on the structure of the Assembly
    2.   ?    While the primary concern is transparency through a secret ballot
    3.   ?    Unless African countries take a pragmatic approach
    4.   ?    When the candidates for the position have been declared
    5.   ?    Until the nomination process was cancelled by the majority
  27. The worst effects of climate change are almost certainly going to be on food production in the poor countries —-.
    1.   ?    through which the majority has been suffering from agricultural pollution
    2.   ?    which would have been an overwhelming tragedy, worse than all floods and earthquakes
    3.   ?    in which case the effects of climate change will be minimal
    4.   ?    where more than half of the population depends on growing its own food
    5.   ?    so that people in the developed world could take the problem seriously
  28. Productivity has been improving in the Turkish private manufacturing sector —-.
    1.   ?    if the employers started recruiting again
    2.   ?    although Turkey’s long-term potential growth rate may rise as well
    3.   ?    because the effects of economic recovery had prompted a heated public debate
    4.   ?    whether inflation has lost its decades-long status as the number one economic problem
    5.   ?    while real wages have been going down
  29. 29. – 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

    One surprising truth about hypocrisy is its relevance, contrary to widespread belief. The fact that someone is a hypocrite does not necessarily mean that his or her position on an issue is false. Environmentalists who throw rubbish and litter do not disprove the claims of environmentalism. Politicians who publicly oppose illegal immigration but privately employ illegal immigrants in their companies do not thereby prove that contesting illegal immigration is wrong. Even if every animal-rights activist is exposed as a secret meat eater, it still might be wrong to eat meat. More generally, just because a person does not have the strength to live up to his or her own standards does not mean that such standards are not praiseworthy and worth trying to meet. It therefore seems that charges of hypocrisy have nothing to do with the issues themselves.

    29. Based on the passage, we may conclude that —-.
    1.   ?    doing the opposite of what one claims should not discredit an idea
    2.   ?    one’s position on an issue is determined by what he or she actually does
    3.   ?    doing exactly what one says deserves a word of praise from everyone
    4.   ?    hypocrisy is something every individual may have to face in his or her life
    5.   ?    charges of hypocrisy should not be levelled at people who are hypocrites
  30. One surprising truth about hypocrisy is its relevance, contrary to widespread belief. The fact that someone is a hypocrite does not necessarily mean that his or her position on an issue is false. Environmentalists who throw rubbish and litter do not disprove the claims of environmentalism. Politicians who publicly oppose illegal immigration but privately employ illegal immigrants in their companies do not thereby prove that contesting illegal immigration is wrong. Even if every animal-rights activist is exposed as a secret meat eater, it still might be wrong to eat meat. More generally, just because a person does not have the strength to live up to his or her own standards does not mean that such standards are not praiseworthy and worth trying to meet. It therefore seems that charges of hypocrisy have nothing to do with the issues themselves.

    30. According to the passage, —-.
    1.   ?    a littering environmentalist can be excused for his weakness
    2.   ?    it is completely unacceptable for an animal-rights activist to eat meat
    3.   ?    the wish to live up to one’s own standards is itself praiseworthy
    4.   ?    employing illegal immigrants by politicians is completely wrong
    5.   ?    littering environmentalists damage the cause of environmentalism
  31. One surprising truth about hypocrisy is its relevance, contrary to widespread belief. The fact that someone is a hypocrite does not necessarily mean that his or her position on an issue is false. Environmentalists who throw rubbish and litter do not disprove the claims of environmentalism. Politicians who publicly oppose illegal immigration but privately employ illegal immigrants in their companies do not thereby prove that contesting illegal immigration is wrong. Even if every animal-rights activist is exposed as a secret meat eater, it still might be wrong to eat meat. More generally, just because a person does not have the strength to live up to his or her own standards does not mean that such standards are not praiseworthy and worth trying to meet. It therefore seems that charges of hypocrisy have nothing to do with the issues themselves.

    As can be inferred from the passage, when someone’s words and actions do not match, we —-.
    1.   ?    ought to use the idea for the good of the public
    2.   ?    had better check the validity of the idea
    3.   ?    should reject the idea altogether
    4.   ?    can still try to see the good in his words
    5.   ?    have to think twice before we listen to them
  32. 32. – 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

    Fertility rates in the West had been falling for more than a century, and so following World War II, demographers expected only a modest increase. What happened instead was “the baby boom”. Since then, scientists have been arguing about the causes. The best-known explanation comes from economist Richard A. Easterlin of the University of Southern California. He argues that the baby boom resulted from the unprecedented mix of three developments: an expansion of the economy, restricted immigration since the mid-1920s, and a relatively small group of new job seekers because of low fertility in the late 1920s and 1930s. This combination created unusually good job prospects for young people after World War II, and so feeling more prosperous than their parents, they married earlier and had more children.

    32. It can be inferred from the passage that —-.
    1.   ?    scientists have suggested various ways to stop “the baby boom”
    2.   ?    high fertility rates in the West were the cause of World War II
    3.   ?    fertility rates tend to increase after great disasters such as wars
    4.   ?    it is not always easy to explain population growth as there are various factors to consider
    5.   ?    population growth in the past enabled the present economic growth
  33. Fertility rates in the West had been falling for more than a century, and so following World War II, demographers expected only a modest increase. What happened instead was “the baby boom”. Since then, scientists have been arguing about the causes. The best-known explanation comes from economist Richard A. Easterlin of the University of Southern California. He argues that the baby boom resulted from the unprecedented mix of three developments: an expansion of the economy, restricted immigration since the mid-1920s, and a relatively small group of new job seekers because of low fertility in the late 1920s and 1930s. This combination created unusually good job prospects for young people after World War II, and so feeling more prosperous than their parents, they married earlier and had more children.

    33. As it is stated in the passage, “the baby boom” —-.
    1.   ?    could be explained by the number of people of marrying age
    2.   ?    occurred just before World War II broke out
    3.   ?    was the result of unusually good job prospects
    4.   ?    resulted from a mixture of developments that happened during the war
    5.   ?    had a negative effect on the prosperity of people
  34. Fertility rates in the West had been falling for more than a century, and so following World War II, demographers expected only a modest increase. What happened instead was “the baby boom”. Since then, scientists have been arguing about the causes. The best-known explanation comes from economist Richard A. Easterlin of the University of Southern California. He argues that the baby boom resulted from the unprecedented mix of three developments: an expansion of the economy, restricted immigration since the mid-1920s, and a relatively small group of new job seekers because of low fertility in the late 1920s and 1930s. This combination created unusually good job prospects for young people after World War II, and so feeling more prosperous than their parents, they married earlier and had more children.

    34. The reason why young people married early and had more children is that they —-.
    1.   ?    saw that there were very few people looking for jobs
    2.   ?    felt much better off economically than their parents
    3.   ?    learnt many people died unnecessarily in World War II
    4.   ?    E) wanted to contribute to the welfare of the world by having more children
    5.   ?    thought their children would find well-paid jobs
  35. 35. – 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

    Mountains have always evoked awe and inspired artists and adventurers throughout human existence. More recent research has led to important new insights into how mountains, the most magnificent of the Earth’s formations, came to be the way they are. Mountains are created and shaped, it now appears, not only by the movements of the vast tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s exterior but also by factors such as climate and erosion. In particular, the interactions between tectonic, climatic and erosional processes exert strong control over the shape and maximum height of the mountains as well as the amount of time necessary to build – or destroy – a mountain range. Paradoxically, the shaping of mountains seems to depend as much on the destructive forces of erosion as on the constructive power of tectonics.

    35. As it is stated in the passage, recent research has —-.
    1.   ?    shown why mountains look so magnificent on the face of the Earth
    2.   ?    confirmed what we already knew about mountain formations
    3.   ?    demonstrated that tectonic plates move usually in one direction
    4.   ?    enabled us to have better ideas about how mountains are shaped
    5.   ?    created more questions about the way mountains were formed
  36. Mountains have always evoked awe and inspired artists and adventurers throughout human existence. More recent research has led to important new insights into how mountains, the most magnificent of the Earth’s formations, came to be the way they are. Mountains are created and shaped, it now appears, not only by the movements of the vast tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s exterior but also by factors such as climate and erosion. In particular, the interactions between tectonic, climatic and erosional processes exert strong control over the shape and maximum height of the mountains as well as the amount of time necessary to build – or destroy – a mountain range. Paradoxically, the shaping of mountains seems to depend as much on the destructive forces of erosion as on the constructive power of tectonics.

    36. The movements of tectonic plates, the climate and erosion are factors —-.
    1.   ?    that are effective in the shaping and creation of mountains
    2.   ?    that collectively form the interior of the Earth
    3.   ?    responsible for all the interactions that occur on the Earth’s exterior
    4.   ?    in creating the most magnificent views on the Earth
    5.   ?    that help mountains reach great heights
  37. Mountains have always evoked awe and inspired artists and adventurers throughout human existence. More recent research has led to important new insights into how mountains, the most magnificent of the Earth’s formations, came to be the way they are. Mountains are created and shaped, it now appears, not only by the movements of the vast tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s exterior but also by factors such as climate and erosion. In particular, the interactions between tectonic, climatic and erosional processes exert strong control over the shape and maximum height of the mountains as well as the amount of time necessary to build – or destroy – a mountain range. Paradoxically, the shaping of mountains seems to depend as much on the destructive forces of erosion as on the constructive power of tectonics.

    37. We can understand from the passage that the destructive forces of erosion and the constructive power of tectonics —-.
    1.   ?    both play an equal role in the formation of mountains
    2.   ?    can create mountain ranges with different climates
    3.   ?    are not sufficient to build mountain ranges
    4.   ?    are paradoxical powers that destroy mountains
    5.   ?    take an equal amount of time to build a mountain
  38. 38. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

    Essentially, memory is the process of learning information, storing it, and then having the ability to recall it when needed – whether to solve problems, tell stories, or save yourself on the witness stand. Learning begins with those power connections in your brain: neurons firing messages to one another. Your ability to process information is determined by the junctions between those neurons, called “synapses”. The ability of brain cells to speak to one another is strengthened or weakened as you use them. Essentially, the more you use those synapses, the stronger they get and the more rapidly they increase. That’s why you may have strong neural pathways for your family history or weak ones for 1980s music trivia. That also gives you a little insight into how you remember things. If something is exciting to you, then you learn it faster – and train those synapses to make stronger connections.

    38. According to the passage, memory is used to —-.
    1.   ?    learn how to save yourself on the witness stand
    2.   ?    provide someone with the ability to memorize
    3.   ?    tell stories in order to make others laugh
    4.   ?    receive, retain and remember information
    5.   ?    find out whether problems can be solved or not
  39. Essentially, memory is the process of learning information, storing it, and then having the ability to recall it when needed – whether to solve problems, tell stories, or save yourself on the witness stand. Learning begins with those power connections in your brain: neurons firing messages to one another. Your ability to process information is determined by the junctions between those neurons, called “synapses”. The ability of brain cells to speak to one another is strengthened or weakened as you use them. Essentially, the more you use those synapses, the stronger they get and the more rapidly they increase. That’s why you may have strong neural pathways for your family history or weak ones for 1980s music trivia. That also gives you a little insight into how you remember things. If something is exciting to you, then you learn it faster – and train those synapses to make stronger connections.

    39. The term “synapses” refers to —-.
    1.   ?    the ability of the brain to heal itself
    2.   ?    the messages sent from one part of the body to another
    3.   ?    processes that take place outside the brain
    4.   ?    the connections between message-firing neurons
    5.   ?    the process of being able to speak to one another
  40. Essentially, memory is the process of learning information, storing it, and then having the ability to recall it when needed – whether to solve problems, tell stories, or save yourself on the witness stand. Learning begins with those power connections in your brain: neurons firing messages to one another. Your ability to process information is determined by the junctions between those neurons, called “synapses”. The ability of brain cells to speak to one another is strengthened or weakened as you use them. Essentially, the more you use those synapses, the stronger they get and the more rapidly they increase. That’s why you may have strong neural pathways for your family history or weak ones for 1980s music trivia. That also gives you a little insight into how you remember things. If something is exciting to you, then you learn it faster – and train those synapses to make stronger connections.

    40. We can learn from the passage that —-.
    1.   ?    the ability of brain cells to send messages to one another hardly ever changes
    2.   ?    the ability to process information is determined by the physical size of the brain
    3.   ?    the more you use synapses, the weaker they become
    4.   ?    you tend to remember your family history as equally as things you find uninteresting
    5.   ?    there is a correlation between the frequency of using junctions and recalling information
  41. 41. – 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

    Many bilingual individuals say they feel like a different person depending on which language they are speaking. A new study lends credibility to their claims. Nairan Ramirez at the University of Texas charted the personality traits of 225 Spanish/English bilinguals in both the US and Mexico as they responded to questions presented in each language. She found three significant differences: when using English, the bilinguals were extroverted, agreeable and more conscientious than when using Spanish. Bilingual individuals can assume different roles depending on environmental cues. To show that changes in personality can be triggered by something as subtle as language suggests that personality is more flexible than is widely expected. The results are significant in that they document the contextual nature of personality. Given the increasing number of bilingual people, it is important to develop a better understanding of bilingual minds.

    41. According to the study, an individual’s personality —-.
    1.   ?    is influenced by how well they can speak their native language
    2.   ?    can show variations within the context of the language they use
    3.   ?    tells a lot about his/her aptitude to learn a language
    4.   ?    tends to be unchanging if they live in the US
    5.   ?    can be understood by asking what language they speak
  42. Many bilingual individuals say they feel like a different person depending on which language they are speaking. A new study lends credibility to their claims. Nairan Ramirez at the University of Texas charted the personality traits of 225 Spanish/English bilinguals in both the US and Mexico as they responded to questions presented in each language. She found three significant differences: when using English, the bilinguals were extroverted, agreeable and more conscientious than when using Spanish. Bilingual individuals can assume different roles depending on environmental cues. To show that changes in personality can be triggered by something as subtle as language suggests that personality is more flexible than is widely expected. The results are significant in that they document the contextual nature of personality. Given the increasing number of bilingual people, it is important to develop a better understanding of bilingual minds.

    42. As it is stated in the passage, bilingual individuals —-.
    1.   ?    felt inferior when using one language rather than the other
    2.   ?    didn’t change their personalities based on feedback from the environment
    3.   ?    felt no different when using one language or the other
    4.   ?    were more extroverted and agreeable when using English, suggesting a flexibility in personality
    5.   ?    had more personality problems compared to non-bilinguals
  43. Many bilingual individuals say they feel like a different person depending on which language they are speaking. A new study lends credibility to their claims. Nairan Ramirez at the University of Texas charted the personality traits of 225 Spanish/English bilinguals in both the US and Mexico as they responded to questions presented in each language. She found three significant differences: when using English, the bilinguals were extroverted, agreeable and more conscientious than when using Spanish. Bilingual individuals can assume different roles depending on environmental cues. To show that changes in personality can be triggered by something as subtle as language suggests that personality is more flexible than is widely expected. The results are significant in that they document the contextual nature of personality. Given the increasing number of bilingual people, it is important to develop a better understanding of bilingual minds.

    43. According to the passage, researcher Nairan Ramirez wanted to find out —-.
    1.   ?    whether the bilinguals studying at the University of Texas could be differentiated based on their personality traits
    2.   ?    whether or not many bilingual individuals were right when they said living in Mexico changed their personality
    3.   ?    whether it is true or not that bilinguals are like a different person depending on which language they speak
    4.   ?    whether 225 Spanish/English bilinguals could respond to questions both in Spanish and English or not
    5.   ?    if the three significant differences she found could be seen in similar studies using Spanish/English bilinguals
  44. 44. – 48. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

    Barry:  Do you remember Uri Geller?
    Steve:  —-
    Barry:  That’s right. He claimed to be able to bend metal with the power of his mind.
    Steve:  It turns out he was just a fraud, wasn’t he?
    1.   ?    Not really. Can you tell me about him?
    2.   ?    What happened to his powers?
    3.   ?    Yes, do you remember him as well?
    4.   ?    E) Yes, do you remember him as well?
    5.   ?    Yes, wasn’t he famous in the 1970s?
    6.   ?    What made you think about him?
  45. James:  Did you read about that 13-year old who climbed Mt. Everest?
    Steve:  No, when was that?
    James:  —-
    Steve:  You’re right. What was his father thinking?
    1.   ?    He went last summer with his father and three friends.
    2.   ?    He was really lucky that his father decided to take him.
    3.   ?    I think he was the first teenager ever to have climbed Mt. Everest.
    4.   ?    For a teenager, he was extremely brave.
    5.   ?    Last summer, with his father. Too young, wasn’t he?
  46. John:  I can’t believe this! Psychologists believe that gossip can be a healthy social activity.
    Kate:  —-
    John:  Well, apparently through gossip, people can make social comparisons, and learn what is and isn’t acceptable.
    Kate:  That sounds reasonable.
    1.   ?    Why do they have to make comments like that?
    2.   ?    What if they were all wrong and people were right?
    3.   ?    What did they say against gossiping?
    4.   ?    What sort of claim are they making?
    5.   ?    Which group of psychologists would be right in this matter?
  47. Paul:  Did you hear the news that they found a whale in the River Thames in the middle of London?
    Henry:  Yes, I did. No one knows why the poor whale ended up in the river.
    Paul:  —-
    Henry:  Well, that’s a credible explanation.
    1.   ?    Whales always use their sense of navigation not to get lost.
    2.   ?    I think people have petitioned to have it placed in the zoo.
    3.   ?    Do you think a whale has to eat in order not to get dehydrated?
    4.   ?    I guess it was too young to find its way out to the North Sea.
    5.   ?    They say the cause of its death can only be known after an autopsy.
  48. Robert:  Do you think the planet Mars can have an effect on life on Earth?
    Luis:  Well, some astrologers claim that it can, while others reject the idea completely.
    Robert:  Which one do you agree with?
    Luis:  —-
    1.   ?    There are signs that Mars is getting closer to Earth.
    2.   ?    Astrology doesn’t have the answer to that question.
    3.   ?    It has nothing to do with when you were born.
    4.   ?    Not everyone is convinced that there are real effects.
    5.   ?    It’s hard to say but the former is more appealing.
  49. 49. – 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

    I enjoyed the film even though I had seen it before.
    1.   ?    I saw the film and I enjoyed it a lot.
    2.   ?    I had seen the film before, but I still enjoyed it.
    3.   ?    I want to see the film again since I had enjoyed it before.
    4.   ?    The film I have just seen was very enjoyable.
    5.   ?    As I had seen the film before, I didn’t enjoy it.
  50. It has been fifteen days since Jessica got her new job at the airline company.
    1.   ?    Jessica got her new job at the airline company fifteen days ago.
    2.   ?    Jessica could have started her new job at the airline company fifteen days ago.
    3.   ?    Jessica will have started her new job at the airline company in fifteen-day time.
    4.   ?    It took Jessica fifteen days to get her new job at the airline company.
    5.   ?    Jessica hasn’t been at her new job at the airline company for the last fifteen days.
  51. If I’d known how much the mechanic was going to charge me at this auto repair shop, I’d have taken the car somewhere else.
    1.   ?    If only I’d checked the prices of several auto repair shops, I would have found a cheaper one.
    2.   ?    The price of the car service was so high that I decided to look for a more reasonably priced auto repair shop.
    3.   ?    We’d better go to another car mechanic, as this auto repair shop is far too expensive.
    4.   ?    I knew this was an expensive auto repair shop, yet I didn’t look around for a cheaper one.
    5.   ?    I didn’t realize just how expensive this auto repair shop was, but if I had, I would have gone somewhere else.
  52. Wolfgang Petersen’s film Poseidon gave me almost the same pleasure as his film Troy did.
    1.   ?    I thought Wolfgang Petersen’s film Poseidon was good, but his film Troy was even better.
    2.   ?    I enjoyed Wolfgang Petersen’s film Poseidon nearly as much as his film Troy.
    3.   ?    Wolfgang Petersen’s Poseidon was his best film, but I enjoyed his film Troy as well.
    4.   ?    Wolfgang Petersen’s Poseidon was his best film, but I enjoyed his film Troy as well.
    5.   ?    E) I think Wolfgang Petersen’s films Troy and Poseidon are by far the best of all his films.
  53. According to a recent report, Internet banking in Turkey is progressing more slowly than previously thought.
    1.   ?    As expected, according to a new report, the Internet has developed the banking sector in Turkey.
    2.   ?    In a recent report, the growth of Internet banking in Turkey is statistically significant.
    3.   ?    A new report indicates that the slow growth of Internet banking in Turkey is disturbing.
    4.   ?    According to a recent report, Internet banking in Turkey is not as popular as many share holders expected it to be.
    5.   ?    Internet banking is not developing as rapidly as expected in Turkey, according to a new report.
  54. 54. – 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

    You and a colleague have been asked to give a presentation at a conference. Unfortunately, she left you to do all the work. You feel really angry and just before the presentation you want to make a sarcastic comment about her not doing anything and so you say:
    1.   ?    We don’t work that well together.
    2.   ?    Well, thank you for all your hard work!
    3.   ?    Why don’t we work on another presentation?
    4.   ?    I seem to have finished all the work.
    5.   ?    I’m tired after all that preparation.
  55. A friend has just lost his job and is desperately seeking another. He is over sixty years old, and he feels that his chances of getting a job are slim. You want to encourage him in his efforts to find a job and so you say:
    1.   ?    Have you ever thought about retiring? It’s about time.
    2.   ?    If I were you, I think I’d just accept the reality of the situation.
    3.   ?    Unfortunately at your age, it might not be so easy to find another job.
    4.   ?    You’re almost at retirement age. Why don’t you sit back and relax?
    5.   ?    It’s not the end of the world. With your experience something will turn up.
  56. A close friend has just bought a new red coat. Unfortunately, it doesn’t suit her at all. When she asks you for your opinion, you feel you have to be truthful without hurting her feelings and so you say:
    1.   ?    That’s a ridiculous colour to buy. Whatever made you choose that coat?
    2.   ?    It’s a lovely colour. I’m not used to seeing you in red but it looks really good on you.
    3.   ?    You must feel really confident wearing such a bright colour.
    4.   ?    I really think other colours look better on you. I find red a bit overpowering.
    5.   ?    I’ve never seen you wearing red before. You look stunning!
  57. Your boss has asked you to work over the weekend. You don’t really know if you can do it as you have already made plans. He can be a very difficult person and doesn’t like to be refused. So
    when he calls you into his office, you tactfully say:
    1.   ?    No way am I giving up my weekend!
    2.   ?    I’ll do my best, but I may not be able to come in.
    3.   ?    Of course, I can come in on the weekend.
    4.   ?    I’m afraid what you are asking is impossible!
    5.   ?    Look, I have no obligation to work overtime!
  58. You have just spent a week’s holiday in a five- star hotel. Although the brochure was very attractive, the reality was quite different. You are very disappointed and feel that you have to say something about this discrepancy. Before you leave, you see the manager and say:
    1.   ?    I’d like to extend my holiday and stay for another week!
    2.   ?    The way you advertise this hotel in your brochure is very misleading!
    3.   ?    I think you need to appoint a new manager!
    4.   ?    You’ve cheated me. I’ve been overcharged!
    5.   ?    You really ought to improve your brochure!
  59. 59. – 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

    In 1938, a Peruvian farmer discovered an enormous quantity of ancient gold objects, setting off grave-robbing in northern Peru. Grave robbers dug some 100,000 holes throughout the Pomac Historic Sanctuary. —- Loads of valuable Sicán artefacts were dug up and sold. Fortunately, many of them eventually found their way to national museums, such as the Gold of Peru Museum in Lima.
    1.   ?    Besides, the Sanctuary hosts a range of tombs from those for children to those for rulers.
    2.   ?    Grave robbers were subsequently caught by archaeologists working in the Historic Sanctuary.
    3.   ?    They were, however, unsuccessful finding any valuable artefacts to sell on the black market.
    4.   ?    They also used bulldozers to push away the remains of structures to find tombs buried below.
    5.   ?    Priceless artefacts in Peru have been plundered despite the government’s attempts to stop it.
  60. Today, courts rarely admit brain scans as evidence at trials for both legal and scientific reasons. —- The greatest influence of brain science on the law may eventually come from a deeper understanding of the neurobiological causes of anti-social behaviour. Future discoveries could lay the foundation for new types of criminal defences, for example.
    1.   ?    The rest of the society can rightly be sceptical of neuroscience, of which they have scant knowledge.
    2.   ?    The courts should proceed in their adoption of findings from neuroscience, despite their complete misgivings about it.
    3.   ?    The types of brain scans to be taken as evidence at law trials today have been limited to criminal cases involving multiple homicides.
    4.   ?    As neuroscience matures, however, judges may allow such scans relevant to arguments about a defendant’s mental state.
    5.   ?    It is highly unlikely that someday brain scans and other types of neurological evidence could transform judicial views of personal credibility and responsibility.
  61. —- Most of the water-intensive agriculture in the nation takes place in Punjab, a state in the northwest that makes up 2% of the country’s territory. But it provides more than 50% of its grain reserves. Farmers there currently pump out 45% more groundwater than is replaced by monsoon rains. The problem has arisen in part because Punjabi farmers have turned away from growing traditional crops that are suited for semi- arid land, such as wheat and corn, and turned instead to more profitable, but water-intensive, rice.
    1.   ?    Hardships among Indian farmers are increasing.
    2.   ?    The amount of rain water in India is on the increase.
    3.   ?    India is running out of water for its crops.
    4.   ?    Punjab has the best agricultural land in India.
    5.   ?    Farming is no longer a concern in India.
  62. Naming species is a convenience applied by biologists as they try to group similar animals together. Ernst Mayer, long ago, defined a species as a group of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations. —- But there are at least a dozen other ways to define and categorize species, involving evolutionary history, morphology or DNA analysis. The problem is that evolution does not act on species directly.
    1.   ?    The definition based on interbreeding is the only one accepted.
    2.   ?    Definitions are so blurry that one can hardly find a workable one.
    3.   ?    Identification of species is not so easily done from a distance.
    4.   ?    Definitions of species are easily broken down when examined closely.
    5.   ?    This is a working definition that many biologists prefer to use.
  63. China is an easy target to blame for the climate crisis. In the midst of its industrial revolution, China has overtaken the United States as the world’s biggest carbon dioxide producer. And everyone has read about the one-a-week pace of power plant construction there. But those numbers are misleading, and not just because a lot of that carbon dioxide was emitted to build products for the West to consume. —-
    1.   ?    This is because the United States is only concerned about its own gross domestic product.
    2.   ?    The Chinese are as responsible for global warming as the Americans.
    3.   ?    Each Chinese person is individually responsible for the carbon dioxide emission.
    4.   ?    Because of China’s high development rate, more carbon dioxide is emitted than ever.
    5.   ?    But also because China has four times the population of the United States.
  64. 64. – 69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçesini bulunuz.

    Investigators use indirect methods to understand which brain regions help to restructure problems and generate thoughts.
    1.   ?    Araştırmacılar, beynin hangi bölgelerinin, sorunları yeniden yapılandırdığını ve düşünce ürettiğini anlamak için dolaylı yöntemler kullanıyorlar.
    2.   ?    Araştırmacılar, beynin sorunları yeniden yapılandırıp düşünce üreten bölgelerini dolaylı yöntemlere başvurarak belirlemişlerdir.
    3.   ?    Araştırmacılar, beynin bazı bölgelerinin sorunları yeniden yapılandırarak düşünce ürettiğini dolaylı yöntemlerle ortaya koydular.
    4.   ?    Araştırmacılar, dolaylı yöntemlerle beyindeki sorunları yeniden yapılandırarak düşünce üreten bölgeleri belirlemeye çalışıyorlar.
    5.   ?    Araştırmacılar, beyindeki hangi bölgelerin hangi sorunları yeniden yapılandırarak düşünce ürettiğini belirlemek için dolaylı yöntemler kullanıyorlar.
  65. Bird-lovers are celebrating the return of a wetland bird that has eluded scientists ever since its discovery in India years ago.
    1.   ?    Yıllar önce Hindistan’da keşfedilmesinden sonra bilim insanlarını atlatan bir sulak arazi kuşunun dönüşü kuşseverleri memnun etti.
    2.   ?    Kuşseverler, yıllar önce Hindistan’da keşfinden bu yana bilim insanlarını atlatan bir sulak arazi kuşunun dönüşünü kutluyorlar.
    3.   ?    Kuşseverler, yıllar önce bilim insanlarının Hindistan’da keşfettiği ancak onları atlatan bir sulak arazi kuşunun dönüşünü kutluyorlar.
    4.   ?    Kuşseverler, Hindistan’daki keşfinden beri bilim insanlarını atlatan bu güzel sulak arazi kuşunun dönüşünü kutluyorlar.
    5.   ?    Hindistan’daki kuşseverler, yıllar önce keşfettikleri ve bilim insanlarını atlatan bir sulak arazi kuşunun dönüşünü kutluyorlar.
  66. When it was time to leave, I was still in a state of disbelief, for I couldn’t have even imagined that such richness existed in Singapore.
    1.   ?    Singapur’a gitme zamanı geldiğinde, şaşkınlık içindeydim çünkü orada böyle bir zenginliğin bulunması doğrusu hayal bile edilemezdi.
    2.   ?    Singapur’da böyle bir zenginliğin bulunacabileceği hayal bile edilemeyeceğinden, gitme zamanı geldiğinde, doğrusu şaşkınlık içindeydim.
    3.   ?    Singapur’da böyle bir zenginliğin bulunabileceğini hiç düşünmemiştim, öyleki ayrılma zamanı geldiğinde şaşkınlık içindeydim.
    4.   ?    Gitme zamanı geldiğinde şaşkınlık içindeydim çünkü Singapur’un böylesi bir zenginliğe sahip olabileceğini hayal etmemiştim.
    5.   ?    Gitme zamanı geldiğinde hâlâ şaşkınlık içindeydim çünkü Singapur’da böyle bir zenginliğin bulunmasını hayal bile edemezdim.
  67. If you want to understand the causes of American and European prosperity, study the policies of those who created it, not the advice of their forgetful successors.
    1.   ?    Amerika ve Avrupa’nın refahının sebeplerini anlamak ve incelemek isterseniz, haleflerinin tavsiyelerine değil refahı oluşturan politikalara bakmanız gerekir.
    2.   ?    Amerika ve Avrupa’nın refaha nasıl ulaştıklarını anlamak için unutkan haleflerin sözlerine değil bu refahı yaratan politikaları uygulayanların söylediklerine bakmak gerekir.
    3.   ?    Amerika ve Avrupa’da refahı oluşturan sebepleri anlamak için, unutkan haleflerinin tavsiyeleri yanında bu refahı sağlayan politikaları da inceleyiniz.
    4.   ?    Amerika ve Avrupa’nın refahının sebeplerini anlamak istiyorsanız, sadece unutkan haleflerin tavsiyelerini değil bu refahı oluşturan politikaları da incelemenizi öneririz.
    5.   ?    Amerika ve Avrupa’nın refahının sebeplerini anlamak isterseniz, unutkan haleflerinin tavsiyelerini değil refahı yaratanların politikalarını inceleyin.
  68. Shortly before his death around 400 B.C., the Buddha is said to have advised his disciples to regularly visit the four holy sites.
    1.   ?    Buda, M.Ö. yaklaşık 400’deki ölümünden hemen önce, havarilerine, dört kutsal mekânı sürekli ziyaret etmeleri gerektiğini söylemiştir.
    2.   ?    M.Ö. yaklaşık 400’deki ölümünden hemen sonra, Buda’nın havarileri, onun dört kutsal mekânı düzenli olarak ziyaret etmeleri tavsiyesine uydular.
    3.   ?    M.Ö. yaklaşık 400’de ölen Buda, ölmeden önce havarilerine, dört kutsal mekânı düzenli ziyaret etmeleri tavsiyesinde bulunmuştur.
    4.   ?    Buda, M.Ö. yaklaşık 400’deki ölümünden hemen önce, havarilerine, ölümünden sonra dört kutsal mekânı ziyaret etmelerini tavsiye etmiştir.
    5.   ?    M.Ö. yaklaşık 400’deki ölümünden kısa süre önce, Buda’nın, havarilerine, dört kutsal mekânı düzenli olarak ziyaret etmelerini tavsiye ettiği söylenir.
  69. UK exports in goods and services to Malaysia in 2005 were valued at £1,52 billion, and placed Malaysia as the UK’s second largest export market in Southeast Asia.
    1.   ?    2005’te Birleşik Krallık’ın Malezya’ya yaptığı mal ve hizmet ihracatının değeri 1,52 milyar sterlin olmuş ve bu, Malezya’yı Birleşik Krallık’ın ikinci büyük ihracat pazarı hâline getirmiştir.
    2.   ?    Birleşik Krallık’ın 2005’te Malezya’ya yaptığı mal ve hizmet ihracatının değeri 1,52 milyar sterline yükselmiş ve böylece Malezya, Birleşik Krallık’ın ikinci büyük ihracat pazarı hâline gelmiştir.
    3.   ?    2005’te Birleşik Krallık, Malezya’ya 1,52 milyar sterlin değerinde mal ve hizmet ihracatı yapmış ve bu, Malezya’yı Birleşik Krallık’ın en büyük ihracat pazarlarından biri hâline getirmiştir.
    4.   ?    Birleşik Krallık’ın yıllardır Malezya’ya yaptığı mal ve hizmet ihracatının toplamı 2005 yılında 1,52 milyar sterline ulaşmış ve bu durum Malezya’yı Birleşik Krallık’ın ikinci büyük pazarı hâline getirmiştir.
    5.   ?    Birleşik Krallık’ın Malezya’ya yaptığı ihracatın değeri 2005 yılı sonunda 1,52 milyar sterline ulaşınca Malezya, Birleşik Krallık’ın ikinci büyük ihracat pazarı hâline gelmiştir.
  70. 70. – 75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizcesini bulunuz.

    Araştırmalar, insanların konuşma biçimini değiştirmenin, düşünme biçimini etkilediğini göstermiştir.
    1.   ?    Studies have shown that one can change how people think by changing how they talk.
    2.   ?    According to studies, talking about things can change the way people think.
    3.   ?    Studies have shown that changing the way people talk affects the way they think.
    4.   ?    What studies have shown is that changing people’s thoughts affects what they say.
    5.   ?    Studies show that a change in how people talk greatly affects how they think.
  71. Nüfusları azalıp yaşlandıkça ve Avrupa’nın dünyadaki gücü düşüşe geçtikçe Almanlar refahlarının tehdit altında olduğunu düşünmeye başlıyorlar.
    1.   ?    As their population shrinks and ages, and as Europe’s power in the world begins to decline, Germans notice that their prosperity has been under threat.
    2.   ?    While their population shrinks and ages and Europe’s power in the world declines, Germans have begun to notice that their prosperity is under threat.
    3.   ?    Germans are starting to think that their prosperity is under threat as their population shrinks and ages, and as Europe’s power in the world declines.
    4.   ?    Germans now see that their prosperity is under threat with their population shrinking and aging, coupled with the speedy decline of Europe’s power in the world.
    5.   ?    As their population shrinks and ages, and as Europe’s power in the world declines, so does the threat to Germans’ prosperity.
  72. Projenin çok büyük olduğu ve deniz derinliklerini araştırmanın birçok gelişmiş teçhizat gerektirdiği doğrudur.
    1.   ?    That the project is very big is true and the investigation of sea depths requires a lot of expensive equipment.
    2.   ?    That the project is very big is true and investigating sea depths requires a lot of sophisticated equipment.
    3.   ?    What is true is that the project is very big and investigating sea depths may require some sophisticated equipment.
    4.   ?    It is true that the project is very big and that investigating sea depths requires a lot of sophisticated equipment.
    5.   ?    It is true that the project of investigating sea depths is very big and requires a lot of special equipment.
  73. Amazon’u korumak istiyoruz çünkü çocuklarımızın ve torunlarımızın en azından bizimki kadar güzel bir dünyada yaşayabilmelerini sağlamanın yolunun bu olduğunu biliyoruz.
    1.   ?    The Amazon should be preserved because we know that is the way to make sure our children and grandchildren live in a world at least as good as ours.
    2.   ?    We will preserve the Amazon for we know very well that this is the way to make sure our children and grandchildren can live in a world better than ours.
    3.   ?    We want to preserve the Amazon because we have known for years that this is the only way to make sure our children and grandchildren will live in a better world.
    4.   ?    The Amazon should be preserved since we have come to know that this is the way to provide our children and grandchildren with a world in which they can live like us.
    5.   ?    We want to preserve the Amazon because we know that this is the way to make sure our children and grandchildren can live in a world at least as good as ours.
  74. Yapabileceğimiz en kötü şey, bilimden şüphelenenlere, bilim adamlarına güvenilemeyeceği iddiaları için daha fazla malzeme vermektir.
    1.   ?    The worst thing we can do is to provide science sceptics with more fuel for their arguments that scientists cannot be trusted.
    2.   ?    We really shouldn’t provide science sceptics with fuel for their arguments that we cannot trust scientists.
    3.   ?    We did not do so well by providing science sceptics with more fuel for their arguments that scientists could not be trusted.
    4.   ?    The worst thing we did was to provide science sceptics with enough fuel for their arguments that scientists could not be trusted.
    5.   ?    What we can do is to provide science sceptics with fuel for their arguments that scientists cannot be trusted.
  75. Kadınlarla çalıştığım sürede, kampa ulaşmadan önce çoğunun mutsuz olduğunu ve bazılarının da kötü muamele gördüğünü fark ettim.
    1.   ?    Throughout my study with the women, I was to discover that many had been unhappy while some were maltreated before they arrived at the camp.
    2.   ?    While working with the women, I discovered that many of them were unhappy and some were maltreated before they arrived at the camp.
    3.   ?    Before I arrived at the camp, where the women worked, I had discovered that many of them had been unhappy and some were maltreated.
    4.   ?    I discovered after working with the women that many of them were unhappy and maltreated before they arrived at the camp.
    5.   ?    I discovered that many of the women were unhappy and maltreated before they arrived at the camp during the course of their work.
  76. 76. – 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

    76. (I) The state system is a historical institution. (II) The population of the world has not always lived in sovereign states. (III) The countries that are sovereign states are always fewer than countries, like Quebec,that are not sovereign. (IV) For most of recorded human history, people have lived under different kinds of political organization. (V) In medieval times, for example, people had to live under a chaotic and dispersed political authority, while in the modern state, they live under legally supreme governments.
    1.   ?    III
    2.   ?    II
    3.   ?    I
    4.   ?    IV
    5.   ?    V
  77. (I) It’s becoming increasingly difficult for young people to get married in the Middle East. (II) While their parents were likely to have been married by their mid-20s, young people these days are remaining single till their late-20s. (III) The main reason is that they cannot afford to marry. (IV) Those in employment are often in low-paid jobs and committing your future to a partner is out of the question. (V) The cost of a wedding needs to come down.
    1.   ?    II
    2.   ?    IV
    3.   ?    III
    4.   ?    I
    5.   ?    V
  78. (I) Our mental approach or attitude toward an activity makes all the difference in the world. (II) Any chore can become a playful activity depending on how we frame it. (III) For instance, doing your ironing can be fun if you are pretending that you are “frying” the bad guys in some fantasy scenario. (IV) Defining play is far from easy for at least two different reasons. (V) On the other hand, playing table tennis is work if you are doing it only because your friend insists.
    1.   ?    I
    2.   ?    II
    3.   ?    IV
    4.   ?    V
    5.   ?    III
  79. (I) The harmful use of alcohol is a particularly grave threat to men. (II) It is the leading factor for deaths in males aged 15-59, mainly due to injuries, violence and cardiovascular diseases. (III) The world’s highest alcohol consumption levels are found in the developed world, including Western and Eastern Europe. (IV) 6.2% of all male deaths are attributable to alcohol, compared with 1.1% of female deaths. (V) Men also outnumber women four to one in weekly episodes of heavy drinking – most probably the reason for their higher death and disability rates.
    1.   ?    III
    2.   ?    II
    3.   ?    V
    4.   ?    I
    5.   ?    IV
  80. (I) A large part of having a healthy life is giving ourselves credit for our accomplishments. (II) The best way to write about your success is that you connect with yourself in the deepest way.
    (III) Learning how to accept praise – to let ourselves really accept our success – is a skill that can be learned. (IV) A big reason why people get stuck and cannot create better lives is that they do not give themselves credit for what they have created. (V) This usually comes from the subconscious programming we received in childhood, e.g., “Money doesn’t grow on trees”.
    1.   ?    I
    2.   ?    III
    3.   ?    II
    4.   ?    V
    5.   ?    IV

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