
8 sinif ingilizce kazanim testi 8 detective stories

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Detective Stories
1-3 soruları aşağıdaki metne göre
There was a theft on Hürriyet street last
night. Two men broke into a house and
stole jewellery. An old woman saw two men
with masks in the garden next to her house
and she called the police. When the police
came, there was nobody in the house.
When the owners of the house arrived, they
were shocked. There were footprints in the
house. The police investigated the house
and found some clues, but they couldn’t
catch the criminals.

  1. What did the police find in the house?
    A) The criminals.
    B) Some footprints.
    C) An old woman.
    D) Some jewellery.
  2. Why didn’t the old lady see the criminal’s
    A) It was dark.
    B) The men ran very fast.
    C) She has difficulty in seeing.
    D) They were wearing masks.
  3. What happened last night?
    A) There was a theft.
    B) The police found no clues.
    C) The woman had a great party.
    D) They arrested the thieves.
    4-6 soruları aşağıdaki metne göre
    Early in the morning, a woman called
    detective Johnson. She said her husband
    was dead and asked him to come to her
    house. When Detective Johnson arrived at
    the scene of the crime, the man was dead
    on the sofa. The lady was sleeping when
    her husband was killed. When she went
    downstairs to have some water, she heard
    the voice from the TV. She wanted to turn it
    off and saw her husband. Detective Johnson
    investigated the house. The window was
    broken and there were fingerprints on
    the door. He got the clues and found the
    criminal. It was their next door neighbour.
  4. Who died in the morning?
    A) The woman’s husband.
    B) An old woman.
    C) The woman’s neighbour.
    D) A detective.
  5. Who killed him?
    A) The detective.
    B) The old woman.
    C) Their neighbour.
    D) A strange man.
  6. What was the woman doing at the time of
    the murder?
    A) She was watching TV.
    B) She wasn’t at home.
    C) There were fingerprints.
    D) She was sleeping.
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    Puan : …………..
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    NO : ………………………………………
    Detective Stories
    7-9 soruları aşağıdaki metne göre
    While I was walking down the street
    yesterday, I saw a car in front of the bank.
    Three men with masks and guns got out
    of the car and ran into the bank. I was
    shocked. I called the police and they came
    immediately. But there were some people
    in the bank, so the police didn’t enter at
    first. They tried to talk to the robbers. The
    robbers asked for a helicopter.
  7. What did the robbers want from the police?
    A) They asked for money.
    B) They wanted a helicopter.
    C) They wanted masks and guns.
    D) There were some people in the bank.
  8. Why didn’t the police get into the bank?
    A) The bank was too far.
    B) The robbers were wearing masks.
    C) They caught the robbers.
    D) There were people in the bank.
  9. What did the robbers have?
    A) Masks and guns.
    B) A helicopter.
    C) A lot of money.
    D) A camera.
    10-12 soruları aşağıdaki metne göre
    Agatha Christie was born in 1890 and died
    in 1976. She was one of the most successful
    writers in the world. When she was a child,
    she suffered from dyslexia. She couldn’t
    read or write until she was older. She wasn’t
    successful in writing and got low grades. She
    worked hard and started writing after she left
    school. She became a famous writer but she
    couldn’t still spell well.
    She wrote her first novel in Paris. The
    publishing houses refused her book at
    first. One of them accepted it in 1920. She
    won the Grand Master Award and Edgar
    Award in 1955.
    Most of the people still read her novels.
  10. Who was Agatha Cristie?
    A) She was a successful student.
    B) She died in 1976.
    C) She was a famous writer.
    D) She won a lot of awards.
  11. Why did she leave school?
    A) Because she wasn’t successful.
    B) Because the school wasn’t good enough.
    C) Because she wrote her first novel.
    D) Because people read her novels.
  12. When did she die?
    A) In 1890 B) In 1976
    C) In 1920 D) In 1955

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