11 sinif ingilizce 6 unite konu anlatimi
“Zıtlık/karşıtlık ve beklenmeyen sonuçları anlatırlar”
Although he was qualified, he failed to get the job.
Despite (his) being qualified, he failed to get the job.
Despite his QUALIFICATION, he failed to get the job.
Although he is old, he can run fast.
Despite his being old, he can run fast.
Despite his AGE, he can run fast.
Although the box is very heavy, he can carry it easily.
Despite its being very heavy, he can carry the box easily.
Despite its WEIGHT, he can carry the box easily.
Although she is clever, nobody likes her.
Despite her being clever, no body likes her.
Despite her cleverness (INTELLIGENCE), nobody likes her.
WHILE / WHEREAS “halbuki, oysa”
Birbirlerinin karşıtı/tersi, zıddı olan iki fikri anlatmak için kullanılırlar.
Ali is tall, WHILE Veli is short.
WHILE Ali is tall, Veli is short.
Ayla likes cats, WHILE Aydın doesn’t like them.
WHILE Ayla likes cats, Aydın doesn’t like them.
Ahmet has got a car, WHILE Mehmet hasn’t.
WHILE Ahmet has got a car, Mehmet hasn’t.
I have to work WHILE they are free.
WHILE they are free, I have to work.
Everybody studies hard, while he doesn’t.
WHILE everybody studies hard, he doesn’t.
DEĞİL Mİ soruları cümlenin sonuna anlaşma, uyuşma, görüş birliği veya teyid, doğrulama, belgelemek için eklenen kısa sorulardır.
Genel kural cümlemiz olumlu ise değil mi kısmı olumsuz, olumsuz ise değil mi kısmı olumlu olur.
You know Mary, DON’T you?
She is from Mersin, ISN’T she?
He CAN’T speak Japanese, CAN he?
Sheila USED to drink milk, DIDN’T she?
Ancak IMPERATIVES / EMİRLER söz konusu olduğunda;
Olumlu emirlerde WILL YOU ya da WON’T YOU?
Come here, WILL YOU? / won’t you?
Open the door, WILL YOU? / won’t you?
Be quick WILL YOU? / won’t you?
Olumsuz emirlerde ise SADECE WILL YOU? Kullanılır.
DON’T come here, WILL YOU?
DON’T open the door, WILL YOU?
DON’T be late, WILL YOU?
Öneri ve tekliflerde ise SHALL WE sorusu kullanılır.
Let’s play basketball, SHALL WE?
Let’s drink tea, SHALL WE?
Let’s listen to music, SHALL WE?
GENİŞ ZAMAN DA “have” sahip olmak fiilinin kullanımına dikkat etmek gerekir.
She HAS GOT a motorbike, HASN’T SHE?
She HAS a motorbike, DOESN’T SHE? “geniş zaman, yardımcı fiil-does”
She HAS breakfast every morning, DOESN’T SHE?
She likeS tea, DOESN’ SHE? “geniş zaman, yardımcı fiil-does”
“AM” yardımcı fiilinin değimli şekli AREN’T dır.
I am a student, AREN’T I?
I am tall, AREN’T I?
Eğer cümle ANLAMCA OLUMSUZ ise de değil mi sorusu OLUMLU olur.
She has NEVER been on a show, HAS she?
“=She HASn’t been on a show, HAS she?”
She never plays football, DOES she?
“=She doesn’t play football, DOES she?”
Eğer cümlemizin öznesi BELGİSİZ KİŞİ ZAMİRİ ise değil mi bölümüne THEY diye alınır. Gerekli değişiklikler yapılır.
Nobody liked the music, DID they? “cümle ANLAMCA OLUMSUZ olduğundan değil mi sorusu olumlu”
Nobody is awake, ARE they? “cümle ANLAMCA OLUMSUZ olduğundan değil mi sorusu olumlu”
Everybody is studying, AREN’T they?
Eğer cümlemizin öznesi BELGİSİZ nesne ZAMİRİ ise diğer değimli bölümüne IT diye alınır.
Everything is ready, ISN’T IT?
Something is burning, ISN’T IT?
Verilenlerin hepsi DE, DA anlamına gelir, TOO ve SO olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır.
He is an actor. I am an actor, TOO.
He likes music. I like music, TOO.
He has got a car. I have got a car, TOO.
TOO = SO “ancak SO devrik cümle yapısı gerektirir” Yani Önce SO yu sonra cümledeki yardımcı fiili ve cümlenin öznesini yazarız.
He is an actor. SO am I.
He likes music, SO DO I.
He has got a car, SO have I.
Aynı cümleleri OLUMSUZ yaptığımızda TOO nun yerine EITHER ı, SO nun yerine de NEITHER veya NOR u kullanırız.
He isN’T an actor. I am NOT an actor, EITHER.
He doesN’T like music. I doN’T like music, EITHER.
He hasN’T got a car. I haveN’T got a car, EITHER.
He isn’t an actor, NEITHER / nor am I.
He doesn’t like music, NEITHER / nor do I.
He hasn’t got a car, NETHER / nor have I.
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