
2018-2019 7 Sinif ingilizce 1 Donem 3 Sinav


D) Cümlelerin içindeki altı çizili kelime gruplarında doğru olanları yuvarlak içine alınız.(12p) 1.When I saw / was seeing them, they walked / were walking to the home. 2.While I talked / was talking to him, my mother came / was coming into my room. 3.I stopped / was stopped in the middle of the road while my sister ran / was running. 4.I drove / was driving to İnegöl when I crashed / was crashing car. 5.While they slept / were sleeping,the phone bell rang / was ringing. 6. When it started/was starting to rain, we played/were playing outside.

E) İlk 5 soruda verilen tarihlerin okunuşlarını bulunuz. 6. soruda ise verilen tarihi yazınız.(12p)

1) 1923: a)nineteen twenty third b)ninety twenty-three c)nineteen twenty-three

2) 2001: a)two housand and one b)two double zero one c)twenty one

3) 12th May: a)twelve of May b)twenty of May c)twelfth of May

4) 1909: a)ninety nine b)nineteen oh nine c)nineteen ninety

5) 1578: a) fifteen seventy eight b)one five seven eight c) fifty seventy eight

1) Wendy got surprised and shocked when she saw birthday party. Wendy bu durumda hangi sözü söylemiş olamaz? ————————————————————– Sıradaki beş soruda boşluklara ne gelmelidir? 2) Martin: When is the Republic Day in Turkey? Murat: It is on ………………………….

a) 29th October c) 23rd April b) 19th May d) 10th November ————————————————————– 3) Mark: When is the ………………………in Turkey? Melek: It is on 30th August. a) Children’s Day c) Youth and Sports Day b) Labour Day d) Victory Day ————————————————————– 4) You should ………………………….. every day. ————————————————————– 5) Stifler is a funny kid. He always makes jokes and smiles. I can say he ………………… ————————————————————– 6) M.Kemal Atatürk is ……………..of Turkish Republic. ————————————————————– 7) Resme göre ne diyebiliriz? ————————————————————– 8) Selim – A true friend should be helpful. Sinem – A true friend should be honest. Hikmet – A true freind should be selfish. Yukarıda 3 kişi arkadaşlıkla ilgili fikirlerini belirtmiştir. Hangisi ya da hangilerinin fikirleri yanlıştır? a) Sadece Selim c) Sadece Hikmet b) Selim ve Sinem d) Selim ve Hikmet

Aşağıdaki 3soruda resimlere göre boşluklara ne gelir? 9) If you …………………………… in your dream, this means that you will make new friends. ————————————————————– 10) Necati learns easily by watching his teachers. He is a ……………………………… . ————————————————————– 11) I could ……………. when I was one year old. ————————————————————– 12) Soru işaretli yere hangi kelime gelmelidir? Adjective- Adverb careful – carefully slow – slowly fast – fast good -………?……. ————————————————————– 13) Emel kişilik ile ilgili sıfatları düşünürken 4. sü aklına gelmemiştir. Sizce hangisi olur? a) tall b) beautiful c) fat d) helpful ————————————————————– 14) Aşağıdaki listenin başlığı nedir? ————————————————————– 15) Boşluğa resme göre ne gelmelidir? Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ……………… on 19th May, 1919.

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